CMAAC 2013 February Newsletter

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Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada

154 Wellington Street London, ON, N6B 2K8 Tel: (519) 642-1970 Fax: (519) 642-2932 Follow Us

Volume 19 Issue 2

February 2013

The CMAAC Head Office and the CMAAC Board of Directors would like to extend our best wishes to you and your family for a prosperous New Year! May the year 2013 bring happiness, success and health to all!

Inside This Issue:


Happy Chinese New year 2. Chapter Report 3. 30th celebration


Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association

30th Anniversary Celebration Dinner

The Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada (CMAAC) would be greatly honoured if you th would join us in celebrating our 30 Anniversary on th Saturday April 27 , 2013. Over the past 30 years, CMAAC has worked diligently to have Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (TCM/A) regulated, to ensure the safety of the general public and to promote TCM/A. We are proud of our successes, especially Newfoundland and Labrador and Ontarios recent regulation and establishment of regulatory Colleges. More Canadians than ever before are reaping the benefits of this ancient form of health care. CMAAC is delighted to celebrate its th achievements during this 30 anniversary year. Joining the celebration are two distinguished representatives of the World Federation Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS), President Prof. Deng Liangyue and Vice Secretary-General Mrs. Yang Yuyang. The WFAS is the only acupuncture association recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and CMAAC is delighted that President Deng and Vice Secretary-General Yang are able th to attend the 30 Anniversary Celebration. 2013 4 27 . 30 CMAAC

Please mail cheque with form to: CMAAC ( CMAAC 154 Wellington St. London, Ont. N6B 2K8 Or in Person at the following Offices : : Ming Fai Chan, C.M.D. WELLNESS CENTRE 4465 SHEPPARD AVE. UNIT #8 SCARBOROUGH, ONT. 416-292-0108 FAX: 416-292-8682 : Quan De Zhou, C.M.D. 476 Dundas St. W., 2 Floor (near Spadina) Toronto, ON (416) 977-1905

B.C. Chapter - Dana Mah, Chapter

The past year has brought us great accomplishments, achievements and progress within the TCM/Acupuncture field. With the on-going progress of regulation in Ontario and the recent announcement of the regulation of TCM in Newfoundland, the profession is steadily gaining more recognition and respect of those in our Society as an essential element in our Health Care System. These recent developments increase the likelihood of access to all as noted and to contribute to the overall health and welfare to our fellow citizens. With this, we send to our colleagues in Ontario and Newfoundland our congratulations, best wishes and continuing support as they continue in advocating and providing their valued energies and support for the profession. The CMAAC has been very instrumental in advocating and promoting the profession to this present state. We express our deepest thanks to everyone at Head Office and all Branches for their on-going vision, foresight and determination in achieving this long term goal. The work for the CMAAC will be on-going, particularly towards the continuing works in the regulation structures in other jurisdictions as well as at the National Level to ensure the sustainability of the profession. As a wish to our esteemed colleagues for 2013, we encourage you do your best in providing the best level of care and promoting the profession through your hard work in your professional practice. From all of our members in British Columbia, we send out our heartfelt wishes for a happy, healthy and successful life and practice in the New Year to all our colleagues throughout Canada and the world. CMAAC (2012)

Date: Place:

Time: Dinner Ticket:

Saturday, April 27, 2013 (2013 4 27 ) Regal Chinese Cuisine Restaurant 1571 Sandhurst Circle, Scarborough, Ontario M1V 1V2 (Finch & McCowan) Tel: 905-477-1188 Reception 5:30pm () 6:30pm () $35.00 $40.00 Entrainment and Lucky Drew , ,


Hong Kong Chapter - Dr. Philip

Lee, Chapter President
In Hong Kong, by end of 2012, there are 6558 Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioners and 2733 Listed Chinese Medicine Practitioners. It is likely that, from the past record in the CM Council of Hong Kong, most of the LCMP will not attend further examination and interview for the qualification of Registered CMP as quite a number of them are reaching retirement age. On behalf of the association, health talks have been carried out for 2 Catholic Church and 1 corporate firm. 4 RCMP inquired about joining the Association but no response yet. It is likely that some RCMP in Hong Kong is interested to join the association as oversea-member and it is worth to consider such membership being established. I wish to take this opportunity to wish all members in CMAAC a Happy Chinese New Year. 2012 6558 2733 LCMP CMP 2 4 RCMP RCMP CMAAC

Dr. Lin Liu, Chapter President We would like to thank the head office for their help and support in 2012 as the Manitoba Chapter moves forward in its efforts to regulate acupuncture in our province. We have been very busy and have taken several steps towards regulation, as follows. First of all, we made an effort to promote acupuncture to our local government. We communicated with several officials to tell them about what we do and gain more information about regulating acupuncture in our province. Secondly, we tried to gain more support from the public and our patients for regulation. Acupuncture has been featured in several newspaper articles and television interviews, showing a growing interest among the media and public. We also communicated with other related health professionals, such as chiropractors, physiotherapists, naturopaths and massage therapists, about how we might work together to treat patients. If we can gain support from other established health professions,

this will improve the status of acupuncture in our province. We also made more connections with medical doctors and have been receiving numerous referrals from them. Thirdly, we made inroads with private insurance companies, making it easier for patients to receive coverage through private insurance plans. We helped some new members gain recognition from private insurance companies so that their practice is covered. Finally, this November, we contacted CMAAC members in our province to get their opinions on and support for the regulation of acupuncture in our province. We have received several responses but are still looking to receive more. If you are a member in Manitoba and have not received any information from us or have yet to respond, please write to us at Thank you and happy new year! 2012 8 11 9

11 4 Kingfisher AC Paul Maybee CMMAAC BC 2013 2 (CARB) 11 19 22 / 5 /Brune Clavette

N.B. Chapter Steve Lambert Dr.Ac,

C.M.D. Chapter President.
During 2012, the association met twice. The first meeting was held the June 9, second November 4, 2012. The June 9 meetings theme was celebration. During the meeting, we had Dr. Ho and his wife present Korean Acupuncture. Donations from various distributors where given to all members. Donations included needles, creams, herbs and a special door prize (infrared lamp) won by Marco Laplante. A round table took up a lot of time during the meeting. Every member shared what direction they wanted the association to take and what involvement they were ready to invest. We wrapped up the meeting with a set outline of goals. One of the decisions was to ensure all members complete continuing education credits on a yearly basis. The November 4 meeting began with a presentation from Paul Maybee who works for Kingfisher AC regarding laser treatments. Two new members registered in the association. They both shared their knowledge regarding the situation in BC regarding the roles of the acupuncture associations and the role of the CMAAC regulatory body. A motion was passed that all members must take their CPR and First Aid course. The association hired a company to develop a website. We invite all of you to glance through it and provide us your feedback. The site should completed by February 2013. The association was invited to participate in meetings held by the Canadian Alliance of regulators for practitioners in Ottawa Nov 19 to 22, which will have people representing the 4 provinces that has Ac/TCM legislation, to work on the guidelines to established a national examination for Ac/TCM. Brune Clavette represented our association. Bridges were built with Newfoundland to show us how they succeeded to get their association legislated. 2012 2012 6 9 11 4 6 9 Marco Laplante


Dr. Diana Tong Li, Chapter President The Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada will have its 30th anniversary celebration in the year of 2013 in Toronto. Over the past 30 years, CMAAC has made great endeavour to the Regulation of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture all over Canada. Prof. Cedric K.T. Cheung, the Founding and Former President of CMAAC, has done enormous work promoting Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. Now Acupuncture is fully regulated under the Health Profession Act in Newfoundland and Labrador. In September 2012 the Nova Scotia chapter has met with the provincial Department of Health to discuss the regulation of acupuncture in Nova Scotia. Working together with the Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine Association of Nova Scotia and two other acupuncture associations in Nova Scotia, we will lobby the Government of Nova Scotia about furthering the regulation of acupuncture in Nova Scotia in the near future. The directors at the provincial Department of Health will try their best to help us to speed up the process. To make the drive for regulation of acupuncture in Nova Scotia more successful, our Association also fully supports the Canadian College of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (CCATCM) )- the first and only career college dedicated to acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine in Atlantic Canada. We believe this College will help set a higher standard for acupuncture practice here in our Province as its students are trained to higher educational standards and require more practice hours. CCATCM had its first graduates in June 2012, with the graduates becoming new members of CMAAC. In July 2012, some students from CCATCM also have the opportunity to complete clinical internships at Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine University and Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine University. One graduate went to China to continue with their Master degree in T CM .

Another good news is that Dr. Diana Tong Li is a board member and director in the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Colleges of Canada (FTCMCC) which represents members of FTCMCC across Canada, and is the voice of traditional Chinese medicine education in this country. FTCMCC aims to establish a national standard for the training of competent acupuncturists, TCM practitioners, and doctors of TCM. FTCMCC strive to advance excellence in education, research and service through partnership among member colleges, and through collective leadership, expertise and advocacy. Prof. Cedric K. T. Cheung is the Advisory Member in FTCMCC, Prof. Cheung was the Former President, Transitional Council of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO); Vice-President, World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (W.F.A.S.) The members of Nova Scotia Chapter have paid great attention on continuing education and promotion of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. The renowned professors and experts from China also visited our province to give lectures on TCM diagnosis to our members. In the New Year, our Chapter will continue working towards our goal. We express our deep appreciation to Prof. Cheung, other Chapter presidents and Board of the Directors for their endless support. We wish for a healthy, peaceful and prosperous 2013 to all of you! CMAAC 2013 30 30 2012 9 NS (CCATCM) CCATCM 2012 6 CMAAC (FTCMCC) FTCMCC (WFAS)

NFLD Chapter Dr. Ethne Munden,

Chapter President The year of the dragon was a momentous one for the TCM & Acupuncture profession in Newfoundland and Labrador. Our legislation and regulations were proclaimed by the Government on Oct. 5th, 2012. This marked the end of an 18 yr. effort. Our legislation is an Umbrella legislation which encompasses a number of small health professions under one statute. Each of the professions under the umbrella does however have its own regulations, thus is self regulating. At this time TCM Acupuncture (incl. modalities) has been regulated. The regulation of the full scope of the profession will take place over the next few years without further lobbying. The development of the national Herbology examination by the Canadian Alliance of Regulatory Bodies for Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists (CARB-TCMPA), will assist greatly in this next stage. 2012 has been a year of establishment, restructuring and transition. The College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Newfoundland and Labrador (CTCMPANL the College) has been established. The Transitional Board of the College have been the sustaining Board of the Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Newfoundland and Labrador CMAANL the Association They have been responsible for establishing the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Newfoundland and Labrador to allow self regulation of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Acupuncturists. These changing times now require that the entities College and Association exist distinct and relatively separate from each other. College will act in governance of the profession and Association will act in an advocacy role for the profession. The transitioning Board members have now formally resigned from being the Board of the Association. The Association is now ready to take up its new mantle of lobbying for the profession under the guidance of a new Board of directors. The New Board of the Association: Michele Collett (Chair), Valerie Genge (Vice-Chair) , Shelly Reid (Treasurer) , Tiffany Brien (Secretary) , Laurie Butt (Board Member) , Victoria Soper (Board Member) The Association has historically been aligned with the national association of CMAAC, as the NL Chapter of CMAAC. In maintaining this alliance, the new President of the Association will also assume the position of President of the NL Chapt. Of CMAAC and represent the Association in national lobbying initiatives. The College will work hand in hand with the Newfoundland and Labrador Council of Health Professions (NLCHP the Council), in the governance of the profession. The Council is the umbrella group comprised of representatives from each of the professions under the one legislative statute.

In closing Dear CMAAC Board of Directors and Members: I have enjoyed a long term as president of the NL Chapter of CMAAC and been most privileged to participate in CMAAC activities. I sincerely thank you for the faith you have placed in me and the assistance you have always given me in the execution of our mutual efforts to move our profession forward. I now continue my efforts for the profession as current Chair of the new College and though I will remain a member, I must release my position as President of the NL Chapter of CMAAC. I feel fortunate to have come to know and wish to express my respect for CMAAC past President Prof. Cheung. I know that CMAAC will continue to carry the torch that was lit by his vision. All the best of health and happiness to all of the membership of CMAAC. Please welcome my replacement Dr. Michele Collett into a bright 2013. 2012105 18 () CARB-TCMA 2012 : Michele Collett (Chair) , Valerie Genge (Vice-Chair) , Shelly Reid (Treasurer), Tiffany Brien (Secretary) Laurie Butt (Board Member), Victoria Soper (Board Member) CMAACCMAAC CMAAC NLCHP

My Dear Colleagues and friends, I am taking the opportunity to wish you all a happy, prosperous and healthy New Year. As for the Quebec Chapter, we continue to keep our high standards in serving the public and promoting Chinese Medecine. This year is supposed to be our special year where our college will be fully operational. Best regards,

Letter from Prof Cedric K.T. Cheung Dr. Munden

Friday, January 11, 2013 Dear Dr. Munden, First of all, I want to congratulate you on the success of regulation of traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture in Newfoundland and Labrador! And secondly, I want to thank you on behalf of CMAAC and extend to you our sincere appreciation for the hard work you have been undertaking for so many years. Of course the success you have achieved is a direct result of the team work between you, your chapter association and CMAAC. For this, I am very proud of you because this is a remarkable contribution to human health. Congratulations on your appointment as Chair of College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Newfoundland and Labrador. This regulation and your appointment to Chair of TCMPANL is a testament to your hard work and dedication to traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture. With this new position, I strongly encourage you to move forward to generate even more success in the years ahead, always enhancing the promotion of human health. I wish you all the best, CMAAC CMAAC Prof. Cedric K.T. Cheung Founding President Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada (CMAAC) Vice President World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies (WFAS)


Quebec Chapter: Dr G. Askerow, Chapter


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