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Maurice Carroll, Director, Quinnipiac University Polling Institute (203) 582-5334 Rubenstein Associates, Inc.

Public Relations Contact: Pat Smith (212) 843-8026


Looking at some of the proposals Gov. Andrew Cuomo made in his State of the State Address, New York State voters offer their strongest support for state action to achieve equal pay for women, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today. Equal pay for women should be the highest priority for Gov. Cuomo and the State Legislature, 53 percent of voters tell the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll. Another 36 percent say it should be a high priority, but not the highest, while 10 percent say it should be a lower priority. Among women, 60 percent say highest priority and 33 percent say high priority. Among men, 46 percent say highest and 38 percent say high. Voter sentiments on other issues are: Campaign finance reform 31 percent highest priority and 37 percent high priority; Bar exam-type test for teachers 28 percent highest and 43 percent high; Merit pay for teacher 26 percent highest and 45 percent high; Longer school day/school year 17 percent highest and 39 percent high. That liberal shibboleth equal pay for women wins overwhelming support in this liberal state, said Maurice Carroll, director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. Even Republicans make it their top priority, although with less support than Democrats. Campaign finance reform edges out New York Gov. Andrew Cuomos innovative idea of a Bar Exam for would-be teachers on the to-do list. Merit pay for teachers is next on the list and voters dont seem to have a lot of love for more classroom time. -more-

Quinnipiac University Poll/January 31, 2013 page 2 New York State voters support 80 17 percent raising the states minimum wage. Support is 61 35 percent among Republicans, 95 3 percent among Democrats and 77 22 percent among independent voters. Support in every income, age, educational and regional group tops 70 percent. Natural Gas Drilling Voters, however, remain divided on the issue of drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale as 43 percent support drilling because of the economic benefits while 42 percent oppose drilling because of environmental concerns. Support is 48 40 percent upstate and 48 36 percent in the suburbs while New York City voters are opposed 48 36 percent. Yes, yes, yes to a hike in the minimum wage, New Yorkers say overwhelmingly in poll after poll, Carroll said. With the same consistency, Quinnipiac University polls show voters are divided on drilling for natural gas. Its a persisting issue and it continues to split voters down the middle. In an open-ended question, where respondents can give any answer, 32 percent of New York votes say the economy is the most important problem facing the Empire State, followed by 17 percent who list taxes, 9 percent who cite education and 7 percent who say the state budget. From January 23 28, Quinnipiac University surveyed 1,127 New York State voters with a margin of error of +/- 2.9 percentage points. Live interviewers call land lines and cell phones. The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Douglas Schwartz, Ph.D., conducts public opinion surveys in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Florida, Ohio, Virginia and the nation as a public service and for research. For more information or RSS feed, visit, or call (203) 582-5201, or follow us on Twitter.

6. In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New York State today; are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? Tot Very satisfied Smwht satisfied Smwht dissatisfied Very dissatisfied DK/NA 7% 43 24 25 1 Rep 2% 28 28 42 1 Dem 11% 56 19 12 1 Ind 5% 40 27 29 Men 6% 41 26 27 Wom 7% 46 23 23 1 Wht 4% 43 24 27 1 Blk 11% 38 33 18 -

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Very satisfied Smwht satisfied Smwht dissatisfied Very dissatisfied DK/NA 6% 53 24 16 1 7% 38 24 30 1

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 9% 40 26 24 1 5% 46 25 22 1 Union HsHld 4% 45 26 25 1% 51 23 24 -

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 10% 46 29 16 3% 46 24 27 1 8% 42 23 26 1

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Very satisfied Smwht satisfied Smwht dissatisfied Very dissatisfied DK/NA 3% 33 28 34 1 10% 53 18 19 1 8% 46 27 18 1

TREND: In general, how satisfied are you with the way things are going in New York State today; are you very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? VERY+SMWHT SAT High Low Feb 25 Jun 23 1998 2010 13 60 20 7 1 1 18 33 47 1

Jan 31 2013 Very satisfied Smwht satisfied Smwht dissatisfied Very dissatisfied DK/NA 7 43 24 25 1

Dec 12 2102 5 50 29 15 1

Sep 12 2012 5 47 30 17 1

Jul 26 2012 4 42 33 21 1

May 31 2012 6 46 28 18 1

7. What do you think is the most important problem facing New York State today? (Trend information is available upon request back through Aug 1997) Tot Economy Total Economy general Unemployment/jobs Cost of living Economy other Taxes Total Taxes general Property tax Income Tax Taxes other Education Total Education general Funding education Teachers Education other Budget Total Budget general Gov too big/Gov spending Budget deficits Budget priorities Budget other Gun control Politicians Total Politicians/Campaigns general Governor/State leadership/Legislature Political corruption Politicians other Healthcare/Costs/Ins/HMO's Hurricane Sandy Recovery Crime Total Crime/Violence general Crime other Hydrofracking/Natural Gas Drilling Welfare Pension Housing general Energy crisis/Gas prices general Environment/Pollution Other DK/NA 32% 6 23 1 2 17% 11 3 1 2 9% 3 3 1 2 7% 2 2 1 1 1 4% 4% 1 1 1 1 3% 3% 2% 1 1 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 1% 4% 6%

8. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Andrew Cuomo is handling the state budget? Tot Approve Disapprove DK/NA 53% 31 16 Rep 47% 35 18 Dem 61% 21 18 Ind 47% 39 14 Men 54% 32 14 Wom 51% 30 18 Wht 56% 29 16 Blk 48% 35 17

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Approve Disapprove DK/NA 62% 25 14 47% 35 18

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 47% 34 19 54% 30 16 Union HsHld 54% 34 12 62% 28 10

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 37% 40 23 51% 34 14 63% 23 14

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Approve Disapprove DK/NA 46% 38 16 54% 26 20 62% 28 10

TREND: Do you approve or disapprove of the way Andrew Cuomo is handling the state budget? APPROVE....... High Low Sep 20 Jan 31 2011 2013 62 25 13 53 31 16

Jan 31 2013 Approve Disapprove DK/NA 53 31 16

Feb 15 2012 57 31 12

Dec 20 2011 56 32 12

Oct 26 2011 57 29 14

Sep 20 2011 62 25 13

9. Governor Andrew Cuomo has pledged that in trying to balance the state's budget that he will not raise taxes. Do you think Andrew Cuomo should have made this pledge or not? Tot Yes No DK/NA 55% 39 7 Rep 66% 28 6 Dem 50% 42 8 Ind 53% 42 5 Men 53% 41 6 Wom 56% 37 7 Wht 56% 38 6 Blk 57% 33 10

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Yes No DK/NA 54% 40 6 55% 38 7

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 52% 40 8 53% 41 6 Union HsHld 50% 44 6 59% 39 2

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 56% 36 7 51% 44 5 57% 35 8

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Yes No DK/NA 55% 39 6 53% 40 8 58% 36 6

TREND: Governor Andrew Cuomo has pledged that in trying to balance the state's budget that he will not raise taxes. Do you think Andrew Cuomo should have made this pledge or not? Jan 31 2013 Yes No DK/NA 55 39 7 Feb 23 2011 46 48 6

10. Do you think Andrew Cuomo will be able to keep this pledge or not? Tot Yes No DK/NA 31% 56 14 Rep 25% 63 12 Dem 38% 46 16 Ind 26% 63 10 Men 31% 59 10 Wom 30% 53 17 Wht 27% 59 14 Blk 44% 44 12

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Yes No DK/NA 34% 52 14 28% 58 13

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 28% 59 14 30% 57 13 Union HsHld 32% 56 12 33% 59 8

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 26% 63 11 31% 60 10 33% 50 17

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Yes No DK/NA 23% 65 12 36% 48 17 36% 53 10

TREND: Do you think Andrew Cuomo will be able to keep this pledge or not? Jan 31 2013 Yes No DK/NA 31 56 14 Feb 23 2011 29 60 11

16. Some people say there should be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the economic benefits. Others say there should not be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the environmental impact. Which comes closer to your point of view? Tot Drilling No drilling DK/NA 43% 42 15 Rep 63% 21 16 Dem 28% 55 17 Ind 49% 42 10 Men 53% 35 12 Wom 34% 48 17 Wht 47% 39 13 Blk 34% 53 13

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Drilling No drilling DK/NA Contd 36% 53 12 48% 36 16

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 42% 39 18 44% 44 12 43% 46 10

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 36% 47 17 45% 44 11 46% 39 15

16. (contd) Some people say there should be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the economic benefits. Others say there should not be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the environmental impact. Which comes closer to your point of view? AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Drilling No drilling DK/NA 48% 40 13 36% 48 16 48% 36 16 Union HsHld 41% 47 12

TREND: Some people say there should be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the economic benefits. Others say there should not be drilling for natural gas in the Marcellus Shale because of the environmental impact. Which comes closer to your point of view? (* Low also 43% Jul 2012) DRILLING...... High Low Aug 11 Jan 31 2011 2013 47 42 12 43 42 15

Jan 31 2013 Drilling No drilling DK/NA 43 42 15

Dec 13 2012 44 42 15

Sep 12 2012 45 41 13

Jul 26 2012 43 44 13

Dec 21 2011 44 45 11

17. Would you support or oppose raising the minimum wage in New York State, which is now $7.25 an hour? Tot Support Oppose DK/NA 80% 17 2 Rep 61% 35 4 Dem 95% 3 2 Ind 77% 22 1 Men 75% 23 2 Wom 85% 12 3 Wht 76% 21 2 Blk 95% 3 2

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Support Oppose DK/NA 82% 16 2 79% 19 2

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 85% 14 2 78% 20 2 Union HsHld 86% 13 1 78% 20 2

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 79% 20 1 83% 16 1 80% 18 3

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Support Oppose DK/NA 73% 24 3 87% 10 2 81% 18 1

TREND: Would you support or oppose raising the minimum wage in New York State, which is now $7.25 an hour? Jan 31 2013 Support Oppose DK/NA 80 17 2 Dec 13 2012 80 18 1 May 30 2012 79 18 2 Apr 04 2012 78 20 3

18. (Intro Q18-22 rotated) Governor Cuomo made a series of proposals in his State-of-theState speech. For each proposal I name, please tell me what kind of priority you think Cuomo and the legislature should give it; the highest priority, a high priority but not the highest, or a lower priority. Do you think Cuomo and the legislature should give - equal pay for women the highest priority, a high priority but not the highest, or a lower priority? Tot Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 53% 36 10 1 Rep 41% 45 14 Dem 61% 33 4 2 Ind 51% 35 13 1 Men 46% 38 15 1 Wom 60% 33 5 1 Wht 50% 38 11 1 Blk 72% 22 6 -

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 53% 38 9 1 54% 34 10 1

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 57% 34 7 2 50% 37 12 Union HsHld 60% 31 8 1 51% 39 10 -

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 49% 37 12 1 52% 36 12 57% 35 7 1

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 50% 39 11 1 56% 33 9 2 55% 35 9 1

19. Do you think Cuomo and the legislature should give - campaign finance reform the highest priority, a high priority but not the highest, or a lower priority? Tot Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 31% 37 27 4 Rep 18% 41 36 5 Dem 32% 36 28 5 Ind 36% 37 23 4 Men 33% 36 27 4 Wom 28% 39 28 4 Wht 30% 40 26 3 Blk 34% 37 26 4

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 30% 39 29 1 31% 36 27 6

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 28% 40 26 6 34% 35 29 2 Union HsHld 32% 40 26 2 31% 41 26 2

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 19% 36 42 4 27% 41 28 4 38% 36 22 4

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 30% 39 27 5 29% 39 28 5 36% 33 27 3

20. Do you think Cuomo and the legislature should give - merit pay for teachers the highest priority, a high priority but not the highest, or a lower priority? Tot Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 26% 45 27 3 Rep 21% 44 29 6 Dem 27% 46 24 3 Ind 27% 45 27 1 Men 23% 46 28 2 Wom 28% 43 25 4 Wht 22% 45 30 3 Blk 38% 42 19 2

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 23% 48 27 2 27% 43 26 4

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 29% 42 23 5 22% 46 31 2 Union HsHld 23% 44 31 1 24% 47 28 1

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 30% 47 19 4 27% 45 26 2 23% 44 30 3

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 20% 43 34 3 29% 47 19 5 30% 43 26 -

HAVE KIDS...... <18 InPubSch 31% 43 23 4 31% 42 24 2

21. Do you think Cuomo and the legislature should give - a longer school day or longer school years the highest priority, a high priority but not the highest, or a lower priority? Tot Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 17% 39 42 3 Rep 11% 39 49 2 Dem 20% 40 36 4 Ind 17% 36 45 2 Men 14% 38 45 2 Wom 19% 39 39 3 Wht 14% 37 46 3 Blk 26% 42 31 1

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 14% 38 45 2 18% 39 39 3

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 21% 37 39 3 15% 38 45 2 Union HsHld 16% 34 48 2 13% 41 45 2

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 13% 40 45 2 15% 37 45 2 20% 39 37 4

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 18% 38 43 2 17% 39 40 4 15% 39 44 2

HAVE KIDS...... <18 InPubSch 13% 39 45 3 15% 36 46 3

22. Do you think Cuomo and the legislature should give - a bar-exam type test for all prospective teachers the highest priority, a high priority but not the highest, or a lower priority? Tot Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 28% 43 26 3 Rep 21% 46 29 5 Dem 28% 42 26 4 Ind 29% 45 25 1 Men 24% 43 30 3 Wom 32% 43 22 3 Wht 22% 45 31 2 Blk 45% 39 16 1

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 21% 44 31 4 32% 42 23 3

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 33% 43 21 2 23% 46 28 2 Union HsHld 29% 41 28 2 23% 43 31 3

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 36% 38 23 3 27% 42 28 3 24% 47 26 4

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Highest priority High/Not highest Lower priority DK/NA 22% 46 30 3 34% 40 20 6 30% 40 29 1

HAVE KIDS...... <18 InPubSch 33% 41 22 4 33% 42 20 5

23. Do you think Cuomo's proposals are mostly about doing what is best for New York State or mostly about gaining political advantage in a possible Presidential campaign? Tot Best for NYS Political advantage DK/NA 47% 44 9 Rep 35% 57 8 Dem 59% 30 11 Ind 41% 52 7 Men 42% 50 8 Wom 52% 38 10 Wht 47% 45 8 Blk 53% 37 10

COLLEGE DEG Yes No Best for NYS Political advantage DK/NA 51% 40 9 45% 46 9

ANNUAL HSHOLD INC <50K 50-100 >100K 44% 46 10 45% 46 9 Union HsHld 46% 48 6 52% 41 7

AGE IN YRS....... 18-34 35-54 55+ 41% 49 10 46% 47 7 52% 38 10

AREA............. UpStat NYC Sub Best for NYS Political advantage DK/NA 41% 52 8 51% 38 11 52% 38 10


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