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Peace Council

Tom Gardner P. O. Box 5 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-6278 Nancy Waugh 805 Spruce Ave Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2282 Tom Perry PO Box 159 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2342 Terry Volker 17239 US Hwy 59 Barrett, MN 56311 Jan Vipond Po Box 188 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-2421 Diane Puchalski 22785 Co Rd 21 Barrett, MN 56311 320-528-6208 Craig Schroeder 23877 Co Rd 21 Elbow Lake, MN 56531 218-685-6277 Jennifer McLaughlin 11254 Co Rd 2 Barrett, MN 56311 320-986-2139 Youth Representative Andy Thompson

Peace Lutheran Church

FEBRUARY SUNDAY SCHOOL NEWS January was a hard month for Peace Sunday School. Our attendance took a nose dive with only 9 or 10 students out of our 30 enrolled attending classes. The students usher every Sunday during church services and we miss our students for this, too. We hope everyone comes back soon!! We wrap up our session on the Prodigal Son on February 3rd for those who have not been here for this rotation, we have a video you can watch so you can catch up. Just like the story of the Prodigal Son, were looking for our children to return! On Sunday, February 10th, we will be decorating Valentine cookies to bring to the Barrett Care Center and Rolling Hills Residence. Well need all the hands we can get hope EVERYONE will be there! Ten Men Healed is our next rotation which prepares us for the season of Lent. On Palm Sunday, March 24 th, the students will be handing out Palm leaves and leading our march into the sanctuary. On Sunday, March 24th, we deliver our muffins to community members. We go to several of the area group homes and to others who enjoy a visit. If anyone knows someone we can put on our list, please let us know. There is no Sunday School on Easter Sunday, March 31st. Happy Easter to all! Joyce Hanson, Director Peace Sunday School 320-528-2354 (Home) 320-304-0727 (Cell) Email:

During Lent we will be having supper at 5:30pm followed by worship at 6:30pm. (N0 Supper Ash Wednesday) We will have a sign up sheet on the kitchen counter at church for volunteers to furnish soup and bread and serve.

Runestone Telecom has our church service on Channel 6 at 1:30pm on Saturdays. Check us out on facebook. Go to barrett.

WELCA February 6th 2:00pm at Barrett Assisted Living. Everyone Welcome!!

Valentines Day Youth Group Fundraiser 1 dozen Chocolate covered Strawberries -- $6 Chocolate Chip Cheesecake -- $15 Grasshopper (Mint) Cheesecake -- $15 Various baked goods Priced day of pick up Order February 3-10 Pickup and pay for treats February 13th (Ash Wednesday)



Online Registration for Summer Camp is now open!!! Click on any of the following for more information and to Register Now! for any of our 2013 Summer Camp Programs. Youth Onsite Sports Adventure Specialty Women's Week

We have the new 2013 Luther Crest Bible Camp brochure on the table in the back of the church or go to or talk with Pastor Matthew find about the summer programs at Luther Crest in Alexandria.. The theme is You R the Light - Summer 2013

F E B R U A RY 2 0 1 3

Peace Lutheran Church Council Meeting Minutes December 12, 2012

Meeting called to order by Derek Getz. Members Present: Derek Getz, Patricia Schack, Diane Puchalski, Tom Perry, Sandy Kashmark, Craig Schroeder, Terry Volker, and Pr. Matthew Rose Members Absent: Koel Seifert, Nancy Waugh and Jennifer McLaughlin Secretarys Report: Motion was made by Tom to amend the secretarys report to change the Christmas Eve Service from 7:30 pm to 4:30 pm, 2nd Terry. Treasurers Report: Motion to approve by Patricia, 2nd Craig. Pastors Report: Pastor Matthew is working on the 2013 Mission Trip which requires more involvement from the kids. They will have more fund raisers. Old Business: Motion was made to amend the 2013 budget to reflect the synod guideline for the salary of the Pastor, which resulted in a budget shortfall by Tom, 2nd Diane. Motion was made to make two payments for the error in the Pastors salary. The first would be at the end of this year and the second would made at the beginning of 2013 by Craig, 2nd Patricia. New Business: Annual meeting date will be the 3rd Sunday (January 20, 2013). The council members will set up and clean up after the meeting. There will be one service at 10:30 am. Luther Crest 2012 Benevolence will be tabled until next month. Motion to adjourn was made by Patricia, 2nd Tom. Closing prayer was led by Pastor Matthew. Patricia Schack, Secretary

February 2013
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

Worship 8am Sunday School 9:15am Worship 10:30am

WELCA 2:00pm @ Barrett Assisted Living Release Time 2:10pm Confirmation 3:30-5:15pm

Mens Breakfast Faithful Folders 6:30am 10:00am


Worship 8am Sunday School 9:15am Worship 10:30am



13 Ash Wednesday

Release Time 2:10pm Confirmation 3:30-5:15pm

6:30pm Lent Worship 7:15pm Council


Mens Breakfast Faithful Folders 6:30am 10:00am




Worship 8am Sunday School 9:15am Worship 10:30am



9am Ever-Blessed Quilters


9am Ever-Blessed Quilters Release Time 2:10pm Confirmation 3:30-5:15pm 5:30 pm Lent Supper
6:30pm Worship


Mens Breakfast Faithful Folders 6:30am 10:00am




Worship 8am Sunday School 9:15am Worship 10:30am




Release Time 2:10pm Confirmation 3:30-5:15pm 5:30 pm Lent Supper

6:30pm Worship


Mens Breakfast 6:30am

Serving February
Servers Ushers

2/3 Eugene & Kathleen Anderson Robert & Deanne Frarck 2/10 Paul & Deb Erickson Dick & Diane Puchalski 2/17 Chad & Gwen Rollofson Ron & Patricia Schack 2/24 Jeff & Cheri Lang Bill & Barb Little

2/3 Eugene & Kathleen Anderson Robert & Deanne Frarck 2/10 Paul & Deb Erickson Dick & Diane Puchalski 2/17 Chad & Gwen Rollofson Ron & Patricia Schack 2/24 Jeff & Cheri Lang Bill & Barb Little

10:30am Service

Work Group #2 Leaders Jim & Sharolyn Johnson Ron & Kay Johnson

Altar Guild Pat Ronhovde Karen Ellis

2/3 Byron Bartz 2/10 Tom Gardner 2/17 Ardis Paulson 2/24 Pat Ronhovde

YOUTH WORSHIP LEADERSHIP 2/3 Zach Ketcher 2/10 Erin Careen 2/13 (Ash Wednesday) Keaton Long 2/17 Erica Vipond 2/20 (Wednesday) Erin Careen 2/24 Maryann Thompson 2/27 (Wednesday) Devin Schack

If you are unable to be a helper on your Sunday, please call one of your work group leaders and he or she will help you find a replacement. Thank you.

Stewardship of the Good News

Its one of the most quoted passages of Scripture confirmation, graduations, weddings, and situations of all sorts. It brings comfort, knowing youre not alone through whatever may come and that God has a plan. Know what Scripture it is yet? Jeremiah 29:11, For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Its easier to have a God who stays on the sidelines like a coach. When something goes wrong, or were blindsided by an attack, or were not sure what our next move should be, we can head to our coach and seek some guidance. We pray, we read the Bible and devotional books, we talk to other Christians, and eventually things get better in our lives. God is there but only when we want or need him to be.

But what does it mean to seek God when weve got the plays down pat? After all, that was the problem with Jeremiahs audiGlorious, isnt it? Heartwarming, isnt it? ence; things went well and God disapReally something you can hold on to, isnt peared from the radar. So how do we keep it? Youd really like me to stop there, seeking God when things are moving wouldnt you? But theres more. along? These comforting words were originally Same way, different intent. Rather than spoken to people who had fallen away what can I get from God when things from God and were traveling according to are rough, we shift to what can I share their own plans. God had been calling with others. Our faith does not exist for them back repeatedly, and yet they chose us alone Gods plans are always bigger their own way. God had a plan, but the than that. As we enter the season Lent, I people trusted their own plans and were invite you to shift your thinking and your led away by their enemies. heart along with it. Seek God and what he But theres hope on the horizon. Because is calling you to share and then watch how his plans give us all hope and a future. the moment Gods people turn around, God will be there. Then you will call May Gods plans guide you, upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and ~Pr. Matt find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you, declares the Lord... (v 12-14).


Rev. Matthew Rose, Pastor cell phone: 218-770-8470 Office: 320-528-2536 email:

Lent 2013 Ash Wednesday, February 13th, 6:30pm Worship (NO SUPPER) February 20th, Lent Supper 5:30pm, Worship 6:30pm February 27th, Lent Supper 5:30pm,Worship 6:30pm March 6th, Lent Supper 5:30pm, Worship 6:30pm March 13th, Lent Supper 5:30pm, Worship 6:30pm March 20th, Lent Supper 5:30pm, Worship 6:30pm March 28th, Maundy Thursday, Worship at 6:30pm March 29th, Good Friday, Worship at 6:30pm March 31st, EASTER, Worship at 10:30am

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