The Addiction Method

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The Addiction Method

Create a so interesting character that people wanna spend time with you and not the other way around so that you attract women and people become addicted to you 1.Create a character 2.Introduce people to your character 3.Get people addicted to your character Why do you need a character? 1.In order to showcase your personality and pull people into you and make them want to be around you,you have to create a character cuz all entertainment on the face of the planet is centered around characters. Why is this? Cuz people are able to identify with characters. People love characters. Because people feel like they know who these characters are and want to be like them. This is the power of a good character since people would do anything to have that character be a part of their life.. Think of how people get tatoos of different characters,buy books,movies,posters etc. Create a character of who you wanna be and step into that roll you will become more funny,fun and interesting. Create a character and be careful so that you don't try and become an "actor". Create a persona that is YOU! If you play the role of a character who isnt you it can work for attracting women or make people like you but only for a certain time since people will get dissapointed if they find out later that that character is not really you. After all you cant be acting all the time. In different situations we wear different masks,the mask of the son,the mask of the father,the mask of the employee or of the lover or the mask of the friend etc Different masks encourage different behavior. Like if you are in work,or with friends or your parents we behave different. In this sense we need to create another mask to be interesting/fun/intriguing. Create a social mask that you'll put on around people we don't know that well. This can apply in a party,event or date. Anyplace where you're around people you don't know. Behaviors that we need to adopt for our social mask: 1.Talking freely 2.Feeling comfortable 3.Sense of adventure 4.Self-importance 5.Imposition 1. Talk freely: Get in the mood to run your mouth when you put your "social mask". Just introduce yourself or say whatever may come to your mind. Or just sing a song to yourself to get you in the good mood of talking,you'll feel looser. 2.Feeling and being comfortable. We need to become an extrovert when we put our social mask on. To do this we need to feel comfortable. Do whatever you can to feel imagine a situation which makes you feel this way. 3. Sense of adventure: We need to feel adventurous when we put this mask so that we start talking to people in order for them to like us. Think of some music that gets you excited or a song so that you get "pumped up". 4. Feeling of self-importance: Feel like people want to meet and talk to you cuz you are important. You can't be shy or ambivalent. You have to feel like you will be doing someone a favor by talking to them,because you know that what you want to talk about is important or interesting. You have to feel like you have smth to offer to the given situation and every single person you're talking to.

5.Imposition Adopting these 5 behaviors is essential to making other people aware of your character. Mask=what you feel Character=what you make other people feel

The Art Of Storytelling

Stories you tell are deliver modules for your character The more you tell the more people get to know and like you therefore the more addicted they will become. Stories are about 3 things: 1.Plot - The concepts or morals behind the story. The plot is what happens in the story. The best plots are universal when everyone can relate to it. Don't tell poorly stories. Be careful about the types of stories you choose to tell and how you tell them.

Phase 1: Think Of Real Life Examples Go through each Master Plot and think of an experience from your life that would fall into each category. Write down at least ONE experience from you life that would fit into the following plots: Quest Adventure Pursuit Rescue Escape Revenge The Riddle Rivalry Underdog Temptation Metamorphosis Transformation Maturation Love Forbidden Love Sacrifice Discovery Wretched Excess These are plots that everyone can realte to. If you cant think of examples from your own life, use examples from people you know.
1.A quest story is about you search for a person,place or thing (about a jorney). Quests don't have to be epic,they can be even lame. The Quest is a story about you. 2.The Adventure story is about what happens to you so the goal in the story isn't as important as the jorney you took. Describe every single obstacle that came into your path when you were trying to avhieve your goal. Basically telling about how hard it was to achieve what you wanted to achieve.

3. A Chase story. When one person is chasing another. ex. when you wanted meet up with friends but you couldn't find them or they couldn't find you so you have to hunt them down etc. 4.A story of you helping someone else. Good rescue stories is any emergency story. Rushing people to the hospital,helping someone save their animal,going ouit to help a friend in need etc. 5.Escape stories are about someone getting away from something or somebody unpleasant. Focus on how bad things were and how you got away. A bad date,a bad job,a boring conversation 6.The Revenge stories is about retaliation for a real or imagined injury. You talk about an injustice that was done to you or someone else and then what did you do to get even. 7.The Riddle is about you solving some type of mystery. Something happened,you don't know why,but you are going to find out. Talk about the clues and eventually solve the riddle. The cheating girlfriend opener etc,can't find your car,your wallet or whatever. 8.Rivalry is about you competing for the same object or goal as another. There's a good guy and a bad guy You and some dude going after a woman 9.Underdog story is sort-of like rivalry but you are at a disadvantage in some way. When you struggle to achieve a goal. Competing for a girl against a much better looking guy. You're playing against a professional athlete and you end up winning ;) 10.Temptation stories are about how you're induced or tempted to do something that is either unwise,wrong or immoral but you always make the right decision. Like when you find money and decide to give it back or a girl you were dating who was really drunk and wanted to have sex but you didn't take advantage of her cuz she was very very drunk and the next day she thanked you about this 11.Metamorphosis is a story of physical change. Tell stories of how you noticed losing your hair,getting taller,getting sick 12.Transformation stories deals with process of internal change as you move through different stages of your life. 13.Maturation is about maturity 14. Love stories you wanna tell are really the stories aren't about finding love,they're about obstacles that prevent it. (crazy ex bf or crazy ex gf,accidentally killing her cat,misunderstandings,long dinstance or because the person you loved had to leave or you had to leave from your country) 15. Forbidden Love violates some sort of social taboo. Finding out that the woman you're dating is married,dating someone much older or younger,workplace romances,proffesorstudent romances 16.Sacrifice is a story about you giving up something that you wanted for the sake of love,charity,honor or humanity 17. Discovery stories are about the quest to figure out who you are. How you came to believe the way you do ex. ewhy you became a muslim. Questions you still have about life,what is it that you're looking for that would make you happy,hopes and dreams you want to achieve. 18. Wretched Excess are stories about actions on the fringe of society like "Doing drugs" "Partying too hard" and "crazy sexual experiences" etc. Anything that society might deem "unacceptable" but which normal people find fascinating. The key to these stories is the fact

that you always must have a lesson learned by the protagonist in order to be effective cuz nobody wants to hang out with a degenerate. So you should always have something you learn from that behavior and a moral tha justifies it otherwise people will judge you in a bad way.

Phase 2: Remember The Details

The more details you give the better the story is told since details helps listeners to create a picture in their minds so the more details you provide the more clear the picture becomes so that you capture their imagination to make them feel,think and experience anything you want them to. Details make your stry come alive.

Details of the stories might include: Characters Location Sites Sounds Smells Specific dialogue
Details iclude describing 1) what was it that you were feeling,thinking and experiencing at the time of the story 2) what things and people in the story look like 3) sounds and smells you were feeling 4) use metaphors: "It was like..." If you tell a story when you were on a bad date say: "It was like I was facing the spanish inquisition" (metaphor are really effective to make listeners feel smth powerful) Characterization In your stories you have to describe other people and actions. Use your body language to act out these actions. Create sound effects. When acting like a different person,mimic them as best as you can. You can mimic characters from your story to make it more interesting. When you add together plots,details and characterization,you get great stories that will really intrigue people.

How To Be The Life of The Party

What does it mean? You stand out from the crowd in any social situation. Lots of people know who you are. You have a reputation. People look forward to really seeingyou. Without you,the social situation isn't as good as with you. 4 elements of being the life of the party: 1) Ownership 2) Reputation (awareness) 3) Status 4) Social Proof All these elements can be completely MANUFACTURED! You walk in to a room without any of theseand by starting getting to know people you can earn them. 1) Ownership

a) In order to be the life of the party,you must be the critical factor in other people having a good time. b) In this sense,you must own the social situation you find yourself in. c) Think of it as playing the host. Its your party and you need to make sure everyone has a good time. How do you own the situation? a) Put yourself in a leadership role b) Know where the bathrooms are,where the drinks and the food are,where and who the important people are. c) Make sure people are having fun. d) If someone needs something,be the one to provide it to them. e) If someone needs help,take the responsibility to help them but in the meantime try to have fun yourself,too. 2) Reputation (Awareness) has to do with how many people know about you (it doesn't matter if they know you personally or no it just matters that they are "Aware" of you and that you're around). The more people who know you,the easier is to meet people and the easier is to manufacture social proof. How to build reputation? The Butterfly Effect:The best way is to become a "Social Butterfly" and get everyone in the social situation that you're in to know you. The goal to create your reputation is to meet as many people as possible so that their awareness increases. Its more effective in smaller environments. The Butterfly Effect: Step 1: Know Important People Bars (Clubs): Bartenders,Doorman,DJ,Waitresses.Promoters Party: Host of the party and guest of honor (the party is thrown for that person) Restaurant: Chef,Manager,Waitresses,Hostess Meeting: People in charge of the meeting Special Event: The event planner,the head of the organisation throwing the event So find out who they are,go up and greet them about how a great place and party it is,introduce yourself and learn what their name is,ask them how they are doing,tell them what a great job they are doing even if they are not (ex. wow man you should be proud of yourself that you got everything together). Let them know you want to talk to them later when they aren't busy. Step 2: Warm up the room All social situations can be broken down into groups. People who know each other tend to congretate in groups and the more groups you have, the bigger the social situationIn order to warm up a room you need to create awareness oof your presence in as many groups as possible. Just come in and engage the group in some way and don't spend more then 30 seconds to a minute talking to people. Just pop in and pop out. Approach every group you can find in the room. Check and see how they are doing. You can introduce yourself if you want. Do this until you've engaged all the groups. What you do here is that you introduce people to the fact that YOU ARE THERE. You're not "intuding" yourself on anyone's group cuz you're not staying long. Step 3: Introduce the group to who you are After you created reputation you have to build your reputation by going back to each group and spending this time 2-5 minutes talking to people. This time its a lot easier to approach them and just let them know that you're not a weird guy. This way you build your reputation and raise people's awareness the more you interact with them. This is your chance to showcase a bit of your personality.

Step 4: Engage the Group For the 3rd time you approach and Engage the groups which you got the best reception. Go to them and start interacting.Display your status. Spend no more than 20-30 minutes with each group. Step 5: Merging the Groups Introduce the groups of people you talked with to each other. Just say "Hey I know some people you should meet." Then ask them to follow you and introduce them to the other group. This works great when you introduce women to men or women to women. By merging groups of people,you become a "ringleader". People see you as someone of importance Your status increases and you generate social proof Status is a measure of how valuable people percieve you to be. The more valuable you are to others the greater your status is and the more important you become. The more awareness,value you create,the higher your status becomes. How to become a high status male? 1) Provide what people want. Bring hot girls to the situation. Introduce people and make connections & introductions. Try to play Cupid (Tell a girl or a guy that you have the perfect person for them and introduce them) Help people become rich,healthy Offer solutions to other people's problems Compliment people so that they feel important Know where good events take place and let others know about them 2) If you can't provide it yourself tell people you know someone who can 3) Tell stories that demonstrate your value How to create value? Without value you have no status. The more people like you and desire you the higher your value is. Value is dfined but what others say about you. How to get people say that you have a high value? By using social proof. Social proof can be manufactured. How to create social proof? Let people know that you understand them. (Empathy creates trust and comfort) Confide in people. Tell them secrets cuz it creates a bond of trust (they can be even stupid or small ones ex you don't like cats :P) Show interest in people (Focus on what she is talking about and what she is feeling) The more trust and empathy you create,the more people will believe you. If people dont belive you they want accept the social proof you manufacture. In order for that to happen you will need trust. Be an authority Authority creates trust Become it by saying that you are an authority Say "Trust me,I know what I'm talking about" Talk to people how you know the important people here.

Stand next to them Offer to introduce people to them When you get people to trust you they will believe almost anything you tell them. This is how you manufacture Social Proof. Always leave people wanting more Raise your value and status as high as you want then step away (When you step away say "Hey buddy I really wanna listen to your story but I gotta really do something important,lets continue this conversation later ok? And sorry for cutting you up) Never outsay your welcome Be aloof and friendly JUST HAVE FUN SO THAT EVERYONE WILL HAVE FUN!!!

Conversational Ninjitsu
You use it to strike up new conversations whenever you want. Helps you toi know what to talk about to anybody Conversation topics: Money Health Love Family Friends Work Business Sex Adventure Travel Pop Culture 6 Easy steps to effortless conversation: Use the word "so" when you start conversations in order to indtroduce them from a topic to a different one. "So" is a gear shifter. Step 1: Introduce a topic We do this by asking a question So + another conversation topic Step 2: Ask a question based on the answer that you get (Rephrase target's answer into a follow-up question) Use the word really to show them that you are really interested on what they're saying Example: You: How is your family? Her: They're good You: Really? What kind of good things are happening with them? (this is forcing them to go into details) Step 3: Ask the target what they think/feel about their answer She gives you an answer based on the question you gave and you can say: "Wow,thats

great/bad. How do you feel about that? or What do you think about that?" Step 4: Follow up with a statement or observation that you've made about the conversation up to this point. You can say "Like wow,it seems you're close to your father or you like him/her a lot,is that right? etc Step 5: Tell a story of your own related to your statement Follow up with a story of your own to demonstrate character and create connection/trust/comfort Step 6: Repeat steps 1-5 You can keep on talking for hours this way Its a two-way conversation,you're sharing information and so is she If you ever get stuck just go back to step 1 and change topic IT WORKS WITH EVERYONE AND NOT JUST GIRLS!

Practice Being Funny And Entertaining Around People

When you make people laugh they subconciously associate your ability with a high intelligence. This puts you inj a position of authority. You don't have to be funny to be

humorous. Just being goofy and light-hearted gives the same emotions. The purpose of this exercise is to get you familiar with the different concepts of humor, and learn to incorporate it in your interactions. The Elements of Humor 1) Immaturity - everything that was funny in the first grade is still funny when you're an adult. ("You're a doo-doo head" "girls are icky" "you got kooties") 2) Going plad - Take a complaint or criticism,and own it then take it way further than anyone expected you too. If she says: "You're a dork" then you response " You're right,I am a dork. I am the king of the dorks as a matter of fact. We always get together once a year and having elections I won like the past 12 years in a row. An wait till you see my massive star Wars collection figurine back at home. Its gonna make you so hot you won't be able to resist my dork life charms." Basically what they say you just take it as far as you gan by accepting "the insult" they are making and create smth similar to the above...ex if she says"You're so mean" response with "Of course I am mean,in fact I am the meanest guy that you'll ever meet :P " Exagerate what women find attractive! If she says she likes tall guys tell her that she only like giants and shit and that everyone to her looks like a midget :) See that guy right there,he is like a basketball player but he is not tall enough for you,you like taller guys than that. Accuse them of being sexual deviants! " Say "OMG you're totally like the girl who loves too see me being tied up and spanked. That totally seems like your personality. You're the spanking girl,you just love to spank people" Talk about how they want to rape you or take advantage of you. When she brings

you a drink tell her "You didn't put in the drink a rape-pill (pigule gwaltu) cuz the last thing I wanna do is wake up in bed and find out that you completely took advantage of me" "Are you trying to get me drunk cuz I'm not really that type of guy :P" Accuse them for farting while you make those noises in front o the others with your mouth. Take something you both thought was funny,and repeat it again whenever you think it is funny. If she says she's poor tell her "Yeah,you are and it looks like you're on your way to become a drug dealer or get in the slave trade business" "Screw Global Warming,I'm cold now" Make fun of other people and and it creates a ond. People love it when other people are made fun of,especially people in authority or people they personally don't like. Never ever ridicule yourself or the person you're with. If you wanna target your target just tease her. Teasing is great but don't go too far. When telling a story,always do impressions of the characters. Brag about how bad they are. If you can't do impressions do BAD impressions,and when you are talking to that person repeat what they say sounding like them. Fol ne polonisht me theks amerikan ne menyre qe te jesh qesharak. The more intelligent someone is,the more they can appreciate sarcasm. People with low self esteem don't like sarcasm. Use nicknames. Nicknames are fun and funny,the more ridiculous the better,creates a bond it becomes an inside joke but never use insulting nicknames. You can tell all types of jokes,you can use bad jokes. The shorter the joke is the better. Bad pick-up lines can work. Self-Depreciation Make fun of yourself sometimes. Like when they don't like something about you or something you are wearing or whatever they criticise you about. This shows you're cool because you can poke fun of yourself and not get upset. People with low selfesteem can't tolerate being made fun of. If someone criticizes you,agree with them and take it to a ridiculous extreme. If you make a mistake or do/say something stupid,make light of it and diffuse the situation. Don't use it to show your bad sides or point out that something is wrong with you or harp on your own insecurities. Phase 1: Watch Professional Comedians Repeat some of the stant-up comedians jokes. Watch how the comedians interact with their audience. What is it you have the most response to? What is that comedian doing that you enjoy so much?

Phase 2: Pick Out Your Own Style Of Humor Once you know what type of humor you respond to the best, go through all the humor examples I have given you, and choose one that best fits your sense of humor. Phase 3: Incorporate That Humor Once you know what humor technique you want to use, focus on incorporating that technique into your conversations with your friends. Phase 4: Judge Reaction See if the humor technique is having an effect on your friends. If they are enjoying it, youre on the right track. If theyre not responding, try out a different humor technique until you find one you enjoy, that makes your friends laugh as well. Phase 5: Incorporate The Humor Once youve found a technique that works for you, begin to make it a part of your personality. Use it whenever you want to. Make it so that you dont even have to think about it, it just happens. Phase 6: Repeat Once you have one technique down, do the same thing with another technique you respond well to. Keep doing this until youve incorporated all the humor you enjoy and are good at.

How To Tease
Teasing is an "inherent' disqualification". It creates a "validation vacuum". It makes you stand out from all the other guys and takes you out from the courtship mindset,cuz you're just having fun. When you're teasing you make the girl to qualify herself to you and she starts talking more about herself. Most guys do it wrong! Don't insult her. Don't take it too far. Teasing is about being playful,not mean or insulting. Most guys come off mean. Don't be mean. What's off limits? Never tease a woman about her insecurities or things that she has no control over. This will make her resent you and she will associate negative feelings with you. When this happens its game over. Subjects never to tease about 1) Her Looks 2) Her Weight 3) Her Loved Ones 4) Her Closely Beliefs (Religion/Politics) 5) Her Age 6) Her Race Teasing its a tool and not a mindset. Too much teasing makes you a bully and people will start not hang out with you anymore. What is teasing? Teasing is the process of "putting someone down" in a humorous way. Used too much it can be hurtful. Used the right way it can be playful.

Use it always with a smile or a smirk on your face and do it with a good natured attitude. Because girls will tease you back,be able to take some teasing yourself cuz if you don't you will come as an insecure jerk. Don't use it too often. Follow up teasing with a "softener". What can you tease a girl about? You can tease a girl about her: 1) Actions 2) Expectations 3) What she says (especially Complaining) 4) Thinks 5) Wants 6) Does Undermine Accomplishments Take something she is really proud of and trivialize it. ex. "You get a cookie" or "Gold start for you" Contrast it with your own lame accomplishment. Like if she says she crossed for 5 kms you say smth like "Oh yeah? Well I cleaned my refrigerator today,so there" or whtever lame thing comes to your mind or contrast it with a real accomplishment. If she says she paid on time the taxes say "That's great. You know,Mozart wrote his symphony when he was two. But its nice to know you're catching up" Reward Stupid behaviors like when somebody does something stupid greet them or hi5 them. When she say something you disagree with,you compare her to someone/something bad. Answer to what she says with something similar to: "You know who else liked X (something she likes)?? Hitler." "You want the terrorist to win,don't you" "I bet you kill babies in your spare time" or say whatever fits to the given situation. Associate her sexuality with something stupid. Make her attracted to stupid things. If she eats something or likes something tell her that it turns her on. or "You're all about (put what she likes here). Some women have vibrators. You have (what she likes)." or when she likes a band or a kind of music say "Wait until you see me play guitar hero. You'll get so hot. Real bands suck,you like the fake bands." Talk about taking advantage of her for other reasons then sex. "I'm just using you to get my green card" "You know I plan on marrying you and take half of your money" "I'm in desperate need for a sugar momma. i want a girl who will take care of me and pay for everything" "One day i'm going to steal your kidneys,sell them on the black market,and etire." When she does something stupid or bothering Question why You're With Her Act like she's wasting your valuable time and ask her why you are with her. "Why do I waste my time with you again? Remind me." "Why are you here? Do you just set ut to make my life miserable." "Of all girls I could be with this very moment,I chose you. Ehh"

"OMG I,m intimidated to walk with you right now" Threaten to Unload her Trivialize your relationship by threatening to hand her over to someone else she doesn't like. "I'm giving you to the first homeless guy we meet." "I'm going to sell you to the talibans for a thousand camels" "I fully plan on going to Vegas and losing you in a high stakes poker game." Champion something She Disagrees With If you know something she has a certain opinion on,take the opposite stance. If she talks about the starving kids in Africa or somewhere "You know what,you totally inspired me right now. I'm totally going to waste all my food so those kids in Africa don't get to eat." If she talks about how dirty it is,say "You now what I was thinking about doing now that you reminded me? I am gonna be throwing trashes everywhere from the windows of the cars,from buildings,while walking so that I can help people to get jobs" If she complains about prices of the products say "I don't think the prices are high enough. The companies are poor and they need all the money they can take" Accuse her of Jealousy Take something she dislikes and accuse her for secretly liking it and wanting to have it herself. "You're just jealous. You wanted that dress all for yourself. Admit it." If she says someone is walking funny "You just WISH you could walk that way." Use softeners Softeners are things that help some of the sting of teasing Smiling Laughter "I'm just kidding,I would never sell you to thetalibans for 1000 camels...I'd do it for at least a million :)" "You're awesome" "I'm sorry,i'm just being a jerk. I really like you" If you take teasing too far and hurt someone just apologize and tell her you were trying to be funny and be sincere when you say that MAKE SURE THAT ALL OF YOU HAVE FUN AND DON"T TAKE ANY OF THESE THINGS TOO FAR AND DON"T OVER_DO THEM!!!

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