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The Meerkat Sentinel

your "look-out" for volunteers needed at MVMPCS this month

Di st r i b u t e d b y y ou r M VM PC S Volu n t e e r C omm i t tee

Feb ruar y 2 0 1 3 Volume 1 I ssue 4

I N S I D E T H I S I S S U E As we start this second part of the year please consider joining a few of our fellow parents that continue to work so hard to run their MVMPCS committees. Both the 1 Intro 1 2
Get to Know - The Outreach Committee PAGE 2 February Volunteers Needed

Can you believe we are now into our second half of the school year here at MVMPCS? We would like to take a moment to thank all of our wonderful school volunteers that have helped the first half of this year go by so successfully! THANK YOU!

Community Outreach and Building and Grounds Committees are looking for new members to help them plan their exciting events.

The Building and Grounds Committee will be planning and building new activities for the kids in both the front and back play areas. They need people with experience to help them plan and build these items. The Community Outreach Committee also has a busy Spring ahead of them. In addition to regularly scheduled tours and open houses, they hope to continue with more Community socials and school fairs.

Another committee that is just getting started with planning is the MMCI Auction Committee. If you would be interested in helping to plan the annual auction please contact Beth Russo at the email address on PAGE 2. The auction has some new surprises this year and we would love all the help we can get to help make it a success! As always, if you are interested in volunteering in any way, please contact our volunteer chair at

Get to Know Who are they?

The Community Outreach Committee

The chair of this committee is Jennifer Nichols. To contact the chair email her at You'll often find her in the hallway at drop off or pick up as well. Her two daughters are in Ms. Heidi and Ms. Amy's classrooms. What do they do? The Community Outreach Committee plans and organizes all of our Open House and Tour events that are open to the public. They also plan community socials/teas and educate the public about our school via different school fairs. This year the committee has already attended the Frederick Preschool Fair and plans to attend the FSK Mall school fair this February. When do they meet? Currently this committee has no members, please consider helping our chair and meetings can be set as needed. What can you do to help? Please contact Jennifer Nichols at the above address to let her know if you would be interested in helping to plan these events or simply be on her contact list to help volunteer at certain events. The Community Outreach Committee is starting fresh this year with a new chair and lots of fun activities planned. Please consider joining this committee to help plan our exciting Spring!


The Meerkat Sentinel

Volunteer Openings -February 2013

Date What Details Time Committment Where Contact


Help Ms. Zoe organize in the classroom

Ms. Zoe has 4 unique organizational jobs she could use a hand with in the classroom.


Ms Zoe's classroom

See Ms Zoe or email her at

Year Round

Building and Grounds Committee Members Outreach Committee Members

Join the Building and Grounds committee to help plan and maintain improvement projects for your MVMPCS facilities. Join the Outreach Committee of MVMPCS to help plan open houses, tours and social events this year.

Flexible hours, occasional evening meetings


Year Round

Flexible hours, both day and evening



Spring 2013

MMCI Auction Committee

Help to organize and plan our annual MMCI auction

Flexible hours

Will vary

A special thank you to all our new volunteers for this year's School Choice Fair at the FSK Mall! After posting the open positions on our Google Group last week we had all Table positions filled within a few short hours! Thank You! Have a great time this Saturday at the Fair!

Thank you to all our volunteers!

Are you in need of volunteers or items for your MVMPCS Committee, Club or classroom? Email Jennifer at by Monday, February 25th, to be included in February's newsletter.

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