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After You Believe

Building Christian Character, Integrity, and Virtues

January 30, 2013 Announcements/Opening Prayer Discussion How does the media portray love? What impact do you think that has on mainstream American culture? Think of TV shows like The Dating Game, Love Boat, Friends and Cougar Town How would you describe Love? How does that description change w.r.t. I John 3:11-20? 1. 2. 3. 4. What sort of actions and attitudes are contrary to love? Thinking of Cain, how does jealousy effect love? Whats the impact on families? Why would the world (or anyone) hate Christians who show love? What does it mean to lay down their lives? What examples have you seen firsthand either literally or metaphorically? We have progressed from Faith, to Hope and now to Love. Its an interesting progression from inward to upward to outward. Why is loving with actions (vv 1718) more important than loving with words? How does James 2:14-19 play in? How do acts of love help strengthen our relationship with God? Examples? Whose actions have helped you understand the love of Christ? How can you show someone love through your actions this week?


6. 7. 8.

Valley Christian Church Wednesday Night Mens Study Winter 2013

After You Believe

Building Christian Character, Integrity, and Virtues Schedule Winter Session 2013
January 16 23 30 Hope: Ephesians 1:11-23 Mens Study Fellowship Event (Details TBA) Love: Psalm 71

Announcements, Reminders, and Such:

Church Chili Cookoff - Feb 9 Cleaning Day Feb 16 (see Dan Johnson) Married Couples Retreat Feb 22/23 Feel free to join the conversation at

February 6 13 20 27 March 6 13 20 27 Moderation: Ecclesiastes 2:1-11 Integrity: I Samuel 24 Perseverance: Philippians 3:7-16 No Meeting Easter Week Wisdom: I Cor 1:18-31 No Meeting Ash Wednesday Justice: Isaiah 61 Courage: Daniel 3

Check out the VCC Website at

Prayer Requests/Closing Prayer

Valley Christian Church Wednesday Night Mens Study Winter 2013

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