Teacher, Education

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Form a group of four ( 4 ) student. Choose ONE of the following topics.

Students are allowed to write the assignment in English or Bahasa Malaysia. The length of assignment must not exceed ten ( 10 ) pages not including appendices and bibliographies. Your bibliographies must be in A.P.A style ( 5th edition ). Your assignment must be type written using Times New Roman type face with font size no 12 and double spacing. Students must also prepare Powerpoint slide presentation for the purpose of presentation . Last day of submitting assignmet is two ( 2 ) days before your date of presentation. Before submitting your assignment, students are required to present in the class. Date of presentation will be scheduled later.

Explain why teacher self-efficacy can be considered as one of the important factor in the effectiveness of teaching. Discuss how induction, staff development, performance appraisal and climate of the school affected teacher self-efficacy. ( Kenapa jati diri seseorang guru amat penting dalam keberkesanan pengajaran. Bincangkan bagaimana induksi, pembangunan staf, pencapaian pujian/ganjaran dan iklim persekolahan bagi mempergaruhi jati diri guru )

ASSIGNMENT NO 2 Instructions: This is INDIVIDUAL assignment. Choose ONE of the following topics and find out one research article in refereed journal related the topic chosen. Discuss the issues or findings raised by the author/s. Students are allowed to write the assignments in English or Bahasa Malaysia. The length of assignments must not exceed TEN (10) pages not including appendices and bibliographies. Your bibliographies must be in A.P.A style ( 5th edition ). Your assignment must be type written using Times New Roman type face with font size no 12 and double spacing. Students must also prepare Powerpoint slide presentation for the purpose of presentation. Last day of submitting assignment is two ( 2 ) days before your date of presentation. Before submitting your assignment, students are required to present in the class. Date of presentation will be set later. Choose one of the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Human resources planning. Human resources recruitment and selection process. Induction programmes. Staff development programmes. Performance appraisal . Handling ineffective teachers and support staff. Pay for performance. Career path or development of the teachers. School climate or healthy schools. Policies and regulations in the Human Resources Function. Training needs assessment.

12. Stress management. 13. On the job training and job rotation. 14. The important of job analysis.

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