Chapter 1: Parallel Thoughts

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Connor Unfried Kawaii Period 12/12/12 Symphony of Metal

Chapter 1: Parallel Thoughts

Connor wiped the sweat from his forehead. The arc welders required to phsyically weld the bonds for the GAM-ax-13's arms (otherwise known as the gamma thirteen, as everyone called it in the shop) were blistering. Heat was good, though. Connor was not thinking about comfort, rather he was distressed over the fact the fourth girl had shot down when he had asked her to lunch. The GAM-ax-13 was Connor's magnum opus. He wrote the schematics and plans, except due to a particular lack of foresight the original plan's head and the legs were unusable for the current model. Connor was a young adult of about 18 and had short blonde hair. You could rarely tell though because most of the time he had it slicked back. His eyes were a bland shade of blue and his favorite pair of jeans were still too long for him and the ends of the hem were ragged because he kept stepping on the back part which perpetually covered his heel. His current shirt was a normal tee with some rap artist on it. Rap really wasn't the preferred music of the 30th century. An excitable young lady who had bright red hair and even brighter green eyes

shouted out to Connor. "Come on, all you think about is that dumb mech anyways. Why don't you do anything with me?" Her features shone in the soft light of the welder. She was about sixteen. The poorly lit warehouse hardly supported the cheap light fixtures up top and sometimes if it was dark, workers would bring flashlights. It is worth noting that she was rather short, but her features slightly curvaceous and well rounded. Connor lifted his face mask showing his scowl. "What are you doing around here." Nej smiled wickedly. "I just asked where can Connor's girlfriend find him about now." Connor threw the welder aside and set the platform to move to the floor, away from the arm which was nearing completion. The GAM-ax-13 was a tall imposing robot with only two arms (an almost unheard of setback for any serious builder). The arms were set with long blades which could fold out and create a long curved blade which could slice through some of the best protected battling machines. Connor also knew the skeleton featured a system of small screws capable of pivoting so the arms can become wings. The legs did not function on this system and the plans needed redrafting from the bottom. Connor was still walking forward, when Nej punched him on the shoulder. "Well? Where to?" she whined. "Home." Nej's eyes flared defiantly, she huffed "No we're going to do something. Maybe you think you can just work on the stupid tin can all day and be alone? You think that will do you any good you jerk?" She started shaking. "What about me? You know you're

so dumb. All I want is to talk." Connor seemed unaffected by any of this. He was walking to the door. He held the door open, waiting for Nej. Nej shuddered and lunged at Connor, punching him in the stomach. She ran away, Connor didn't have to guess, she was probably tearing up or at least about to and controlling it, she was overemotional at times. Connor crumpled easily against the wall. He went limp, he didn't want to be fine after that hit, he didn't want to feel like he can chase after her, he just wanted to lie down. Connor cried. Chapter 2: God's Disciples The alarm buzzed loudly. Connor grunted and sat up in his bed. He swung his legs over and got up, clicking the alarm off as he did so. The room was a little messy trove of robot models and posters of random little things like music records and cartoon Japanese television shows. It was still a bit stuffy because he left the window closed last night. His phone vibrated. Connor checked it, just a text from Jeff. The text was (as Connor read it) Get the hell over here got some punk scrappers wanting to have at it Connor tossed the phone on the bed and got out of the room. The arena was just solid concrete and steel lining the floor. It was impossibly large, enough to dwarf the giant machines that regularly fought in it. Despite the size, the stands were still protected by a new technological innovation of clear metal, expensive, but these arenas were a giant source of revenue and recovering the investment was simple once the safety of the viewer was guaranteed (for the most part). So how about it, Hans, was it? How about that fight you think your little girl can

handle the cold knight of Pasadena Electronics, Connor Deirfnu? Jeff said with a wolfish grin. He was an average sized man with well trimmed sideburns and short spiked hair. He was dressed differently from the rest of the crew surrounding the GAM-ax-12, as where they had full protective gear (Large white jumpsuits internally padded with solid rubber); he was just dressed in a sweatshirt and a pair of jeans. His brown eyes burned with passion. Hans returned the grin, except his eyes were cold. He spoke mildly with a thick icelandic accent Keep talkin' big... I can't even think of what your name was. You lack have the newest Euphemia-Z-11: behind you. You're just another weakling about to get crushed. You and your Connor of Pasadena are just a pair of shits looking to have a pissing contest, I'm glad you display your shitty tin can on camera, so everyone can see that you can't even replace a single fuckin' eye. Jeff raised an eyebrow and backed away. Hands raised. He added All right, well the fight's about to get under way, Connor will show in a bit. The GAM-ax-12 belonged to a rich, successful crew. Oddly enough the support crew didn't have docks or on-ship magnetic catapults so even though the massive arena was the size of an island (the glass metal had tiny nano robots to magnify the action and zoom away, this was professionally handled by trained cameramen and always caught the action perfectly) it had to be dropped off of their freighter class ship on a platform, kneeling. The GAM-ax-12 was a tall imposing machine but once again despite their wealth and a month of maintenance the machine had imperfections everywhere. Some dents were still showing and it was missing the second O-ho-12 camera. The reason for this

was that a camera cost as much as an armory for any recent mech (this is because it's custom made to the complicated weapon systems and piloting style of Connor so that it had ridiculous demands for wiring and basic circuit lay out), and this would not settle when Connor was a designer first, pilot second. He needed as much funds as possible for the GAM-ax-13. With a missing Camera he only had his left side open with a full targeting system and had the battery drain faster so the single camera can still provide a full 180 degrees of vision. It's design was akin to that of an evil knight. The gamma twelve was fully cloaked. The cloth was strong enough to deflect minor laser fire and could absorb a high energy blast. Although it was expensive to create, and it held little benefits, the fans loved it dearly and heralded Connor as the cold knight. A black knight searching for a suitable opponent. The Euphemia-Z-11: was from a fairly well funded company and unlike Connor's, they flaunted what money they had. A full top of the line ship, gleaming with 4 operational catapult systems. They did their work inside so Hans simply stood out on the meeting pad which was a small gazebo in the exact center of the arena where pregame talk and interviews occurred, with his personal ship parked nearby and the crew ship out in the distance. Jeff cleared his throat, the interviewer in the middle immediately turned to him. He told him to wait to say something as the cameras still aren't rolling. Jeff simply shrugged and said All I was about to say we're ready. The sound of a motorcycle running heralded the appearance of Connor, who sped over to the mech and met with the battle crew. They handed Connor a headset and some gear, he threw on the jumpsuit and headset and got inside the GAM-ax-13. The cockpit

lied in the back and it featured a roomy chair. Connor grimaced as he got in, he used to think himself special and privileged as the cockpit was littered with small controls that a designer would deem unnecessary, but someone like a pilot would find invaluable. Though Connor's GAM-ax-13 has a completely redesigned cockpit. This mech was far behind his creations these days. He stood up and took off, the boosters blazed as the gazebo went underneath a hatch and the arena's great metal plates descended and ascended back into place, parks of terrain replaced the once bare metal plates. A cross of desert and ridiculously tall forest arose from those parts and the concrete was either covered in sand or kudzu. A glint came from Hans' crewship and the Euphemia-Z-11: was prepped on the magnetic catapult, a simple mechanism that guided the robot along like a rail gun where magnets propelled it along to assist in aerial launch. It was a simple slender frame of green and gold. It did not feature many weapons set on itself and it was standard, it's appearance mimicked the body of a young girl. The euphemia boosted gracefully along, as if it was dancing. It charged out like a force of beauty from the catapult as it approached to meet the knight of steel, the gamma twelve, which charged forward like a rocket. Only the GAM-ax-12's head and cloak were visible as it neared the Euphemia omega...

Chapter 3: Cost of Dedication

The gamma twelve met the euphemia in the air, uncloaking itself and revealing four arms, covered in a bright red paint, there was no finish on them and they looked battered. They had no armaments.

A voice came over Connor's speaker (and the audience heard all communications radio, it was a part of the entertainment). High pitched, maybe Icelandic, a girl's voice came over It seems you've gained a knack for cheap tricks. Especially those pieces of trash connected to your chest. She said laughing Then will you realize that you might as well finish production on your only decent mech before you accept challenges from superior fighters! Connor flipped a switch and muttered You'd do well to review the situation you're in before you gloat, Alexandra. The Gam-ax-12 grabbed at the smaller machine and restrained the arms by grabbing it by the arm and chest at the same time, although since the arms lacked any real horsepower he had to use all four. Any long time spectator would know that any grappling robot that went to the air tended to get wrecked, so the audience went silence in confusion, because he didn't even leave the two spare arms to defend his grapple. Alexandra's high pitched laugh came over the radio. Connor never really did like it when he heard a foreigner laugh, it always came off of as odd sounding. The euphemia omega bought a slender leg up and kicked off the arms easily. Connor got a glint in his eye as he smiled triumphantly, as he moved in a burst of action, pressing buttons madly. The Gam-ax-12's eye glinted fiercely as it flashed. The arms still held on tightly (despite being severed). Nobody got this either, any long time viewer would recognize the pressure locking fingers, which cost a pretty penny to have installed on even the most basic of appendages. The Gam-ax-12 shed both shoulders and revealed a booster on each

side instead, except they faced backwards. Normally extra boosters meant extra speed and maneuverability was provided by the air gliders or something not as extreme. The boosters fired and the force knocked the Gamma backwards and the legs kicked it's old arms against the chest and pushed off, much like a swimmer preparing to perform a backstroke, and boosted off. A firestorm erupted from the arms and high energy explosives maimed the Euphemia, as the escape pod ejected back to the ship in the distance, and the Gam-ax-12 entered free fall, as it lacked gliders, it simply used a parachute from the chest. Jeff's voice was over over the radio at that moment. He was talking in a joking tone Man, I'm going to hate hearing the feedback for this match. Jeff took a breath and in an impression of the announcers he introduced the gam-ax-12 The knight of knaves, the vassal of vagrants! The junk fighter with an extra pair of sleeves and aces, Connor Unfried with the Gam-ax-12! Connor laughed, the desperate tactics he employed recently were dangerously close to become his trademark and ruining his reputation. He really did put it all on the line to finish his Gam-ax-13 to perfection.

Chapter 4: The Knight of Misfortune

Jennifer raised an eyebrow at her date. He went off to stare at some models in a toy store, he was pretty strange. It was some weird greaser guy, probably an audiophile . He had a real knack for music. It was all he talked about, really. He was a nice enough

guy too, just was way too strange. Jennifer stood around the entrance to the toy store at the mall, it was midday summer, and the mall was designed so that the interior was well lit and always shaded, not to mention temperate. The stores lined up plentifully and it was still packed despite all of the room. The plaza was the only place that someone could relax. Even homes tended to be filled unless the owner was wealthy. Maybe Jen, you can just go turn around while he's screwing around and call your girlfriend, maybe go for some bubble tea. Jennifer thought to herself while she was sipping on a smoothie, watching him mess around checking his wallet to see if he could buy one. Man, maybe I can offer Connor some professional help. She thought as she walked away to get some bubble tea with her friend. Connor looked outside after he bought the model, it was a toy Gam-ax-11, completely out of date for clearance. He never did buy any of the models after the first ten, he looked forward to building it. Jennifer wasn't around. Sighing, Connor considered that she probably left him. Calling her would just get him promptly ignored. It was all his fault, he didn't even tell her anything. He didn't explain his love for robots or his life passion, she just didn't know. His phone received another text, which was from Mali. Mali was his co-ordinator and business manager. Co-ordinators organize a fighter's life and their matches. It also wasn't rare for a co-ordinator to be in charge of the machine, the accounting and all other territories. Connor still managed all of this, despite the trend and the stress of it. The text read as Connor! Good news, Reach Mechanics has accepted the challenge! The match is

tomorrow, come over soon so we can tune up the machine and practice the new controls some more! -Mali Connor winced. Mali didn't get the dynamics and Jeff barely understood the situation either. Connor didn't have much time to ponder on that, he did have a match coming up. It was normally suicide to challenge a match that quickly. Connor didn't get their thinking. Connor was running late, he had to buy some spare parts for after the match (as they submitted the mech's condition to the committee to be screened) it was already dark. Hans was waiting in their living room, holding Alexandra in his arm next to him. The living room was a roomy, comfortable place with a kitchen by it. They ate meals in this room or the kitchen. (Connor often ate alone in his room, since he tended to busy himself) a bar separated the room in the halfway and it was a heart warming light red that clashes pleasantly with an ocean blue. The light hues with a slightly warm temperature set made it fairly atmospheric for a pleasant experience. Alexandra's and Hans' features more apparent, now that they stood before him, Connor remembered meeting Alexandra many times in celebrity interviews, training and examinations. Hans was a new face though, his tightly drawn features with a look of a serious old man contradicted his pregame attitude. It also contradicted him as a father. He was kind and gracious, he always had to have dinner with the loser the day after, he reasoned that it was only fair that they help pay feed him and his daughter. No one ever dare refuse this, as he was a notoriously good man to dine with and always had a

rare vintage handy. Alexandra had soft features and was considerably attractive, despite her somewhat high pitched voice. Although she was a tad tall for Connor's tastes. Walking past the new dinner guests, Connor called for Mali who promptly appeared. He was an average height man with a colored complexion. He was a cross between all of the darker colors, Hispanic, African, Filipino. In fact it was more common after 10 centuries of cheap transportation to have crossbred populations, Connor was a rarity, being almost purely West and Central European. Even Jeff had some distinct Asian traits about him. Mali coughed Well, Connor, we might want to skip tuning and practice tonight, I mean with the esteemed-- Connor glared at him. It's fine, I'll go alone. You keep Hans and Alexandra company with the rest of the crew. Connor walked out of the main living room and moved on to the back room. The large Gam-ax-13 was a giant chest, no visible head and the cameras were hidden. It's limbs were just long appendages with no clear hands or feet, rather then ended in a folded blade. The only familiar part of the machine to the average human anatomy were shoulders, and the left shoulder there was GAM and on the right shoulder was a bold print of 13. The garage door was closed but the window on top of the warehouse let the moonlight in, casting a ghostly light on the 13. The warehouse was large, but the walls were just cement. The light on top (for the well insulated roof, which was a finer mix made for topping buildings) was just some simple lamps which barely lit the room so Connor decided that he'd just leave them off, he wasn't even training. The twin to the gam-ax-13 was outside, as it was visible through the window. A giant ship, connor's design too. Though it had to be built somewhere else. As

Connor can't weld together a ship on the spot like the robots. Pulling out his pack of cigarettes Connor looked down at it. He wasn't a fan of smoking, but he used it to relieve stress and there was a smoking rewards program to cut down on overpopulation. Connor lit the cigarette and smoked thoughtfully as he stared at the ominous omen, as he thought it. The number thirteen ten centuries ago was the target of a grave fear, and a deep rooted superstition. His thirteenth gamma was also the last one. The mechnot to be cloaked this time, a first in his famous line. A knocking came from behind Connor, and Alexandra walked through to enter the dark warehouse. Do you always brood in the dark before a match? Does it help you get in the mood or something? Connor had dropped the cigarette as soon as he heard her enter but no doubt she could smell it. Still, Connor didn't find it right to smoke in a lady's presence. He cleared his throat as he tried to speak and realized that it must have been awhile since he last spoke. Not exactly tradition, but it does help, I've found. Alexandra walked up to Connor boldly, speaking in an agitated Cut the crap, how insanely lonely do you have to be. You rarely spend any time with anyone. I've seen your 'dates', they last five minutes before they leave you or they just refuse in the first place. To be fair I'm rather worried about you. I always admired you so, and looked forward to my match with you, but it seems your loneliness has made you sunk even low enough to avoid fighting altogether! She spat. You know there was a time when you were glorious, and provided the arenas with more money than they knew what to do with, now you're already done with? Before you're even twenty?

Connor sighed If you could take your eyes off me, look ahead. Connor ran his hand through his hair and stared somberly at her That's my pride. That's what's been worth my degradation. If you truly want to face me, then reissue a challenge next month. You'll fight toe to toe with me. then he got up from lying up against the wall and walked back into the living quarters. Show me what the Euphemia can do, Alex. I've always had my eye on you Alexandra blushed, thankful for the low light setting and simply followed after him for a time so she could rejoin the dinner table. Connor strode through the apartment, it was unlike the living room. The rest of the apartment was cold and white, the walls and the ceiling had an unsettling effect on Connor, since they were so perfectly white. The doors were unpainted stainless steel which only opened up from the outside with a passcode. The apartment was connected to the warehouse, so it was an exceptional effort on the landowner's part to build the apartments considering the warehouse was more of an extremely large shack (when compared to the other housings for the machines). He jumped into bed after performing his routine preparations and waited for the abyss to take him for another eight hours... Connor woke up in his room again. He got up in his bed and grabbed his phone from the bedside table. Probably the last he'll see of it. He called up a storage agent to collect the valuables in case he was robbed. The new vessel that Connor had built was enough to house his crew, although the in-ship storage was small and was smaller than the warehouse. When Connor thought on it, he decided he'd miss the big room. He didn't need much space anyways. The twelve other Gammas were bought for the first commemorative museum dedicated to the robot battling sport. Connor got a text again.

Although at that time it said it was from Connor's father. Nicholas Deirfnu. The famous inventor who created the GAM system that allowed his son to build the battling machines to become successful. Connor had a face of disgust, must be something business related. My father's own number to get me, huh? I'll just have to get them back sooner or later. Connor thought. The text read as Hey Connor! Seems you have issues responding to me when you're about to fight me. Come to think of it, I can't believe you're the one who challenged me this time. See you soon! <3 Connor laid back. He sighed. Speaking lightly to himself he said ..Damn Connor shot up in his bed Wait... If she can text me through my dad... He took off his hair net. That means...

Chapter 5: Rise, Gamma 13! Roar, Gamma 13! Fight on!

Jeff was drinking a beer when Connor walked into the living room, for their half hour long goodbye party. Didn't know you drank in the morning. I thought only alcoholics did that. Connor said, inquisitive of this new development. Jeff moaned Getting rid of a hangover Connor smiled Brilliant thinking, try not to get wasted again, will you? Jeff nodded miserably

Reginald rushed hurriedly to Connor, the new captain for Connor's new ship. Reginald had sharp eyes, and he was a young man of about twenty five years. He had his hair in sort of a bedhead look and he spoke discipline and preparedness. The kind of captain Connor didn't want. He seemed exhausted and took a second to catch his breath from the run. When he regained his breath, Reginald said Excuse me, Connor, but your layout is... concerning me. He paused You see I'm not...-- Connor immediately responded You're not used to it. Well get used to it, this is the only strip I could afford and land is expensive. Very, very expensive. Make use of my investment and pilot the ship for practice beforehand. Reginald nodded promptly and left in a sullen manner. Connor sat down on the couch in the room. There was a simple TV and radio across from it. He looked down at the coffee table and noticed a cup of orange juice and scrambled eggs with bacon. Warm breakfast that didn't come from pre-prepared food was a rarity for anyone who lived here. Mali came from behind the bar, wearing a pink apron with the text #1 Mom with a broad smile on his face. You know, sometimes I do feel like your mom though. Eat up, I made that for you to commemorate the day we move out of this area and finally have a ship like any normal rank one participant!( When the competition starts for the season, each team is given grant money to build a machine, and then they play matches against each other to gain money. Even the losing side will make a small profit as everyone participating is salary. The more money, the better the robot, the higher the league. There are ten leagues. Each league isn't required but it's the only way to keep competition fair once all the participants play enough matches and their robots vary too

greatly. - The Mech Arena for Dummies, Zenk Rederet) Connor smirked, he added graciously All thanks to everyone here. Right Mali? We've worked hard to get here. Mali nodded, but then returned the grin with a deep smile and replied Ah we've all did our share, but not as much as you have. This is your labor, your ship. Your machine. Enjoy it, Connor. Connor nodded, his mind whirled. He could only think of Nej and their upcoming fight... He had some theories but nothing solid. Connor pulled out a small pocket diary, which contained specs and models. It... Shouldn't be but I believe it is... There... As he flipped through the pages quickly he found the schematics for the mech... Ah there is is, project unkown... Wait! Connor stopped and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. Jeff scratched his chin, there was getting to be a stubble and he was dangerously approaching a beard instead of just sideburns. He asked in a concerned voice, Hey man, what's got you down. That's not like you. Mali was stunned when he saw Connor pull out the pack. Connor raised an eyebrow and nodded as he lit the smoke. Change in plan, I'm making three routine flights to adapt to the machine. Connor grabbed his radio from the desk housing all of his plans open for review by the engineers in their spare time. He was hoarse over it, obviously trying to show his urgency. Land the damn ship, you're gonna wing it when we take off, I need to do practice flights... Connor walked out of the living room and looked at the grassy steppe. The apartment was somewhere around what was Russia, but cheap and fast transportation

made countries lose their identity. It was flat and the grass was long and tough. It must have been around fall because it was fairly cold, but not the harsh winters. It was still morning but Connor found his palms covered in sweat anyways. Connor focused ahead, now in the cockpit looking out at the arena, the Gazebo was already up, although it was a tiny dot. The catapult was a small runway with a platform meant for holding the Gam-Ax-13, it shot forward because of magnetics to launch a mech prepared to boost ahead out. Connor put the chair back a bit forward, he liked the discomfort. Meanwhile at the Gazebo, Jeff was sitting in a chair with a famous interviewer who was known as Jerid The Grill Kempf. He was known for his work in comedy sketches and interesting pre-game for most sporting events. Although now he had a serious look about him. Jerid's features were simple. He had an average face with dull brown eyes, his hair was slicked back, although it was kept tightly down unlike Connor's, which was slightly teased up. He wore a simple black suit with a white rose in it. As where there was another face who sat on Jerid's other side. He was a giant of a man with features, piercing. Green eyes and short red hair. He was muscular and wore a suit, but was clearly uncomfortable in the plain suit which was of a cheap make, clearly not his regular attire. Jerid nodded once the cameraman announced the film was rolling. He spoke smoothly, as he had rehearsed these lines. Even I can't make light of this match. Reach Mechanics vs. Pasadena Electronics. Impressive, impressive. I've heard Connor has a new mech from this from the committee themselves. I hear it's the final one in the line too, the GAM-ax-13! Is this all correct, Jeff?

Jeff nodded in agreement. Totally. Reach mechanics has a new pilot and a new mech? Jerid raised an eyebrow. Surprised you know, but yes, indeed. The mysterious man in a poor suit leaned forward and said Yes. Indeed, I tire of talk these interviews are always the same. Let's just fight! and with that, the brute of the man pressed the button to let down the Gazebo and start the match. Jerid paled and shouted No Zeke! Stop! What the he--and then the feed was cut. Connor got the go ahead and launched the GAM-ax-13 with the approval of his operator, Ashley. Ashley's voice came over the headset Alright! The GAM-ax-13 is currently a fair bit of miles away from the enemy craft. Can't tell you anything yet, will you want regular reports as information becomes available, Connor? The GAM-ax-13 finally came forth from the catapult, bursting like a giant X, the appendage blades folded out and the folded in. It was a fearsome flight mode because it's speed was unparalleled at that time in this form. Easily bursting forward creating an array of light greens and dark reds, as the air gliders and boosters mixed. Connor pondered on if everyone still lost this horribly if airship crews allowed you to have an operator for your fights. Connor pressed a button and spoke into the headset. Any information will do. Please inform me, and do not check if I understand or anything. I'll need my full focus and it's enough that I need to focus on news. Ashley's voice came over again Understood. Connor nodded to himself and burst ahead. The black GAM-ax-13 shone with a

terrible light and white marks lined the blades and appendages. There was still no visible manipulators or head. The giant red mech came into view. It was a demon in appearance, and it shared traits of the GAM-ax-1. A red demon with a slender frame and the trademark cloak that started it all. Connor reached for the radio but a voice came over already. Nej's voice came over straight this time, she sounded controlled. Connor could imagine her face right now. Her features re-entered his mind, he cursed under his breath that he couldn't smoke in the cockpit as she spoke over the radio. Connor, it seems you followed that ambitious design through... really a work of art among all of these other tin cans. Are you surprised I'm the one you're fighting? Connor kicked a pedal, to meet her in combat faster and spoke over the radio No, Nej, you gave me enough to know. You're the only person who could have gotten those blueprints and you are licensed to pilot battle machines... Why though? Nej's voice came over trembling. ... I wanted to get in a mech that I knew was stronger than anything you'd have, your dad gave me that option. I will destroy any machine that you get into. I won't let you live your passion, I fight for love, Connor. You really are worth it, you're all I've learned to care about. I won't let you stand up and fight for your own interests! her voice was shaking badly at this point. Connor nodded to himself again. Alright, you've said enough. His mech charged past the demon that nej piloted, missile pods launching from the wings to attack.

The GAM-ax-13 spun around instantly, the air gliders flaring creating a bust of yellow and green behind it. The appendage blades flew back, hands and feet came forth. The mech's back opened up revealing a full booster pack on the back, the pack took over the airgliders job as the primary source of propulsion, and the GAM-ax-13 drew a vibration saber. Vibration weapons were melee weapons that vibrated at high speeds to deliver cut to reinforced metals. Connor grimaced. To himself he added quietly, You really have said enough... You think you're the only one hurting, but I'm the one who's being torn apart... Connor cried.



Nej grunted, the controls were more than she expected. Connor and his father thought exactly alike, the machine was not made for ease of use... The missiles exploded prior to contact with the red mech. The demon (as Connor was testing) did indeed carry anti-missile weaponry. The red demon mech drew a beam

saber. Expensive, meaning the mech didn't have many other weapons. Beam sabers had massive energy requirements and depleted fairly quickly. Though they still trumped Vibration blades in combat despite this limitation. Connor grimaced. My father never added weapons to any of his designs, did Nej think up of all this? She never showed any interest in the sport... Connor ground his teeth as he reached for the advanced control panel. The GAM-ax-13 threw the vibration sword above him, after a short while air gliders turned on and the sword moved around as if it had free will, dodging around the demon suit. The GAM-ax-13 drew what looked like a brass knuckle, except painted red and it covered the back of his hand rather than the knuckle area. With a hissing sound, a large red beam barrier came out. It was a grand shield, and the first of it's kind. The GAM-ax-13 also flicked it's wrist and another vibro blade came out. The machine charged forward, shield covering the advance. The vibro blade drawn back, ready to strike once he entered range. The vibro blade currently gliding around also turned to flank Nej. One sword isn't going to be enough, asshole. Nej thought to herself. The demon quickly brough the beam sword up to slash the vibro sword just barely enough to damage the motor, and spun the sword hand so the saber was brought down on the front of the shield, causing the GAM-ax-13 to lose it's balance and recover into a defensive stance. Nej's voice came on the radio You should realize eventually that you can't win. You might as well be fighting your own father.

Connor grinned to himself, the tears still falling down his cheeks. If that's really all my father had to give me to fight, I'm disappointed... Connor's hand moved under the control panel. Nej... I hope you didn't bank it all on that outdated machine... Connor felt the radio switch, then the loudspeaker switch. The GAM-ax-13's sleek voice came over for the first time. It was a programmed response once the loudspeaker came on. Voice recognition enabled came the response. Connor brushed a tear away and dramatically spoke. When the dark ages end... I will exist in the RENAISSANCE! Activate, RENAISSANCE system! The GAM-ax-13 threw the beamshield, catching the red demon off guard and throwing it back. The machine flashed bright red and the black was all gone, so where the white stripes. All that remained was a glorious bright light red, and from the top of the chest, now there lay a cavity where a head came up. The head looked beautiful and the visor shone in the artificial light. Connor's seat went below the machine's floor and the panels slid under, revealing only his surroundings around him perfectly. His arms and where strapped into an apparatus while he was standing and then the floor collapsed to form a perfect dome of vision. Connor finally noticed the environment below was all jungle, an odd pick. The artificial atmosphere was a bright blue, brighter than the faded blue of the sky that surrounded earth during these times. He barely glanced at all of this, because even if the pilot was Nej, the mechanical menace he faced was far greater than any other he dared to challenge. The new light red that shone with a brilliant power, compared to the dark blood

red of his father's original design contrasted greatly to his son's invention. Connor grunted and took up a fighting stance, sword readied for a lunge attack. First to himself, Connor muttered Well here goes nothing... and then with the loudspeaker on he shouted Saint's Straight! With blinding speed the new transformed machine made one more change, large ethereal angel wings sprouted from the boosters, and the air gliders worked far beyond specified capacity, without weapon the new improved GAM charged through weaponless at the recovering red demon. Nej laughed. Transformation or not, he was weaponless. Just a simple parry from the beam saber... The red demon was torn apart. The GAM-ax-13 landed it's hands on the body of the demon before the hand even had time to react. With a loud straining sound the body was torn in half and the cockpit was revealed. (Typically a trap door in the back was used for cockpit release but since the body was torn in half the cockpit could easily boost out) the cockpit's mini thrusters took off and the craft zipped off back to the ship. Nej bit her thumb as she sat in the cockpit, it was a bit frustrating because the cockpit didn't contain the main power source so there was a red flashing light now and an alarm was sounding. It's always so hopeless... Just dumb luck... Connor... Connor... Nej was a bit choked up, and pulled out her phone. She said Zeke, I have an idea... she was smiling Connor glided back into the hatch, landing in humanoid form. Jeff and Mali waited there (as they were the only people who can stand idle after a match) staring at it slack jawed.

Connor jumped out. The hatch room was just filled with the mechs, all GAMs and GAM prototypes for the other pilots in the company. The room was dark and a bit stiff, the crew members were working diligently to bring the GAM-ax-13 in and make the repairs and restore anything lost. Jeff broke the silence with a laugh. He said in a joking tone Man, that was some secret you kept. Hell, I didn't even know you gave it hands! The wings just about killed me. You some kind of angel now? Connor nodded. ...Was some secret. He said quietly. Connor ran his hand through his hair. Excuse me, gonna go get some rest. he added. Mali looked concerned but then seemed to think better about asking anything and just said Well you just show up for dinner, we're gonna have a real feast for the debut match. You know I slave over a hot stove every time you win for a reason! Connor nodded. Connor turned around and set off to his room. Connor walked through the ship, he didn't design the dcor for the interior and he didn't have an interior designer so it was cold and gray all over the ship. The design of the interior build wise was very luxurious though, Connor had some taste for architecture. Once he got to his room he lay on his bed, no new texts this time, a blessing. Connor cried.


It was an afternoon at the mall. Christian swung the bag over his shoulder again, it

was heavy but he had to make the deliveries. The sun was blazing and the temperature at the mall wasn't regulated like other malls, since the area was poorer. Christian sighed, he was a 13 year old boy with brown hair and a freckled face. He wondered what life was like for kids that didn't have to work all day and sometimes. There was a man strolling around the mall. He found the kid with the sack. He seemed very laid back, his face had features one could only describe as lazy and he wore his hair in a loose ponytail. He shouted over at Chris. Hey kid, I'm twenty-nine-fourty. That's mine. Chris checked, sure enough he was the one. Chris nodded and prepared to hand the man his bag. The mysterious laid back man immediately grabbed Christian and put a rag to his mouth and nose, Christian was out in seconds after a struggle. The crowd didn't care, they had their own issues, a kid getting drugged and kidnapped didn't mean anything. Connor looked on, he stopped by to resupply and watched the boy getting kidnapped. Ain't worth a damn credit, ain't nobody going to save him... Although I can't say anything. Christian woke up. His mind was in a fog, his head swam. He looked around but nothing made sense, it was just a gathering of bright lights. A voice came over the headset (Christian didn't notice it was on him until the voice came on) Christian, you were the hardest bargain all day, five hundred thousand credits. Your mom and pa can live in space now. Christian smiled as it all fell together for him. He was choking up. His throat made odd sounds. I'm... a slave? Well at least... they don't have to starve anymore. Countless

needles penetrated Christian. Christian was unfazed, any kid from the slums had more needles than a desperate junky. Christian cried. The needles contained a solution which made Christian's veins tingle. He suddenly became aware of everything. The cockpit was fairly streamlined and the controls were simple. Christian actually felt the machine move with his thoughts, more than the controls moved the machine. The controls consisted of 6 simple buttons and movement was controlled with a pair of movable panels, how this functioned Christian had no clue. Christian wiped his tears and surveyed his surroundings. He was in some ship's hold. He could tell he was in the maintenance block because the mechanics surrounded everything but his machine. He couldn't really discern what they were doing... Wait... A magnetic catapult? Christian's eyes grew wide. They expect me to fight in this thing? Christian's mind raced rapidly, no longer able to process the situation. Christian didn't have to process the situation, though. The voice came back over. Alright kid, you fight to live. You don't fight we kill you the second that cockpit comes back, and you'll be a disgrace. You put up a good effort and manage a draw we'll just teach you a lesson. You. Can't. Lose the radio shut off immediately. The radio didn't have a button to respond with. Alexandra was in the cockpit of the Euphemia, ready to go. Alexandra reached for the control panel, releasing movement locks. She spoke into the headset Euphemia, ready to launch.

Her operator Jaufry came over, his Germanic accent thick. Ja. Catapult five loaded and ready to fire, synced with gazebo. Hans looked over, the interviewer was a newbie this time and a small tender man sat on the couch on the opposite end. He had long hair and seemed rather new, smiling sheepishly. He has truly soft, almost baby-like features. Though he was handsome, it was more cute. He purchased a mech arena team just a month ago and he had a rank one lineup. The interviewer was just a simple man used to luxury. A taper cut styled in a manly short cut, his features contrasted the new team leader as he was the epitome of what a real man should look like. He coughed as said Well Blanc, it seems your new team is shaping up brilliantly, although this time I understand it's a test pilot who wishes to remain anonymous? Why not use someone like Tybalt? The young boyish man smiled nervously. When he spoke up, it was a quiet response. Can't always play your t-t-trump card too early, right? I f-f-figured I'd let this experimental model prove itself he stuttered amateurishly as he was rarely asked the questions in interviews until now. That's the second time I got put on the spot... The gazebo is setting... I have until it disappears. Focus Chris... Focus godammit! Christian's palms were slick with sweat once the magnetic catapult fired and Christian launched. Christian froze... He didn't know why. There was seemingly nothing wrong at that point in time. He sat there, frozen in terror, as he charged forward to nothing, as he could see. The night was dark and his machine didn't have the lights turned on. Then it hit Christian... He felt the wind.

A high pitched voice came over the radio You're a newbie, aren't you? No lights and you're barely moving at all, so you can't have night vision like me. I guess I'll have some fun seeing the look on rich boy's face... Christian panicked and jolted the controls to the side. It felt like his arm had exploded. Christian couldn't see anything but the pain in his arm was real. The euphemia charged in the pitch of the artificial night and struck the robot's left arm. The girlish robot squarely struck the limb and it should have been torn clean... Alexandra smiled as the ghastly robot made the counter attack. She thought to herself I've never seen anything so... creepy. It's like a walking spider, except the extra legs are boosters and gliders. Ugh, a freak probably pilots it. The robot grabbed the Euphemia and the spider based robot got a grapple through. The commentators were shocked that the Euphemia let this happen twice, trying to trade blows with a clear grappling machine after losing a robot to Connor? Alexandra smiled widely, she's been waiting for this chance. The euphemia now being held still by the spider struggling in the air as the euphemia cut her boosters with the air gliders not functioning since they require smooth movements to catch currents to ride. The euphemia had a pulse of green energy and a long energy blade came out and sliced off the limbs with quick precision. Alexandra's voice came over the radio Fall for the same thing twice? Don't make me laugh! Christian cried out. The pain was too much, both of his arms were cut off leaving

the boosters. It was no use, Christian had no clue what to do, no training. Can't win em all, can ya, Christian? Was bad luck, really all that I got to say. Bad luck, man... Ugh maybe I can...? Screw it, I'll die... It's all hopeless, ain't it? All I got waiting for me is another fight and another fight. Living? Who would want to live anyways. I'm glad I didn't win... Christian cried.


Connor moved through the town, the experience at the mall earlier that day bugged him. Further more, this was the last town that used skyscrapers instead of underground facilities. Connor was paranoid despite having spent the day here, afraid that one of them would fall over. Why would they let such tall buildings crowd the city? Still in the poverty struck region of Philidelphia, the buildings towered in the night sky, the smoke rolled through the streets as a waywardly breeze tossed the fumes through the city. The trench coat Connor wore fit him nicely, although the price didn't. The price in credits could have been enough for some spare wires and maybe a good tool... Ridiculous, Connor though to himself. The stores lined up among their giant companions, they were all for cheap foods. Mexican, Asian, European, all sorts of restaurants lined the streets. Connor sighed and decided on a sushi bar. The small joint was fairly tightly packed, eyes glued on the screen. Connor made his order, not even paying attention to what he ordered and watched the game. The lighting was poor but the camera caught the action well enough.

Connor was thinking as he watched the match. Damn, that's a scary machine... Spiders always gave me the creeps. Euphemia going in? It's planning on grappling, Alexandra has something nasty planned. Sure enough, as if on queue the Euphemia revealed a green bust of energy, like a speedy Chinese dragon chasing around the machine. The opponent lost 2 limbs and almost lost the match right then and there. The ads rolled and the commentators talked about the system and how it revealed a lining for it all over the machine so that limbs could be cut off in a grapple. It even had a guiding system particularly for the kind of enemies it was designed for (to avoid a repeat mistake with Connor) The waiter came to Connor with his order once he found a spare seat. Nobody was by him, this was fine. Eating alone at a bar watching a friend do something was kind of depressing though, but he definitely wasn't wasting his time... At any time now... The Euphemia backed away after slicing off the limbs, it went back to reengage with the mysterious robot as Connor prepared to eat the first roll, but then the Spider robot snapped as if it was snapping into attention and one of it's eyes flashed a brilliant light, it charged forward, arms still falling at it's sides to the bottom of the arena, at the Euphemia and... The TV went out. Connor let out an exasperated gasp and finished his meal hastily, preparing to run out to deliver the message early so he can get back on ship with the materials and see the replays later... The man in the ponytail that Connor saw kidnapping the kid earlier came up to him. I'm here for the message...

Connor grimaced, his hand immediately going for his knife. Connor took a few steps back and asked politely Can I get a code then, sir? The man with a lazy face responded quickly Five-oh-four-two-one Connor grabbed the parcel from his trench coat pocket and held it up. The pay, sir? Connor said, holding tight to the message. The man threw Connor a card, it had the right amount of credits marked with a tracking device to the owner if it wasn't. The tracking device followed the owner directly since the trackers were in his bloodstream. Connor backed away slowly, the man backed away too, and once out of each others vision they simply walked away. Connor wiped sweat from his forehead. He thought to himself God damn what the hell is up with that guy? Connor opened his cell and sent a text alert to Mali so he can pick him up, the deed was done. Mali spun the car around the curb, the car was a vintage model, remade more times and for more generations than he could count, it was his pride and joy. A black sports car. It was rare because it still utilized wheels, Mali enjoyed taking advantage of the paved road in poorer towns. Connor got into the Car, interior was leather. A very respectable method of transportation. The ride was uneventful and Connor flicked out another cigarette butt once they neared the ship. Mali smiled You think of anything? You were smoking like a fiend the whole time. Connor responded cryptically. The next fight. Mali sighed and they both got out of the car, the main hold for the ship as dull as

ever. Connor went back to his room and pulled out his phone Interior designer for hire huh? He thought to himself. I'll hire that one lady, she had an apprentice too...


The Gazebo was once again out in the center of the arena, with the gentle faced Blanc to the left, and Jeff to the right. There was no banter. Jeff yawned and suggested Alright just bring out the freak mech. It'll get crushed. Can't fight on the same arena twice anyways. Blanc smirked Yes, let's get on with it. The Genein is ready. The match isn't even worth commentating Jeff raised an eyebrow I remember people talking down the GAM line. Maybe you don't remember the legendary Dr.Deirfnu. You're going against the man who changed the era, in effect. The interviewer pressed the Gazebo button, the time ran out. He let out an exasperated sigh because most of the time was wasted on a technical difficulties report and an emergency news flash over the air. Connor checked out his system, this time starting out in RENAISSANCE mode. The catapult clicked, and the GAM was off. The gazebo fell through and the Arena filled with water... Connor sighed as he had to activate the headset Prepared to roll back for aquatic combat, Ashley. Please prepare the standard kit. Ashley's voice came over, this time she seemed confused. Well, uh, you see...

The standard kit is currently in repair. Let me see which ones are available... Connor smashed his hand into the control panel What? What happened? Ashley responded promptly Well according to the aquatics division there were tiny spiders applying metal rotting chemicals to the parts... Hm... Ah, we have bombadier, sniper, torpedo, and steel wind available for use, and we have an allowance to prepare one to ship. Connor raised an eyebrow. That's a bit tacky of the opponent, making it so obvious. We don't have a vibro master set available? Nope, there are no Vibro blades available either Connor kicked back and waited for the adjustments Bombadier, prepare steel wind. Launch on command Confirmed. Prepare to launch in 10 seconds, attachments being added. Then sliding boxes came to the catapult lane side and waterproofed the mech and adding pieces of armor and weaponry. The appendage blades were covered in black boxes, and the booster and air glider areas were water propellers. The boxes slid away after adding a final black box strapped to the GAM's chest. Ashley reported the situation neatly Initializing take off on catapult 5-A, tighten hatch entry and all spare holes, prepare for submersion! GAM launches in 3... 2... 1! Connor braced himself as he dashed forward, the artificial lake still was not full so he free fell into the water... This time the water was fairly murky, compared to what he was used to. The machine was using something to darken the environment, maybe it's aquatic form used ink to continuously darken an area until it diffuses... Connor thought to

himself. The Geinen appeared as if from nowhere and charged the GAM as it stood in the center of the cloud of ink. Christian charged into the ink bomb area, this time he felt like he was moving through the water himself... He was unpleasantly surprised with himself, but it was getting a bit fun... The movement and the game intoxicated him as a spectator but now as a player he could see the GAM before him. I've never seen the GAM! I could only afford to watch rank 9 matches in arena and I had to hear about it over the radio... What a great mech... Why is he just standing there? The Geinen struck at the GAM. The strike seemed strong and calculated, a certain win for the Geinen if it landed. The perfect reflexes and limitless movement of the machine surprised Connor. It just didn't move like a robot. Game over. Christian thought to himself. The GAM before the Geinen was ethereal, it held no phsyical form, and then the ink warped about in front and the GAM seemed to bend with it slightly... Christian threw his head up, the drugs long term effects allowed him to directly see through the camera. Although now he required a nerve connection to the machine. There was a burst of motion in the ink cloud above him. The GAM returned the Geinen's stare. Connor smiled widely, looking down at the Geinen from the RENAISSANCE cockpit. Posed with appendage blades out, fully drawn, pointing towards the Geinen. Oxygen bubbles rose from the new bulky boxes and holes riddled the forms, propelled bombs and mines scattered everywhere below him the massive display of the deathly

array was impossibly large, bombs littered the area by the hundreds. The Geinen speedily threw itself away and avoided most of the barrage as he kept his front propellers fired slowly. A bold waste of energy, as rotors took a lot of power to spin fast enough to propel the mechs. Fourteen homing missiles came toward the Geinen, who used his booster leg (as the boosters on the Geinen's backpack had legs on them) to fire at them. 12 of them went down but two hit his legs, immediately crippling Christian. Christian gripped his controls as the pain flowed through him. He was frantically looking about to find the GAM. The GAM was nowhere to be found, as it returned to cover in the ink fog. The Geinen put it's hand forward and started spraying a thick stringed substance around, it seemed to halt and Christian started weaving a web. The web was a band of six strings when the GAM charged forward colliding with it. Connor's controls seized up, the GAM... Christian clearly saw the GAM and it didn't look like it did last time, instead of the heavy black breastplate covered in lenses with the giant black boxes it now was covered in slender blades of a metal alloy that gleamed even in the inky environment. The GAM was in flight form when beam swords formed around the ending of the drawn appendage. Immediately slicing the mysterious cord, as where not even a vibro blade could slice it. Since the bottom legs had the function too, Connor's camera went temporarily blind with oxygen bubbles from the boiled water. The GAM transformed so it could move backwards and prepare for combat, but...

The Geinen didn't move, but now it had two weapons on each hand, when fired harpoons shot out towards the GAM. The GAM tried to dodge down but the Harpoons followed his trajectory slightly. Connor grimaced and prepared the loud speaker. Connor passionately yelled Revolution Cut! The harpoons landed, but a transformation was taking place. The GAM instead of forming an X shape now merged two sets of it's appendage and it became a giant beam saber, charging with the added speed of the harpoons. Christian had a single tear come to his eye. He wasn't sure how he would win, but without thinking he jerked the left panel. The Geinen boosted with everything left, pulling with the charging blade in tow. Connor's eyes widened, the Geinen was glowing red. It moved at least twice as fast than previously. I got careless, huh? Damn. The Geinen dropped the harpoons, the chest now gleamed and right before the Geinen was sliced in twain, a massive blast came from it's breastplate. The GAM was pushed back and Connor transformed into humanoid, the slender blade-like design remaining. Christian sighed a breath of relief, although it was then he noticed, the GAM was still moving. What? Is he cheating? The power should be out and there's no batteries affordable to maintain that much energy... What? Connor sat in the cockpit. He could only see directly in front of him down the middle, a tiny room of camera. The rest was shut off. Connor also turned off lower extremity function in reserve.

Connor grimaced in the RENAISSANCE cockpit, bathed in an unusual darkness. Connor started focusing his breath. Ashley came over the headset The Geinen is planning on evading again, due to changes in water currents... Shut up. Connor pressed the radio Draw your damn sword The Geinen's multiple eyes lit a dark red, the hue reflecting on the quickly diffusing cloud of ink. Connor was holding the radio button Come on. The Geinen grabbed a leg attached to the booster and upon drawing the limb, it straightened out into a spear, the blade was black and green, it seemed almost completely hidden, were the cloud thicker it would have been completely invisible. Connor spoke in an admonishing tone. You might want to have used that earlier... I don't understand why you'd make such a simple mistake, it's like you don't want to risk anything. Christian made a rueful smile, knowing the mistake. You... Are so lucky. You can gamble and win... Who cares if you lose, who cares. Christian started shaking Go to hell... With his and the Geinen's gaze focused on the GAM (arguably they shared the same gaze) blood covered one eye and his mouth was warped through the deep emotion and pain, no longer a budding youth striving to save his family. The Geinen trembled momentarily as it charged forward, Spear ready to run the GAM straight through the body. Go to hell.

The GAM did not stir. It simply floated there as air bubbles gently caressed the frame and the inky cloud cleared up more. Go to hell! The Geinen's ghastly spear almost made contact with the GAM. The GAM sprung into action, reaching out. GO TO HELL! The Geinen feinted and pulled the spear back, ready to deliver the final blow, a wide sweep across the GAM's now slender frame. The GAM connected, grabbing the back, and seemingly ripping something off. There's nothing to grab on the body, what is he doing... Christian thought to himself again. Even if there was something to grab it's over... The GAM closed it's fist. A massive explosion erupted and Chris felt extreme pain in his back, blood ran down the slender steel nerve cables. Jeff's voice was audible now, since experienced fighters (and long time spectators) often tuned out the voice of the announcers. His tone professional We commandeer the Geinen and hire the pilot for our crew under articles 14h and 2v of the Mech Arena rules, in other words, the Anti-slavery and psycho-synthetic technology clauses. A giant wire shot from the GAM-xa-1 (The name of the ship as it came to be once the blueprints released) and it hooked on to the GAM, putting it in tow, hanging on to the disabled Geinen with one arm, as the other arm was not spared by the vicious spear attack. The towing system was slowly pulling in the two machines as the crowd roared in

disgust and rage, the richer class did care about slavery, their morals in place comparatively. The monitors and the screens (now that the fight was over) went to normal television, Christian's portrait was displayed before everyone, gasps filled the stands. It was just a kid, luckily it was his school portrait, saving the arena from answering for his current condition. Blood soaked and twisted in pain, his tender young body hooked up to a large metallic chair, in a dark, faintly glowing room lit by a soft red light. There was also a fecal matter facility, and a protein paste dispenser. Christian had lived in the grim room for the two months that he fought and won consistently. Blanc smashed his cigarette butt on the ground. The man on the phone had a slick voice, his dialogue was witty and filled with deceit. Blanc smiled as he talked into the phone Ah, another hundred million credits, I don't even supply the repair money for all of the underground betting, black market mech gambling... It's a shame you didn't take up this craft. The voice on the phone returned this statement Hardly a craft, you lack talent. In any event don't bother showing up to court, we'll just fill you in with email transcripts etc. etc. you'll walk away just giving the parents more money. The slave boy can gain nothing once we show his petty theft totals and criminal history... Stuck in limbo. Blanc laughed Ah well I cheated the parents out of some credits, they can have it. The poor bastards The phone line was cut, Blanc checked the amount of time the call lasted. What an arrogant Lawyer, does he expect me to notice that he cut off the call exactly before he charged another hour? The soaked Geinen and GAM crashed, they were thoroughly totaled, to the floor

of the hatch once the tow cleared them a couple thousand feet to bring them to the ship. Connor jumped out of the GAM's cockpit door located in the chest. The red jumpsuit stuck out even more now that the GAM's frame was covered in steel plating. Jeff and Mali once again waited to greet Connor. Jeff raised an eyebrow at Connor, and asked politely What, not going to meet mysterious slave boy? Connor pulled out a smoke. Not that lunch wasn't good, I'd rather I didn't have to taste it again. He said in a cryptic tone as he walked off to his room to organize some plans and manage the crew a bit. Mali nodded. He steeled himself, the med kit he held in his hand was certainly not an idle addition. A group of engineers followed them as the walked over to the Geinen and opened the hatch door. The rotten flesh scent filled their nostrils, along with the fecal matter systems failing, the stench was near unbearable and the engineers entered with their tools. Christian proved difficult to remove, and the engineers didn't touch his face. They didn't want to see what lied under the long locks of disheveled hair. The brown was a faded tone and the only discernible feature was a long string of saliva that hung below his hair. The engineers called in professional medics to help remove the nerve system, he still bled copiously at the disconnection and was shortly paralyzed. It was predicted the paralysis would wear off soon. Giant holes riddled Christian's back. His limp, pale figure was dragged through the cockpit as a suitable stretcher for the patient would not fit... When a doctor pulled back Christian's hair to check him, tears were still streaming down his cheeks.

Chrstian cried this time, but it was not sorrow that overtook his tear ducts. Rather it was bliss. Mom... Dad... Maybe I can forgive them and... and things will be alright... Christian thought in his pseudo conscious as he passed in and out of awareness, feeling no pain and incapable of sight... Just him alone to his own thoughts. The Geinen's awareness removed... The demon left him, and there was a terrible hollowness remaining. Christian pondered as his thoughts lay intact, maybe the Geinen was really his friend the whole time... There was times he imagined the Geinen talked to him in the middle of the day when he was given time to view recreational material... The Geinen in particular seemed to share it's happiness with Christian when they would watch movies about the old extinct spiders of the old days... Come back, please... I miss you Tears continued to stream down Christian's comatose face.


Connor kicked his shoes off as he pulled out his phone. Another morning gone to waste he figured, it was 11:30 AM and he had slept till that point. Connor scrolled through his unsurprisingly blank social media pages and looked up Christian Minson's picture. That's the person who will be the focus of the anti-slavery special airing on countless channel's officially sponsored by the arena tonight... Ah, it reminds me

of the kid who I saw getting kidnapped... Should have done something. Connor thought to himself As Connor stared at the bright screen a message came on. Rise and shine! Check out this video. -Reginald Connor grunted, the relationship him and Reginald had eventually turned into captain and subordinate. That was completely fine as Reginald did his job well. Connor clicked the link in the message and watched the video. Sure enough it was a recorded copy of the Christian special. He sat down in a nice well furnished room with a nice enough lady who was interviewing him. Christian was in a light tee and his emaciated frame was shown well. The once naturally slightly plump boy was now a skeleton of himself. The light tee and his baggy shorts sagged over him. The lady was a middle aged woman who could have been anyone's mother. Her warmth seemed genuine enough and she seemed concerned for the young ex-slave before her. She drew in a breath and asked politely Sweety, can you take off the shirt so everyone can see where the scars are? We need to show how bad psycho-synthetic technology is... Christian nodded and pulled the tee off of his body. He struggled to pull his head through the neck but managed it after awhile. Christian

kept wincing in pain as he pulled the shirt off. Even the bandages were bled through entirely, and the areas not tightly wrapped with cloth were still slightly mangled and charred by electrical burns. There was no indicator of the shock and horror, rather the only indicator was the viewer's own disbelief. Connor seemed rather jaded on the subject though and turned off the video. Upon pocketing his phone, still in his bed; Connor got up and went to sit on his working desk to complete a report to the arena on the Christian investigation. ...And with Mali sharing intel from a group of test scientists who work with nerve connections. (Blanc had a few trusts buying out psycho-synthetic materials in a spread out fashion to hide the intent of the purchases) I installed low detection/low energy explosive indicators for the XEZ camera systems so I could prevent his loss from killing him, as I am familiar with Blanc's theories and ideas. Not to mention this is not the first time I have dealt with Psycho-synthetic technologies. Two years prior there was a tournament, my first one; there I fought a psycho-synthetic machine... Further detail is irrelevant. Connor typed this out and wheeled back. He didn't add the fact that he saw a kidnapping go down and simply knew to look in the first place because of the odd happenings in child collection and odd job management in poorer sectors. Since this would get him in trouble with the Arena and it would be leaked to the media.

God damn I'm such a loser Connor spat to himself. Connor got up to prepare himself for the interview with the interior decorators apprentice. Mary sighed, she really didn't want to be an interior decorator. She really wanted to be some artist, not a terribly good one though. She didn't think she could do that. Though maybe she could be one that made enough money to live from their drawings. The form of expression appealed to her. Mary knew she didn't have what it took, though. She never could... Mary walked through the door, the room was dark and the walls were a sickly pale white. A single table in the center with what Mary could only discern as a young adult. His hair was slicked black and the color was impossible to tell but it shone in a dark auburn. He wore a tee and jeans, much to her surprise. Mary herself had taken the precaution to hear her nicest sailor blouse and a perfectly neutral skirt. If you could get the door behind you... Connor said in a cold tone Mary got the door. Fantastic Connor smiled, the smile was all teeth. You know the issue with interviews is that people think I care about anything other than what I'm about to ask you. Connor cleared his throat and pulled out her resume. Alright so I'll tell you what I like about your

qualifications and what you'll be doing because I won't kid around, you have the job on my end. So you qualify as proficient in mechanical operation? Mary weakly responded I don't think... Good, you'll be assigned a robot as the first potential pilot aside from me and I'll keep you on standby Mary just blankly stared at him, unsure if she ought to speak much at all Connor caught this and clarified No worries... 'Mary', I'm sure you won't need to go into the arena. Just in case, though Mary really didn't get it, but she needed the job. So how about... Hm... that will be it, you'll be paid 1/4th of your guru's pay (should you assist her properly) and if you agree to reserve piloting you'll make 2/4th of her pay in total. Mary really didn't get any of this. Though she managed to nod weakly. Connor smiled and nodded Good, dismissed Mary left the room and Connor stayed behind to sign the final bits of paperwork for Mali to file away... A knock came to the door and Connor called to let themselves in. Ashley opened the door and stood before the diligently working

young man. Her dark brown hair encompassed her upper body and illuminated her features into the lightbulb's naked light brilliantly. Her form was fairly average and she was still in uniform as she leaned on the desk, tapping her finger. She spoke in a tone which was fairly deep for a woman but the sounds resonated clearly. Connor, if you tell me to shut up one more time... I'm taking my headset and when you get back from the fight I will shove it so far up your ass that it gets lodged in your brain and you have to listen to me no matter that the hell prissy mood you're in. Connor couldn't help but smile at the threat. He reached to the ground and pulled a water bottle from the floor. Well Ms.Ashley I was a bit stressed and you should understand that I was-- Ashley rolled her eyes. Connor simply sat back at this and instead said Anything else, then? Ashley smiled and started playing with her large exuberant body of hair, which ran in small tight curls down, ever so slightly. You know, as your operator I think we should get to know each other better... I mean, we landed in South France today and I think you owe me dinner for your attitude... Connor nodded Dinner it is Ashley winked See you there

Once Ashley left the room Connor pulled out a smoke. God so help me.


Hasen stumbled through the alleyway. The sun blinded him, a poor city in Africa (one of the desert cities), the temperature was always high. Ugh, drinking too much... Fuckin... No money... God... Hasen's short bedheaded hair formed a small curly lock by the side of his forehead. He shared Connor's appearance, but didn't share Connor's same somber expression and was boyish as where Connor was manly. Despite all of this, they were for the most part indistinguishable to the normal spectator. Nej knew better and noted every small difference in their face, as she stepped forward in a black jumpsuit. The alley was dim but despite Hasen's bearish size and intoxicated state she knew she could handle him. Nej smiled as she began talking Ah, Hasen is it? I don't remember you from the school... Didn't go to school with Connor huh? Hasen grunted and looked ahead NAH FUKSCHIZ WUZ EAZY I cud pilot a MECZH any tiiiimmee aye wanted just wenn innuh thuh bizniz. Nej nodded I need you to pilot a new machine of your dad's, can

you do that for me? Hasen stumbled forward, a predatory look on his face, An what rankuhareyou? Nej smiled If I have your father, Hasen, that means we're one of the best rank 1 teams. Right? Hasen smiled ohhyeahiknnewthat! Canniuh getsomewhere tosleep? Nej nodded Of course. On the ship... A rope ladder flew down, a short distance to the ship. Nej smiled as she watch Hasen ascend the woven hemp structure, she let out a laugh as she took her turn and climbed the ladder, this was too easy. Just too easy... Hasen stumbled into the hold as he finished shakily climbing, Nej clearly irritated as she had to pause numerous times for him to regain his balance.... There was a tent laid out for him. Nej pointed to it. While you sober up and we prepare your room... Nej moved her hand towards the giant demon knight robot. Your father's gift, by the way. The Machine was bright orange, and it bore 12 spears on it's back, with a great beam sword attachment and a steel heat vibro, knife. The vibrations paired with the heat allow it to slice through

literally everything in the arena, but the power doesn't last long. Hasen smiled at it. Connor looked at a picture of Nej standing on the GAM-ax-10's shoulder. Connor saw the picture in it's small frame, which used to be in his wallet. He saw him in his old school uniform, and since it was winter he was in his full uniform with his shaggy blonde hair down to keep his head warm with his hat on. The black blazer with the black trousers fit him well. The gold buttons contrasting attractively. Nej sat on the other shoulder of the first in the line of demon knights, holding onto a rogue spike. She had long flowing red hair and a simple blue and white sailor's uniform. Her smile seemed much different than what it is now, these days.

Connor put the frame to his forehead and frowned. He put it back down. He was sitting at his desk, it was afternoonish now on the ship and they were flying by the arena. The window by his door was a rarity, and it was the only room with a window out of thirty rooms. Mali grinned as Connor showed up. Mali seemed jovial that day as he said plainly with a smile on his face Ah your partner has a bit of stage fright and she doesn't even know she's going to pilot! Connor simply looked out the window a bit as they were in the

main operating room. He removed himself from the scenic view and walked up to the captain's chair Ashley winked to Connor as he walked by. A shiver went down Connor's back. Seriously. She's up to something. Connor waved for Reginald's attention. Alright send Mary the drink. Reginald nodded and sent out the order over radio. Mary was sitting in her room, a simple white room with light pink highlights, during the middle of the day broad daylight didn't get through but due to the ship's solar powered power system it was the brightest (other than when it was night) and the colors seemed to fade togther and blend into a visually pleasing aura that encompassed the person, since there was only a simple white desk with the bed directly in the midle. playing with her dark brown hair, she recently got highlights and she just adored them, really. A dark honey blonde that suggested a more outgoing personality than she portrayed and really helped her appearance. A bus boy came to her door. Come in Mary chimed tiredly, the interview had been bothering her. Some drink for the Ms., lunch on the side too! Connor's recommendation, chicken soft tacos. Mary liked tacos, but she wasn't terribly hungry and the drink

was a yellow soda. A sip clued her in that it was pineapple. The bus boy backed away from the completely white sterile room with an annoyed look on his face. Mary had no money to tip him. Mary took a sip another of the soda, the unfamiliar taste reached her tongue and she was surprised that the taste actually resembled pineapple, though she was fairly tired after a sip. It's been a long day, I'll just go to bed... Mary's eyelids heavy as she got up from her desk after a few bites of the tacos, and went to lay in her new bed. All faded to a gentle shade of light pink... Mary's eyelids fluttered open. From light pink, the stage was now set in a darker shade. Mary tried to get up, but rather she rotated as she promptly realized she was strapped into a machine, already poised to launch on the catapult. Mary started throwing her arms about, tried to run, whatever she could do to control the robot to get away. The machine would not give way to her commands; The machine stayed in position. Connor's voice came over her communications Seriously, chill. You're only getting sent out cause I need a partner and no one can pilot, I'm sorry you have to go out there but currently you're a mystery partner. No shame, just focus and try to do what you can. The system should be familiar. RENAISSANCE, you were slightly briefed on it... Mary knew this to be true after thinking on it for a second, but

still... Connor didn't leave much time for thought No seriously just walk forward and crap, maybe draw a weapon. I'm not expecting anything else. We're dropping off in a jungle which is very unfortunate because our main opponent Hasen likes camouflage. It's a basic tactic of his. Don't exercise much caution, it'll just show that you're a novice. Mary really didn't want to do this, but she did have a job on here and it was a bit late for that... and it seemed like no matter what she did she was going to be useless anyways... Screw him, I'm winning. Mary thought rather uncharacteristically. Think you can drug me and just stick me in a robot to get ejected, asshole? Maybe I'll do better than you. Mary's mind entered a fervor. Ashley's voice went over Connor's per-com (personal communication network) The drug works fantastically, Mary's adrenaline levels as indicated by her vital functions, are increasing exponentially, before you know it she'll be foaming at the mouth trying to kill someone! Ashley said in a mock joyousvoice. Connor smirked She's just a runt. She'll run to him and make my job easier, calm down Ashley. The plan is solid, I'm sorry I can't tell you anything else though... The catapult sounded and the interior went totally green, Mary sped forward and was shot out. She didn't have to brace herself like

she she did in training... When she free fell for the short distance the robot was preparing to activate it's gliders, she saw the endless forest...The canopy was incredibly giant and it seemed impossibly deep. The utterly green qualities of the rainforest (upon closer inspection) were overwhelming. Mary cringed as she worried that she'd step on a particularly adorable colorful bird... Though she immediately recalled the fact that no lifeforms other than the pilots and organic plants were allowed in the arena... The parachute deployed as her blood started to boil and she felt more feral; the crash through the canopy was fortunately automatically piloted too and dodged all the tree limbs. Landing on the ground she found her footing as the controls were handed to her. The sudden shift went without transition and she buckled at the change of pace, not to mention the machine quickly adjusting to her body position. A giant bestial form lunged from the shadows of the trees, it's form turned a bright orange, the mech was all orange and it had the head of a lion. Moving impossibly fast it landed on the ground next to Mary's machine and picked it up with one arm, holding the angel by the neck, it's form turned limp as the beast gripped tightly, flashes of electricity pulsed through it's clawed hand. That's more of a cross between an angel and a demon than a

knight... Connor... I don't like this prototype at all... Hasen thought to himself holding the fallen angel. Connor, you think you can hide or use this bitch as bait... I will fucking find you... Hasen's now malicious voice came over broadcasted radio. It sounded as if it was dead. The unsettling calm set Connor into a deep well-managed fear. Connor... you're so fucking done. And with that a red flash passed through the feral monster's eyes and a deep growl could be heard for miles... AS IF, FUCKER! Connor's voice sounded through the radio as the GAM appeared, this time covered in a cloak, arms outstretched charging through the living sea of emerald and browns. The beast deftly pulled out one spear and stabbed the angel like form through the abdomen... Causing a small explosion as it malfunctioned and was dropped to the ground. The explosion created a giant cloud of smoke. Despite this, the GAM charged through blindly, the smoke clearing around the speeding form of the humanoid GAM... It attempted to grapple the beast as it quickly sidestepped a thrown spear, but the monstrous form of orange met with his hands, palm to palm in a struggle the GAM was slowly giving way. Hasen's cockpit had a bright orange glow illuminating it. Hasen in the center was choking up blood and the whole cockpit's orange

luminescence was malformed by the now bloodstained interior. Hasen was hooked up to the machine and there were IVs from the back of the seat constantly providing necessary blood. He yelled over the per-com to Nej I FUCKING LOVE THIS THING blood spewed forth from his mouth, and splatted on the walls and the screen. Luckily the screen was built for this and immediately incinerating anything that remotely neared it. After the statement, some blood dribbled down his chin and got on his shirt. The stains were adding up by now... Connor grimaced, the power of this machine was great. Greater than any GAM ever produced or to be put into production. The orange camouflage armor probably was a poor decision for a machine so strong as it did not require stealth... Hasen was Hasen though. Battling was what he simply was born to do. He could have been planning on using them. Though Connor only used Mary for one reason, knowing this to be true and filling her abdomen with gunpowder and gunpowder packets, spraying gunpowder all over the lower and middle body of Hasen's mech. Were Nej around she would have met a spray of the near invisible torrent. The grip of the orange beast was too much and the GAM simply turned it's appendage blades so the animal was forced to retreat it's manipulators from the GAM'S. Conveniently enough too, the paralyzing pulses of electricity seemed to have returned. Hasen's voice came over the radio, dripping with emotion. What

lies in the heart of men... Connor returned it immediately That which separates us from beasts, the aura of religion our world has been fortuitously imbued with. Who else has told us that killing is wrong? Without the sophistication of the divine question, we stand to be a simple population of dullards looking for survival... Do you see, Connor? The beast and the crusader form man, but rather man is as we are now, fighting, fickle, greedy! We based a team around father's words, that always felt wrong to me, and despite father agreeing... his words mean so much more. Their true meaning has been realized, here, and now... Hehe.. Heh... Heh... Urrrgghh the last sounds from Hasen's mouth sounded like he was vomiting violently. Connor took up a fighting stance... Pressing a button by the side of his foot with his foot... There it is.. Ugh it did make a mess... Nej is... Okay. Connor thought to himself as he charged the bestial image colored in orange before him, creating a sweeping motion with his body and knocking him aside by sheer surprise. Running ahead he attempted to find Nej... No luck, just dense jungle. The 360 monitor view was entirely green... No more bright oranges and pinks... There it is... Connor considered as a red pair of legs charged at him. The upper body completely invisible. Thank god

for the low energy gunpowder detector, more than just useful for pulling slave boys out of the business... Connor thought to himself. Mary was out alone, the drugs almost peaking, her face distorted in rage, saliva coated her lips thickly and she started violently thrashing about her disabled cockpit. The cockpit now glowed red and DANGER showed across the cockpit monitors. The red warning symbols flashed across, bands of red and yellow. Mary didn't give a damn, she wanted to fight. Fight... ARHGUAIGHUIAHAGUIHAGIUHIUGHIAUGHIUSHAGIUHAWRRHIUGHIAUH GAIGURRRRGIAHGIHAIH Mary's mind only contained growling now... A red demon showed up at Mary's mech. Her cockpit turned green and she jumped, spreading her wings dashing for the damnable monster before her now. The gale caused by her now active wings blew down all the nearby trees in her immediate vicinity and latched onto Nej. Nej grunted, it had happened so fast, the gale buckled her and the machine was faster than it looked. The bright pink angel restricted the red demon. The difference in power was overwhelming... Mary accidentally clicked on the radio and her feral voice was broadcasted. Nej shrunk down in fear. What the...

Nej shouted what the hell is you? Connor Cried. Christian Cried Mary foamed at the mouth seizing up Hasen probably died of blood loss by now who cares god damn so much blood.

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