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HQuestion of the Day (24-Oct-12) Out of the students attending a school party, 60% of the students are girls,

and 40% of the students like to dance. Twenty more boy students, all of whom like to dance, joined the party later. After these 20 more boy students there are 58% girls in the party now. How many students now at the party like to dance now? OPTIONS

1) 2) 3) 4)

182 232 276 None of the above

Solution Initially, as 60% of the students were girls, let there were 3k girls and 2k boys at the party originally. Hence, total number of students initially = 3k + 2k = 5k Now, 40% of the students like to dance, hence 2k students like to dance initially. After twenty more boys join the party, after that there were 3k girls and 2k + 20 boys. Hence, new percentage of girls is;

300k = 58 5k + 58 20 300k 290k = 58 20 k = 116 So number of students who like to dance now = 2k + 20 = 252 Hence, option 4.

Question of the Day (25-Oct-12)

The statement(s) below are the summary of a paragraph. Choose the option that best represents the paragraph that was summarised. Developments in the Middles Ages paved the way for the future development of aesthetics as a separate discipline. Building on notions from antiquity (most notably Plato and Aristotle) through Plotinus, the medieval thinkers extended previous concepts in new ways, making original contributions to the development of art and theories of beauty. Proportion was particularly important for architecture, which is apparent in the cathedrals. Medieval thinkers were also interested in the concept of light: what it is and how it affects everything, especially colour. Symbolism was based on the view that the creation revealed God; therefore, symbolic meaning could be communicated through artwork, in particular to those who are illiterate. OPTIONS 1) Aesthetics which developed in the Middle Ages extended the concepts of Plato and Aristotle to topics such as proportion, light, and symbolism which meant art revealed god and could be communicated in particular to those who are illiterate. 2) Medieval thinkers building on the ancient notions of beauty of notably of Plato and Aristotle incorporated the ideas of proportion, light, colour and symbolism and helped the development of aesthetics as a separate discipline. 3) Developments in the Middle Ages directly contributed to the development of aesthetics as a discipline because Medieval thinkers introduced the concepts of proportion, light and symbolism as parts of aesthetics. 4) Aesthetics which began with Plotinus became a separate discipline in the Middle Ages as the medieval thinkers introduced the ideas of proportion, light, colour into theories of beauty; symbolism revealed god, and meaning was communicated to the illiterate Solution Though not the ideal prcis, option 2 is the best among the four options. Option 1 distorts the ideas as Aesthetics which developed in the Middle Ages which is not true. Developments in the middle ages paved the way the already existing theory as a separate discipline. Option 3 unnecessarily states a cause effect relationship which is not present in the paragraph. Option 4 misses the gist of the paragraph. The gist is: contribution by medieval thinkers to the already existing notion of beauty (theory of art) later helped Aesthetics to develop into a separate discipline. This is most honestly captured by option 2 without much distortion. Hence, the correct answer is option 2.

Question of the Day (26-Oct-12) A point whose coordinates are both integers is called a lattice point. How many lattice points lie on the hyperbola x2 y2 = 20002? OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 98 196 252 224

Solution x2 y2 = (x y)( x + y) = 20002 = 2856. Now, (x + y) (x + y) = 2y I.e. difference of (x + y) and (x y) is an even number. Hence, both (x + y) and (x y) are either even numbers or odd numbers. But if both are odd then their product will be odd. But the product is even. Hence, both must be even. As, both are even numbers, we will first distribute a factor of 2 in both the term. After this we left with 26 56 Now, 26 56 has 7 7 = 49 factors. Hence, the solution set of x and y have 49 ordered pairs. Now, out of these 49 pairs, for some pairs, x + y > x y while for some other pairs, x + y < x y and for one pair, x + y = x y Now, if x + y > x y then x and y are positive, while if x + y < x y then x is positive and y is negative. For x + y = x y, x is positive and y is 0. But x can be negative also. Hence, we can have another 49 solutions, in which, x is negative and y is positive, x is negative and y is negative and x is negative and y is 0. Hence, total number of solutions = 49 + 49 = 98

Hence, option 1.

Question of the Day (27-Oct-12) Answer the question based on the passage given below. The film introduces the Batpod, which is a recreation of the Batcycle. Production designer Nathan Crowley, who designed the Tumbler for Batman Begins, designed six models (built by special effects supervisor Chris Corbould) for use in the film's production, because of necessary crash scenes and possible accidents. Crowley built a prototype in Nolan's garage, before six months of safety tests were conducted. The Batpod is steered by shoulder instead of hand, and the rider's arms are protected by sleeve-like shields. The bike has 508-millimeter (20-inch) front and rear tires, and is made to appear as if it is armed with grappling hooks, cannons, and machine guns. The engines are located in the hubs of the wheels, which are set 312 feet (1067 mm) apart on either side of the tank. The rider lies belly down on the tank, which can move up and down to dodge any incoming gunfire that Batman may encounter. Stuntman Jean-Pierre Goy doubled for Christian Bale during the riding sequences in The Dark Knight. Which of the following situations will the Batpod be able to protect its rider from? OPTIONS 1) The batpods rider is on a highway, when he sees a truck coming towards him from the opposite direction. The truck and the batpod meet in a head-on collision. 2) The Batpods passes a car crash the car is on fire. The Batpod catches a backdraft and its front starts burning as well. 3) The Batpod is being chased by a mob car. The driver of the car shoots at the rider from behind. 4) A mobcar shoots at the engine of the batpod 5) The batpod falls into the sea.

Solution The passage tells us that The rider lies belly down on the tank, which can move up and down to dodge any incoming gunfire that Batman may encounter. Since it is not specified whether the gunfire can be from front or behind, we can assume that it will protect the rider from any gunfire and that makes 3 the most viable option. 1 is wrong because theres nothing in the passage about a head-on collision though it mentions accidents, we dont know what kind or severity will be tolerated. 2 is wrong because we dont know about fire. 4 is wrong because we dont know if the engine is bulletproof. 5 is wrong because theres nothing in the passage about water bodies. Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

Question of the Day (28-Oct-12)

Let S be the solution set for the equation y3 = x3 + 8x2 6x + 8, for non-negative integers x and y. Let (x1, y1) and (x2, y2-) be two distinct pairs belonging to set S, then which of the following is always true? OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) |x1 x2| = |y1 y2| |x1 x2| = |y1 y2| + 1 |x1 x2| = |y1 y2| 1 |x1 x2| = 2 |y1 y2| None of the above

Solution y3 = x3 + 8x2 6x + 8 Subtracting (x + 1)3 from both the sides, we have; y3 (x + 1)3 = (x3 + 8x2 6x + 8) (x3 + 3x2 + 3x + 1) = 5x2 9x + 7 The discriminant of 5x2 9x + 7 is 92 4 5 7 = 59 As discriminant of the expression 5x2 9x +7 is less than 0, the expression is positive for all real values of x. y3 > (x + 1)3 y > (x + 1) (I)

Similarly, (x + 3)3 y3 = (x3 + 9x2 + 27x + 27) (x3 + 8x2 6x + 8) = x2 +33x +19 For non-negative x, x2 + 33x + 19 is always positive. (x + 3)3 > y3 for non negative value of x (x + 3) > y (II)

From I and II, we have; (x + 1) < y < (x + 3) As x and y are integers, y = x + 2 is the only possible solution.

Now, 0 = y3 (x + 2)3 = (x3 + 8x2 6x + 8) (x3 + 6x2 + 12x + 8) = 2x2 18x x = 0 or x = 9 For x = 0, y = 2, and for x = 9, y = 11 So we only have two possible solutions. In that case, y2 = x2 + 2, y1 = x1 +2 |y1 y2| = |x1 x2| Hence, option 1. Question of the Day (29-Oct-12) Answer the question based on the passage given below. Gibbard took the band name from the title of the song written by Neil Innes and Vivian Stanshall and performed by their group, the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band, in The Beatles' 1967 film, Magical Mystery Tour. The song's name was in turn taken from an invented pulp fiction crime magazine, devised by Richard Hoggart as part of his 1957 study of working class culture The Uses of Literacy. Death Cab for Cutie began as a solo project of Ben Gibbard while he was the guitar player for the band Pinwheel and was recording under the name All-Time Quarterback. As Death Cab for Cutie, Gibbard released a cassette titled You Can Play These Songs with Chords; the release was surprisingly successful and Gibbard decided to expand the project into a complete band. Which of the below would be a good title for the above passage? OPTIONS 1) Death Cab for Cutie the name and the beginning. 2) Death Cab for Cutie the Evolution 3) How the Beatles inspired Death Cab for Cutie 4) The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band and its relationship with Death Cab for Cutie 5) Ben Gibbards contribution to Death Cab for Cutie

Solution The passage is fairly simple. It is divided into two parts the first one being about the name of the band, and the second one about how it started. Thus 1 is right and the rest are wrong, as they focus on different or unnecessary aspects. Hence, the correct answer is option 1.

Question of the Day (30-Oct-12) Let N be the number of nonempty ordered pair of sets A and B that have the following properties: A B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12} AB= The number of elements of A is not an element of A. The number of elements of B is not an element of B Find N. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 672 772 1585 None of the above

Solution Let us partition the set ,1, 2, 3, , 12- into a set having n numbers in A and 12 n numbers in B. Since n must be in B and (12 n) in A, n 6 because in this case 6 cannot be in either set. Similarly, n 12 and 0 As n is not in A and 12 n is in A, we have 10Cn1 ways of selecting elements for A. So, the answer is; Hence, option 2. Question of the Day (31-Oct-12) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word/set of words in the given options: We ought to realize that in today's globalized and fully _____________ human network, a _____________ approach in politics can cause more and more damage and lead to global scale conflicts or wars. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) Liberalised, parochial Socialised, tyrannical Symbiotic, liberalised Interdependent, polarized

Solution Symbiotic and interdependent (synonyms) fit in the first blank as a globalised world necessarily leads to such a human network. What can cause more and more damage to such a network and lead to war is an approach that ignores this fact.

Hence liberalised (free) approach is illogical in the context. Polarized (polarise means to break up into opposing groups) approach necessarily causes damage to the interdependent network. Hence, the correct answer is option 4.

Question of the Day (01-Nov-12)

Square ABCD has sides of length 10 units. Isosceles triangle EBC has base BC, and the area common to triangle EBC and square ABCD is 80 square units. Find the length of the altitude to BC in EBC . OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 15 20 25 None of the above


But area of EBC is 80. Hence, E is outside the square ABCD.

As shown in the diagram, let EB meet AD at X and let EC meet AD at Y. Let length of XY = a a=6 Let the height of EXY be h. As, EXY ~ EBC h = 15 Hence, height of EBC = h + 10 = 15 + 10 = 25 Hence, option 3.

Question of the Day (02-Nov-12) The statement(s) below are the summary of a paragraph. Choose the option that best represents the paragraph that was summarised. Those who use the term philosophy of language typically use it to refer to work within the field of Anglo-American analytical philosophy and its roots in German and Austrian philosophy of the early twentieth century. Many philosophers outside this tradition have views on the nature and use of language, and the border between analytical and continental philosophy is becoming more porous with time, but most who speak of this field are appealing to a specific set of traditions, canonical authors and methods. OPTIONS 1) The term philosophy of language refers to a part of Anglo American analytical philosophy of the early 20th century appealing to specific set of authors and traditions, though it is similar to continental philosophy. 2) The term philosophy of language referring to specific set of traditions, authors, and methods is beginning to lose its definition as many other philosophers too have dealt with the nature and use of language. 3) Though many philosophers have views on the nature and use of language, the term philosophy of language is used to distinguish a specific set of philosophers within the field of Anglo-American analytical philosophy. 4) The difference between philosophy of language and continental philosophy is becoming blurred as many philosophers outside the set of Anglo-American analytical philosophy have views on the nature and use of language. Solution The gist of the paragraph goes like this: the term philosophy of language is used to refer to a filed within Anglo-American analytical philosophy (early 20th century of German and Austrian origin). The distinction is blurring (between this and continental read European philosophy) as other philosophers too have dealt with philosophy of language. The term still is used to refer to a few writers and their methods. Option 3 captures this essence and is the best introduction of the term philosophy of language. Hence, the correct answer is option 3. Question of the Day (03-Nov-12) In a particular turn of a game, a person can win 2 rupees with a probability of 0.75 and otherwise, lose 1 rupee with a probability of 0.25. What is the probability that after 7 turns a person would have won exactly two rupees? (Assume he had more than 7 rupees to start with) OPTIONS





Solution Let out of 7 turns, he won 2 rupees in a turns and loses 1 rupee in b turns. 2a b = 2, and a+b=7 Solving this, we get, a = 3, b = 4 Now, out of 7 turns, he can win three matches in 7C3 ways. Now, the probability of each case is; Hence, the required probability is; Hence, option 2.

Question of the Day (04-Nov-12) Answer the question based on the passage given below. A second myth describes a tantric battle waged between the lovely queen Ratnavali and the wicked sorcerer Singha Sevra, who was attracted by the queen's beauty. Singha Sevra chhatri can be seen on the top of the hill. Desperately, he tried to trap her in his magical web, and failed every time, as the queen herself was a past-mistress in the tantric art. The last battle took place on the day when the queen eventually lost her temper, transformed a glass bottle containing massaging oil into a big rock and flung it towards the hill-top, where sat the devil. In vain he tried to stall this glass missile. It was too late. Sensing his imminent death, concentrating all his powers, he spat his dying curse: "I die! But thou too, thou Ratnavali shall not live here anymore. Neither thou, nor thine kin, nor these walls of the city. None shall see the morning sun!". The night was spent transferring the palace treasures to the new site of Ajabgarh. In the morning came the tempest leveling everything to the ground. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has put up a signboard at Bhangarh stating (among others): "Entering the borders of Bhangarh before sunrise and after sunset is strictly prohibited." Tourists who visit this place say that there is a strange feeling in the atmosphere of Bhangarh, which causes symptoms of anxiety and restlessness. Which of the following can be concluded from the passage? OPTIONS 1) The Queen Ratnavali had a nasty temper, and that was the sole reason behind Bhangarhs unravelling. The Queen Ratnavali must have had many suitors, some of them well-versed in the tantric art.

2) The Queen Ratnavali had a nasty temper, and that was the sole reason behind Bhangarhs unravelling. 3) Bhangarh is presumed to be haunted. 4) Bhangarh is haunted, which is why there is a strange feeling in the atmosphere. 5) The massaging oil in the glass bottle could be converted into a weapon to destroy the devil. Solution The passage states that The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) has put up a signboard at Bhangarh stating (among others): "Entering the borders of Bhangarh before sunrise and after sunset is strictly prohibited." Tourists who visit this place say that there is a strange feeling in the atmosphere of Bhangarh, which causes symptoms of anxiety and restlessness. Thus we can determine that the village is presumed to be haunted theres no way to know if it actually is. Thus, 4 is wrong. 1 and 5 are wrong as there is no proof. 2 is partially correct as Queen Ratnavalis temper is mentioned in the passage, but it is not credited as the sole reason for Bhangarhs unravelling. Hence, the correct answer is option 3. Question of the Day (05-Nov-12) The function f(n) is defined on the set of integers. f(n) satisfies the given conditions; f(n) = n 3 = f(f(n + 5)) Find f(84). OPTIONS 1) 100 2) 84 3) 998 4) 997 Solution f(999) = f(f(1004)) = f(1001) = 998 f(998) = f(f(1003))= f(1000) = 997 f(997) = f(f(1002))= f(999) = 998 f(996) = f(f(1001))= f(998) = 997 Thus we can find that f(k), for k < 1000, is either equal to 998 or 997. If k is even, then f(k) = 997 Thus f(84)=997 Hence, option 4. if n 1000 if n < 1000

Question of the Day (06-Nov-12) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word/set of words in the given options: _____________ of the negotiations with the terrorist group FARC may be right because in previous peace talks the FARC had shown a/n _____________ for manipulating negotiations to gain legitimacy without actually being willing to strike a deal. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) Skeptics, penchant Advocates, aversion Opponents, dyspathy Supporters, inclination

Solution If there was a history of manipulating negotiations to gain legitimacy without actually being willing to strike a deal the _____ of the negotiations cannot be supporters or advocates. They are either opponents or skeptics. The word dyspathy (enmity) eliminates option 3. Hence, the correct answer is option 1. Question of the Day (07-Nov-12) Let P(x) be a polynomial with integer coefficients such that P(17) = 10 and P(24) = 17. If P(n) = n + 3 has two distinct integer solutions n1 and n2, then find the sum n1 + n2. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 41 27 30 34 53

Solution Let Q(x) = P(x) x + 7 Q(17) = 10 17 + 7 = 0, Similarly, Q(24) = 17 24 + 7 = 0, Now, Q(n1) = n1 + 3 n1 + 7 = 10 Similarly, Q(n2) = n2 + 3 n2 + 7 = 10 We can easily observe that if polynomial P(x) have integer coefficients, then for any integers a and b, (a b) divides P(a) P(b).

n1 17 divides Q(n1) Q(17) = 10, n1 17 must be one of the eight numbers 1, 2, 5, 10. n1 must be one of the numbers 7, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22 or 27. Similarly, n1 24 must divide Q(n1) Q(24) = 10, n1 must be one of the eight numbers 14, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 29 or 34. Thus, n1 must be either 19 or 22. Since n2 obeys the same conditions and n1 and n2 are different, one of them is 19 and the other is 22. The required sum = 19 + 22 = 41 Hence, option 1. Question of the Day (08-Nov-12) The statement(s) below are the summary of a paragraph. Choose the option that best represents the paragraph that was summarised. When India won independence 65 years ago, its leaders had a vision for the countrys future. Thanks to them, Indians mostly enjoy the freedom to protest, speak up, vote, travel and pray however and wherever they want to; and those liberties have ensured that elected civilians, not generals, spies, religious leaders or self-selecting party men, are in charge. But the economic part of the vision was a failure. Mahatma Gandhi, leader of the independence movement, Jawaharlal Nehru, Indias first prime minister, and his daughter, Indira Gandhi, left the country with a reverence for poverty, a belief in selfreliance and an overweening state that together condemned the country to a dismal 3-4% increase in annual GDPknown as the Hindu rate of growthfor the best part of half a century. OPTIONS 1) While the vision of the leaders of Indias independence for the countrys future has been almost realized in making the country a true liberal democracy, their economic goals were a failure for at least half a century. 2) Thanks to the vision that the leaders of Indias independence had for the countrys future, Indians enjoy political as well as religious liberties but the subsequent politicians have left India with dismal economic growth. 3) 65 years after independence, India has succeeded in becoming a free and liberal democracy while its belief in self-reliance an overweening state has made it an economic failure with a dismal 3 to 4 % increase in annual GDP. 4) Thanks to the leaders of Indias independence, Indians today enjoy complete liberty in civil life while the subsequent politicians with a reverence for poverty have left India with a annual GDP growth rate of 3 to 4%.

Solution This is a historical paragraph talking about the situation fifty years or so after independence ( last part of the para) The essence of the paragraph must highlight this aspect because Indias situation is not the same today. Only option 1 highlights this accurately. Other options (especially option 3) make it sound as if it is the current situation in India, hence distorts the paragraph. Hence, the correct answer is option 1. Question of the Day (09-Nov-12) Consider the following equation; x2 + y2 + z2 = (x y)(y z)(z x) Which of the following statement is definitely true? OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) The above equation has no integer solutions for x, y, z. The above equation has finitely many distinct integer solutions for x, y, z. The above equation has 2 distinct integer solutions for x, y, z. The above has infinitely many integer solution for x, y, z.

Solution Let, x, y and z are in AP. Let, x = y d and z = y + d Hence, the given equation becomes; (y d)2 + y2 + (y + d)2 = (d) (d) (2d) 3y2 + 2d2 = 2d3 3y2 = 2(d 1)d2 So to have integer solutions, we need 2(d 1) to be a number which is 3 times a perfect square. This is satisfied if d 1 = 6n2 for some integer n. Thus d = 6n2 + 1 and 3y2 = d2 2(6n2) y2 = 4d2n2 Without loss of generality, we can assume; y = 2dn = 2n (6n2 + 1). x = y d = (2n 1) (6n2 + 1), and z = y + d = (2n + 1) (6n2 + 1)

So (x, y, z) = ((2n 1)(6n2 + 1), 2n(6n2 + 1), (2n + 1) (6n2 + 1) ) is the required solution for integer n. I.e. for every integer n, there is at least one solution. Hence, there are infinitely many integer solutions for the given equation. Hence, option 4. Question of the Day (10-Nov-12) Answer the question based on the passage given below. The basic ideas of transgressive fiction are by no means new. Many works that are now considered classics dealt with controversial themes and harshly criticized societal norms. Early examples include the scandalous writing of the Marquis de Sade and the Comte de Lautramont's Les Chants de Maldoror (1869). French author mile Zola's works about social conditions and bad behavior are examples, as are Russian Fyodor Dostoyevsky's novels Crime and Punishment (1866) and Notes from Underground (1864) and Norwegian Knut Hamsun's psychologically-driven Hunger (1890). Sexual extravagance can be seen in two of the earliest European novels, the Satyricon and The Golden Ass, and also (with disclaimers) Moll Flanders and some of the excesses of early Gothic fiction. Early 20th century writers such as Octave Mirbeau, Georges Bataille, and Arthur Schnitzler, who explored psychosexual development, are also important forebears. On 6 December 1933, US federal judge John M. Woolsey overturned the federal ban on James Joyce's Ulysses. The book was banned in the US due to what the government claimed was obscenity, specifically parts of Molly Bloom's "soliloquy" at the end of the book. Random House Inc. challenged the claim of obscenity in federal court and was granted permission to print the book in the US. Judge Woolsey is often quoted explaining his removal of the ban by saying "It is only with the normal person that the law is concerned." Which of the following correctly defines transgressive fiction, as understood from the passage? OPTIONS 1) Transgressive fiction is fiction that is created for people that belong to abnormal sections of the society. 2) Trangressive fiction is for those who cant digest standard fiction. 3) Transgressive fiction is fiction on the edge of society, that which questions and flouts norms. 4) Transgressive fiction is controversial writing by people who use it to criticise society. Some of it has sexual content. 5) Trangressive fiction deals with the psychosexual. Solution The passage states two things Many works that are now considered classics dealt with controversial themes and harshly criticized societal norms and extravagance can be seen in two of the earliest European novels, the Satyricon and The Golden Ass. Thus we know that trangressive fiction is concerned with the above things. The only option that covers all of them is 4. The rest are either not complete or dont have any basis in the passage. Hence, the correct answer is option 4

Question of the Day (11-Nov-12) For t = 1, 2, 3, 4, let;

If S1 = 513 and S4 = 4745, then find the minimum possible value of S2. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 917 905 1005 None of the above

Solution Let in the given series, let numbers of 1s, 2s, 3s and 4s are w, x, y and z. Since, there are 350 terms, we have; w + x + y + z = 350 (I) Now, S1 is just sum of series, hence the sum of the series will be; (1 + 1 + w times 1) + (2 + 2 + x times 2) + (3 + 3 + y times 3) + (4 + 4 + z times 4) w + 2x + 3y + 4z = 513 (II) Similarly, as S4 is 4745, we have; w + 16x + 81y + 256z = 4745 (III) Lets try to reduce these equations to two variables. From (I), w = 350 x y z Substituting this into the (II) and (III), we get; x + 2y + 3z = 163, and (IV) 15x + 80y + 255z = 4395 I.e. 3x + 16y + 51z = 879 (V) From, (IV),

x = 163 2y 3z Substituting this in (V), we get; 3(163 2y 3z) + 16y +51z = 879 489 + 10y + 42z = 879 5y + 21z = 195 Here y and z are integers. Now, 5y and 195 are divisible hence, 21z is divisible by 5. This is possible if z is 0 or 5. In these cases, y = 39 and 18 respectively. Case I: (z = 0 and y = 39) Substituting this in IV, we get; x = 85, and hence w = 226 In this case, S2 is; 226 + 85 4 + 9 39 = 917 Case II: (z = 5 and y = 18) Substituting this in (IV), we get; x = 112 Hence, w = 350 x y z = 215 Hence, S2 in this case is; 215 + 4 112 + 9 18 + 16 5 = 905 Hence, minimum possible value is 905. Hence, option 2.

Question of the Day (12-Nov-12) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word/set of words in the given options: Though the matter of the existence of ghosts in that house might not be worth _____________, some observations from the neighbours may merit _____________ in the light of the deaths that have taken place there. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) believing, credibility proving, refutation examination, integrity pursuing, scrutiny

Solution Though signals contrast- option 1 does not provide sufficient contrast. If some observations merit credibility the matter of ghosts also becomes a possibility. Option 2 has the same problem indirectly it will establish the existence of ghosts. Option 3 is vague the word integrity does not convey any meaning with merit in the context. Option 4 gives the best contrast - some observations may be scrutinized in the light of the deaths so that the cause of the deaths is known though ghosts can be discounted. Hence, the correct answer is option 4. Question of the Day (13-Nov-12) In the given figure (not drawn to scale), AD = DE. DCE = 30 and ADL = 30. What is the value of ABC?

OPTIONS 1) 90 2) 60 3) 45 4) 75 Solution Since, DL is tangent to circle, we have; ADL = ACD = 30

Now, CD is the median and angle bisector for ACE, and thus, ACE is an isosceles triangle with CA = CE. Hence, CD must be perpendicular to AE. CDA = 90 Hence, AC is the diameter of the circle. ABC = 90 Hence, option 1. Question of the Day (14-Nov-12) The statement(s) below are the summary of a paragraph. Choose the option that best represents the paragraph that was summarised. Doctors like to project an air of authority when making their clinical decisions. Patients like it too, for it is reassuring to think that ones health is in the hands of an expert. It would be unsettling if, upon prescribing you a drug, your doctor admitted that the scientific research about what exactly the drug did, and how effective it was at doing it, was patchy and distorted, sometimes to the point where nobody has any real idea of what effects the drugs they are prescribing are likely to have on their patients. OPTIONS 1) Though doctors and patients display faith, clinical decisions are often based on inadequate scientific research about the effects of the prescribed drugs on patients. 2) While prescribing drugs to patients, it would be upsetting if the doctors admitted to them that they were ignorant about the effects of those drugs on the patients. 3) The confidence displayed by doctors and the trust shown by patients are often misplaced because they have no real idea about the effects of the drugs on patients. 4) It would be disturbing if the doctors who prescribe drugs to trusting patients were to admit that no one may actually know what those drugs did to patients. Solution Option 1 is incorrect because it states clinical decisions are often based on this is not what the paragraph tries to communicate. The paragraph is about inadequate scientific research about the effectiveness of medicines. Doctors are not blamed they too ignorant like the patients. Option 2 is almost correct but distorts the idea in they were ignorant the doctors are not ignorant. There simply isnt enough research for the doctor to draw upon. Option 3 distorts the ideas almost the same way. they have no real idea places the blame on the doctors and patients ( that they are ignorant) whereas the gist of the passage is about how unsettling it can be that there just isnt sufficient research about the effectiveness of a medicine and what other effects it can have on patients this is best expressed in option 4 without much distortion. Hence, the correct answer is option 4.

Question of the Day (15-Nov-12) An ant starts from a vertex of an equilateral triangle. On each move, it randomly selects one of the two vertices where it is not currently located, and crawls along a side of the triangle to that vertex. Find the probability that ant moves to the starting vertex on its tenth move. OPTIONS
1) 2) 3)

4) None of the above Solution Let in its entire journey, ant makes n clockwise move and hence 10 n anti clockwise moves. Now, the ant will be at the original position if the absolute difference between n and 10 n is multiple of 3. I.e. |n 10 n| is multiple of 3. I.e. |2n 10| is multiple of 3. Possible values of n are, 2, 5 and 8. Now, we can choose 2 clockwise steps in 10C2 ways. Similarly, we can choose 5 and clockwise steps in 10C5 and 10C8 ways. Hence, total number of feasible ways = 10C2 + 10C5 + 10C8 = 45 + 252 + 45 = 342 ways. Since the ant can take two ways at every step, a total of 210 ways are possible. Hence, option 2.

Question of the Day (16-Nov-12) Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. Circumstances appear to be conspiring to give a boost to the bicycle market. There is, after all, a curious consonance of situations all over the world. Petrol prices are hitting the roof, and if Indians are feeling the pinch at Rs 70-odd per litre, in Europe it costs almost double that. Also, roads and parking spaces are dwindling , besides being time-consuming to negotiate. _________. OPTIONS 1)The obvious panacea is a bicycle. 2) Worse still, lifestyle diseases arising out of lack of exercise and fresh air are on the rise. 3) That the world is clearly getting this message, as in 2011, bicycle sales outstripped those of cars. 4) The world may well be wheeling round to a different mode of transport and living. Solution Option 2 merely continues the paragraph, but does not help complete it. Option 3 looks suitable only when you ignore the ambiguity arising out of this message what message? Option 4 does not connect with the first sentence which is about bicycles. Hence option 1 is the obvious choice.

Question of the Day (17-Nov-12) Let a, b, c, x are real numbers such that abc 0 and

Which of the following is always true? OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) If a + b + c = 0 then a = b = c If a + b + c 0 then a = b = c If a + b + c = 0 then a b c If a + b + c 0 then a = b = c = 0

Solution Let a + b + c 0

=1 a + xb + (1 x)c = 0 (I) (1 x)a b + xc = 0 (II) But adding these two we can get the third equation. Hence, these two are the unique solutions. Now, by (1 x) (I) + (II) we get; b(x x2 1) = (x x2 + 1)c I.e. b(x2 x + 1) = c(x2 x + 1) Now, discriminant of x2 x + 1 is less than 0.

Hence, x2 x + 1 > 0 b=c Similarly, we can observe that, If a + b + c 0, then a = b = c Hence, option 2 is correct. This refutes the option 4. Now, if a + b + c = 0, then can assume any value. Hence, a = b = c may or may not be true. Hence, option 1 and 3 are not definitely true. Hence, option 2.

Question of the Day (18-Nov-12) From the following pair of words, identify the pair that shares the same relationship as the given pair. SOLICITUDE : CONCERN :: ____________ : _____________ OPTIONS 1) RECTITUDE : STRAIGHT 2) LONELINESS : COMPANY 3) SOLICIT : REJECT 4) LOBBY : HALL Solution Solicitude means showing concern; Rectitude means being straight (righteous). In a way they are synonymous. Solicit means to seek to obtain by persuasion, which doesnt go with reject. Hence, the correct answer is option 1.

Question of the Day (19-Nov-12) The function f(x, y), defined on the set of ordered pairs of positive integers, satisfies the following properties. f(x, x) = x y f(x, y) = x f(y, x) (x + y)f(x, y) = yf(x, x + y). Find f(14, 52).

OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 378 456 364 728 None of these


Repeating the steps several times, we get;

Now, = 91 2 2 f(2, 2) = 91 2 2 2 = 728 Hence, option 4.

Question of the Day (20-Nov-12) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate options. I write books when I find myself __(1)__ again and again, in my mind, to the __(2)__ themes. I wrote Tipping Point because I was fascinated by the sudden drop in crime in New York Cityand that fascination grew to a/n __(3)__ in the whole idea of epidemics and epidemic processes. I wrote Blink because I began to get __(4)__, in the same way, with the way that all of us seem to make up our minds about other people in an instant without really doing any real thinking. OPTIONS 1) returning, recurrent, interest, obsessed 2) pondering, same, frenzy, disinterested 3) rejuvenating, various, predilection, debilitated 4) remembering, disconcerting, penchant,disenchanted Solution Grammatical agreement- the preposition that follows the verb, . again and again to the ----- pondering to , rejuvenating to, or remembering to are not possible., hence returning to. If one is

returning, it is to the same themes. Again and again in the context will be made redundant by recurrent. There is nothing in the context to warrant disconcerting or disturbing. Fascination grows to the next degree of response which is interest. Penchant which is much higher degree will not agree grammatically with the preposition in the follows. The paragraph describes that the writer begins to write books when he is gripped by an idea constantly. When he returns to the same theme again and again, or when he develops an enduring interest in an idea. So the next book naturally has to be similarly written. The only option that is consistent with this idea is obsession. Hence, the correct answer is option 1. Question of the Day (21-Nov-12) Let S be a set with six elements. In how many different ways can one select two subset of S, not necessarily disjoint, so that union of these two subset is S? Assume the order of selection does not matter. For example, pair of subset {a, c} and {b, c, d, e, f} represent the same selection as pair as {b, c, d, e, f} and {a, c}. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 365 64 63 128

Solution Let the two subsets be m and n. Now, each elements of the set S can be assigned to either m, or n or both. This gives us 36 possible selections for m and n. However because the order of selection does not matter, the above possible selections are double counted except for the case when m and n both contains 6 elements of S. So our answer is

Hence, option 1. Question of the Day (22-Nov-12) Answer the question based on the passage given below. As Napoleon I, he was Emperor of the French from 1804 to 1815. His legal reform, the Napoleonic Code, has been a major influence on many civil law jurisdictions worldwide, but he is best remembered for his role in the wars led against France by a series of coalitions, the so-called Napoleonic Wars. He established hegemony over most of continental Europe and sought to spread the ideals of the French

Revolution, while consolidating an imperial monarchy which restored aspects of the deposed ancien rgime. Due to his success in these wars, often against numerically superior enemies, he is generally regarded as one of the greatest military commanders of all time. Why is Napoleon one of the greatest military commanders of all time? OPTIONS 1) Because the Napoleonic Code has been influential while drafting many civil law jurisdictions. 2) Because he consolidated all of Europe under one big kingdom. 3) Because he won many wars. 4) Because of the Napoleonic Code and because he won many wars. 5) He beat armies that were greater in number than his own and established dominion over almost all of Europe. Solution The answer that comes closest is 5. The passage states that but he is best remembered for his role in the wars led against France by a series of coalitions, the so-called Napoleonic Wars. He established hegemony over most of continental Europe and sought to spread the ideals of the French Revolution, while consolidating an imperial monarchy which restored aspects of the deposed ancien rgime. Due to his success in these wars, often against numerically superior enemies, he is generally regarded as one of the greatest military commanders of all time. Thus we know that the important reasons are that he beat armies that were numerically superior and that he established hegemony over all of Europe. Thus all other options are wrong. Hence, the correct answer is option 5. Question of the Day (23-Nov-12) Consider points A(1, 3) and B(5, 2). Let P is a point on the line y = x. Find co-ordinates of P for which |AP + PB| is minimum. OPTIONS

Solution Let A be the reflection of point A with respect to y = x Now, for any point P, on y = x. AP = AP Now, B and A are on opposite side of the line.

Hence, BP + AP will be minimum if P lie on the line joining B and A. Now, reflection of A(1, 3) is A(3, 1) Hence, point P is the point of intersection of y = x and line passing through A(3, 1) and B(5, 2). Equation of line joining A(3, 1) and B(5, 2) is; I.e. 8(y 2) = x 5 I.e. 8y = x + 11 Point of intersection of y = x, and 8y = x + 11 is; Hence, co-ordinates of P are; Hence, option 2.

Question of the Day (24-Nov-12) Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. The real impact of both Microsoft and Google is not on their shareholders, or even on the people that they employ directly, but on the millions of people whom they have made more productive. That argues for companies that solve real problems, rather than for yet another photo-sharing app for rich, appealing to people (advertisers) with time on their hands. ___________. OPTIONS 1) The best money is not so much smart as it is experienced. 2) An entrepreneurship needs advice, contacts, customers, and employees immersed in a culture of effectiveness to succeed. 3) We need entrepreneurships that create something of real value to have meaningful economic impact in the long term. 4) We need to scale entrepreneurship to the point that it has a measurable and meaningful impact on the economy. Solution Option 4 continues and closes the the real impact mentioned in the first sentence and that argues for companies (makes case in favour of companies) in the second last. Option 3 appears close; however, we need entrepreneurships is already stated in argues for Option 4 differs in the message that we need to take entrepreneurships (even the existing ones) to these levels. This is a better closing for the paragraph. Hence option 4 scores over option 3. Option 1 is disconnected and vague in smart etc. about the best money. Option 2 is just a general clichd statement not relevant to the real impact theme of the paragraph. Hence, the correct answer is option 4.

Question of the Day (25-Nov-12) Let the roots of x3 + 3x2 + 4x 11 = 0 be a, b, c and the roots of x3 + rx2 + sx + t = 0 are a + b, b + c, c + a the find the value of t? OPTIONS 1) 0 2) 11 3) 23 4) 98 Solution Let P(x) = x3 + 3x2 + 4x 11 Now, a, b and c are roots of P(x). (x a)(x b)(x c) = 0 From this we get; a + b + c = s = 3 As (a + b), (b + c) and (c + a) are the roots of x3 + rx2 + sx + t = 0, we have; t = (a + b)(b + c)(c + a) = (s a)(s b)(s c) = (3 a)(3 b)(3 c) This simple means P(3) = 23 Hence, option 3. Question of the Day (26-Nov-12) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate options: Official statistics (A) to be accurate and (B) . Official figures seem to have little or no link with reality. Industrial output, as gauged by the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), reveals great volatility and (C) with logical (D) such as power generation and cargo movement, in the aggregate and in particular sectors such as capital goods. Also, often, IIP data is at (E) with published financial results of companies. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) has, measurable, fluctuations, construct, difference have, current, mismatch, correlates, variance must, credible, variations, concepts, conformity seems, conclusive, problems, elements, conflicts

Solution Statistics takes the plural verb. Statistics have to be and statistics are etc. when referred to as a subject it takes the singular verb. If Official figures seem to have little or no link with reality, it means those figures are not current. The other words may be grammatically correct, but even past data can be credible or conclusive etc.

Since volatility is already in the context fluctuations and variations are already implied. When the figures are related to power generation and cargo movement they should tally hence mismatch. Power generation and cargo movements are correlated with industrial output. Hence they are not logical concepts or elements etc.. At variance is idiomatic and means: not in harmony or agreement Hence, the correct answer is option 2.

Question of the Day (28-Nov-12) From the following pair of words, identify the pair that shares the same relationship as the given pair. SENATOR : TREASON:: ____________ : _____________ OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) PATRIOT : LOYALTY DEVOTEE : GOD VIEWER : REVIEW SISTER : AFFECTION

Solution Senator is the anagram of treason when the spellings are rearranged you get the other word. Viewer is the anagram of review. No other option fits in. Hence, the correct answer is option 3. Question of the Day (29-Nov-12) In triangle ABC, AB = 13, BC = 15 and CA = 14. Point D is on BC with CD = 6. Point E is on BC such that BAE = CAD. Given that BE = p/q where p and q are relatively prime positive integers, find q. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 338 469 463 336

Solution Since, CAD = BAE, we have; CAE = BAD Applying sine law in CAD and CAE, we have;

Similarly, applying sine rule in BAE and BAD, we have;

Hence, q = 463 Hence, option 3.

Question of the Day (30-Nov-12) Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. With the right policy vision, it should be possible to leverage the path-breaking improvements in tapping the power of the sun to vastly improve our public finances, greatly boost mobility across the board and purposefully bring down soot, smoke and indoor pollution as well. Already, the expert view is that the cost of power using solar energy has dropped significantly in recent months, and is now almost comparable to that produced from conventional fossil fuels. ________________ OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) The prices of photovoltaic modules have dropped some 40% in about 18 months. The cost of fossil fuels, however, is loaded with externalities like pollution. The trend seems very likely to continue in the medium term and beyond. The policy process needs to eliminate the need for subsidies on petroleum products.

Solution Quite an obvious choice. The last sentence takes off directly form the second last sentence. the cost of power using solar energy .. is now almost comparable to . fossil fuels the sentence that closes the paragraph will now justify why the first sentence as well. This comparable price is only superficial fossil fuels are much costlier in terms of the externalities like pollution. Option 4 mentions the policy process linking it with the first sentence then it goes awry about subsidies which is irrelevant in the context. Hence, the correct answer is option 3. Question of the Day (01-Dec-12) Two sequences, an and bn are defined as follows;

a0 = a1 = 1

b0 = 1 and b1 = 3 n is a non-negative integer.

OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 2021055 2027091 2023066 2025078

Solution Rearranging the definitions, we have


an = n a(n 1) = n(n 1) a(n - 2) = = n(n 1)(n 2) 3 2 1 = n!


In a manner similar to the expression in (i),

bn = (n + 2) b(n 1) = (n + 2)(n + 1) b(n 2) = = (n + 2)(n + 1)(n) (4)(3) (As b1 = 3 and b0 = 1)

Hence, option 2. Question of the Day (02-Dec-12) Answer the question based on the passage given below. At the death of an old friend, G.B. Hunter, and then of her father, Elizabeth Brownings health faded again, centering around deteriorating lung function. She was moved from Florence to Siena, residing at the Villa Alberti. Deeply engrossed in Italian politics, she issued a small volume of political poems titled Poems before Congress (1860) most of which were written to express her sympathy with the Italian cause after the outbreak of fighting in 1859. They caused a furore in England and she was labelled as a fanatic by conservative magazines Blackwood's and the Saturday Review. She dedicated this book to her husband. Her last work was A Musical Instrument, published posthumously. Which of the following can be concluded about Elizabeth Browning from the above? OPTIONS 1) Elizabeth Browning was British. 2) Elizabeth Browning was a chain smoker. 3) Elizabeth Browning was a right wing politician. 4) Elizabeth Browning was not a political person, she merely had an opinion. 5) Elizabeth Browning died before the publication of A Musical Instrument. Solution The passage states that Her last work was A Musical Instrument, published posthumously. Since the word posthumously implies after the death of, 5 is correct. The rest are incorrect because they cannot be proven from the passage. Hence, the correct answer is option 5.

Question of the Day (03-Dec-12) an is a sequence of real numbers satisfying

n is a non-negative integer and a1 = 1 Let k be the least integer greater than 1 for which ak is an integer. The value of k is OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 29 41 59 There is no such k


Taking logarithms to the base 5 on both sides of the equation, (an + 1 an) = log5(3n + 5) log5(3n + 2) a2 a1 = log5(8) log5(5) a3 a2 = log5(11) log5(8) a4 a3 = log5(14) log5(11) a5 a4 = log5(17) log5(14) (an + 1 an) = log5(3n + 5) log5(3n + 2) Adding all these, we get, an + 1 1 = log5(3n + 5) 1 (As a1 = 1 and log55 = 1) an + 1 = log5(3n + 5) Now, we need an + 1 to be an integer. So, (3n + 5) should be a power of 5. If (3n + 5) = 5, n = 0, n + 1 = 1, which is not acceptable as k should be greater than 1.

If (3n + 5) = 25, n is a non-integer. If (3n + 5) = 125, n = 40 and (n + 1) = 41, which is acceptable. The least value of k, greater than 1, is 41. Hence, option 2.

Question of the Day (04-Dec-12) Fill in the blanks with appropriate options One of the classic stories in the entrepreneurial (A) involves the founder of Ikea, Ingvar Kampar. In the early days of the company, other Swedish furniture manufacturers boycotted Kampar, protesting his (B) pricing. His business was in a (C) : he could fill only a fraction of his orders. So he went to Poland, where manufacturing costs were low and struck a series of deals. This eventually established Ikea as Europe's premier low-cost furniture company, and (D) it from obscurity into one of the biggest retailers in the world. OPTIONS 1) spirit, exorbitant, flourish, transcended 2) origin, fair, doldrum, popularised 3) canon, predatory, crisis, vaulted 4) philosophy, rapacious, ennui, negotiated Solution Canon means standard or norm or principle, accepted behaviour etc. What Kampar did cannot be termed as entrepreneurial spirit or philosophy. These words in the context will have an impact on the general definition of entrepreneurship. If others have boycotted him because of his pricing, the pricing cannot be fair or exorbitant. It must have harmed the other manufacturers more than it did Kampar, hence predatory. The correct word here is crisis. Doldrum by itself is not a word. It should not be confused for the idiom in the doldrums which means lacking activity or progress. The only option for D is vaulted. Hence, the correct answer is option 3. Question of the Day (05-Dec-12)

where, n1 > n2 > > nr; n1, n2, n3, , nr being integers and each ak being equal to either 1 or 1. What is the value of n1 + n2 + + nr? OPTIONS 1) 26 2) 24 3) 23

4) 19 Solution In base 3, we find that 200610 = 22020223 2006 = 2 36 + 2 35 + 0 24 + 2 33 + 0 32 + 2 31 + 2 30 Now, 3p + 1 3p = 3p(3 1) = 2.3 p 2 36 = 37 36, 2 35 = 36 35, and so on 2006 = (37 36) + (36 35) + (34 33) + (32 31) + (31 30) 2006 = 37 35 + 34 33 + 32 30 n1 + n2 + + nr = 7 + 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 = 21 Hence, option 3. Question of the Day (06-Dec-12) From the following pair of words, identify the pair that shares the same relationship as the given pair. CONSERVATORY : MUSIC :: ____________ : _____________ OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) CONFEDERATE : ALLIANCE ATELIER : ART SCULPTURE : STUDIO THEATER : SPECTACLE

Solution Conservatory or conservatoire is a place where music is taught or practiced or learnt. Atelier similarly is a workshop or studio, especially of an artist, artisan, or designer. Hence, the correct answer is option 2. Question of the Day (07-Dec-12)

Rectangle ABCD has AB = 63 cm and BC = 448 cm. Points E and F lie on AD and BC respectively, such that AE = CF = 84 cm. The circle inscribed in BEF is tangent to EF at point Q and the circle inscribed in DEF is tangent to EF at point P. What is the length of PQ? OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 259 cm 287 cm 364 cm 237 cm


Let length of PQ = m Let in-circle of BEF touches AB at R. Let PR = x Hence, ER = AB AE BR = 384 x We can see that triangles DEF amd BFE are congruent. Using the Pythagoras theorem in DAE we get; ED = 105 cm Similarly, BF = 105 cm Tangents from a point to a circle are of the same length. Using this property in BFE as seen in the figure, EF = EQ + QF = EP + PQ + QF EF = 364 x + 105 x = 2(105 x) + m m = 259 cm Hence, option 1.

uestion of the Day (08-Dec-12) Views : 770 Rated 1.5 by 2 Users

Answer the question based on the passage given below. Parker and Stone, who met at college, developed the show from two animated shorts they created in 1992 and 1995. The latter became one of the first Internet viral videos, which ultimately led to its production as a series. South Park debuted in August 1997 with great success, consistently earning the highest ratings of any basic cable program. Subsequent ratings have varied, but the show remains Comedy Central's highest rated and longest running program; a total of 223 episodes have aired, and the series is slated to run through at least 2016. Which of the below statements accurately summarizes the above passage? OPTIONS 1) South Park is Comedy Centrals highest rated program that was also an internet viral video created by Matt Stone and Trey Parker when they were in college. 2) Parker and Stone met in college to create South Park, turned it into an internet viral video and due to the success of the video, turned it into a Comedy Central show. 3) South Park is a successful animated series based on Parker and Stones viral animated short. It is Comedy Centrals highest rated and longest running program; it has shot 223 episodes and will be on-air at least till 2016. 4) South Park is a viral animated short that was aired on Comedy Central to really high ratings and a long and run that has been extended to 2016. 5) Parker and Stone created South Park as a series of two animated shorts while they were in college, the second one of which became viral on the internet and ended up as Comedy Centrals longest and most successful series. Solution Option 3 succinctly sums up the passage. The rest are incorrect as they dont do a good enough job of summarizing the passage or have errors. Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

Question of the Day (09-Dec-12) For all integers n 1, a sequence of positive integers ai is defined by

The minimum value of a1 + a2 is; OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 213 407 507 613


an + 2(1 + an + 1) = an + 2012 an + 2 + an + 2 an + 1 an = 2012 (i) Let us put n + 1 in the place of n. Then, an + 3 + an + 3 an + 2 an + 1 = 2012 (ii) From (i) and (ii), an + 2 + an + 2 an + 1 an = an + 3 + an + 3 an + 2 an + 1 an + 3 + an + 3 an + 2 an + 1 an + 2 an + 1 = an + 2 an (an + 3 an + 1)(an + 2 + 1) = (an + 2 an) Let bn = an + 2 an bn + 1(an+2 + 1) = bn Since bn and bn + 1 are integers, we can observe that bn is divisible by bn + 1, which means each term of this infinite sequence bi is a factor of previous term. But the initial term will have a finite number of factors. So bi cannot be an infinite sequence unless bn is zero. So we conclude that bn = 0 an + 2 an = 0 an + 2 = an a3 = a1

a1 + a1a2 = a1 + 2012 a1a2 = 2012 To minimize (a1 + a2) the only option is 4, 503. Thus the minimum value of a1 + a2 = 4 + 503 = 507

Hence, option 3. Question of the Day (10-Dec-12) Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. Planning a Turkish holiday, Bunny and I got the visa application forms online. Apart from valid passports, the required documentation included colour photos, letters from employers, pre-paid airline tickets, pre-paid hotel vouchers, photocopies of credit cards, certified bank statements for the past six months and certified income tax receipts for the past three years. Certified copies of our gotras and our janam patris were not required, which was just as well, as neither of us knows our respective gotras, nor do we have janam patris, certified or un-. By the time we got all the paperwork together the package weighed what telephone directories used to weigh before mobile phones made them obsolete. _____________. OPTIONS 1) Even as airliners have made travel much easier, obstacle courses called visas have made travel - not just to Turkey, but everywhere - much tougher. 2) Istanbul, the capital of Turkey - fabled meeting point of East and West - is an increasingly popular tourist destination, can also be a very tiring tourist destination. 3) Turkey can be tiring even before you get there, and the tiring part involves getting a visa. 4) All governments - including the Indian government - cite practical reasons, like national security and illegal immigration, for such restrictions. Solution The paragraph is about Visa to Turkey and the Para should end with the same idea. Hence option 3. Options 1 and 4 go beyond the data in the paragraph and make unwarranted and general (though true) comments about travel everywhere and All governments. Etc. hence not good choices though they help conclude the paragraph, but only if we know the writers mind. Option 3 limits itself to the available data in the paragraph. Option 2 is ambiguous in the word tiring. Is the city itself tiring or getting a visa? Hence, the correct answer is option 3. Question of the Day (11-Dec-12) Let a, b and c be the three distinct positive integers such that sum of the reciprocals of any two integer among them is and integer multiple of the reciprocal of the third number. Find the minimum value of a + b + c. OPTIONS 1) 5 2) 7 3) 6 4) 11 5) 12

Without loss of generality, we can assume that a > b > c. Now,

Here k is some integer.


Similarly we get Now,

Here k is some integer.

Substituting 2b = a in (I) we get;

c is minimum when b = 3 So minimum value of a, b and c are 2, 3 and 6. Their sum = 2 + 3 + 6 = 11 Hence, option 4.

Question of the Day (12-Dec-12) From the following pair of words, identify the pair that shares the same relationship as the given pair. ELLIPSIS: OMISSION :: ____________ : _____________

OPTIONS 1) COMMA : CONJUNCTION 2) PERIOD : STOP 3) INTERROGATION : EXCLAMATION 4) SYNOPSIS : SUMMARY Solution Ellipsis is a punctuation sign used to indicate omission of words. Period is the punctuation mark used to indicate stop. Hence, the correct answer is option 2. Question of the Day (13-Dec-12)

How many positive integers m exist for which there are non-negative integers x0, x1, x2, , x2012 such that; OPTIONS 1) 0 2) 1 3) 2 4) More than 2 but finite Solution So the question then becomes finding the number of positive integer roots m, for which P(m) = 0 and x0, x1, , x2012 are non-negative integers. We plug in m = 1 and see that P(1) = 1 1 1 1 = 1 2012 = 2011 Now we use the polynomial remainder theorem to say that P(m) = (m 1)Q(m) 2011 for some polynomial Q(m) with integer coefficients. Then if P(m) = 0 for some m then (m 1)Q(m) = 2011 for that value of m. In that case (m 1) must divide 2011 as (m 1) and Q(m) are integers for that particular value of m. But 2011 is a prime number. So m can take only 2 possible values, 2 and 2012 for which (m 1) becomes 1 and 2011. These are the only possible values of m for which P(m) will become zero. If m = 2012 then one possible set of xks can be x1 = x2 = = x2012 = 1and x0 =2.

If m = 2 then one possible set of xks is x0 = 2011, x1 = 2010, x2 = 2009, , x2009 = 2, x2010 = 1, x2011 = 0 and x2012 =0, so that 22011 = 22010 + 22009 + 22008 + + 22 + 21 + 20 + 20 Since, 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + + 2n = 2n + 1 1 So the number of possible values of m is 2. Hence, option 3. Question of the Day (14-Dec-12) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate options: In (A) countries where the poor exceed the rich by a huge margin, redistribution would increase the (B) of the poor only minimally by, say, a chapati a day and the increase would not be (C) in a context of low income and high population growth. In short, for most poor countries, growth is the principal strategy for (D) development. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) impoverished, consumption, sustainable, inclusive developing, condition, achievable, technological penurious, welfare, experienced, economic destitute, deterioration, relevant, political

Solution The countries where the poor exceed the rich by a huge margin are impoverished. The word destitute may fit but it is extreme when applied to countries. If the increase is say, a chapatti a day it can only be consumption, in the literal as well as the economic sense. Since the increase is already achieved no other option will be suitable other than sustainable. The context states increase in consumption through redistribution may not increase the lot of the poor. Hence growth should be the strategy for development which includes the poor hence inclusive. Hence, the correct answer is option 1. Question of the Day (15-Dec-12) Let P be an interior point in ABC. Extend lines from vertex to P to the opposite sides as shown in the following diagram. The labels indicate the length of the line segments. Find abc if a + b + c = 43 and d = 3.

OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 271 400 441 256 None of these

Consider PBC and ABC. As they have the same base we have;

Here, *PBC+ means area of PBC. Similarly taking the other triangle having the same base as ABC, we get;

Putting d = 3 we get; 3((a + 3)(b + 3) + (b + 3)(c + 3) + (c + 3)(a + 3)) = (a + 3)(b + 3)(c + 3) 3(ab + bc + ca) + 18(a + b + c) + 81 = abc + 3(ab + bc + ca) + 9(a + b + c) + 27 9(a + b + c) + 54 = abc = 441 Hence, option 3. Question of the Day (16-Dec-12) Answer the question based on the passage given below. The characters and objects are composed of simple geometrical shapes and primary colors. Most child characters are the same size and shape, and are distinguished by their clothing and headwear. Characters are mostly presented two-dimensionally and from only one angle. Their movements are animated in an intentionally jerky fashion, as they are purposely not offered the same free range of motion associated with hand-drawn characters. Occasionally, some non-fictional characters are depicted with photographic cutouts of their actual head and face in lieu of a face reminiscent of the show's traditional style. Canadians on the show are often portrayed in an even more minimalist fashion; they have simple beady eyes, and the top halves of their heads simply flap up and down when the characters speak. Which of the following is an appropriate title for the passage? OPTIONS 1) Animation styles used on South Park 2) Racism in animation the depiction of different races differently

3) The use of geometrical shapes and primary colours in animation 4) Why animation should not be used in TV shows 5) Animation styles used on a particular TV show Solution The passage talks about the various animation styles used on the show. The only option that shows this is 5. The rest cant be proven to be from the passage and are hence wrong. Hence, the correct answer is option 5. Question of the Day (17-Dec-12) Let N be the number of ways in which 2010 can be written in the form, 2010 = 1000a3 + 100a2 + 10a1 + a0, where ai, for 0 i 3, is an integer and 0 ai 99. An example of such representation is, 2010 = 1 103 + 9 102 + 11 101 + 0 100 Find N. OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 2 3 52 202 None of the above

Solution 2010 = 1000a3 + 100a2 + 10a1 + a0 Let p = 100a2 + a0 and q = 1000a3 + 10a1 Now, 2010 q = p As 0 a2, a0 99, we can see that the first two digits of p from the left will be a2, and the last two will be a0. Therefore, for a given value of q, a2 and a0 will have unique values. So, for the number of solutions to the given expression, we just need to determine the number of combinations of a3 and a1 that we can choose. If a3 = 0 or a3 = 1, a1 can take any value from 0 to 99. If a3 = 2 then a1 can only be 0 or 1

Thus N = 100 + 100 + 2 = 202 Hence, option 4.

Question of the Day (18-Dec-12) Each of the following questions has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted. From the given options, choose the one that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way. Dear Anna Hazare, Frustrated by your failure to draw large crowds or sway Parliament, you have decided to convert your India Against Corruption movement into a political party. Please abandon the idea. A mass movement can flourish on a single issue like fighting corruption. A single-issue movement can draw support from many existing institutions and parties. It can bring together those who quarrel on many issues, but are willing to join hands on corruption. It attracts people because its message is simple and clear. But if you form a political party, you distract attention from your big message. _______________. OPTIONS 1) A movement can be based on an issue, but a political party has to take a stand on many issues. 2) This will irretrievably dilute your focus on corruption. 3) Your supporters are divided on issues other than corruption. 4) Creating a party will stir up all the contradictory ideologies and passions that your supporters have set aside to focus on corruption. Solution The writer wants to emphasise that A mass movement can flourish on a single issue like fighting corruption and that It can bring together those who quarrel on many issues, but are willing to join hands on corruption. These ideas need to reinforce the message, please abandon the idea of a political party. Hence option 4, explains why Anna Hazare has to abandon the idea bringing the paragraph to a closure. None of the other options sufficiently explains the reason to abandon the idea and will need further explanation. Hence, the correct answer is option 4. Question of the Day (19-Dec-12)

If 2*cos a sin a + cos 4a sin 2a + cos 9a sin 3a + + cos n2a sin na+ is an integer, what is the smallest possible positive value of n? OPTIONS 1) 503

2) 1006 3) 2012 4) 502 Solution 2 cos a sin b = sin (a + b) sin (a b) 2*cos a sin a + cos 4a sin 2a + cos 9a sin 3a + + cos n2a sin na+

sin (n(n + 1)a) is an integer. So it can take only the values 1, 0 or 1. This can happen only when n(n + 1)a is an integral multiple of /2.

n(n + 1) is a multiple of 1006 = 503 2 The smallest value of n for which this is possible is n = 502 Hence, option 4. Question of the Day (20-Dec-12) From the following pair of words, identify the pair that shares the same relationship as the given pair. SHAKE: AGITATE :: ____________ : _____________ OPTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) NOD : AGREE VEX : PACIFY CALM : SOOTHE VILIFY : PRAISE

Solution Shake and Agitate are synonyms; Calm and soothe are synonyms. Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

Question of the Day (22-Dec-12) Answer the question based on the passage given below. In Indian architecture, the dwelling is itself a shrine. A home is called manushyalaya, literally, "human temple". It is not merely a shelter for human beings in which to rest and eat. The concept behind house design is the same as for temple design, so sacred and spiritual are the two spaces. The "open courtyard" system of house design was the national pattern in India before Western models were introduced. The order introduced into the "built space" accounts for the creation of spiritual ambiance required for the dweller to enjoy spiritual well-being and material welfare and prosperity. A typical layout of a square building comes with a grid of 9x9=81 squares, meant for family persons (for scientists, artists and yogi a grid of 8x8=64 is prescribed). The space occupied by the central 3x3=9 squares is called Brahmasthanam, meaning the "nuclear energy field". It should be kept unbuilt and open to the sky so as to have contact with the outer space (akasha). Which of the following cant be concluded from the passage? OPTIONS 1) A temple and a home are both sacred and spiritual spaces. 2) The West came up with the idea of the open courtyard system of house design separately. 3) Thomas Edison wouldve needed a grid of 8X8 = 64. 4) A home is not just a space for human dwelling, its a temple. 5) The nuclear energy field needs to have contact with outer space. Solution The passage states that for scientists, artists and yogi a grid of 8x8=64 is prescribed however, the passage doesnt let us know if Thomas Edison was a scientist or not. Option 1 is wrong because the passage states that The concept behind house design is the same as for temple design, so sacred and spiritual are the two spaces. Option 2 is wrong because the passage states that The "open courtyard" system of house design was the national pattern in India before Western models were introduced. From this we can conclude that the West did come up with an alternative model of the open courtyard system, separately. Option 4 is wrong because the passage states that In Indian architecture, the dwelling is itself a shrine. Option 5 is wrong because the passage states that The space occupied by the central 3x3=9 squares is called Brahmasthanam, meaning the "nuclear energy field". It should be kept unbuilt and open to the sky so as to have contact with the outer space (akasha). Hence, the correct answer is option 3.

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