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Newsletter No 1 1 February 2013

The Theme for 2013 is Gifted for Greatness

Dear Parents We are very excited about our Theme for 2013: Gifted for Greatness Our school, our learners, our parents and our staff each have a special gift. We know that if each one of us uses our gift to the benefit of others, the environment and the school, we will indeed create greatness! A swimming and an athletics camp were held the Week before the school started and the effort proved to be very successful. We are confident that our swimmers and athletes are well prepared for the season. The Grade 8s have settled in well. They made us proud with the Grade 8 Concert. The Grade 8 Picnic was a success and was enjoyed by all! We are looking forward to the Prestige Athletics Meeting on 23 February at the PUK McArthur. We rely on parents attendance to support our athletes for The Girls! Parents are reminded of the sleepover on the school grounds after the athletics. Come prepared to camp. Details to follow.

Opening of the Matric Shelter

A few reminders of events to take place! Your daughter will appreciate your support.
Athletics 8 Feb 15 Feb 19 Feb 23 Feb 10 Mar Volkies Wonderfontein Super PUK Potch Prestige Inter-high Athletics a must for all parents NW Athletics Championships Swimming 7 Feb 7 Mar St Catherines Inter-High Gala Ellis Park

Drummies 16 Mar

Drummie competition

Biathlon 18 Feb Hockey & Netball 25-28 Feb 8 Mar 9 Mar 16 Mar 18/19 Mar

Biathlon Training starts in March. Hockey players must have a mouth guard and hockey togs. Netball and Hockey trials Best of the West Challenge Krugersdorp 1st teams Netball & Hockey Wonderfontein Sports Day Hockey U14&15) & Netball (U14-U16) Netball & Hockey Sport Day in Kroonstad Netball Clinic / Hockey skills workshop

Culture 8 Feb Academic 11 Mar 12 Mar 13 Mar


Grade 8 Outing Grade 9 Outing Grade 10 Academic Outing

Staff News

We extend a warm welcome to our new teacher: Ms T Erasmus (Maths Lit) who replaces Mr D Jagals who is now a lecturer at the NWU.

School Functions

We started our year delighted with our 2012 matric results. Congratulations to the staff, parents and girls on another sterling effort. We had a 100% pass rate for every grade in 2012. Not one girl failed the year! WOW!

Our 96 matriculants achieved a total of 127 As, 156 Bs and 147 Cs symbols Our university entrance was 76% Top scholars: Relebogile Mile. Average 86.3% & 5 Distinctions Andrea Searle 84.6% & 5 Distinctions Lebo de Jaar 84.4% & 5 Distinctions Edna Korae 84.1% & 5 Distinctions

Thank you to all the grade 8 parents who attended the function on Saturday. The parents who stayed and had a picnic really used the opportunity to bond with their daughters. Thank you. There are other days when we expect all our parents to attend functions. Yes, we do realise it is an inconvenience but those are days you give your daughter a gift. The gift is your presence and for you to be there shows your daughter that you are interested in what she does. It is a bonding day and a day to meet her friends and their parents.

Code of Conduct

Every learner received a copy of the 2013 Code of Conduct last year. The Code of Conduct is there to protect the rights of every learner and educator and to ensure a safe learning environment for all. An extract of the Uniform rules can be found in the Information Booklet given to every learner at the beginning of this year.

The following girls were in the top 5 in their respective grades on academic results achieved throughout 2012 Gr 8: Micaela Ponte, Tshepahalo Seobi, Linda van der Sandt, Sebabatso Mofarmere, Romi Thomas Gr 9: Banabohle Mahlatsi, Raquel Dos Santos, Lwazi Ndala, Angela Strydom, Michelle Lategan Gr 10: Ogunrombi Aanuoluwapo, Chawapiwanashe Madoroba, Rendani Modau, Alexia Hattingh, Chwayita Thobela Gr 11: Yaseerah Hassim, Zafeerah Hassim, Fallon Fourie, Kinah Willemse, Thelma Mosehle Gr 12: Relebogile Mile, Andrea Searle, Lebo De Jaar, Edna Korae, Mamosete Gaborone

Academic Top Five for 2012

Uniform/Hairstyles/Badges/Hymn Books
Our uniform is to be worn with pride. Pierced tongues, eyebrow and nose rings, dyed hair, shaved hair, dreadlocks and visible tattoos are contrary to our code of dress and are not condoned. Please ensure that your daughter has the correct school uniform and hairstyles to avoid unpleasantness. All girls with unsuitable braiding must have their hair fixed by MONDAY.

Matric Jersey

Reading Lab

Special jerseys for the matrics will cost R185. Only jerseys paid for will be ordered and we will not be able to place another order. The money for the jersey must be paid before 24th February. All payments must be made directly to the Finance Office.

A subject-specific extensive reading programme is in operation in our Media Centre to improve our learners reading and comprehension skills. This is a must for every learner.

Matric Farewell 2013

GHS Twitter % SMS messages

To improve our communication with parents we will be using sms messaging and the GHS Twitter. These are short notes with important dates and reminders. The GHS Twitter is emailed every two or three weeks to our parents. Please keep us informed of any changes to your email address and if you are not on the mailing list.

All grade 12 parents are reminded that the Matric Farewell takes place on 12 April 2013. All grade 12s are required to pay R350 towards the funding of this even as soon as possible. The matric dance costs more than this as each learner is further sponsored by the school. All fees must be paid by 5 March.

Knitting of Strips


Newsletters will be sent home on all hostel weekends out. Please ask your daughter for the newsletters. The reply slip must be signed and returned to indicate receipt of the letter. The homeroom teachers will collect the reply slips. Failure to return the reply slip will result in detention for your daughter.

All girls must contribute to the knitting of strips. All strips must be in by the end of first term. The knitting of squares / strips is a long-standing tradition a tradition of many years which started in 1945. We urge you to buy the wool and to encourage your daughters to start knitting. Lets make an effort this year to knit our own strips and to hand in more than prescribed. Part of our task, as parents and educators is to instil a sense of community responsibility to teach the girls to reach out to those less fortunate than themselves.


Exemption or partial exemption from school fees: Application forms are available from the Finance Office. Enquiries in this regard can be made with Mrs Jacobsz. Applications close on 24 February 2013. No late submissions will be considered. Forms must be complete with ALL attachments before submission.

Drop off and Pick Up Zones

Pocket Money

Parents may fetch their daughters at the front gate of the school or at the gate at the back of the school by the Hall. Please do not park across the driveways when dropping off or picking up your daughter. Parents may not drive into the school grounds to drop off or fetch learners. Parking bays in Kock Street are for the taxis. All girls travelling by taxis must leave and enter the school at the hall area. In other words all girls travelling by taxis must be dropped off and picked up in Kock Street and not in front of the school.

School accounts may not be used for pocket money. Personal deposits must please be made in this regard.


The textbooks needed by the girls at school are extremely heavy and not ideal to carry around all day. We recommend that the girls have suitcases with wheels and not carry heavy bags on their backs, We also have lockers for the girls to place their books in during the day. These are rented out for R30-00 per term and the money is then refunded at the end of term. The lockers are now all been taken and we need to buy a few more lockers. This was not budgeted for and we have decided that the cost of hiring a locker at R 30-00 per term is not exorbitant. We have decided not to refund the R30-00. The money raised per term will be used to increase the number of lockers. We hope you will support this project and until we have the required number of lockers for use. The ideal remains buying a set of wheels for the suitcases.

Hockey Clinic

All hockey teams will be attending a Hockey clinic at the NW University during the April holidays. It is important that we improve our hockey skills and it can only be done with extra practice and competition. Please invest in your daughters hockey ability and approve her attendance at the clinic.

Old Girls Association

National Girls Festival

The Annual All Girls Schools Sport & Cultural Festival will take place at Parktown Girls High in Johannesburg from 25 - 28 April. Girls chosen for the First teams will be attending. If your daughter has been chosen she has been given a letter with all the information. It is a privilege to have been chosen to represent the school and I hope parents will support their daughters.

Please help spread the word that we have an old Girl Association and they must visit us on facebook. In October there will be an Old Girl Reunion for the girls that matriculated in 1953, 1963, 1973, 1983, 1993, and 2003. They can contact Mrs R Theron at school for details. The old girl emblem is a Matryoshka wooden doll with smaller dolls within it. The emblem symbolizes: every woman represents many women, many lives and limitless potential locked inside of her!

Clothes and Personal Possessions

Day Girl Fund

Every Day girl is expected to contribute R120 per year to the Day girl Fund. This will be used for the Christmas party and for other fun events with the aim of promoting unity amongst the Day girls. The boarders have this fee for special treats included in their boarding fees. We have had the first daygirl function, an enjoyable morning breakfast in Parys. It would be appreciated if all the day girls can buy their R120-00 as soon as possible.

All possessions should be marked clearly. All items to be sent to the laundry must indicate the learners name and laundry number as well as the Hostel name. It has become increasingly difficult to meet all the special dietary requests from the hostel girls. We canl only consider special requests if accompanied by a doctors certificate (provided annually) and even then we will only provide for the following: Full vegetarian, Non-pork, No fish, Lactose intolerant and Diabetics with special needs. Too many girls claim to be vegetarian and without the necessary protein in their diet they create other health problems. Please, we are unable to accommodate any other dietary requirements.

Dietary Requirements Hostel

ID Documents
Girls who are 15 and older who have not yet applied for an ID document can do so at school. On 13th February officials will be here to help them fill in the forms. They will need 2 ID photos or R20. For first time applicants there is no charge. If one needs to re-apply for an ID document it will cost R140 plus R20 for photographs. Passports can also be applied for at a cost of R400 plus ID photos and lost passports cost R800.


In 2013 the school will introduce a free WIFI Internet access point (HOTSPOT) and safe Internet per user on LAN and WIFI, through web filters from 13:30-15:45.


Commitment to extra-murals! Parents if your daughter commits herself to an extra-mural activity please support her in that. Encourage her by getting her to practices, matches or performances on time and fetch her on time afterwards. Day Girls are asked to wait for their parents in the East house at night. We cannot expect your daughter to stand in the dark on the pavement.

Golf Day

Contact numbers

School Office For applications / admissions For finance queries For other queries Please do not use this email for any matters pertaining to hostel. Hostel Contact details All requests for hostel matters must be directed to the SHM at the specific hostel see below: School House Fax No. 086 542 9663 E-mail: North House Fax No. 086 560 8591 E-mail: East House South Wing Fax No. 086 538 3160 E-mail: East House North Wing Fax No. 086 560 7881 E-mail:

The High School for Girls will be hosting its first Golf Day at the Potchefstroom Golf Club on 19 April 2013. The aim of the event is to generate funds for the school, which will be used for a variety of projects in the school. The Golf Day will also provide an opportunity to strengthen professional and social ties with the parents and friends of the school and the community of Potchefstroom. It is in this light of the above that we request your support and assistance to make a success of this event. You can support and participate in the following ways: Entering a team of (4) players 4 Ball R2 000 Sponsoring a hole to the amount of R3 000 & choosing the hole you want to sponsor Advertising your business at the sponsored hole Donation by means of vouchers, products and / or cash which can be used for prizes Please complete the reply slip or contact Mr L Pieters at GHS email address: Any contribution will be welcomed and appreciated.

Grade 12 Parents Meeting

Bus Tickets

Tickets for Midway Bus Service can be bought from our financial office every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon from 14h00 to 16h00. No arrangements will be made after a Wednesday afternoon. Parents will also be able to deposit money directly into the school account by Internet banking. Proof of deposit must be faxed to the office, indicating bus fare with your daughters name and surname. Such payments should be made by the Monday to prevent problems occurring. Parents also have the option of paying the entire terms bus fare at the beginning of each term. Girls may also pay at school via their bank/debit cards.

Thank you to the parents that attended the meeting in the beginning of the year. I hope the information shared will be useful. Herewith a few of the important dates for the grade 12s: 12 April Matric Formal Dance 10 11 May Afrikaans Winter School (Compulsory) 29 May Exams start 10 14 July GHS Winter School 8am 8pm (Compulsory attendance new work will be done) 19 - 20 July English Winter School (Compulsory) 19 Aug Prelim Exam start ? Oct Cocktail Farewell Function ? Oct Last Day and Valedictory Service (Dates to be confirmed later) 28 Oct-29 Nov Final Exams Vitaforce Vitamin B is a good vitamin for learners helps with exam stress.

Girls High Greetings

EF Meyer (Mrs) Headmistress

Welcome Grade 8s of 2013!



Learners name: ______________________________________________________________ Class: _________ Please tick the relevant blocks - this reply slip must be returned on Monday 4 February 2013 to the Homeroom teacher.

I have received newsletter 1 of 2013

SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN:_________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Learners Name: _______________________________________ (Please print) Gr: ____________________ I would like to buy a brick. Please tick appropriate block. Enclosed find cash for R600 for a brick Internet payment for R600 for a brick (a copy of payment) Chosen wording to be on brick: _________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Learners Name: ______________________________

Grade: _____________________

I would like to sponsor a hole for R3 000 I would like to enter a team of four (4) players for R2 000 I would like to make a financial donation for prizes I would like to sponsor products

Parents Name:_______________________________ Parents Email:________________________________

Cell No. ___________________________

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