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Brotherhood of christian Businessmen and professionals (BcBp)

VOL. 8 NO. 2


2013: a Growth Year for central

Proverbs 16:3 & 9, it says You may make your plans but God directs your actions. Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out. During the Chapter Assembly last Jan 28, 2013, we had the opportunity to present to our members our performance in 2012 and our plans for the 2013. Although the year 2012 has presented many challenges, our Chapter has nevertheless had succeeded in achieving some of its goals below. This became possible because of our steadfast commitment to serve the Lord and His continuous blessings to our service. We sincerely thank all our members for their dedication and hard work in the past year. MISSION & EVANGELIZATION: Conducted one CLP and brought in thirty-six (36) new formation members. Invited to our breakfast fellowship about 200 professionals and businessmen. Encouraged our forty-members (40) to bear witness to Christ through personal sharing. Successfully opened our mission in Masbate. FORMATION & LIFE: Developed a number of new speakers and provided the needs of the various teachings, retreats, trainings, and formation programs of BCLP 5. Enhanced the intercessory servic-

es for the members by forming three intercessory groups. Improved the leadership skills of some members through trainings (Speakers Training, Leaders Forum, AGL training). Provided opportunity to parents to improve relations with children through Parenting teaching and Lords Day. Leveled-up the faith and service comContinued on page 5



Christians in Business Retreat Caring for our people.... Christmas giving 2012... Celebrating Valentines... A call to serve...

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Christians in Business Retreat

THE CHAPTEr welcomed 2013 with a bang as it held the Brotherhood Christian Business retreat (BCBr) last Jan. 11-12, 2013 in USP and in Betania retreat House. More than forty (40) formation members from Presas Unit and regular members who have not yet attended this retreat trooped to the venue eager to listen and learn a new teaching. BCBr is one of the series of retreats that a formation member should complete to become a fullpledged member of the community. BCBr is aimed to give guidance to the participants in examining their motivation for working and in learning to discern what is Gods plan for them at work. It also challenges their notions about wealth and their attitude towards it. The participants are also taught how to become Christian managers who should be strong to cope with the challenges in the market; be able to put balance in their priorities between work, family, and community; resist evil; and put Jesus as the Lord of the workplace. The talks were delivered by powerpacked speakers who walk the talk and are also certified successful businessmen and professionals. They were Brothers Jojo Veloso and Mario Siao from Cebu North; Bobby Suarez, Mike Fernan, Jeff Villa, and Steve Benitez from Cebu Central. In one of my chats with the participants, a brother was amazed by the insights he learned from the retreat. This is a very good retreat which must be learned and shared among businessmen to make the 22 marketplace a fair playing field with God in the center. I must apply this in my business, he said. Some participants were also thankful of the new learning and they expressed agreement to embrace them in their work and business. The BCBr was our first successful activity this year and it set the standards that we should follow in conducting our upcoming activities. The service team was led by Bro Steve and Sister Dindin Benitez. > bro. ani serrato




Caring for our people in the BCBP

ON TUESDAy, January 29, 2013, leaders of the different BCBP Cebu Chapters gathered at the Sacred Heart Center and were blessed to have Bro. Francis Iturralde as speaker for a teaching entitled, CArING FOr OUr PEOPLE IN THE BCBP. Bro. Francis was one of the pioneers of the BCBP being present in that first breakfast in 1981. He was a former National Director of Ang Lingkod ng Panginoon and is currently the Administrator of Servants of the Word and a member of the Sword of the Spirit Community Building Team. He began his teaching by showing us the scriptural framework for leading an action group (Exodus 1826) and defining what an Action Group is in the BCBP. This to me was very enlightening as it showed us specifically the scriptural basis of our structure in community and how this should be governed. I realized that our structure was not just taken from any book but was borne out of inspiration from Scripture. As leaders in the community, specifically action group leaders, we should all have a common goal to make our action group be a body where our members experience support, love and care, service to one another, slowly growing to be mature Christians and become leaders themselves in the future. Ultimately, the action group is where the BCBP member is formed and weaned into the BCBP way of life (culture). Apart from discussing Levels of Pastoral Care, Elements and Content of Basic Pastoral Care, the BCBP Commitment Card and Ways to Build Up Members, Bro. Francis left us some important pastoral principles we could ponder on. Character, more than gift, is important in exercising leadership authority. The most important position in the BCBP is that of a brother/sister. And the most important function in the BCBP is to LOVE the brothers and sisters. As leaders, we are not to lord it over our members, but rather be caring facilitators. We must be models or examples more by deeds and actions than by words. Personal care and attention must be extended to them. It is said that values are caught not taught. The HEArT of a leader more than the skill or technical knowledge of a leader would be more important in building relationships in the group. Go ahead and waste time with one another so as to get to know each other more and deepen your relationships. you can only be responsible for something that you are given authority for. As Action Group Leaders in BCBP, we have authority as far as our commitment card is concerned. It is our responsibility to remind our members and call their attention regarding these as there was a commitment made. We may only remind and not tell our members what to do because ultimately, they are to make their own decisions. We are not in that level of pastoral care where we have full authority over our members. However, it is our responsibility to run after them especially when we know that they are outwardly committing sin. We may do correction but we must first know the nature of the issue being it a matter of being right or wrong; good or bad; proper or improper? The standards for each differ so understanding and clarity of the standards should be clear to all parties concerned. Furthermore, good personal relationships between leaders and members, and among members within the action group become very important. you can only give the level of pastoral care that you yourself have received, are under, and are willing to be under. It is not an easy task to be an Action Group leader. Many times we would want to give up. We definitely cannot do this on our own. We will need a lot of help from the Holy Spirit and support from other leaders and members of community too. A regular Prayer and Scripture time would be very essential to be able to do this task well. A personal relationship with Jesus is key to the relationship we will have with our members. We will never be able to give what we do not have or have experienced ourselves. Our members will not catch anything if we ourselves have not caught the fire, so to speak. May it be that when we face our creator and he asks us, where are your members?..we shall answer, Here, Father, they are right beside me. > sis. tina Mateo





Christmas giving 2012

Corinthians 9:7Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. During the first BCBP-Central breakfast meeting after the Pablo disaster in Davao Oriental, the Social Action committee put up a simple sign for contributions to the victims of the killer typhoon. The response was quick and overwhelming. It enabled the chapter to raise and send forty-three thousand pesos (P43, 000) before Christmas day for the relief fund and sacks of used clothing for the devastated communities. In Hebrews 13:16 Do not neglect to do good and to share what we have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God. While in Acts 20:35 It is more blessed to give that to receive. Core members of the social action group took three meetings to plan and prepare for the logistics of the annual Christmas Breakfast for the Homeless. Community members were so generous in their donations in cash and kind, even former members living abroad sent two hundred dollars for the breakfast. The group raised enough funds to include a Christmas treat for the Bonita Home for Girls. Thirty-five Cebu Central members along with volunteers trooped to the Fuente Osmena plaza at five oclock in morning of December, 30, 2012 to man the Christmas Breakfast activity. As soon as the food arrived, everybody took their places in the assembly line stuffing goodies in the breakfast packets, at the distribution table and the crowd control line. Distribution started at 6:00 am and was over in an hour. Goodies consisted of puso, boiled eggs, lumpia shanghai, sliced meat loaves, apples, oranges, sliced bread, chiffon cakes and funchum. Three hundred and fifty (350) breakfast packets were given away. When finished, the group cleaned up the venue in Fuente Osmena and went to r and S restaurant for a quick breakfast. One member dropped at the nearby CAMAMA Foundation and delivered two boxes of bread loaves . The Foundation sends 29 orphans of various ages to school. The Foundation operates solely on charity and faith. After breakfast, the next destination was Bonita Home for Girls. After a scary ride to the top of the hill where the Bonita Home is located, the brothers and sisters turned over four (4) sacks of rice, 220 kilos of processed meat, 3 boxes of bread loaves, boxes of apples and oranges, Jollibee spaghetti, and hamburgers. Most of the girls were away at their homes in the provinces for the Christmas vacation. The sisters told us that this is the season when they could rest from their gargantuan task of taking care of close to a hundred girls. There were thirty girls who remained in the center because their homes were not safe for them. The girls sang and danced for us. Not to be outdone, we also danced for them. The climax of the affair was the performance of the Jollibee mascot who came with the Jollibee meals for the girls. He delighted everyone but he had everybody shrieking and laughing when he dragged Bro. Bill Granert to dance gangnam style with him. Everybody felt good on their way home. This is the magic of giving. Deepak Chopra in his blog The Joy of Giving, writes that the act of giving is entering into a space where holiness resides. It opens a conduit for the kind of happiness that no one can ever steal from you. To God be the glory. > sister aida M. granert




froM page 1 mitment of the members through service forum, music formation training, intercessory formation, retreats, and special teachings. PROGRAMS & SERVICES: reached out to less fortunate brethren through our successful social action programs such as Medical/Dental Mission, Typhoon relief campaigns, Street feeding, and Bonita Home for Girls Christmas gift giving. Increased the awareness of members to chapter activities and celebrations through the regular monthly publication of Kaigsuonan. Strengthened the relationships and harmony among the families and members through successful celebrations of Family Day, Sportsfest, Chapter Lords Day, and Christmas Party. Increased the awareness of some people to the value of integrity through our Be Honest Advocacy Annual Launching (Joined in Integrity run, Be Honest Calendars & Stickers). OTHERS: Tithing percentage was 74% compared to 60% target Average members attendance in activities is 50% - an area for improvement The year 2013 will be a growth year for the Chapter and for the members. Our plans give a lot of opportunities for us to learn, to love, and to live our faith. They also include several programs and activities that will grow our membership, increase the participation of our family in our community activities, develop and form new leaders, and reach out more to our less-fortunate brethren. The following are our key plans and objectives in 2013: MISSION & EVANGELIZATION: Conduct BCLP 6 in Central for at least 50 participants Develop Masbate into a self-functioning outreach. KAIGSUONAN sa CENTRAL Conduct BCLP 1 in Masbate Invite at least 100 quality breakfast first timers in Cebu Prepare plan for the creation of a new Cebu outreach in collaboration with other chapters. FORMATION & LIFE: retraining of Action Group Leaders Q1 Learning, loving, and living up of faith Catholicism Series and other quality lifegiving teachings Formation programs for BCLP 6 in Central and BCLP 1 in Masbate Put in place Succession Plan and Individual Development Plan Develop and partially implement Children and youth Formation Program PROGRAMS AND SERVICES: Drive the Be Honest Advocacy during 2013 election Continue the social actions and celebration activities family involvement Establish the Information Ministry Kaigsuonan and in activities reorganization in April 2013 OTHERS: Achieved 85% tithing Achieve 70%-80% attendance rate

The realization of above plans depends on several factors like the level of our support and commitment, the generosity of our 3-Ts (time, talents, and treasures), and our expectant faith that God will guide us to succeed for His glory. In Proverbs 16:3 & 9, it says you may make your plans but God directs your actions. Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out. To our dear brothers and sisters, we humbly ask for your full support to these plans. Lets work harder and grow together for another fulfilling year in our Chapter. To God Be the Glory! > bro. ani serrato



Celebrating Valentines day this love month

Its February and lovebirds look forward to celebrate Love on Valentines Day- to express and celebrate the spirit of love. Valentines Day, or as it is more formally known, Saint Valentines Day, is celebrated each year on February 14th. Along with it is the tradition of sending personal messages who gained popularity among love birds and such handwritten notes of love came to be known as Valentine, a name drawn from the signature of Valentines last letter to Asterius daughter. Another belief was that it was also the date that birds began to choose their mates, and only later did the romance extend to the human population and became a time for bestowing loved ones with gifts, cards and flowers as a way of showing affection. In modern times, Valentines Day has exploded in popularity to become one of the most lucrative days of the year for retailers. Parks, restaurants are full with couples. Flowers, chocolates are common gifts, too. Well, there dont have to necessarily be material gifts, as it is a day to love, which can be celebrated with a date, a flower, a toast or a meal to simply renew mutual love. Although not always celebrated in the same way as today, Valentines Day has been celebrated by couples for many years and underneath all of the hype, gifts are still acknowledged as important for celebrating friendships and relationships. Every couple has different ways of celebrating this special day making sure that love is expressed in their unique ways. Some buy flowers for the special woman in his life or give a special gift over a candle-lit dinner. Nature lovers take a ride to a secluded beach at sunset and park the car nearby. Holding hands, they take a stroll along the beach, watching the sunset together. The more adventurous one sneak into his/her sweethearts car while he/she is busy at work and fill it

with roses and balloons up to the roof leaving a love note inside. But if time or situation does not permit for you to go out on a date, celebrating it at home with the kids could be a good idea, too. Play your favorite love songs while having that specially prepared dinner. Before bedtime, you may also watch romantic movies in the comfort of your room. Some of my favorites are P.S. I Love you (Cast: Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler), A Walk to remember (Cast: Shane West and Mandy Moore), If Only (Cast: Jennifer Love Hewitt and Paul Nicholls), Sweet November (Cast: Keanu reeves and Charlize Theron), etc. For those couples who are miles away from each other, celebrating Valentines day is no problem. With simple creativity, they, too, can express their undying love for each other by sending an e-card with a personalized message or a romantic e-greeting with a romantic message in his/her inbox. Wireless technology is another way of communicating over the internet. There are many hand-held devices available that can connect to the internet and these can be used to interact in the same way as when the internet is wired. They can also talk to each other with the aid of webcams, enabling them to not only hear each other, but also to see each other while they are talking. >sis. Connie ralota



A call to serve during Sinulog

GrOWING UP with a childhood spent selling all kinds of merchandise during Sinulog, I never really had a chance to practice my faith by attending novena masses and going to the Basilica del Sto Nino, until I was in college and attending the procession of the feast of Senor Sto Nio was a requirement. I remember how amazed I was seeing huge crowd from all walks of life gathered as one to pay tribute to the Sto Nio. I never really had a clear view as to how the Sto Nio had been very generous because the feast had always been an opportunity for our family to earn, thats how I always see it. As a teenager, I couldnt really see the point why during Sinulog everybody were partying, while I was there, helping my family. When I started raising my own family, I vowed to the Sto Nio that I would let my family practice their faith by attending the church activities during the feast. But this idea was hardly realized as the opportunity of earning during Sinulog always come to me. For years, peddlers would come knocking at our house and asking us to provide mineral waters for them to sell. This had been our business for some time and it stopped only when we got into selling real estate. Last year, a lady came to our place inquiring if we could provide mineral water for the Masbate contingent. As we served the Masbatenos, other Sinulog contingent staying in City Central School also became our client. Was it a chance? No. This year, I inadvertently mentioned to my real estate client that I wanted to rent a place in Fuente for business purposes. For a miracle, he informed me that he is offering me a booth in the Fuente rotunda for the Sinulog affair. I was tongue tied since my desire was different but I managed to commit to him on the booth, without any idea KAIGSUONAN sa CENTRAL what I will be going through. Accident? Still Not. I really didnt have a clear view as to where the Lord is leading me and family this Sinulog 2013. For one, I really want to observe the feast and regularly attend the church activities. On the other hand, I realized that I always have that deep desire of serving Gods people no matter what the cost is and it dawned on me that the opportunity didnt come as an accident but an appointed time from God for me to served those people who came to visit the feast of Senor Sto Nio by giving the services due for them, by giving them the rightful cost of the merchandise their buying, and an opportunity for me also to share how the Lord God had been very faithful for me and my family. The challenge is big and steep since setting the trend in market prices for the regular vendor is difficult. But actually, it was a better way of prac-

ticing my faith by being with them and educating them that whether the returns is big or small, if I cannot walked with God in my business I cannot really see the fruits of my labor. For the real profit is always rested on Gods mercy and faithfulness who sustained all of us through these years. Wherever the Sto Nio would take us, it has always been a privileged for us. Viva Pit Senyor! > sis. gwen oCaMpo



february activities
01 02 04 - 09 09 1st friday Mass and teaching usp central Mens breakfast casino espaol agM Week central siMultaneous breakfast casino espaol Masbate Joint breakfast Jollibee 15 16 18 - 23 23 chapter prayer asseMbly usp central Mens breakfast casino espaol agM Week central Joint breakfast casino espaol Masbate Joint breakfast Jollibee

March activities
01 02 04 - 09 09 1st friday Mass and teaching usp cebu region anniversary celebration tba [to be announced] agM Week central siMultaneous breakfast casino espaol Masbate Joint breakfast Jollibee launching of be honest advocacy 15 16 16 - 17 23 chapter prayer asseMbly usp central Mens breakfast casino espaol bcbp Way of life betania retreat house central siMultaneous breakfast casino espaol Masbate Joint breakfast Jollibee lenten retreat holy family retreat house Joy of discovery (selected members) tba [to be announced] 29 chapter Way of the cross

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