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Casual leave

i) Every employee is entitled to one day casual leave per month subject
to a maximum of 12 days in a calendar year.

ii) Employees who are appointed after the commencement of a

calendar year or leave the organization during the calendar year,
shall be entitled to casual leave at the proportionate rate of one day
per month.

iii) The leave itself is of a casual nature. Hence employees are expected
to avail of such leave judiciously.
iv) Every employee availing of leave has to obtain the sanction of the
competent authority by applying in the prescribed form.
v) Unless warranted by extra-ordinary circumstances, no employee
shall be granted more than seven days of leave during one spell. The
employees will not be permitted to be absent on casual leave for
more than 10 days together with holidays.
vi) In case, there is any balance of leave unavailed of by an employee
as on December 31st of the year, it will lapse and there will not be any
kind of right on the part of the employee to claim it.
vii) Casual leave cannot be combined with any other kind of leave.
viii) Casual leave can be availed for half a day also.
Earned Leave:
i) Leave Entitlement basis: Every employee appointed on the time
pay scale is entitled to 30 days of earned leave for every completed
year of service.
ii) Crediting of leave: Leave shall be credited to the account of each
employee at the rate of 15 days each on the 1st day of January and 1st
day of July every year, which shall be known as standard dates for
the purpose of leave rules.
iii) If an employee joins the services of the Remedy Hospitals at any time
during the calendar year, leave shall be credited to the account
proportionately at the rate of 2 ½ days per month of his/her completed

Fifteen days or more than 15 days of the month in which an employee

joined the REMEDY shall be treated as a full month for the purpose of
calculation of the leave. However, leave at the rate of 15 days shall
be credited to his/her leave account from the subsequent half-year.

The earned leave shall be reduced by one day for every 15 days of
absence due to extra-ordinary leave, consultancy leave, and Loss of
Pay availed of in any particular half-year.

iv) Benefits of EL: Whenever any such earned leave is availed of

by an employee and granted/sanctioned by the Competent Authority,
the employee is entitled to full salary along with other benefits like
provident fund etc.
v) Conditions for availing of EL:
· Every employee desirous of availing of earned leave shall apply for it
in the prescribed form at least 10 days in advance.
· No employee shall be granted/sanctioned earned leave at one time
for more than 120 days.
· EL can be availed of in not more than three spells in a calendar
· Intervening holidays of the REMEDY occurring during in the EL spell
will be treated as the employees on leave and will accordingly be
reduced from the leave balance of the employee.
· Prefix or suffix holidays shall not be counted for the purpose of
calculating number of days on EL.
vi) Accumulation of EL and ceiling limit: Un-utilized earned leave
at the end of the calendar year shall be carried forward to the next
year. Accumulation of EL on any standard dates of leave crediting
shall be limited to 180 days only.
vii) Encashment of earned leave: Every employee shall be entitled
to encashment of earned leave of 15 days every year. For the
purpose of calculating the cash equivalent of earned leave, the basic
pay plus dearness allowance shall be taken into account.
Employees have to forward their duly sanctioned EL
encashment application in the prescribed format to the HR
Department of the REMEDY – Corporate Office at Hyderabad.

Sick Leave:

i) Every employee who is on the time pay scale shall be entitled to Sick
Leave at the rate of 10 days on medical grounds accompanied with a
medical certification issued by the doctor.
ii) Un-utilized sick leave at the end of the calendar year shall be carried
forward to the next year.
iii) Every employee intending to avail of sick leave has to apply in the
form prescribed and enclose documentary evidence with it.
iv) Employees joining/leaving at any time during the calendar year are
entitled to Sick leave on a pro-rata basis.

Maternity Leave

i) A female employee who has been confirmed and is on the time pay
scale with no children or less than two surviving children may be
granted maternity leave for a maximum period of three months i.e. 6
weeks prior to the delivery and 6 weeks after delivery.
ii) Maternity leave not exceeding 45 days may also be granted to a
female employee who has been confirmed and who is on the time
pay scale (irrespective of the number of surviving children) during the
entire period of service in case of miscarriage including abortion on
the production of a medical certificate.
iii) Maternity leave may be combined with leave of any kind except CL.
Earned Leave for Consultancy:

a. Academic staffs are eligible for a maximum of 52 days leave for the
specific work of consultancy in an academic year. The academic year
will be considered as from 1st of June to 31st of May in a year. The
leave has to be sanctioned by the Competent Authority.
b. The term Consultancy here shall mean and include any consultancy
work, project, survey, study or assignment undertaken from any
organization other than the REMEDY.
c. Prior approval has to be obtained from the REMEDY for undertaking
the consultancy work by applying in the prescribed form to the
reporting authority. The reporting authority shall forward it with
remarks to the Competent Authority for approval.
d. The consultancy leave cannot be clubbed with any other leave for
which the employee is eligible, such as Casual Leave, Earned Leave
or Extraordinary leave.
e. The employee shall not be allowed to undertake more than 4 such
projects in a year. However this limit may be relaxed by the
Competent Authority.
f. Consultancy works in a city at a distance of more than 150 k.m. from
the present posting of the staff member shall not be permitted.
However, this stipulation may be relaxed by the Competent
g. If the employee is paid any remuneration or fees for the work, then
he/she shall be liable to pay 1/3 of any such amount received to the
REMEDY. However the expenses reimbursed by the consulting
organization shall be exempted from this condition.
h. Employees are supposed to maintain full confidentiality of the
information relating to the REMEDY, and any disclosure of such
confidential information will attract disciplinary action against the
concerned employee.


Holiday Leave provides employees with authorized paid absence

from work for the purpose of observing designated holidays. At the
REMEDY, all employees may be granted holidays with wages on
three national holidays viz, Republic Day, Independence Day, and
Gandhi Jayanthi and other festivals of general and local importance.
The total number of Holidays, including the three days indicated
above, to be observed during the calendar year shall be decided and
notified by the Management. Employees who cannot be spared on
these holidays shall be granted a compensatory holiday with wages
on an alternative day or given an additional day’s wages in lieu
whichever the employee may prefer. The compensatory holiday shall
be decided by the management at its convenience but it shall not be
later than thirty days from the holiday in respect of which the
compensatory holiday is granted. The specific dates on which the
holidays will be observed shall be published every year.

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