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AIM:-To observe and draw the Forward and Reverse bias V-I Characteristics of a P-N Junction diode. Apparatus required: S.No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6 Components Op-amp Dual trace supply Function Generator Resistors Capacitors CRO Range IC 741 (0-30) V (0-1) MHz (0-30) MHz Quantity 1 1 1 1

The Inverting Amplifier: If the input is applied to only inverting terminal and non-inverting terminal is grounded then it is called inverting amplifier. This configuration is shown in figure 29 v1= 0, v2 = vin. vo = -Ad vin

Figure: - 2.1 Inverting mode

The negative sign indicates that the output voltage is out of phase with respect to input 180 or is of opposite polarity. Thus the input signal is amplified and inverted also. The non-inverting amplifier: In this configuration, the input voltage is applied to non-inverting terminals and inverting terminal is ground as shown in figure 30. v1 = +vin v2 = 0 Manual No EC-2-1 Course Code Page No Prepared by sig n Dat e Approved by Rev No Ravi kumar sharma Lecturer (ECE) Sanjiv Kumar HOD (ECE)
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Experiment No No of Pages 4

09-01-2013 09-01-2013



Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur


vo = +Ad vin This means that the input voltage is amplified by Ad and there is no phase reversal at the output .

Figure: - 2.2 non-inverting mode

In all there configurations any input signal slightly greater than zero drive the output to saturation level. This is because of very high gain. Thus when operated in open-loop, the output of the OPAMP is either negative or positive saturation or switches between positive and negative saturation levels. Therefore open loop op-amp is not used in linear applications. 2.1 Inverting amplifier: [Closed Loop Configuration] 2.1.1Design: ACL = Vo/Vin = - Rf/ Rin; Assume Rin = ______; Gain = _______;

2.1.2 Circuit Diagram:


+ 1 0 V

2 3

IC 7 4 1 +

7 6 4 - 1 0 V C R O v

+ F .G ~

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Course Code Page No Prepared by

3CS9 Ravi kumar sharma Lecturer (ECE) Sanjiv Kumar HOD (ECE)

Experiment No No of Pages 4

09-01-2013 09-01-2013


sig n

Dat e

Approved by Rev No



Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur


Figure: - 2.1 Inverting amplifier circuit

I n v e r t in g a m p V

(V )

t(s e c)

V o (V ) t(s e c)

Figure: - 2.3Inverting amplifier waveform

2.2 Non inverting amplifier: [Closed Loop Configuration] 2.2.1 Design:

ACL = Vo / Vin = 1 + Rf/ Rin; Assume Rin = ______; Gain = _______;

2.2.2 Circuit Diagram

+ 1 0 V
i n

2 3 + F . G ~

7 6 4 - 1 0 V C R O v0

Manual No


Course Code Page No Prepared by

3CS9 Ravi kumar sharma Lecturer (ECE) Sanjiv Kumar HOD (ECE)

Experiment No No of Pages 4

09-01-2013 09-01-2013


sig n

Dat e

Approved by Rev No



Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur


Figure: - 2.4 Non Inverting amplifier circuit

N o n - I n v e r t in g V

a m

( V )

t ( s e c )

V o ( V )

t ( s e c )

Figure: - 2.5 NonInverting amplifier waveform

Result: We have successfully designed op-amp in inverting and non-inverting modes. Viva Questions
1. Which pin is used for non inverting input? 2. Draw the equivalent circuit for IC 741? 3. Why we choose the value of input voltage from negative to positive? 4. How op-amp will invert the signal? 5. What will be the change in signal if we apply it on non-inverting terminal? 6. Draw the circuit for inverting amplifier with feedback? 7. What will be the value of gain for inverting amplifier with feedback? 8. What is the main function of feedback circuit? 9. What is the value of gain for non-inverting amplifier without feedback? 10. . Give some examples based upon Non-inverting amplifier? 11. How we choose values of input and feedback resistor? 12. .Draw a non-inverting amplifier using an op-amp? 13. .What is the input impedance? Manual No EC-2-1 Course Code Page No Prepared by Approved by Name sig n Dat e Rev No Ravi kumar sharma Lecturer (ECE) Sanjiv Kumar HOD (ECE)
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Experiment No No of Pages 4

09-01-2013 09-01-2013


Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur


14. What is the output impedance? 15. Which are the noise sources in an op-amp amplifier?"

Manual No


Course Code Page No Prepared by Approved by

3CS9 Ravi kumar sharma Lecturer (ECE) Sanjiv Kumar HOD (ECE)

Experiment No No of Pages 4

09-01-2013 09-01-2013


sig n

Dat e

Rev No



Vivekananda Institute of Technology, Jaipur

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