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VOL. XXV NO. 043



NEWS UNA not using PNOY, says JV
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Politicians apply for security details

BY JOEY A. GABIETA, Staff Writer

TACLOBAN CITY- Several governors and congressmen from the region have applied for Those who have applied for security detail security detail before the regional office of the Commission on Elections (Comelec).
were Governors Sharee Ann Tan of Samar; Gerardo Espina, Jr. of Biliran; Paul Daza of Northern Samar and Mimiette Bagulaya of Leyte. While all the three incumbent governors are seeking for reelection, Bagulaya is running for a provincial seat representing Leytes fourth district. And among the congressmen who have applied the same were Samar Reps. Milagrosa Tan and Mel Senen Sarmiento; Emil Ong of Northern Samar and Jose Carlos Cari of Leytes fifth congressional district. Senior Supt. Manuel Cubillo, chief of the operations and management to page 2

Sun Cellular continues to modernize customer service

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Philippines A growing economy

The basketball team of the Leyte division elementary level was declared as the over-all champions at the Eastern (LITO A. BAGUNAS) Visayas Regional Athletic Association (EVRAA) Meet which ended yesterday.

Balangiga declared as insurgence-free EV posted 1.1% palay

CATBALOGAN CITY The Armed Forces of the Philippines continues to gain grounds in Eastern Samar, one of the most NPA(New Peoples Army)-infested province in the country, as more towns were classified as insurgencefree development-ready areas. Lt. Col. Napoleon De Vera, commander of the 14th Infantry Battalion on Friday said Balangiga was the latest town added to the list of the manageable conflict-affected and developmentready areas. In 2012, the towns of Taft, Maydolong, Balangkayan, Hernani, San Julian, San Policarpo, Sulat were declared as manageable conflict-affected and ready for development. Declared as insurgence-free were the towns of Salcedo, Guiuan, Mercedes and Borongan City. The joint-declaration was signed by the military officers of the 8th Infantry Division and the local government units representatives. We cannot forward without addressing peace and development. We wont progress without maintaining and preserving peace and order, and there could be no peace in us without putting development programs in our town, said Quinapondan Mayor Nedito Campo. Campo commended the military, police and the Estehanons for achieving a very peaceful community. Other officials also thanked their respective constituents. TACLOBAN CITY Eastern Visayas rice production in 2012 hit 1.11% increase compared to the output growth the previous year, according to the Department of Agriculture (DA) in the region. DA-8 regional rice program focal person and operations division head Rufino Ayaso III said the regions total rice production in 2012 reached 994,972 metric tons (MT), higher by 10,955 MT from


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production growth in 2012

the 2011 figure of 984,017 MT. Ayaso said contributing significantly to the yield increment was the production performance of the three Samar provinces and of Southern Leyte. Eastern Samar posted a 10.78% production growth (59,412 MT). Northern Samar followed with a 4.86% increase (111,207 MT) while Southern Leyte and Samar marked a 3.79%

Scattered thunderstorms in the morning. Partly cloudy skies late. High 86F. Winds E at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.


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Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 02 February 2013

UNA not using PNOY, says JV

TACLOBAN CITY-San Juan congressional representative and senatoriable Joseph Victor JV Ejercito Estrada said that the opposition party is not using President Aquino to advance their chances for the May, 2013 elections. Estrada said that while they acknowledge that the President is enjoying a high popularity rating among the Filipinos, they are not using him for them to ensure polls victory. The former presidential son, who was in the city on his way to an speaking engagement in Borongan City yesterday, said that the opposition, for one, is not wanting of popular figures who can match that of the President. We have the Vice President (Jejomar Binay), we have Senate President (Juan Ponce) Enrile and of course, President Erap, Estrada said. Earlier, Malacaang spokesperson Edwin Lacierda accused the opposition, particularly the members of the United Nationalist Alliance (UNA) of using the President for political gains. We are presenting ourselves as the alternatives. There is no monopoly as to who could only say that we are the only one who are clean and have the track record, he said. That just because we belong to the opposition, we dont have the right to love our country, Estrada said. He urged the electorate to see the performances of the candidates of both the opposition and the administration as he stressed that the UNA candidates have all the credentials and performances to be elected. Meantime, Estrada admitted that he has to drop Ejercito as a surname for political reason as he admitted that when he started using Estrada, his popularity rating has increased. In fact, based on a latest survey, he is now ranked number 4, a standing that could boost his winning for a Senate seat. Estrada also expressed his gratitude to the people of Eastern Visayas for their continued support to his father, former president Joseph Estrada. We are forever grateful to the people of Leyte and Samar for their continued support to my father. When he ran for President, he even emerged as winner in some parts of the region like here in Tacloban, Estrada said.


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of the Philippine National Police-8, said that these officials would be only entitled to have two security escorts each. These security escorts could either come from the PNP or from the Philippine Army. Cubillo clarified that the security detail issued to them is only good for one month as it was only issued by the Regional Joint Controlled Center, which is headed by the Comelec with the PNP and the Philippine Army as members. They are only al-

lowed to have two security details and is only good for one month. It is the committee on the ban of firearms and security personnel of the Comelec central which grants a permanent security detail, Cubillo said. By permanent security escort, it means that those who requested of such can enjoy it until the end of the election period. Threat to their lives were the reason cited why these governors and congressmen applied for security detail,Cubillo said. Its the local police which made the assessment and forwarded to my office for validation, Cubillo said. Among the candidates of the region who applied for security detail

were Leytes governorin-waiting Leopoldo Dominico Petilla and his mother Remedios, who is seeking for a second term as mayor of Palo town, Leyte; outgoing Ormoc City Mayor Eric Codilla who is running for a congressional seat of Leytes third district against Rep. Lucy Torres Gomez. Gomez, based on the Comelec record, has not applied for a security detail. Samar gubernatorial candidate Rosa Jessica Uy-Delgado, also applied for security escort. Her father, former Calbayog city mayor Reynaldo Uy was gunned down last May 1,2011 by still unidentified suspects. Samar is considered to be among the countrys 15 hotspot or concerned areas due to the its intense

political rivalry,presence of private armed groups and that of the New Peoples Army. Cubillo said that while governors and congressmen are allowed to have security detail coming from the PNP and Philippine Army, vice governors, mayors, among others as well as candidates not in elective position yet could have their security through a private security agency. Just the same, they would only be allowed to have two security escorts, Cubillo said. If they will have more than the allowed security escorts, then its subject for questioning as to why he or she has more than two security details, he said.

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(96,166 MT) and 1.60% (140,529 MT) increment, respectively. Apparently, this production performance was triggered by a higher average yield per hectare of the said provinces. The provinces of Eastern Samar and Northern Samar registered a high yield growth of 7.20% (2.82 MT/ha) and 4.65% (2.80 MT/ha), respectively. A positive yield growth was also posted by Southern Leyte (2.23%) and Samar (0.96%). Leyte remained as the regions highest rice producer with a total harvest of 521,115 MT while Biliran was the highest yielder with an average yield per hectare of 4.49 MT. This was despite attaining a negative 1.07% and 0.09% growth levels, respectively. These provinces had more than doubled their con-

tribution to the regions total output. It is noteworthy that this situation came about for the first time in many years, Ayaso, in a press statement, said. He added the rice production output in 2012 could be a result of a strong confluence of various growth driving factors involving the DA, its partner agencies, the local government units, the private sector and the farmers. The revitalized extension, training and research services contributed 30% to the regions yield growth. Irrigation support was also a major growth driver putting in a 25% contribution while both seed technology adoption and favorable environment accounted for 10%, Ayaso said. He also said that organic inputs and postharvest-related interventions both contributed 5% while other support services added a share of 15 %.( REYAN L. ARINTO)

Saturday 02 February 2013


Leyte Samar Daily Express

Sun Cellular continues to modernize customer service

Ten years after its graceful entry into the local telecommunications scene, renowned mobile service innovator Sun Cellular moves forward to modernizing customer care with the unveiling of its intensified roster of digital-based service channels. Apart from expanding our pervasive outlets of The Sun Shop nationwide, as well as our 24/7 service hotline, we continually look for new ways to serve our on-the-go customers who would require a more edgy and flexible type of communication with us, says Reuben Pangan, Vice President for Customer Service Operations of Sun Cellular. Among these new channels, Pangan has highlighted Sun Cellulars heightened 24/7 customer service operations through Facebook at www.facebook. com/suncellularph and through Twitter at www. In the same way that the interaction means of our customers have evolved, we have also gone beyond our usual channels to make it convenient for them to reach out to us through their online social media pages and data-connected smartphones, explains Pangan. And as the network continues to fuel the smartphone growth in the country, it has also released a series of mobile applications for after-sales services and public information. Sun has launched the Pocket Sun Shop app which lets subscribers get easy access postpaid promos, product information and registration links to Sun services. Functioning like a virtual branch of The Sun Shop, this app also leads Sun subscribers to top customer care processes like bills inquiry and hotline assistance. In addition, Android users may now enjoy the Sun TAP app which gives a quick and direct access to top public service hotlines, tourist support and lifestyle deals in the country. Primarily designed to assist foreigners and inbound mobile roamers, the Sun TAP app promises to offer its users an informed and hassle-free travel experience in the Philippines. These mobile apps may now be downloaded for free via Android Playstore or Google Play using any data-connected smartphone that runs on the Android Operating System. Were set to continue developing these apps even further to capture more features and maximize functionality for the users of to-

day, says Pangan. Were also looking forward to creating more relevant and interactive apps in the future, he added. Further to these channels, Sun Cellular also maintains a web chat service at to specifically assist its broadband and roaming subscribers, as well as a text hotline service at 1200 for general service inquiries and concerns. Sun Cellular is a member of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. Group. (PR)

Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 02 February 2013


Wrong timing for road repairs and EVRAA

waste because projects are done for the sake of compliance. These are not well-planned and thought of. Precious funds get wasted. These people or entities do not even care to coordinate with the concerned local government unit. It results to wastage, duplication, un-programmed and useless work. How often these things result to the squander of funds that could have been used to finance other government programs that are more important and needed by the people. These remind us of the recent EVRAA
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ome government initiatives are without good timing that they oftentimes get so irritating. The current road repairs done in the city are wrongly timed with the wet season that these draw nasty remarks from commuters. Travelers from the north, Abucay and Naga-Naga are greatly inconvenienced that whoever initiated such repair work draw ak; such annoyance stem from the observation that the portion of the road which were purposely punctured and broken were still in good condition. Many government funds and initiatives go to

Waiting for the stork then and now

Getting pregnant in the past was simple without much snag. A girl watches her tummy grows as months go by. The mood swings, depending on the stimuli in the surroundings. Complications get in the way when the husband could not give what she craves for or when an irritant appears, mostly people who are not flavors of the day. Cravings are naturally tolerated by the husband, the family and even friends until the phenomenon stops. These are not only on food, there are other things that stir the taste and imagination of the pregnant girl could be the unthinkable: soil, roaches, other pests, petroleum gas, dirt and many more. The phenomenon includes the aversion for water that the girl would not take

Senses and Sensibilities

dAYDEE a. cairo a bath for days until the aversion turns to her own smell itself. It could be dislike for certain foods that a whiff could make her throw up without let up or it could be the smell of the husband. The pregnancy experience is quite something. It is a phenomenon that is mindboggling. No one can understand the mixed feeling of uncertainty, joy and anxiety but the thought of producing a small icon of the love shared is enough to wipe away all the fears, tears, apprehension and uncertainties. Today, getting pregnant is more complicated. The girl is subjected to two or three ultrasounds, the second resulted to a daughter,

Candice, the third one - a son to be named Pio. Various tests are required and these have to be complied. It is not easy thinking where to get the 50K professional fee as the doctor tells the girl she might have to go through the knife. But definitely, getting pregnant today is a lot safer and secured with all the available birthing facilities around. Not only are the hospitals facilities complete, professionals are available to handle cases with some of them trained outside the country, doctors who have had the opportunities to deliver babies in hospitals abroad. They just do this for the sheer experience to be able to apply here.

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Saturday 02 February 2013

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Leyte Samar Daily Express

at the wrong time. But it is hoped that in the years to come, road repairs and athletic meets are done when the climate permits and the school is almost over, this

In Gods hands

A proverb says, Dont take credit for what God does. As you enjoy His blessings in your family, your business, or your ministry, keep in mind that you are an instrument in the hands of the Master. This is a fundamental precept that Christians hold on to, and the reason many would usually utter To God be (all ) the Glory especially after a favorable event has just taken place. God is the ultimate source of all things that are good and the power that gives meaning to hopes and aspirations. Is this not also the reason that Christians oftentimes call on God for succor in times of need and even desperate want? It is as it God is the genie in the bottle that makes all three wishes come true in his snap. It should be remembered, as said in the Book of Proverbs, (which goes in gist) Man pro-

Meet timed during the rainy season. Athletes were exposed to the cold weather that parents and coaches were scared these children will get exposed to ailments associated with the poses, God disposes. Thus, The when prayers are answered, cold season. believers outrightly utter, athletic meet could Praise God! have been done
These days, Leyte hogs the limelight with the taking to the topnotch rank of a Leytea in the December 2012 Nursing Licensure Board Examination. Yes, she is a God-fearing lady, who, in Leyte-Samar Daily Express interview with her could not help but disclose how thankful she is to the divine Providence. To note, too, three more graduates from Nursing schools in Eastern Visayas made it to the top-ten of this same board exam. They are Jefferson Egana Flores of St. Scholasticas College Tacloban, Christian Kempis Poleo and Rae Angeli Pedrosa Tabao both of RTRMF all rank 9. Like Glicyl Arante Alvero, a cum laude of Colegio de Sta. Lourdes of Leyte Foundation in Tabon-Tabon town and topnotcher in the December 2012 Nursing Board Exam, the three must also be grateful to God for their achievement. They were all raised as they placed their fate in Gods hands. Glicyl, in said LSDE chit-chat, disclosed I persevered In everything I do I always ask Gods guidance. I have faith in God and, of course, I want to succeed in life. The news written by correspondents Joey Gabieta and Ricky Bautista stated, Alvero said that her faith in God and strong determination in herself to succeed could be the reasons that made her finish on the top of the examination. Her prayers answered. Indeed there is no worry if we put our trust in Gods hands.

before the end of classes in March when summer is in the offing. Right timing is a basic consideration that outcomes and effects are highly dependent on it. Most often the success of plans, programs and activities are affected by the timing these were initially done. These have nothing to do with superstitions but according to the Chinese beliefs, it pays to balance the effects of energies in the world. It is believed that correct timing and balancing of energies make the difference. Sometimes, projects are done hastily because the budget is late or these were not planned out well. Only the proponents know the reasons why the programs cited above were done

way, less commuters are disturbed. The Education department must invest on sports facilities that will promote athletic development in the region.

The Sower
Presentation of the Lord [Feast] Mal 3:1-4; Ps 24; Heb 2:14-18; Lk 2:22-40 [or 2:22-32]


When the days were completed for their purification according to the law of Moses, Joseph and Mary took Jesus up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, just as it is written in the law of the Lord, Every male that opens the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord, and to offer a sacrifice of a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons, in accordance with the dictate in the law of the Lord. Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. This man was righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. It had been revealed to him by the holy Spirit that he should not see death before he had seen the Messiah of the Lord. He came in the Spirit into the temple; and when the parents brought in the child Jesus to perform the custom of the law in regard to him, he took him into his arms and blessed God, saying: Now, Master, you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel. The childs father and mother were amazed at what was said about him; and Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be contradicted (and you yourself a sword will pierce) so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. There was also a prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in years, having lived seven years with her husband after her marriage, and then as a widow until she was eighty-four. And coming forward at that very time, she gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem. When they had fulfilled all the prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him.


When the Infant Jesus was brought into the Temple in January by his parents to be presented to the Lord, he was just a face in the crowd. Thousands of people thronged in the Temple precincts every day, and regularly children were presented there. Nobody knew the child, Jesus, and nobody had the least suspicion of the good that he would do; nobody except the old man Simeon, and the prophetess Anna. They were on the lookout for such a child. They looked for the comforting of Israel, and for the salvation of the Gentiles. When a young couple came cradling a child, their hearts leapt for joy and they held the child realizing that it was the light of the world. Today there is the ceremony of the blessing of the candle and procession. The lighted candle represents Christ. The procession symbolizes our journey to the heavenly Jerusalem. We must always have this light of Christ. This light will disperse the darkness of our mind. It will enlighten our mind. It will make us see things in their true reality. (His Word Lives by Vima Dasan, S.J., published by Paulines. Visit us at or at Paulines Media Center, Real St., Tacloban City. Tel. #321-3195) Sowers thought: Jesus came for the Redemption. This means that all the prophecies regarding the passion, the agony, the betrayal, the scourging, the condemnation, the crucifixion, the painful death refer to this Child. And the mother would share his sufferings. The measure of her sufferings was the measure of her love for her Son and God. Blessed James Alberione, founder of the Pauline Family

PHL - A growing economy

mitment to inflation to stay at 3%. Also working in our favor is a strong democracy, a much improved governance framework and a popular and honest President. The fight against corruption has been successful but much more needs to be done. It should improve the flow of foreign direct investment. The country must assure potential investors of the sustainability of the on-going reforms. The Philippines would have to invest more infrastructure and human capital to attract more investments. Public spending on healthcare and education should increase to enhance human capital. We must improve per capital income, address pervasive rural poverty and better prepare for natural disasters.

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The Philippines reached an impressive 6.5% growth from 2012 and it should be sustained to allow it to filter to the grassroots and benefit the masses. This growth should be sustained to benefit the broader part of our society, especially the poor. It takes several years of sustained growth before a country can reduce poverty. The on-going conditional cash transfer (CCT) program that gives monetary incentives to poor families

who sent school age children to school would have poverty- reducing effect but it is a short term effect. Long term measures would include the expansion of infrastructure to create employment opportunities. Our country has rich natural resources which could help boost the agriculture sector and build a manufacturing base and diversification of economic activity. We have a sound monetary policy and com-

Waiting for the stork is definitely exciting. When the time finally comes, the girl is subjected to a sharp pain that compares no other pain. It is different from all other stings combined together, but that is precisely the force that will make her strongest at the appointed time God wills the baby to be born, the time to push the tiny little being that God formed in her womb to carry until he is ready to live in the world. Looking at the baby comes out of the girls body defies all reasons and explanation, life is simple awesome, a beautiful thing, a miracle that can only come from God. Your family awaits you, Peter Vincent Pio! May the Lord Jesus and the heavenly angels protect and keep you safe as you traverse lifes journey.

Leyte Samar Daily Express

Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2013-0069 Ref. No. VIII-2012-0510 Application for Sale & Transfser of a CPC operate a UV SHUTTLE service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name ADELAIDA ENERO-VENDOR NICOLAS OLIVEROS-VENDEE Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY FOR THE APPROVAL OF SALE MADE BY ADELAIDA ENERO IN FAVOR OF NICOLAS OLIVEROS OF A CPC FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: FROM BORONGAN, TO ANY PT. IN RO8 & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT A UVS SERVICE WHICH CERTIFICATE IS STILL VALID AND SUBSISTING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON FEBRUARY 14, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 31st day of January 2013. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO Clerk of Board

Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2011-0087 Application for Extension of Validity of a CPC operate a FILCAB service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name ELEANOR GARRIDO Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT IS A GRANTEE OF A CPC TO OPERATE A FILCAB SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: ORMOC CITY-ALBUERA & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT WHICH CERTIFICATE WILL EXPIRE ON OCT. 9, 2013. IN THE PRESENT APPLICATION, APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY TO EXTEND THE VALIDITY OF A CPC USING THE SAME NO. OF UNIT AND ROUTE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON FEBRUARY 13, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 31st day of January 2013. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO Clerk of Board Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2013-0067 Application for Issuance of a CPC operate a VEHICLE FOR HIRE service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name SIDNEY M. ZOSA Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CPC TO OPERATE A VEHICLE FOR HIRE SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGTH ALONG THE LINE: FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF CONTRACTING PASSENGERS FROM CATBALOGAN CITY, TO/ FROM ANY HOTELS, RESORTS & PORTS WITHIN REGION VIII & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF FOUR (4) UNITS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON FEBRUARY 14, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 31st day of January 2013. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO Clerk of Board Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2013-0061 Application for Issuance of a CPC operate a VEHICLE FOR HIRE service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name FRANCISCO B. AMOR, III Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CPC TO OPERATE A VEHICLE FOR HIRE SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGTH ALONG THE LINE: FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF CONTRACTING PASSENGERS FROM PALO, LEYTE TO/FROM ANY HOTELS, RESORTS & PORTS WITHIN REGION VIII & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF TWO (2) UNITS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON FEBRUARY 13, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 30th day of January 2013. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO Clerk of Board Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2013-0063 Application for Issuance of a CPC operate a VEHICLE FOR HIRE service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name ANTHONY H. CABUSOR Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CPC TO OPERATE A VEHICLE FOR HIRE SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGTH ALONG THE LINE: FOR EXCLUSIVE USE OF CONTRACTING PASSENGERS FROM NAVAL TO/FROM ANY HOTELS, RESORTS & PORTS WITHIN REGION VIII & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON FEBRUARY 13, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 31st day of January 2013. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO Clerk of Board

Saturday, 02 February 2013

Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2004-0060 Application for Extension of Validity of a CPC operate a PUB service with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name EDWIN TAN Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT IS A GRANTEE OF A CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE TO OPERATE A PUB SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: TACLOBAN CITY-MAASIN CITY-SILAGO & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT WHICH CERTIFICATE WILL EXPIRE ON AUGUST 17, 2013. IN THE PRESENT APPLICATION, APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY TO EXTEND THE VALIDITY OF A CPC USING THE SAME NO. OF UNIT AND ROUTE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON FEBRUARY 13, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 31st day of January 2013. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO Clerk of Board Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2013-0065 Ref. No. VIII-2008-0079 Application for Sale & Transfer of a CPC operate a FILCAB service with Extension of Validity & with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name with Change Engine ALEX SERATO-VENDOR MA. REBECCA T. CINCO-VENDEE Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY FOR THE APPROVAL OF SALE MADE BY ALEX SERATO IN FAVOR OF MA. REBECCA T. CINCO OF A CPC FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: ORMOC CITY-PUERTOBELLO & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT A FILCAB SERVICE WHICH CERTIFICATE IS STILL VALID AND SUBSISTING. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON FEBRUARY 13, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 30th day of January 2013. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO Clerk of Board

LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2013-0066 Ref. No. 2003-0130 Application for Voluntary Segregation of Units of a CPC operate a FILCAB service with Extension of Validity & with Prayer to Adopt Trade Name. ZENAIDA GENIALES-1st Party Applicant ANNABETH ARNDT-2nd Party Applicant Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT IS A GRANTEE OF A CPC TO OPERATE A FILCAB SERVICE ON THE LINE: TACLOBAN CITY-DIIT & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF TWO (2) UNITS WHICH CERTIFICATE IS STILL VALID AND SUBSISTING. IN THE PRESENT APPLICATION, APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY FOR VOLUNTARY SEGREGATION OF UNIT FROM ZENAIDA GENIALES -1ST PARTY IN FAVOR OF ANNABETH ARNDT-2ND PARTY WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT USING THE SAME ROUTE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON FEBRUARY 13, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 31st day of January 2013. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO Clerk of Board

NOTICE is hereby given that Teodora Delis Serrante heir of late Leon Delis executed an affidavit of Adjudication over a parcel of land situated in Babatngon, Leyte, containing an area of 144 square meters, more or less, under Tax Dec. No. 96-04002-00077; per Doc. No. 81, Page No. 17, Book No. 31, Series of 1998 of Notary Public Generoso Casimpan. LSDE: Jan. 19, 26 & Feb. 2, 2013


NOTICE is hereby given that Alberto Mario Almonte of 3rd St. Paraiso, Brgy. 83, San Jose, Tacloban City heir of late Donata Avila Almonte executed an affidavit of Self-Adjudication over a bank deposit with the Banco de Oro, Tacloban City; per Doc. No. 489, Page No. 98, Book No. I, Series of 2013 of Notary Public Atty. Sam Dominic T. Lagunzad. LSDE: Jan. 19, 26 & Feb. 2, 2013 NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Rosales Homeres extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a Peso Savings Account with the Philippine Veterans Bank, Tacloban Branch, bearing Acct. No. 02502-008595-5 through which her Liberty Insurance Corp. of Surety Bond in the amount of P142,393.17 plus interest accruing, and heirs hereby waive/renounce, transfer and quitclaim in favor of co-heir DOMINADOR R. HOMEREZ, JR.; per Doc. No. 415, Page 84, Book No. X, Series of 2013 of Notary Public Atty. Asterio A. Villero LSDE: Feb. 2, 9 & 16, 2013



NOTICE is hereby given that Rebecca P. Antoc, of Poblacion, District IV, Julita, Leyte and current Barangay Treasurer of Brgy. District IV, Poblacion Julita executed an affidavit of Loss of one (1) booklet of official receipts known as AF No. 51 with official Receipts Nos. 1248801 to 1248850 and had missing in her files since 2008; per Doc. No. 17, Page No. 4, Book No. 1, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Eric T. de Veyra. LSDE: Jan. 19, 26 & Feb. 2, 2013


Republic of the Philippines Local Civil Registry Oce Province: Eastern Samar Municipality: Hernani

Republic of the Philippines Province of Samar Municipality of Daram -oOoOFFICE OF THE MUNICIPAL CIVIL REGISTRAR


In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. Act No. 10172, a notice is hereby served to the public that PERLITA O. CALOPE has been filed with this
(Complete name of petitioner)


In compliance with Section 5 of R.A. Act No. 9048, a notice is hereby served to the public that ANALYN C. NIEDO has been filed with this
(Complete name of petitioner)

(First name to be changed)

Oce a petition for Change of First Name from CLITO to ROMEO in the Birth Certificate of
(New First name to be adopted)

Oce a petition for Change of first name and correction of clerical error particularly in her FIRST NAME from JOCELYN to PERLITA and The
(First name to be changed) (New First name to be adopted

DATE OF BIRTH from JUNE 16, 1968 to JUNE 17, 1968 in the Birth Certificate of Live Birth of
(New Date of birth to be adopted) (Date of birth to be changed)

( Complete Name of Document Owner) (Complete Date of Birth)

ROMEO B. CANDIDO who was born on

(Place of Birth)

November 25, 1948 at Poblacion, Hernani, Samar and whose parents are LEONARDO CANDIDO and LUCRESIA BANDILLA
(Name of mother) (Name of father)

(Complete of name of document owner)

JOCELYN M. ORBITA who was born on JUNE 17, 1968 at Poblacion 01, Daram, Samar and
(Complete date of birth)

whose parents are DOMINGO A. ORBITA and PRECIOSA M. MATIC.

(Name of Mother) (Name of Father)

LSDE: January 26 & Feb. 2, 2013

Any person adversely aected by said petition may file his written opposition with this Oce not later than Feb. 15, 2013. (Sgd.) CHARITO ABERIA Municipal Civil Registrar

LSDE: January 26 & Feb. 2, 2013

Any person adversely affected by said petition may file his/her written opposition with this Office not later than Feb. 7, 2013. (Sgd.) EMMANUEL M. LOZANO Municipal Civil Registrar

Saturday 02 February 2013

from page 1

Leyte Samar Daily Express

has dwindled to 4,000 red fighters due to battle losses and surrenders. The Communist Party of the Philippines however disputed this claim saying the NPA revolutionary forces were steadily growing in strength as proven by their recent ambuscades and attacks to the government forces. Col. Arnulfo Marcelo Burgos Jr., AFP spokesman said that the militarys new anti-insurgency strategy, the Internal Peace and Security Plan (IPSP) Bayanihan, has been very effective and has

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VIII TACLOBAN CITY DIVISION Tacloban City


Samar Island, the third biggest island in the country, as well as Bicol, Davao, Caraga and Negros provinces, are among the remaining NPA-infested areas in the country. To date, the insurgencefree provinces as declared by the AFP includes Ifugao, Aklan, Apayao, Kalinga, Nueva Viscaya, Quirino, Nueva Ecija, Aurora, Biliran, Cebu, Bohol, Camiguin, Misamis Oriental, South Cotabato, La Union, Pangasinan, Tarlac, Cavite, Marinduque, Romblon, Guimaras, Siquijor, and Northern and Southern Leyte. The military claimed that from a peak of 24,000 revolutionary fighters in mid1980s, the groups strength
Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2013-0068 Ref. No. VIII-2003-0782 Application for Issuance of CPC to operate a FILCAB service. (COLORUM LEGALIZATION) ALEX DAVOCOL Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT REQUEST AUTHORITY FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A CPC TO OPERATE A FILCAB SERVICE FOR THE TRANSPORTATION OF PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT ALONG THE LINE: CARIGARATUNGA-JARO & VICE VERSA WITH THE USE OF ONE (1) UNIT. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THIS APPLICATION WILL BE HEARD BY THIS BOARD ON FEBRUARY 13, 2013 AT 9:00 AM AT ITS OFFICE AT THE ABOVE MENTIONED ADDRESS. At least TEN (10) days prior to the date, applicant/s shall publish this Notice once in one (1) Daily newspaper of general circulation in Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 30th day of January 2013. (Sgd.) GUALBERTO N. GUALBERTO Clerk of Board

made significant headways as far as ending the insurgency is concerned. Since the implementation of IPSP Bayanihan in Eastern Visayas 2 years ago, a number of NPAs surrendered to the Philippine Army. The IPSP program is a holistic strategy and peoplecentered approach and less on armed confrontation in winning back the hearts and minds of the people. (Ricky J.

In LTFRB Case No. VIII-2003-0099, Applicants name should be: MANSUETA ROA as we published on our January 24, 2013 issue We regret the error. ED EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT WITH ABSOLUTE SALE


Tanauan, Leyte

NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of late Renato D. Palomo, Sr. extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over a one-half (1/2) conjugal share of a parcel of land in Brgy. Tigbao, Tacloban City, designated as Lot I, Block 25, Pcs-08-000311, Psd-08-000857, situated at Brgy. Tigbao, City of Tacloban, Leyte, containing an area of 183 square meters and heirs hereby transfer and convey by way of Donation Inter Vivos in favor of heir/donee, Eleanor V. PalomoMorfe, the above described property including the other half share of surviving spouse to make it whole parcel; per Doc. No. 0371, Page No. 076, Book No. I, Series of 2012 of Notary Public Atty. Ma. Rowena Paculan-Mari. LSDE: Feb. 2,9 & 16, 2013

NOTICE is hereby given that heirs of the late Juanita P. Paltad extrajudicially settled, partitioned and adjudicated over one half (1/2) conjugal share of a parcel of land, Lot 2341-C-4-A, located at Brgy. Anibong, Tacloban City, containing an area of _____sq. meters and embraced in T.C.T. of Title No. T-57721. A Deed of Sale was executed in favor of ALKALIFF LACAMBRA KHO as vendee for the entire parcel of land including the land described above; per Doc. No. 377, Page No. 76, Book No. 13, Series of 2012 of Notary Public of Samuel C. Lagunzad. LSDE: Jan. 19, 26 & Feb. 2, 2013


OIC - Campus Director


Chairman-Academic Affairs and staff

Congratulates- all winners on this EVRAA Meet!

JE Mondejar Computer College


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Please call - 321-5967 / 321-5883 / 321-3249 / 325-0220

Congratulates all athletes and all the winning team on this EVRAA Meet competition

Leyte Samar Daily Express


Saturday, 02 February 2013

Republic of the Philippines Department of Transportation & Communications Land Transportation Franchising & Regulatory Board Regional Office No. 8 Tacloban City LTFRB CASE NO. VIII-2003-0480 Application for Extension of Validity of CPC to operate a PUJ service. KENNETH E. NICAL Applicant/s/Petitioner x.............................x NOTICE OF HEARING APPLICANT IS A GRANTEE OF A CPC


Eastern Visayas. Parties opposed to the approval of the application must file verified written opposition supported by documentary evidences on or before the above date furnishing a copy of the same to the applicant, and may if they so desire, appear on said date and time. This application shall be acted upon by the Board on the basis of its records and the documentary evidences submitted by parties under the board deems it necessary to receive additional documentary or testimonial evidences. WITNESS THE HONORABLE REGIONAL DIRECTOR, ARTHUR L. SAIPUDIN, this 30th day of January 2013. (Sgd.) Atty. MANUEL R.P. MARTILLO Attorney IV


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