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K i r pa l S a g a r - O c e a n o f G r a c e

Inner and outer religion

Talk given by Dr Harbhajan Singh, during the World Conference
on Unity of Man, Febraury 4, 1994, at Kirpal Sagar, India

Dear brothers and sisters, but when they came, they never accepted that outer
religion. These religions rather waged war and ha-
Lots of things are told about the religions. But there tred. All Saints, all competent Masters, even had to
is a subjective and an objective religion – the inner live in an atmosphere of hatred – created by whom?
religion and the outer religion. The inner religion By the leaders of these religions. This is a reality, I
differs a lot from the outer religion, because the outer tell you.
religion is set on various outer rituals and rites, dif-
ferent dogmas, caste, colour and creed, and that is God made man, and man made religion. Our pur-
man made. Whatever is man made that separates pose is to let people know the true religion, the inner
man from man. religion, that is one and the same for everybody, and
it is without any shackle. If there are problems in the
All Masters, however, spoke with one opinion. So world, it is not due to the true religion, but due to
far a competent Master has never created a religion. the shackles. Those who rise above the shackles, they
Religion was rather created by the so called follow- can do a lot for others. It is called the right under-
ers of the faith. After the physical departure of those standing. Right understanding is concealed within.
competent Masters they dared to create a religion. Being on the level of senses and under control of our
All competent Masters respect the religion, because mind, our condition is just like that of a parasitic
God’s children live therein, and they tell us to follow plant which is spreading on the parent tree. Nourish-
the inner religion. That is the real teaching, that is ing on the tree, it remains green itself but makes the
universal. tree wither away. So that is our condition. Just like,
there is a hole outside in the grassy ground – we do
So our faith, our true religion is much more within not know, what is under the grass. If you cut it, you
than outside. For “self existence” we are more bound will find, that there are holes. Now we do not know
to the outer religion, because that fulfils our desires. what there is in the holes. If we pour in some wa-
Now it has even become a paid preaching, I tell ter, some insects will come out, if we pour in more
you. In every religion throughout the world we see water, more insects will come. If we really go within,
these problems. People say, “Our religion is the best we can analyse ourselves and we can understand all
one, that is the highest one.” As for example, when our problems. By doing so we can become conscious.
Sant Kirpal Singh visited the West, He was told that If you are a conscious co worker of the divine plan,
“Christ is the only son of God.” The teaching of Christ you are one with this reality, you know the true facts.
is very loveable. Sant Kirpal Singh said, “No, Jesus You know that there is only one Power working be-
and Christ, they were two. Jesus was the son of man hind all the creation. And it is our religion, it is our
on whose pole the Christpower worked.” Christ is the Dharma, to know that Power.
Power, Christ lived before Jesus. Christ has no begin-
ning and no end, that Power sustains the whole crea- You know a lot of things, may be many more than I
tion and we have a direct and independent contact do – but whatever I know I have learned by sitting at
with that Power. These Powers, who came into this the holy feet of my Master – He gave me the practical
world, were all one. Some time He came as Christ, experience; it is not ego, it is His grace, I speak from
some time He came as Guru Nanak, some time He my life. Because when He withdrew me from the
came as Maulana Rumi. He came in various forms, body consciousness, I could see that He is the one

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Dr Harbhajan Singh, during the World Conference on Unity of Man, 5 February, 1994, Kirpal Sagar, India

who preaches the true religion – let us follow Him. know nothing about God, you know nothing about
Him who is within. So far we do not rise above the
Credit goes to such a Power who is the God into ac- plane of senses and the shackles of the mind, and
tion Power. Christ was the God into action Power, above the cause and effect of the world, we cannot
Sant Kirpal Singh came as the Christpower. Their know, what this world is, how it is existing, what
work was one, they never differed with opinion. Now those religions are, who is controlling those religions,
we have broken these barriers, we have got together, and in which capacity they are controlling them,
and we have got together with our heart. A time was which those powers are, with which man is affected.
there when one religion would hate the other one All this is worth a consideration, because in the three
and so many problems were arising out of religion. worlds there is no power with right understanding. If
But this problem is off, the world has become very there is, that one will rise above the cause and effect
small and we are getting very, very close with each of the world. When you rise above the cause and ef-
other, and that is an awakening. fect of the world, then you know the cause, you see
the cause, and the effect will disap pear at once. That
I have respect for all the religions. But whatever is is not within the intellect of man to know the cause
being taught in the religion that is bringing a havoc, I and effect of the world. It is only by seeing, it is only
tell you, because in my opinion so far you do not be- by rising above that we can see.
come a conscious co worker of the divine plan, you

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Now this is a subject which takes a lot of time, rather So one person with right understanding can change
our angle of view should be changed. By knowing the whole city. Only he should live the inner subject,
the competency of such a Master we should believe the inner religion. Inner religion must be taught, but
the words of those competent Masters, because they not the outer. We should respect the outer rituals and
are true. They have seen it, they lived it with their rites, but not for the sake of the true religion that is
lives. And whatever they have taught, that is truth. within each one of us. True religion never differs, I
We should believe them. Because this teaching is tell you. If you take all collectively together, there is
within each one of us. There is a question and there only one essence: that is manmaking. Man making is
is an answer. There is only one answer to a question, considered to be the highest. All Masters who came
there cannot be so many answers to one question. in different religions, they rose above the shackles of
Suppose, you put me a question and I give you the the religion, and they started man making. They said,
wrong answer, you would never cooperate with me, “Man making is the true religion.” When man is de-
since you have the right answer within you. In this veloped, his soul is developed. Masters come in a re-
way all these things which do exist over here and are ligion, they develop the soul, and this is their religion.
being taught, it is on us to consider it, whether this is Because when the soul is developed, it will surely rise,
the highest one. Highest one means when you have not only in one direction, but in all directions. Much
only the single answer, when you do not have many, is said about the religions, and much praise is given
many answers to one question. Believe the testimo- to the religions, but to the outer religions, not to the
ny of the Masters, because they have seen it. They inner religion. Because if you praise your religion,
lived with this life, whatever they spoke, they spoke you are honoured very much. Everybody will praise
through their practical life. you, “He is a good priest, he is a good granthi – he is
a good pandit.” All these things are said. But we have
Christ went there in the West, he was crucified to see how far it is true. If really it is true, then it is
– by whom? By the leaders of various religions! No good. If it is not true, then at least – bad persons do
common man doubted him. The people were only not leave their bad habits, why should a good person
excited by the leaders of these religions. The same leave his good habits? If you have understood some-
thing happened in India, and the same thing hap- thing better – if you have understood a good thing in
pened everywhere in the world. Guru Teg Bahadur the right way, then you should stick to it.
was beheaded. Kabir was given a lot of punishments.
He was a word personified form. Nobody could kill All Masters had to suffer only on this ground that
Him. The king tried his level best, he even put Him they had understood and they started living with it,
into the fire. He was a word personified form, so He and nobody could obstruct their way. They said, “No,
could come out of the fire. it is our way, we have to go it.” It is a time to teach
this. It can go like a wildfire, I tell you. Now Punjab
I mean to say, let us pray to God that He should give specially was a terrorist area and there were a lot of
our lost heritage back to us. And what is that her- murders every day. People were very fed up, nobody
itage? The consciousness – the right understanding. could help them. And what happened? During these
If there is any important, any precious thing in the days, the people were so much afraid of the terror-
world, that is the right understanding, rather the rare ists – I was living here, people came and said, “Why
right understanding of its special significance with are you staying here, far away from the city? It is just
which you can change yourself – you can change like a forest. Are you not afraid of those terrorists?”
your environment and you can change the whole so- I said, “No, I am not afraid of them.” – “Why? You
ciety, you can change your whole religion. A flower must have made a very good program, you must
in your house even your neighbour will smell, a pas- have much armation with you.” I said, “Yes, I have.”
ser by will smell it, he will say, “Yes, it is a very beauti- They said, “What type of armation you have?” I said,
ful flower over here, it is giving a very good smell.” “Whether living or dead, we belong to Him. So we are
not afraid of anything. Our religion is like this.”

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Persian temple in Kirpal Sagar

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Christ also said, “You cannot enter the kingdom of the mirror will not reflect upon you. How can we
God unless you are born anew.” In my opinion this is claim that we are a religious person? These are the
a true religion, if really we are born anew. And with- things which we must observe; not only observe, we
out right understanding we cannot be born anew. should live with them, and other people will see us
We have to be born there. There were some problems and will start living with them. Not only conversing,
some time in Islam and Hafiz was asked, “What is not only speaking throughout life – they would live
the remedy for it?” He said, “Take wine.” Because he with it. When sitting with a competent Master, you
who takes wine in Islam, he is considered to be an would always have a radiation that will flow to all di-
impious person, he will go to hell. Hafiz said, “No, rections. In this way our thoughts can become holy,
please, you take it, because so far you are intoxicated, our thoughts can become positive and potent, only
you are not creating any sin.” Then he said, “There by understanding and living with it, we are more
is still a bigger sin: to burn all the Holy Scriptures, close to our religion. That is a true religion.
because they are written for you; you are not using
them, you are only using them for your wishes.” Be- This is not my opinion, it is the opinion of all com-
cause we remember God, we pray to God only for petent Masters, it is from the teaching and it is from
worldly wishes. He said, “Better to burn all those the core of the heart. Everybody has it. This power,
books, better burn the Kaaba. This is still a bigger sin this religion, our true faith is much more within than
to burn the Kaaba. It belongs to the Father Ibrahim. outside. Simply to follow the way which we have been
It can be rebuilt.” He said, “You can do any sin in the taught, is just as if you put oil into the flame. More
world, but don’t cut the throat of human beings, be- flame will come. If we have to go in this direction,
cause this is a true temple of God.” It is a heinous sin but we start to go in the other direction, every day
not to love humanity, and I think in the terminology we will be farther away from the destination. This is
of the Saints only love is the true religion. Love alone the condition of our leaders. They have adopted the
is the true religion. We have to awake. If we awake, wrong way. They are going to the wrong direction.
we will survive with our Masterpower. All these things we have to consider, because this
is very, very important. If we can solve the religion-
We have to justify ourselves and then we have to jus- problems, we can solve lots of things for humanity.
tify the Masterpower within, the Christpower within, Let us print such a material that should not belong
and only thereafter we can say that we are human be- to any religion, it should be universal, like Christ did,
ings. Once someone went to Vivekananda who had like Guru Nanak did, their teaching was universal.
given an advertisement: “Reformers wanted.” So next There should be awakening!
time many persons with very clean and neat dress-
es presented themselves there ,“O, we will work for Sant Kirpal Singh created the World Fellowship of
Vivekananda.” He said, “Reformers – not of others, Religions. He felt that after some time this started
but of themselves.” to create pillars. Everyone would say, “My religion
is better than others.” He said, “Why should the reli-
If really we determine our life to preach the true re- gion not be taken on the level of man?” He took this
ligion, then there will be a big awakening. I tell you, subject on the level of man. In the terminology of the
truth in this time can go like a wildfire. Everybody Saints, man is much more respected than a religion,
wants to live with the higher values of life, since the because he is the creator of the religion. If there is
purpose of human life is to meet a good end. Eve- one person in a religion who would rise above the
rybody knows that he has to leave this body. That shackles of the religion, he will be respected by all
is the highest religion, that is the true living, that is the religions.
the art of life. Our boat is in the water, but the water
must not enter into the boat. These are very golden Now Guru Nanak is respected everywhere, Christ
things which we can find in the Holy Scriptures. So is respected everywhere, Kabir is respected every-
far you do not adjust yourself before the mirror, even where. People love their teaching, because they rose

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above. They teach the humanity. Let there be such the negative power, you cannot find a way out. This is
an awakening in the world! Let us print such litera- why it is said, Rishis and Munis spent much time of
ture on this ground. First we should have some reso- their life there, about thousand years. They became
lutions, then we should present it, then we should the skeleton of bone, but they could not solve the rid-
publish it. It doesn’t matter how much it costs, how dle of life. Now in the West I have seen that people
much hardship we have to bear upon our shoulders, are very much engaged in spiritual healing. When
but we should be very strong – strong enough even we are not able to bear our own burden, how can we
to handle all these affairs in the name of the true re- carry the burden of other people? How can we justify
ligion. This is called God-work, work of God. It is a ourselves? It is not possible. But whatever you wish
God-work, I tell you. from the three worlds, that is there.

It is also very important to know that lots of things As I told you today, God asked the negative power,
are done now on the level of religion throughout “How did you create the hell and the heaven?” He said,
the world creating things like black magic, spiritual “Your children created wishes, I fulfilled them and in
healing, and it is creating many other antifacts in lieu of that, they strengthened my hand. Now I have
our life. Everybody says, “Here is the seat of the soul created the hell for the sinners and heaven for the
– here you meditate.” But where to meditate, and how pious egoists. Both are under my chains.” A sinner
to meditate, that is a big problem. Because before from the hell can get out, but a pious egoist cannot
reaching the seat of the soul, there is first the intel- come out of the heaven. He has to go directly again
lect, then the mind, and then there is the spirit. So far into the hell and heaven. So this is the way.
you are not free from the intellect and the mind, how
can you claim that you are meditating at the level of Thank you, wishing you all help from the Almighty
the soul? And mind in the body is always the astral Power that is within each of us to help us from with-
mind. When you stress upon the mind, it will take in.
you into the chakras. Whereas now the opposite way
has started in us.

What happens at the time of death? We withdraw

from below, transcending all these chakras, breaking
the ganglions, we come to the seat of the soul, from
here it takes upward trend, then it takes inward trend.
Here is the seat of the soul.

A Christian is he who takes the cross daily. It is the

real teaching. Christ said, “If thine eye be single, thy
whole body shall be full of light.” That is the true reli-
gion. You will rise above everything – that is the true
religion – then you are able to preach it.

How it is true, how beautiful the teaching of the

Christ itself is! Nobody can deny it. How beautiful
are the teachings of Kabir, Guru Nanak, and Kirpal
Singh, they also gave the practical experience. But
there are people who claim that they can lead you to
God, they created an opposite path. Maximum they
can come to the Aggya Chakra and there one can be
led to the astral plane – astral plane is controlled by

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