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SENSORY ORGANS Sensory Organs, Senses and Stimuli (pg. 3-4, 103) 1) 2) Stimuli is _____________________________________________________________ Examples of stimuli are __________________________________________________ Sensory Organs is ______________________________________________________ Senses in humans [pg. 3]


Relation between sensory organs, stimuli and senses in human beings. Sensory Organs T E E N S Stimulus/stimuli detected Sense SENSE OF SIGHT SOUND SENSE OF TOUCH

Response to stimuli (pg. 4) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Response is [pg. 103] __________________________________________________________ Receptors are [pg. 103]_________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Nerve impulse are [pg. 102]______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Effectors are [pg. 4] ___________________________________________________________ Common pathway on detecting a stimulus and producing a response in human beings: Nerve impulse Nerve impulse


Brain Response
Nerve impulse Nerve impulse


SENSE OF TOUCH (pg. 5-7) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) The skin is the sensory organ for touch. The skin can detect changes in environment; pressure and temperature. The skin consists of two main layers, the epidermis and the dermis The epidermis is outermost layer that protects. The dermis is second layer that has more receptors.

7) The skin has special receptors to detect each of these stimuli (pg. 6) Receptors in the skin a) b) c) d) e) 8) When the _____________ in the skin ___________________, they send _______________ along the ________ to the brain. __________ interprets the impulses as the _______________________. 9) Sensitivity of the skin (pg. 7) The sensitivity of the skin depends on ________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. HOMEWORK : PLEASE DO CHECKPOINT 1.1[pg. 5] & 1.2 [pg. 8 ] PMR PRACTICE! 3. Which of the following sensory organs detect chemical stimuli? The eye and the ears The ears and the nose The eyes and the tongue The nose and the tongue 2. The sensory receptors that are not present in the skin are the Heat receptors Pressure receptors Touch receptors Sweat receptors 1. Which of the following substances cannot be detected by the receptors on the tongue? Salt Sugar Chili Vinegar Type of stimuli detected





SENSE OF SMELL [pg. 8] 1) Cross section of the human nose: Nerve to the brain

Layer of mucus 2) The two holes in our nose, called nostrils, open into a hollow space called the nasal cavity. 3) The nasal cavity is lined with mucus. The mucus lining moist the nasal cavity, produce mucus to filter/ trap the dust in the air. 4) The roof of the nasal cavity has many to detect smell. 5) How smells are detected: a. When air is breathe into nostrils ---- dissolve in the mucus ---- detected by smell receptors ---- impulse sent to brain to interpret 6) If we smell something for a long time, the sensory cells will be less sensitive because we are used to the smell. The sensitivity to smell varies with individuals. 7) Smell pathway from stimulus to the brain. Chemicals in the air
Enter nostrils/nasal cavity/dissolve in mucus

Detected by smell receptors


HOMEWORK : PLEASE DO CHECKPOINT 1.3 [pg. 9] PMR PRACTICE! 6. Why does a person with a cold find his food tasteless? He is too tired and sleepy. His medicine causes this side effect His sense of sight is effected by his cold His sense of smell is affected by his cold. The sense of smell helps the sense of taste.

Flu / Too much mucus will block the sensory cell and cannot detect smell 5. The mucus layer in the walls of the nasal cavity Contains the smell receptors Dissolves the chemicals that carry the smell Transmits the impulses to the brain Blocks the flow of air in the nasal cavity

A B 4. The part labeled as P is the Nostril Mucous layer Nasal cavity Nerve C D




SENSE OF TASTE [pg. 9-11] 1) The sensory organ for taste is the tongue 2) Our tongue can detect four basic tastes: sweet, sour, salty and bitter. 3) Different areas of the tongue are found with different receptors. 4) Our tongue is lined with taste bud which contains many taste receptors. 5) Label the taste areas on the tongue: Bitter (medicine, bitter gourd, black coffee) Sour (vinegar, lemon, lime juice, acid ) Salty (salt, sea water, soya sauce) Sweet (sweets, ice-cream, nerve chocolate, honey) 6) Our sense of taste and smell improves our ability to taste food. 7) As we chew, saliva is produced --- chemical in food dissolve in saliva --- detected by taste receptors in taste bud These chemicals detected and impulse sent to brain to interpret 8) Taste pathway from the stimulus to the brain: Chemicals in the food Dissolve in saliva Detect by taste receptor Brain Taste pore Epithelial pore

9) Do you notice that food is tasteless when you have a cold? [pg. 11] This is because smell from the food cannot be detected because too much mucus in the nose, blocking the smell receptors. PMR PRACTICE! 7. An accident victim has lost his sense of smell. He is unable to determine the taste of the food he eats because The nostrils do not have a mucous lining The sense of smell improves the sense of taste The taste buds are destroyed The nerve connecting the taste buds to the brain is damaged

A B C D Ice cream Q Q P Q Lime juice S R R P


8. Sea water P P Q S


SENSE OF HEARING [pg. 12-14] 1) The _____ is the sensory organ of _______________________ 2) Most of the ear are situated in the ________________________ 3) Each part of the ear carries out a specific function. What are their functions? ossicles pinna Semicircular canal Oval window Auditory canal Auditory nerve

eardrum (i) Eustachian tube



Label (a)

Name of the part

Function Collect and direct sound wave into ear.

pinna Send sound wave to eardrum Auditory canal eardrum Vibrates at frequency of sound wave





Magnify the vibrations


Maintain body balance Semicircular canal Transfer vibration from ossicles to cochlea Oval window Auditory nerve Send impulse to brain




Convert vibration into nerve impulse cochlea Balance air pressure Eustachian tube


HOW DO WE HEAR? Ear Pinna Auditory canal Eardrum Ossicles


Auditory nerve


Oval window

PMR PRACTICE! 9) & 10)


SENSE OF SIGHT [pg. 14-18] 1) The sense of sight is very important to us. We can obtain a lot of information about an object with just a glance at it its ______________, ________________, _________________ and colour. 2) The ______ are the sensory organ of sight. They are sensitive to light. 3) Each eye is a ________________ 4) The eyelid, a ________________________________________ 5) The eyeball is held in _________________________________ 6) The wall of the eyeball is made up of three layers: _________, ___________, and the __________ 7) (m) (n)

(o) 8) State the function of each part of the structure of human eye.
Structure Retina Choroid Sclera Iris Ciliary body Lens Optic nerve Conjunctiva Cornea Aqueous humour Vitreous humour Suspensory ligaments Yellow spot Blind spot Pupil Function

9) Complete the flow chart below to show the path of light from the cornea in the eye to the brain.



HOMEWORK : PMR PRACTICE! no. 11 and 12

Describe how our eyes work? [pg.18]


LIGHT AND SIGHT [pg. 19- 26]

PROPERTIES OF LIGHT (a) Light is form of energy (b) Light travels in a straight line (c) Light reflects (d) Light refracts REFLECTION OF LIGHT 1) Reflection of light occurs __________________________________________________________ 2)


4) EXERCISES: a) normal incident ray 45o incident ray

b) incident ray

normal 60o incident ray

Angle of incidence: ________ Angle of reflection: ________

Angle of incidence: ________ Angle of reflection: ________ 10

REFRACTION OF LIGHT 1) Refraction of light is the bending _________________________________________________ 2)

3) Light is refracted __________ the normal when light travels from a medium of low density to a medium of high density. 4) Light is refracted __________ from the normal when light travels from a medium of high density to a medium of low density. 5) PMR PRACTICE! : no. 13, 14 and 15

DOA AGAR BERJAYA DLM PELAJARAN DAN MENGEJAR CITA-CITA: Ya Tuhan kami! Kurniakanlah kami rahmat dari sisiMu, dan sediakanlah petunjuk untuk kami dalam menyelesaikan urusan kami.


DEFECTS OF VISION AND CORRECTIVE MEASURES LONG-SIGHTEDNESS a) Person can see _________________________ _____________________________________ b) Light from ____________________________ _____________________________________ c) This is either because ___________________ _____________________________________ SHORT-SIGHTEDNESS a) Person can see _________________________ _____________________________________ b) Light from ____________________________ _____________________________________ c) This is either because ___________________ _____________________________________

Can be corrected by using ______________ lens

Can be corrected by using ______________ lens

ASTIGMATISM a) Caused by _________________________________________________________________________ b) Corrected by _______________________________________________________________________ BLIND SPOT a) When images fall on the ______________. They ___________________________ b) Caused by there are no _________________________ c) Activities 1.12 B [pg. 24]

i. Follow the instruction in textbook pg. 24 ii. Write down your observation: Observation : ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________


OPTICAL ILLUSIONS a) The limitation of the sense of sight where the brain cannot interpret accurately what is actually seen by the eye. b)

c) PMR PRACTICE! : no. 16



Uses eye to look at object Eyes located Field of vision overlapping Stimate distance Advantages

EXERCISE: Based on the animal pictures below, state the type of vision these animals have.

Type of vision: ________________

Type of vision: _______________

Type of vision: ________________

Type of vision: ______________


DEVICES USED TO OVERCOME THE LIMITATIONS OF SIGHT The various devices used to overcome the limitation of sight include: [pg. 25] i) _____________________________ v) ________________________________ ii) _________________________ vi) ________________________________ iii) __________________________ vii) ________________________________ iv) _____________________________ viii) ________________________________ PMR PRACTICE! No. 17 and 18.



SOUND AND HEARING [pg. 27- 31]

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)

Sound are produced by ________________________ Sound needs a ___________ to travel. Sound can travel through ____________, _____________ and ________________ When sound hits a surface, it can be _______________ or ________________. ____________ and ___________________ like walls are good reflectors of sound. ____________ and ___________________ like curtains are good absorbers of sound. Reflected sound is called an ____________.Echo can be used to: a. Estimate the depth of sea b. Identify the school of fish c. Detect the presence of submarine 8) There are two major types of hearing loss. The first type involves the ________ and ________ ear. 9) It usually results from ____________________________________________________________ 10) The damage is often _____________________________________________________________ 11) The second type involves damage to the __________________ 16

12) It can be caused by the ____________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 13) In such cases, ___________________________________________________________________ 14) This type of hearing loss cannot be __________________________________________________ LIMITATIONS OF HEARING 1) Our ear can only detect sounds between _____________________________ 2) As we grow older, ______________________________________________ 3) There is also a limit to how far our ear is able to her sound from a distance. We cannot_________________________________________________________________________ 4) We can overcome the limitations using devices such as _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ STEREOPHONIC HEARING 1) Stereophonic hearing is _______________________________________________________________ 2) Stereophonic hearing enable us to ______________________________________________________ PMR PRACTICE! No. 19



STIMULI AND RESPONSES IN PLANTS [pg. 32-35] 1) Tropism is ______________________________________________________________________ 2) When the part of the plant grows towards the stimulus, it is called _________________________ 3) When the part of the plant grows away from the stimulus, it is called _______________________ 4) Tropism responses include: Type of tropism Stimulus Light Gravity Water Touch Response (+/-)







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