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Your Soul is Scorpio You are ambitious, competitive, and even a tad obsessive.

When you want something, you can become very focused. You have an intensity that can't be matched. You make for a very formidable opponent. You are magnetic and passionate. You hold a lot of power, and you just seem to draw people to you. To know you is a highly emotional experience. You are a very exciting person to be involved with in any way. You Are West ike an !merican, you are an innovative, free"spirit. You tend to do your own thing, especially if no one has done it before. #eople admire that you are creative and a visionary. You come up with all sorts of ideas, and you're never afraid of failure. $ometimes you come across as wild to the point of being careless. You are a rule"breaker who borders on dangerous. You make a great artist. %o matter what you do in life, it's your personal expression of who you are. You Are a Black Pearl You are a reserved and careful person, but you don't let that stop you from doing your thing. You embrace opportunities, and you do your best to make sure you don't get stuck in a rut. You are driven and determined. You have a uni&ue vision, and you are confident in following it. You are drawn to the darker side of life, but you're still optimistic. You see the magic in each moment. You Are Dangerous and Unpredictable Your idea of romance is a relationship that makes your heart pound and your stomach churn. You like to live on the edge. 'f you get too comfortable in a relationship, then you get bored. You need lots of mystery, excitement, and even danger to keep you interested. Your ideal parter is sexy to the point of making you lose control. You like to feel completely overwhelmed. (or you, love is being completely taken with another person. %othing short of obsession will do for you. You Are a Champagne Drinker ! true mystery, no one can &uite figure you out. You seem a bit unapproachable. That is, until you start drinking. Then you tend to let loose and enjoy yourself. You're fun to drink with, but it takes you a few drinks to loosen up. You prefer the finer things in life. ife's too short to drink cheap champagne. You Are Modern You are optimistic and forward looking. You love living in this world. You have a good memory for facts. You always are an ace at trivia. !rt excites you. You try to bring it into your everyday life as much as possible. You have a few key interests that are borderline obsessions. You can't stop thinking about them) You Are Classy You are well mannered at all occasions. You believe in taking the higher road. You treat people with kindness and respect. You think before you speak or act. You know how to charm people and put them at ease. 't's all about the right words or gestures. *y having class, you make others feel more comfortable around you. Your Dosha is Pitta

You have a &uick mind, a gift for persuasion, and a sharp sense of humor. You have both the drive and people skills to be a very successful leader. !rgumentative and a bit stubborn, you have been known to be a little too set in your ways. *ut while you may be biased toward your own point of view, you are always honest, fair, and ethical. With friends+ You are outgoing and open to anyone who might want to talk to you 'n love+ You are picky but passionate To achieve more balance+ *e less judgmental of those around you, and take cool walks in the moonlight. Your Color is Orange You are a harmonious person with good communication skills. You draw people together. You have a strong sense of purpose, and you're a natural leader. You want to make the world a better place. You are honest and open. You feel like you can express your feelings and opinions without fear. You are organi,ed and find it easy to concentrate. You are very productive.

Your rue !ye Color is Ocean Blue You are driven and goal oriented. You aren't satisfied unless you are totally at your best. You are hard working, but you aren't a miser about it. Work gives you both purpose and happiness. You enjoy challenges... in fact, you seek them out. You want to con&uer the world. You are brave and bold in the face of adversity. %o person or thing is going to get in your way) Your "i#e$s Challenge is Being %ickle The whole world is open to you. You are a smart person with many resources and opportunities. You've lucked out a lot in life. Things always seem to go your way, and you've had many successes. You may be surprised to learn that you are standing in the way of more success by being a bit too irresponsible and flaky. 'f you stuck to things a bit longer, you would rule the world. You have much more in you than you even reali,e. You See Optimism in Your %uture (ive years from now, your life will be improving rapidly. You will be reaching new and exciting challenges. Your life is fine right now, but you're laying the groundwork to make it better. You are paying your dues. Ten years from now, you'll be living an ama,ing life " one close to the life you've always dreamed of. *y staying hopeful and proactive, you will be able to chart your own course. You Are Cream Pie You're the perfect combo of simplicity and divinity. You are a secret hedonist. %o one knows how indulgent you can be. You don't indulge often, but when you do, you go for the best. You have expensive taste. Those who like you life for understated pleasures. You're not flashy or trendy, but you have a depth that most people lack. 'nteracting with you makes most people feel incredibly satisfied. You are gentle, super sweet, and in harmony with those around you.

You Are "ogical You've got a lot of flair and creativity, but you temper it with organi,ation. You have an eye for innovation, and you're always inventing totally new ways of doing things. You see the big picture, and while you delight in details, you don't get hung up on them. You get bored by routine easily. You need to be around similarly open minded people in order to thrive. You Belong in Paris $tylish and expressive, you were meant for #aris. The art, the fashion, the wine) Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park... You'll love living in the most chic place on earth. You Are Wine You are very naturally sexy and inviting. You don't have to try too hard. The longer people spend time with you, the more drawn in they become. You believe that seduction shouldn't be rushed, you like to savor every moment. -oing too fast kills the excitement. You like to indulge all of your senses. You Are Plucky and Bra&e You enjoy variety and new challenges. You're always looking to shake things up a bit. You are deeply emotional. You are a very soulful person, and at times you're downright fiery. When you want to get your way, you're assertive and gusty. You are a good actor, even when you're not feeling brave. You are easily excited and inspired. You are engaged with the world in many different ways. You Are a Water Charmer You charm with a deep intuition. You seem to sense what each person wants and longs for. You come across as coy and mysterious. Without trying to be, you are a very intriguing person. You are emotionally in tune with everyone you meet. You rarely read people wrong. You want to make the world a better place. You can be &uite passionate about your ideals.

You Are Charming You are decisive and unhesitating. You don't waver once you make up your mind. You desire fame, fortune, and recognition. You don't see why you shouldn't be able to have it all. You have great people skills and tend to be extremely popular with everyone you know. You are hard working and on the path to success. You know where you're going and how you're going to get there. You Are 'elium You are hyperactive and tireless. You've got more than enough energy to pursue all your passions. (riends and family bring meaning to your life. You know who your core group is.

You know how to get what you want out of life, and you know how to avoid working for it. You're a charmer. You tend to charm strangers easily. !nd you usually can get what you want from them. Your Soul 'as Bro(n !yes You are an independent learner and thinker. You like to follow your own path in life, and you're never sure where it will take you. You desire fame, fortune, and recognition. You don't see why you shouldn't be able to have it all. You are engaged with the world and with life. You find it easy to get in gear, and you're usually busy. You are rational enough to see things clearly. You don't allow your mind to play tricks on you. You Are a )racious Person You are ambitious and aspiring. You have an appetite for success. You are highly effective in all areas of your life. You like to take on new challenges. You try not to make a big deal out of anything. You are good at keeping life's problems in perspective.You don't know how to be anyone but yourself, and that's part of your charm. You are genuine. Your *deal +elationship is %riends (ith Bene#its You're not looking for anything serious... just something hot) !nd your little black book .or cell phone/ always hooks you up. You want nothing more than friends with benefits. %o strings. You also don't mind benefits without the friendship) Men See You As Choosy 0en notice you light years before you notice them. You take a selective approach to dating, and you can afford to be picky. You aren't looking for a &uick flirt " but a memorable encounter. 't may take men a while to ask you out, but it's worth the wait You Can Make ,-. o# Your Crushes %all in "o&e With You Your seduction skills are practically legendary. You know how to close the deal. 1ust don't let someone you're really into get the better of you) !s long as you keep up your end of the flirting game, you'll get the pri,e at the end. Your "o&e "i#e is "ike Pretty Woman 2' want the fairy tale.2 You believe that love is truly blind, unpredictable, and surprising. Two very different people can easily find true love. !t least, that is how it will happen when you marry a gorgeous billionaire someday. Your love style+ $ensual and flirty Your 3ollywood 4nding Will *e+ $urprisingly happy )uys "ike hat You$re Charming You're the girl most guys can't get out of their heads, even if they met you on a bad hair day. You just seem to 2click2 with everyone you meet. $o even if a guy forgets about you for a second... his friends haven't) You Are /uirky You don't think you are weird but others do. You have your own definition of normal. You have a strong personality. You are who you are, and you're darn proud of it. You act spontaneously, without planning. You don't like to commit to any one thing. You are a calm and steady person. You may be whimsical, but you're also well grounded.

You Are Mac and Cheese You have a natural serenity that makes others feel calm. You are a safe haven for others. You love to comfort others and to be comforted in return. You believe in being easy on everyone. You are mild"mannered and not likely to offend. There's something universally appealing about you. #eople put their trust in you, and they often turn to you as a last resort. You Are 01. Scary You scare men off occasionally, but only very weak men. You're a normal woman. You're not perfect, but you're pretty darn close. 2ot a Player3 But You Dabble *n the )ame4 $ometimes a girl just wants to have fun" and when it's fun you're after, you get it. *ut when you want a relationship, you seem to score that as well. What you want changes from day to day and from guy to guy. uckily, you've got the skills to get whatever you want " and pass the leftovers on to your friends. Your "o&e Sign is "eo You love being in love because of the attention it brings you. You enjoy being doted on. You are totally flamboyant and charming. You have many admirers and romantic prospects. $ince you have your choice of partners, you tend to be picky. You need to be with someone who worships you. You tend to be the dominant one in relationships. You shine so brightly that it couldn't really be any other way. You Are Dedicated You are &uite disciplined. You exercise self"control in all aspects of your life. You consider yourself to be a pretty normal person. You fit well into this world. You have excellent organi,ational abilities. You can make sense of any mess. You are social and gregarious. You make other people feel at ease. You Are a "eader You are impulsive when the occasion calls for it. You make decisions on the fly. You are a visionary. You see the big picture instead of all of the trivial little details. You are a very inspiring person. You show others that dreams can come true. You are a provider. You like the satisfaction that comes with a hard earned paycheck.

People hink You Are !nergetic You are strong and a force to be reckoned with. You don't back down easily. You are hard working and ambitious. You have big plans for your life. #eople can count on you. You take duties and responsibilities seriously. You are a creative and resourceful person. You are an innovative and creative problem solver. You Are a +ound Cut Stone You have excellent organi,ational abilities. You can make sense of any mess. You are driven to fulfill your duties. You take every responsibility seriously.

You are decisive and resolute. You choose well, even when the choice isn't easy. You are &uite disciplined. You exercise self"control in all aspects of your life. Your Word is *magination You are a colorful person who only sees potential. You love to create and explore. You could never feel bored5 there are entire fantasy worlds that live in your head. You are very open to the world. You try to say yes to as many opportunities as possible. Your mind knows no limits. You always allow yourself to dream big. You Are Deep You like to have fun, but you aren't a big fan of frivolity. You object to too much silliness. You are &uite intellectual and thoughtful. You get a lot of satisfaction from doing important work. You are steady and consistent. You find it easy to commit to projects and people. You don't let your emotions decide for you. You follow your head, not your heart. Your "o&e Style is "udus You like to think of love as the ultimate game and you love to play... even if it means lying a little. You're a bit afraid to be close, and you don't get too attached. ! serial dater, you tend to date a few people at once. !nd it's all good, until one of your sweeties finds out)

You Are a Concrete hinker When it comes down to it, you're a practical person. You're only concerned with what works in life. You like to build your skills and knowledge about the world. You like to know lots of things. You are career"focused. You get a lot of satisfaction from working hard. You are always looking for ways to improve yourself and strengthen your ambition in life. You study a lot. You Are Dramatic Witty and talkative, you entertain with your stories and gossip. You know how to delight a crowd. %o matter what, you're the life of the party or conversation. !nd you like to be talked about. You enjoy the honeymoon phase of friendships and relationships, but after that it's hard for you to stick around. ife is too short to be bored) When you get in a rut, you immediately shake things up. You 'a&e !arth 'ands You have your own method of doing things, and it has worked pretty well for you. You are a systemi,er. You prefer to be as productive as possible, especially when you can use your hands. You like making things. You appreciate structure and order. You believe that planning is half the battle. You love silence and solitude. 4veryday life is usually too chaotic for you. You Make Beauti#ul Wa&es ife would be boring if you just sat back and watched it unfold. You like to make things happen, but in a very ordered and interesting way.

You don't really like chaos. You tend to plan throughly and execute your plans well. You are very creative, elo&uent, and expressive. You know how to accomplish great things, even if you're just playing around. You Are Steady You hold yourself accountable for your actions. 'n the end, you have to live with yourself. You need your alone time to introspect and recharge. *eing around other people can be draining for you. You are a slow and critical thinker. You think through every step carefully. You are efficient and precise. You like to get down to business. You Are )lamourous You've got style, class, and panache. You have the courage to be you, and you pull it off beautifully. You love to be in the middle of the action. You need to feel alive to be inspired. You are creative and whimsical. You are interested in new ideas and art. You are flamboyant and outgoing. You are the type of person who is always 2on.2 You Are Strong You are dominant, and you enjoy being in charge. You have vision and ambition. You're the type of person who does everything well. You are careful not to brag too much. You are self"confident and sure of what you're doing. You don't second guess yourself. You are well suited to tackle the worlds most difficult problems and injustices. You will never give up. You !re a 3ard Worker You carry a lot of baggage with you when you travel. $ome of it turns out to be unnecessary. You are good at finding balance in your life. You rest when you need to, but you also know that too much rest is dangerous. When you get tired, you slow down at first... but then you usually get a second wind) You are happiest when you've reached an important goal or milestone. You like to feel like your life is progressing. You !re 'ndependent You focus on fantasy more than reality. You have your head in the clouds. You are a complex and deep person. There are many layers to who you are. You are caring and deep, but it may be difficult for you to show this side of yourself. You don't always express your emotions. You are an island. You don't need anyone else to make you happy, and you are very self sufficient. You earn by Teaching Yourself There's very little you can't teach yourself. You are a huge self"learner. You don't have one learning style that works for you. You try everything that works. You experiment with learning and figure out what works best for you in each context. Your most important attribute is perseverance. 4ven when it feels like something is impossible to understand, you don't give up. You 3ave 3igh $tandards You'll do almost anything for a friend, but you won't be friends with just anyone. You're the perfect combination of simplicity and divinity. You are a secret hedonist, and no one knows how indulgent you can be.

You are very reliable. 0any people count on you, and rightfully so. You are intense, internally driven, and passionate. You have a purpose to your life. Your 6hinese %ame is 7iang This name means soaring, lucky, and auspicious. !ll of these terms totally describe you. Your happiness and optimism is appealing to all... and contagious. You spread joy. You are a charming and magnetic person. You have an unstoppable allure. You have had a lot of luck in your life. You feel fortunate, and you are willing to spread your luck around a bit. You !re 8easonable You have a strong sense of responsibility. You always want to do the right thing, no matter the context. You are orderly and organi,ed. You appreciate the stability routine brings to your life. You are simply a good person. You have high standards you uphold, but you don't boast about your morals. You expect a lot of yourself, but you're tolerant of others. You know that no one can be perfect. You !re 'maginative and 'dealistic You are down to earth and practical. You don't like to waste time or mince words. You tend to go to your friends for advice and opinions. You value what your friends have to say. You have an optimistic take on life. Things are always a lot better than they seem at first. $pending time alone makes you a little nostalgic. You tend to think about the past a lot when you're alone. You !re 8eady for the 8est of Your ife You are faithful and true to those you love. 0ore importantly, you're true to yourself. You are a truly courageous person. You have the guts to do what's right, even when it isn't easy. You can help people communicate together and work with each other's strengths. You are able to lead or follow. You accept things as they are. You don't try to change anything that can't be changed. You !re $erious and 'ntense You don't take anything lightly, including your choice in candy. You don't like to make any mistakes in life. You are responsible and dedicated. You don't let anything slip through the cracks. You still like to have fun and indulge on occasion, but you are more of the type to only eat one piece of chocolate. You build now so that you can enjoy yourself later. You're all about planning for the future. You !re *old You enjoy debating issues. You often can see both sides, and you like to play devil's advocate. You don't like to control or be controlled. You value autonomy, especially your own. You are flexible and spontaneous. You're willing to change your plans on a moment's notice. 3appy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off. You !re a White 3ot 6hocolate You see yourself as logical, flexible, and unconventional. You &uestion all rules. You are blessed with an enormous amount of self"confidence. You love who you are.

You are very results"oriented. You take a no nonsense approach to life. You consider yourself a fortunate person, and you find it easy to be happy. You !re the eader You follow your own path, and the turns you take are often unexpected and inspired. !nyone is welcome to join you on your journey. You don't try to lead5 it just ends up that way. You are prepared to make difficult decisions and do what's right. You'll take all the credit and all of the blame. You are highly intelligent and have a lot of mental strength. You can tough almost anything out. You !re 9ni&ue You love being in love because of the attention it brings you. You like to be showered with affection. #eople remember you and make it a point to run into you again. You leave a good impression. You possess a divine &uality or uni&ueness that's hard to define. :thers are drawn to you even though they're not sure why. 4ven when you're just laying low, people notice you. You never blend in with a crowd. Your Thoughts !re Wild %o one understands how that brain of yours works, including you) You have a uni&ue thought process, and it results in some pretty cra,y ideas. You don't try to limit your thoughts. When you brainstorm, the sky's the limit. You are an uninhibited thinker and dreamer. Your ideas are extremely innovative. Your *rain is :rgani,ed You like a lot of structure in your life, and you're good at getting things in order. You have a good eye for details, and you are excellent at following difficult directions. You are a natural planner, and you always feel a bit lost if you don't have a plan drawn up. You like to have a routine and stick to it. 6haos stresses you out. Your 0ind is (lexible Your mind is open to any and all possibilities. You try to never have preconceived notions. You are a visionary. You are a dreamer, but your dreams are less cra,y than they seem. You are very futuristic and forward thinking. You are comfortable with change " whether you want it or not. 0any people respect and admire you. %ot many people have the courage to live as independently as you do. You !re the $word You are decisive, assertive, and &uick to act. You're the type of person who gets things done. You aren't violent in the least, but you will stand up and fight for what you believe in. You pick your battles carefully. You are precise and competent. You don't make many mistakes, even though you move &uickly.

You are often the best person for the job, no matter what the job is. #eople can always depend on you. You !re a 0a,e You can be confusing, tiring, and deceptive. *ut at the end of it all, you're sweet. You believe there are many ways to get to an answer... !nd you are willing to explore every single one of them) You !re 1ean -rey !lthough your fate is often unknown, you always seem to survive .even after death/. Your mind is your greatest weapon, literally) #owers+ telepathy and telekinesis, the ability to project thoughts into the mind of others, communication with animals You 3ave a Tai Yang *ody You are a proactive, progressive, and passionate. You don't have much patience when there's something you want. You are full of new ideas, theories, and plans. $ometimes you get carried away with your dreams. You make &uick judgments, but they are usually right. You are good at assessing a person or a situation. You tend to have more regrets than most people5 you're very impulsive. uckily, you forget your regrets &uickly. You 6rave 4nergy You are an extremely outgoing and vivacious person. You are the life of the party, even when there isn't a party. You are energi,ed in all aspects of your life. You are able to keep going when the work day is over. You are both in&uisitive and adventurous. 'f you're curious about something, you usually go and find out about it. You love to be fully engaged and immersed in whatever you're doing. You love the idea of flow and getting in the ,one. You !re *ra,il You are carefree and fun loving. You like to party all night. You are warm and physically affectionate. %o one is friendlier than you. You are lively and a great conversationalist. You can talk for hours. You are creative and willing to take risks. You are a true free spirit. You !re Tuna $ushi (or you, the exotic is normal. You have sophisticated tastes and a cosmopolitan outlook. #eople are surprised by your knowledge of the world, and you are surprised by their ignorance. You don't think traveling to a new country or speaking a second language is a big deal. You are open to anything in this world. The extraordinary is pretty ordinary for you at this point.

You !re $mart (or as long as you can remember, you've always performed well, especially in an academic setting. You are curious about the world, and it's likely that you're an expert in at least one subject. You tend to have a few friends that you are especially close to, and your relationships tend to be &uite deep. You try to think clearly and rationally. When you have a problem, you solve it instead of wallowing in it. You !re a ;ampire 8ight< You seem like a vampire. #ale< 6heck. $trong< 6heck. %octurnal< 6heck) There's a good chance you even like the taste of blood, and that's just down right creepy. The funniest part about you being a vampire is that you haven't seemed to notice it yet. You must have some pretty weird habits to let the news slip by you like that. $tay out of the sunlight, and avoid 'talian restaurants .too much garlic/. !nd if you have to feed on a human, please be gentle) =eep =own You !re $ensitive You're the type of person who notices everything and forgets nothing. You are very in tune with the world. You feel deeply, and sometimes the silliest things can effect you. You are easily brought to laughter or tears. You don't show the world how fragile you are. You instead show people how insightful you can be. You are good at anticipating what's going to happen in your life. You are often the first one to see what's coming. You 3ave a 0ischievous $mile You smile even when you shouldn't be smiling. You have a very playful smile. You always have some sort of private joke going on, even if you're the only one in on it. You can't help but see the irony in life. You have a lot to smile .and smirk/ about. #eople might think that you smile at unusual times. You can't help it... you find the humor in everything) You !re 6hic You've always been naturally glamourous. You don't have to work to be chic. You have an eye for fashion, style, and even sometimes gadgets... if they're sleek enough. You aren't superficial. You just enjoy rockin' your own ama,ing personal look. You're so in to everything chic that you do end up being a bit of a geek about it) Woody !llen $hould =irect the 0ovie of Your ife Your life is &uirky, offbeat, and filled with little neuroses. You're always willing to step back and look at what's going on. You aren't afraid of a little analysis. You take life too seriously and not seriously enough. You're still trying to figure yourself out. You are smart, funny, touching, and definitely cynical. Your personal philosophy is as uni&ue as you are.

You !re !utumn You are thoughtful and warm"hearted. You get the most in life from giving back. You are people focused and extroverted. You know what's going on in everyone else's life. You are needed and wanted. #eople truly value you, and you would be missed if you weren't around. You are caring and compassionate. Your heart goes out to the world. You !re 6reative You are open minded, flexible, and adventurous. You never &uite know where you're going, and you like it that way. You take a lot of time to enjoy yourself and live life to the fullest. You don't mind being in the slow lane. You find that most tasks are easier than you anticipated. Things are never as bad as they seem. You work hard for the material rewards you get in the end. You wouldn't have your job if it didn't pay you. You !re =ominant You are an object of fascination for many. You shine brightly and boldly. You can talk your way into " and out of " any situation you desire. You move on to the next thing freely and without regrets. ife is about change. You travel light. There's nothing worse than having too much baggage. Your *irthstone $hould *e the 8uby The ruby represents love and passion, both concepts you've been known to go overboard with. There's no denying your intensity. You feel deeply, and usually this means that you're extremely happy. You are courageous and energetic. You have a lot you want to do in life, and you just go for it) You are big on integrity and generosity. You treat others how you'd like to be treated. You !re *amboo You are a very independent and unpredictable person. You do things your way, and you never know what turn your life will take. You are very intellectual and logical. You try to think things through carefully, in steps. $ometimes it seems like you are unemotional, but you try to have your emotions work for you instead of against you. Those who know you best know who loyal, compassionate, and supportive you are. You are a very admirable person. Your 0ind is 4legant You are independent and original. You are highly inventive and creative.

You love thinking things over and developing theories. You have a theory for everything. ;ery introspective, you can be silently critical of yourself and others. Your inner voice is honest. You are simply brilliant. You are bright, intelligent, and creative.

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