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February News

Mr. Darryl Beck, Principal; Mrs. Jacqueline Slowey, Vice-Principal Mrs. Lynn MacDonell, Office Administrator; Mrs. Martha Woods, School Council Chair

1401 Dover Road Cornwall, ON K6J 1V6 613-932-4131

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On Thursday, February 14th, we will be sending home term 1 report cards. As you review your childs report card, please keep in mind that the purpose of assessment and evaluation is to improve student learning. While there will be no specific day or time dedicated to parent-teacher interviews, here at Viscount, we always encourage open dialogue between school and home and vise versa. Should you have concerns about your childs progress at any time, please do not hesitate to contact your childs teacher(s). On February 27th, students and staff at Viscount will be showing their support for two excellent causes: The Boys and Girls Club of Cornwall SD&G, and the campaign to raise awareness against bullying. The school will be transformed into a sea of pink, and discussions will continue about the effects and consequences of bullying. Here at Viscount, we are committed to stopping bullying in the following ways:

Teaching students about the effects and consequences of bullying Teaching and promoting character education virtues such as caring, fairness, honesty, empathy, responsibility, perseverance, respect, and resilience Teaching students that if they see someone being bullied, they should not be a bystander, laugh or join in Teaching students how to get help if they, or someone they know, is being bullied Modelling appropriate and respectful behaviour

School Council Update: Our next School Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 26th at 6:00pm in room 67. All are welcome to attend! Kindergarten Pre-Registration: 2013-2014 Its that time of year when many parents are interested in pre-registering their children for Kindergarten for September, 2013. The on-line registration link for NEW students only is now available, and can be accessed by visiting: We will also be hosting a Kindergarten Registration Day for 2013-2014 on Monday, February 4th, at the school. During our Kindergarten Registration Day, parents/guardians will be able to register their child, take a guided tour of the school, which will include a look-in on our kindergarten program, and ask any questions that they may have. Please be aware that the following documentation is mandatory, before the start of school in the fall: 1) proof of age (e.g. birth or baptismal certificate), 2) proof of immunization, 3) a valid health card. Grade 6 Trip to cole de Neige: Plans have been finalized for the grade 6 trip to cole de Neige from February 11th-13th. This promises to be an exciting opportunity for students to participate in a variety of outdoor winter activities, while practising their French conversational skills at the same time. Thank you to Mme Marion for organizing the trip and to Mr. Vandrish and Mr. Miller, who have volunteered to accompany our students! Science Fair: Viscount Alexander students will once again be participating in the United Counties Science Fair 2013. The Viscount Alexander Science Fair will take place on Tuesday, February 26th. Successful entries will then move on to the United Counties Science Fair at St. Lawrence Secondary School on Saturday, April 6th. Participation in this event will encourage students to focus on science, display their creativity and will give them the opportunity to win a prize. Please visit the school's facebook page or website for more information.

Canadian Tire Money Fundraiser: The results of the Canadian Tire Money Fundraiser are in! Together, we raised a grand total of $302.05 to purchase new equipment for the school yard. The winners of the pizza parties were: Mlle Leclercs JK class ($31.10) and Mrs. MacLeods gr. 4/5 class ($72.95). Way to go, Cougars!

Dont try this at home!

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