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Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

The Genesis of the International Year of Chemistry Yanbu Industrial College (YIC) grabs the opportunity Organizing committee IUPAC Approval for YIC Celebrations Chemiluminescence 2011 Website Launch for Chemiluminescence 2011 Training on web resources Introductory seminar Observation of Chemical safety week Preparations for a series of activities Chemiluminescence day - the formal launch of celebration activities Polymer Technology and Recycle of Polymers-Seminar by Prof. Sadhan Kumar De Visit of School students to the YIC Chemical Engineering Labs YIC students visit to Industry Environmental Campaign and community outreach programs Seminar on Environmental sustainability Open House and Exhibition Concluding ceremony Activity summary at a Glance (30 activities) 3 4 4 5 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 19 20 24 25 27 28

C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

The Genesis of the International Year of Chemistry

Having recognized that Chemical sciences have contributed much to the humanity in all walks of life, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) in 2006 started initiatives to secure a designation of an International Year of Chemistry by United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The project carried out by IUPAC with this aim was completed in 2008 and subsequently the executive board of UNESCO endorsed the proposal for declaration by United Nations (UN) of 2011 as International Year of Chemistry. UN recognized that Chemistry and allied fields had contributed much to the betterment of human life on this planet and they are vital to achieve the millennium goals of UN. Obviously, this understanding led to the organizing of celebrations of IYC 2011 by IUPAC, UNESCO and UN as global partners along with Chemical Societies, Industries, and Educational and Research Institutes across the globe Year 2011 coincides with the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Madam Marie Curie. The year also is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Association of Chemical Societies, providing a chance to highlight the benefits of international scientific collaboration. All over the world, the year 2011 is being celebrated as the International Year of Chemistry with the theme Chemistry-Our life, Our future.

IYC 2011 celebrations envisaged the following objectives:

Increase the public appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs Increase interest of young people in chemistry Generate enthusiasm of the creative future of chemistry Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Madam Marie Curie Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the found -ing of International Association of Chemical Societies.

Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Yanbu Industrial College (YIC) grabs the opportunity

IC, one of the premier institutes of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia realized the multifaceted opportunities available through the active participation of the global event of the celebration of the International Year of Chemistry2011. The institute took the bold step to make this an occasion to showcase its potentials to the international organizations like IUPAC, UNESCO, UN and similar other reputed agencies while focusing on the following important objectives. Make YIC to emerge as a hub for educational, research and industrial consultancies at local and national levels. Establish strong links with local industries, reputed universities and international organizations of science and technology for collaborative and mutually enriching programs and projects Establish the high profile of the institute at international levels and become one of the leaders of education in science and technology, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and guide the nation towards sustainable development. Enlighten the public the need of safe use and dis-

posal of chemicals and on green manufacturing processes. YIC community decided to take this opportunity to bring the neighboring academic institutes, universities, industrial establishments and the local public under one umbrella to achieve the targeted objectives. YIC strongly believed that the participation would bring some benefits in the immediate future and in the long run. Some of the immediate benefits the institute counted on are: An awakening among the YIC students and the Young generation at large in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia towards learning chemical sciences. Exposing the young generation to the enormous opportunities in chemical industry. Attract more students to YIC with great enthusiasm. A profile of the institute that prominently appears at the international scenario.

Organizing committee
Under the patronages of Dr. Ahmed Dabroom, the General Director of Institutes and colleges of the Royal commission for Yanbu, and Dr. Gasim Alandjani, Deputy Managing Director of YIC, an organizing committee was formed with Dr.Ahmed Al-Ghamdi , Head, Department of Chemical Engineering Technology (CHET) as Chairman and Dr.E.P.Jagadeesh, Asst.Prof (CHET) as convener, and an executive committee.

Dr. Ahmed Dabroom (Chief Patron)

Dr. Gasim Alandjani (Patron)

Dr. Ahmed Alghamdi (Chairman)

Dr.E.P. Jagadeesh (Convener)

C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

IUPAC Approval for YIC Celebrations

s a first step the organizing committee prepared a tentative program for the whole year of 2011 throughout which IYC celebrations would continue. The programs included seminars, webinars, public lectures, campaigns for safe use and disposal of chemicals and protection of environment, community outreach programs, factory visits, open house and exhibition, Lab visits for school children, educational movie shows, skits on history of chemistry, contests for students and webinars. The plan of activities was communicated to the IYC Panel in February for approval. Soon YIC got its plan of activities approved and this gave YIC many privileges. Some of them include rights for posting our activities at the IYC site, the authorized use of the logos of IUPAC, UNESCO, IYC etc., and the educational movies produced by participating industries and chemical societies. The IYC panel frequently expressed its satisfaction and appreciation of the YIC activities. YIC emerged proudly as one and the only institute in the Kingdom that conducted a variety of activities bringing together the college students, school students, eminent scientists, professors, technocrats, manufacturers and the common public in comparison with the 50 and odd number of participants registered at the IYC site from within the Kingdom including some prominent universities.

neering Technology had provided to the humanity and also the challenges the subjects of chemical sciences address in the modern world.

Logo and Slogan:

The logo shown below was designed by the department to depict the following themes: Chemiluminescence is the light produced during a chemical reaction and the rays of light emerging represent the light of knowledge disseminated through the activities. The round bottom flask and YIC in it depicts the participation of YIC in the global event. The flare forming the middle letter of YIC illustrates the industrial collaboration and participation. The green colored luminescence reiterates the need and spreads the message of sustainable development and green manufacturing process. Chemistry & life, made for each other was accepted as the slogan of the event highlighting the importance of chemical sciences for all life processes and in par with the theme of IYC 2011 slogan-Chemistry our life, our future.

Chemiluminescence 2011
Department of Chemical Engineering and Technology (CHET) decided to launch its IYC 2011celebrations under a brand name, Chemiluminescence 2011 with the following vision and mission.

Providing inspiration to the young generation towards chemical education and to highlight the immense opportunities of job, research, development and services to nation, available in chemical sciences and related fields in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia specifically and the globe at large.

To make the YIC community and the public at large aware of the benefits, Chemistry and Chemical Engi5

Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Website Launch for Chemiluminescence 2011

Dr. Ahmed Dabroom, Managing director, YIC launching the website of Chemiluminescence on 7th May 2011

Dr. Ahmed Dabroom, Managing director of YIC, launched the website of the Chemiluminescence 2011, on 7th May 2011. The site was designed to provide resource materials on chemical engineering and chemistry with useful links to prominent chemical industries, contest announcements and information on objectives, vision, mission of Chemiluminescence and activities under the aegis of Chemiluminescence. The site would remain as the activity page of the Chemical Engineering Technology Department for upcoming conferences, open houses, 6

exhibitions, seminars and podcasts of archived webinars and recorded lectures. The efforts made by the CHET for the participation in the global event gained appreciation from eminent scientists and technocrats across the world. We felt encouraged very much by such supportive acts from many individuals and institution and most prominent among them was the message we received from Prof. Paul T Anastas, Assistant Administrator, and United States Environmental Protection Agency known as father of greenchemistry.

C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Website Launch for Chemiluminescence 2011

Message from Prof. Paul T Anastas (Father of Greenchemistry), USEPA

Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Training on web resources

Dr.E.P.Jagadeesh trains student volunteers on web resources related to IYC 2011 Celebrations Soon after the launch of the website, student volunteers were trained to make use of the self learning materials posted or linked to the site. The volunteers were later directed to train groups of students on the web resources available on the website of Chemiluminescence 2011. This has helped the students to prepare themselves for the participation in the various contests organized along with celebration activities. It has also opened up many areas of chemical engineering, chemistry and allied subjects for them to explore. It gave them opportunities to get exposed to many self learning tools available in the subject.

C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Introductory Seminar

Dr. Ahmed Alghamdi, Head of Dept. of Chemical Engineering Technology speaks on the celebration of International Year of Chemistry. On May 22nd 2011, Dr. Ahmed Alghamdi presented a seminar to a group of students and faculty members elaborating on the various aspects of the celebration of international year of chemistry. This was followed by a seminar by Dr. E.P.Jagadeesh, convener of Chemiluminescence 2011 on Frontiers of Chemical Education. The lecture covered the topics on ancient practice of alchemy to the evolution of the modern chemistry. He briefed the achievements and contributions of chemistry in the area of medicines, clothing, food and many comforts of the modern life. He explained the context of the celebrations of International year of Chemistry and YIC programs with its objectives. He also elaborated on the challenges the chemical sciences face today and the need for the practice of greenchemistry. Students and faculty members of the college attended the seminar.

Dr.Jagadeesh, Convener of Chemiluminescence speaks on the saga of alchemy to nanochemistry 9

Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Observation of Chemical safety week

The Department of Chemical Engineering Technology observed Chemical Safety Week from 14-5- 2011 to 18-52011 during which the YIC community was alerted on various measures to be adopted for safety while handling chemicals. Information on Material Safety Data Sheets, cautioning against careless use of chemicals, information on safe use of compressed gases were done through slideshows and movies played through the DSS.


C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Preparations for a series of activities

Dr. Ahmed Alghamdi, Head, CHET department and Chairman of Chemiluminescence releases the event T-Shirt Activities commenced through collection of educational movies, sending invitation to eminent personalities for their lectures and confirming the dates with them, preparations for the open house and exhibition, preparation of the brochures, banners, event T-Shirts and mementos . Students took rehearsals of the skit they would stage on the formal launch of the programs. The event-T shirts with the logos of Chemiluminescence 2011, IYC 2011, UNESCO were released and distributed to students by Dr. Ahmed Alghamdi, Chairman of Chemiluminescence 2011 and the Head, Department of Chemical Engineering Technology.

The event memento

Another view of the memento 11

Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Chemiluminescence day - the formal launch of celebration activities

H.E Dr. Alaa Nassif CEO, RC arriving for the formal launch of chemiluminescence and putting on the event badge On November 19th , H.E Dr. Alaa Nassif , the CEO of the Royal Commission formally launched the programs planned under the aegis of Chemiluminescence 2011, the YICs celebrations of the International Year of Chemistry 2011 in a colorful and fabulous function. YIC Students carrying Helium filled balloons recreated the periodic table in the courtyards of the college, which were later released off, symbolic of spreading the message that the chemical elements and their chemistry brought all the comforts of our modern life. The balloon release was followed by colorful entertainment and educational programs.


Chemiluminescence day - the formal launch of celebration activities

C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011 13

(L-R) Dr. Gasim Alandjani (DMD, YIC), Dr. Ahmed Dabroom (MD, YIC), H.E Dr. Alaa Nassif (CEO, RC for Yanbu and Jubail) and Dr. Ahmed Alghamdi (HoD, CHET dept.) at the launching ceremony of Chemiluminescence 2011 Dr. Ahmed Alghamdi, chairman of the celebrations welcomed the gathering. Dr. E.P. Jagadeesh, convener of Chemiluminescence 2011 presented a report on the preparations and activities conducted in connection with IYC 2011 celebrations and the details on the upcoming events. Movies commemorating the Nobel prize awarded to Madam Curie and short films - Chemistry- Its all about you and living without chemistry were screened in front of a large gathering. A short play depicting the practice of chemistry in ancient Islamic world and its growth to the present was staged by YIC students.

Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Chemiluminescence day - the formal launch of celebration activities

H.E Dr. Alaa Nassif addresses the audience at YIC auditorium during the formal launch of Chemiluminescence 2011

A scene from the skit on Ibn Hayyan staged during the inaugural ceremony 14

Polymer Technology and Recycle of Polymers-Seminar by Prof. Sadhan Kumar De

C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

A view of the distinguished guests Prof. Sadhan Kumar De, chair professor, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals delivered a public lecture on Polymer Chemistry in the service of humanity. The audience comprised of students from the college, invited guests from other institutes and technocrats from chemical industry.

Prof. Sadhan Kumar De delivered an invited lecture on Polymer Technology and recycle of polymers on November 20th to the students and faculty members of the Chemical Engineering Department and invited guests from Chemical Industry. He covered topics from the basic conditions for polymerization reactions to intricacies of structure related properties of polymers. He expressed his concern over the issue of some

polymers becoming a threat to our environment. In this context he illustrated some of his works carried out in the area of recycle of some polymers. He emphasized the need of doing more research in the area of recycle of polymeric materials and replacing some by bio degradable products. The seminar gave many researchers and students to clear many of their doubts and discuss their research problems with Prof. De.


Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Visit of School students to the YIC Chemical Engineering Labs

Groups of students from the neighboring higher secondary, secondary and elementary schools accompanied by their teachers visited the chemical laboratories of the college on 21st, 22nd and 23rd of November 2011.

The visiting groups of school students

Visiting school students curiously exploring some devices in the lab

Visiting School students at the college auditorium

Schools students actively participating in talks arranged for them.

School students along with their teachers watching some chemical experiments 16

YIC student explaining on laboratory instruments to visiting school students

C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Visit of School students to the YIC Chemical Engineering Labs

Lectures on achievements of chemistry were delivered to them at the college auditorium by Dr. Salah Naeem and Er. Khalid Jalil.

Amazing experiments beign shown to visiting school students

A group of students visiting from Al Ghazali elementary School attending a seminar

Chemical engineering processes being explained to visiting students from Ibn Siena Intermediate School A talk to school students on chemistry for kids

Some amazing experiments were shown to them by students and faculty members of the Chemical Engineering Department.


Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Visit of School students to the YIC Chemical Engineering Labs

Students from Al-Ghazali elementary School in the YIC chemical engineering labs

Visiting students from Al-Bayruni, Al-Ghazali and AlEdrisi elementary schools watch experimanmts in the labs

A group of visiting students in the Mass Transfer Operations Lab


C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

YIC students visit to Industry

YIC students were taken for educational tour to different plants and to chemical analysis labs of the Saudi ARAMCO refiner Er. Abdulla Al-Helali led the team for the study tours (Yansab, Marafiq).

The YIC CHET department students leaving for a study tour to Saudi Aramco refinery

YIC students inside the Saudi ARAMCO refinery Labs

The visiting team was taken around the laboratories and process control rooms.
Saudi Aramco refinery engineers explaining to the YIC students on refinery processes

The Visit to Yanbu Refinery (ARAMCO) was a memorable one in all respects. The academic benefits and close relationship that could be established with industrial fraternity at the company would pave the way for mutual benefits. Saudi Aramco is one of the stakeholders of Yanbu Industrial College and a partner in all respects for the celebration of International Year of Chemistry 2011. There are more such collaborative programs the College is planning with ARAMCO.

YIC students along with CHET faculty member and (Saudi Aramco refinery personnel)


Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Environmental Campaign and community outreach programs

On December 5th Students of the chemical engineering department led by faculty members went around the college campus to pick the carelessly thrown solid wastes and deposit them in the waste bins. Dr. Ahmed Alghamdi, head of chemical Engineering and technology department spoke to the students about the need of creating awareness among the community on solid waste management and protection of our environment. He reminded the students the need of paying serious attention to the problems associated with the solid wastes and the various harmful chemicals it may release to our environment, if not properly disposed off.

A student volunteer sweeps the floor during the campus clean drive

Student volunteer picks solid wastes from campus premises

YIC students on a campus cleaning mission

A student determined to make the campus spick and span


C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Environmental Campaign and community outreach programs

A student volunteer with bag full waste

Student volunteers clearing waste from cafeteria

A student volunteer on look out for waste thrown on campus premises

YIC students team after the campus cleaning operations 21

Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Environmental Campaign and community outreach programs

Dr.Ghasim Alandjani , DMD (IAD) addressed a team of students and faculty members of CHET department, set off for the cleansing operations in the neighboring beaches under the leadership of Dr. Alghamdi on 6th December 2011. The team spent around 2 hrs with great enthusiasm in the beaches picking up the plastic bags, lids, soft drink cans and bottles and depositing them in proper bins. While appreciating the achievements of chemistry in various walks of life, these activities were organized to create awareness among the public on various routes of release of toxics to our environment and their management for sustainable development and environmental protection.

YIC students active at the Yanbu beach cleaning program

Dr.Gasim Alandjani ( DMD, YIC) with the student team set out for the Yanbu beach cleaning program. 22

C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Environmental Campaign and community outreach programs

Waste collection from Yanbu Beaches in progress

A student volunteer on a serious hunt for waste at the beach

All set well finally the waste reaches its proper place

YIC students after Yanbu Beach cleaning


Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Seminar on Environmental Sustainability

Speaker from the Environmental Protection and Control Department delivered a talk on Environmental Sustainability of Yanbu Industrial City on 12th December 2011 at 9.00 am in the Recreation Centre of the YIC. He explained the details of the environmental aspects of the existing plan of the Yanbu industrial city and development plan for the coming years. He elaborated on the measures taken for the control of pollution in the industrial city, the constant monitoring programs of the ambient air, sea water, stack emissions etc and the green belts installed around the industries. He emphasized the need of harvesting renewable energy, use of mass transportation, waste minimization etc for the sustainable development

A view of the audience of the seminar on environmental sustainability

Speaker from Environmental Protection and Control department, RC delivers a talk at the YIC recreation centre 24

C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Open House and Exhibition

The open house and exhibition organized by the Department of Chemical Engineering Technology as part of the activities of the celebration of International Year of Chemistry was inaugurated by Dr.Ahmed Dabroom, General Director of Colleges and institutes of Royal Commission for Yanbu on Saturday,17th December 2011 at 9.00am in the Multipurpose Hall of YIC.

Dr.Ahmed Dabroom (MD, YIC) performing the ribbon cutting ceremony of the exhibition Prominent industrial collaborators and equipment manufacturers and dealers of chemical engineering equipment opened their stalls to exhibit their products Dr.Dabroom and Dr.Alandjani at the YIC stall

School students amazed at the experiments exhibited at YIC stall YIC students showing experiments to Dr.Dabroom, and Dr.Alandjani


Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Concluding Ceremony
Concluding function of Chemiluminescence 2011 was held on Monday 19th December in the YIC auditorium at 9 am while Dr. Ahmed Dabroom, the General Director of Institutes and Colleges of Royal Commission presided.

Dr. Ahmed Dabroom delivering a speech at the concluding ceremony

The first prize winner of the quiz contest receiving the prize from Dr. Ahmed Dabroom.

Saudi Aramco engineer Tareq Ajabannoor receiving the memento from Dr. Ahmed Dabroom Teacher from a School receiving memento from Dr. Ahmed Dabroom


C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Concluding Ceremony

A screen shot of the webinar given by Paul T Anastas, USEPA Hai this is Paul Anasthas. I want to thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today and I like to send my apologies to not being able to join you there in person. The presentation that Im giving today is under the auspices of Chemiluminescence of 2011, organized in celebration of the International Year Of Chemistry 2011.About green chemistry, the subject that Im passionate about, Im so glad to have the chance to share with you. My thanks are specially to the organizers at Yanbu Industrial College at the Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia...

A webinar on A Green chemistry Moonshot was delivered by Prof. Paul.T.Anastas, of United States Environmental Protection Agency. A memento presented to Prof.Anastas was received by Dr.Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, on behalf of him from Dr.Dabroom. A short film produced by the YIC Media Centre was then screened, giving glimpses of all events conducted under aegis of Chemiluminescence 2011 since the launch of the celebrations. Dr. Dabroom during his concluding remarks congratulated Dr. Ahmed Al-Ghamdi and his team for the hard work carried out by them for making the celebrations of the International Year of Chemistry, a big success. He emphasized the need of bringing together the industry, institutes and the community around for sustainable development and technological growth, through similar programs. Dr. Dabroom then distributed the prizes and certificates for the winners of the various contests conducted for the students. He also distributed mementos to the participated schools and industries and individuals who worked as a team for the success of the programs.


Ch em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Activity Summary at a Glance

Activity summary at a Glance (30 activities)
The activities are posted at the IYC site with the following address . The above link gives short reports of all activities, selected photos of events, short films created on events by YIC Media centre, Podcast of the webinar by Prof. Paul Anastas and complete event album

Visit by School students

1. Visit on 21-11-2011 (100-150 students) 2. Visit on 22-11-2011 ( 200-250 students) 3. Visit on 23-11-2011 ( 75-100 students)

YIC campaigns

1. Chemical safety (one week campaign)(14-5-2011 to 18-5-2011) 2. Environmental protection (one week campaign)(512-2011 to 12-12-2011)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Dr.Jagadeesh (22-5-2011) Prof.De (19-11-2011) Prof.De (20-11-2011) 4. Dr.Salah Naeem (19-11-2011) 5. Er.Khalid Jalil (21-11-2011) 6. Dr.Salah Naeem (22-11-2011) 7. Dr.Ahmed Al-Ghamdi (23-11-2011) 8. Khalid Hajiri (12-12-2011)

Student activity
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Web resources training Training for demonstration experiments Skit Recreation of Periodic Table with balloon Campus cleaning Yanbu beach cleaning Quiz contest Educational tour to Industry Stall management


1. Prof. Paul Anastas

Educational Movie shows.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Exhibition and Open House

1. Stalls of YIC (2) and other 6 ( companies) (17-12-2011)

Chemistry -its all about you Madam Curie International Year of Chemistry Living without chemistry 100 great discoveries Spellbound How kids became scientists


C h em i l u m i n esc en c e 2011

Activity Photos at a Glance


RCY Colleges & Institutes

Media Center Creative & Design

Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu Royal commission for Yanbu Yanbu Industrial College, Chemical Engineering Department P.O. Box 30436, Yanbu Al-Siniayah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel: + 966 4 394 6111, Fax: + 966 4 392 0213

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