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Moodle 2.0 voor systeembeheerders Handouts

Training "Moodle 2.0 voor systeembeheerders"

Doelgroep De training "Moodle 2.0 voor systeembeheerders" is bedoeld voor de beheerders van een Moodle-systeem. De nadruk ligt daarbij op het functioneel beheer en het databeheer en minder op het technisch beheer (dat meestal wordt uitbesteed). Eerdere ervaring met Moodle is gewent. Elke deelnemer zit achter een computer en werkt via de Moodle site van Ecois. De training duurt twee dagen. Op de eerste dag komen aan bod: installeren en upgraden van het systeem, voorbereiden van het studiejaar, ondersteunen van cursusontwikkeling, van cursus-uitlevering en van gebruikers in het algemeen. Onderwerpen op de tweede dag zijn: onderhouden van het systeem, afsluiten van een studiejaar, systeeminstellingen, rollen en bevoegdheden, beleidszaken en controle. Twee dagen in computerlokaal met veel hands-on activiteiten; alle materiaal en activiteiten staan op de Ecois-site. Het is aan te raden om zelf als systeembeheerder toegang te hebben tot een Moodle-systeem, eventueel een Moodle-systeem dat op de eigen laptop is genstalleerd. De cursus zelf duurt twee dagen. Ze geeft het meeste rendement als u daarna meteen met Moodle aan de slag gaat en contact blijft houden met collega's door actief lid te worden van de Werkgemeenschap Moodle (zie aldaar). De training is oorspronkelijk ontwikkeld in de Engelse taal t.b.v. Bethlehem University / Institute for Community Partnership, Palestina door Pieter van der Hijden (, Sofos Consultancy ( - 2010. Aanpassingen voor Ecois Pieter van der Hijden en

Beschrijving en leerdoelen:

Werkvormen en materiaal:

Belasting en beoordeling:

Auteurs en rechten:


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Ton Wolf. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

Site: ECOIS - Expertisecentrum Onderwijs & ICT Suriname Cursus: ECOIS-training: Moodle 2.0 voor systeembeheerders (2 dagen) Boek: Moodle 2.0 voor systeembeheerders - Handouts Afgedrukt door: Gastgebruiker Datum: maandag, 9 januari 2012, 07:41


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1 Introduction 2 Overview 3 Installing and upgrading the system 4 Preparing for a new academic year 4.1 House of courses 4.2 Course template 4.3 User registration 5 Supporting course development 6 Supporting course delivery 7 Supporting users in general 8 Running the system 9 Finishing an academic year 10 Site administration 11 Roles and permissions 12 Policy issues 13 Cross-check 14 Conclusion


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1 Introduction
Update your personal profile
First of all, update your personal profile page. Check the spelling of your first name, last name and email address. Maybe you can upload a personal picture and a short personal introduction in the description field.

Record your Moodle profile

An easy way to get the profile of your Moodle system is: 1. Log in as an administrator. 2. In the Settings-block on the Home page, click on Site Administration / Registration and click on "Update registration on". 3. Whether you want to register your site (again) or not, this page contains valuable statistical information about your Moodle system. Copy it to your Training Workbook, page "Statistics". 4. In the Settings-block on the Home page, click on Site Administration / Server / Environment. If all entries have status OK, record that to the Report on System Changes, page "Status".

Moodle profile
Overzicht van de status van diverse Moodle systemen in Suriname Moodle Systeem: Datum: Versie: Cursussen: Gebruikers: Rol-toewijzingen: Leraren: Forum-berichten: Toetsvragen: Bronnen: Omgeving OK?:

Describe your learning objectives

Go to the forum in the Activities section. Answer the question posted there.


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2 Overview
Educational production process

For a comparison of competing products, see

Moodle technical system

Moodle technical process

Moodle administration
Work Breakdown Structure


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What is your maturity level?

Vul de self-assessment Moodle Administration in. Neem daarna uw scores over in onderstaande tabel. Geef aan welk maturity level u over een jaar bereikt wilt hebben voor uw Moodle site. Maturity level [1-5] Installeren en upgraden van het systeem Voorbereiden van een studiejaar Ondersteunen van cursusontwikkeling Ondersteunen van cursus-uitlevering Ondersteunen van gebruikers in het algemeen Onderhouden van het systeem Afsluiten van een studiejaar Huidige niveau Gewenste niveau over 1 jaar


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3 Installing and upgrading the system

Moodle core system
The installation of the core Moodle system (standard Moodle, basic Moodle) consists of the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. Install Apache Install MySQL Install Moodle software Start bootstrapping { Config.php { Admin account { Moodle database { Moodle data files 5. Setup front page 6. Install language packs 7. Set-up CRON-job You need server level access to install the Moodle core system.

Additional modules
On more than 650 modules (activities, resources and filters) can be downloaded. Their status indicate how save it is to use them:

z z

core - the module belongs to the core Moodle version, it is maintained by the core developers team contributed - the module has been offered to the community, it is not guaranteed it will work in future versions third party - added to the list "as is" empty - not yet reviewed

Please be aware that some of these items have not been reviewed, and the quality and/or suitability for your Moodle site has not been checked. The modules here may have security problems, data-loss problems, interface problems or just plain not work. Please think carefully about maintenance before relying on contributed code in your production site, as some of this code may not work with future versions of Moodle.(Source: See for the most popular modules. Example of a popular module is "Book" (a resource). You need server level access to install additional modules.

Additional themes
Apart from modules, also additional themes can be found and downloaded from or via Themes define the look and feel of Moodle pages. The core system comes with about 10 themes. You may install as many additional themes as required. The system administrator may specify whether the themes may vary per user, per course, per course category or not. In the latter case, the system administrator selects only one theme that will be implemented on the whole site (all pages). You need server level access to install the Moodle themes. You need system administrator access to set the theme policy and to select one of the the core or additional themes as the preferred one.


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Updating the system

The update of a Moodle system to a new version consists of the following steps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Study the installation guidelines for the new version Determine the right moment for updating (often during the school holidays) Communicate the intended update to all stakeholders Backup the existing system (program files, config.php files, database and file hierarchy). Replace the program files Replace the new config.php by the old one Copy additional themes Copy additional languages packs Copy additional modules Test the new system (login as system administrator, as editing teacher, as non-editing teacher and as student).

Moodle frontpage
Study the frontpage options. Then look at your actual frontpage. Are there ways to improve it? If so, do it on the spot and see the results. Fill in the table below afterwards. Welke indeling van de startpagina heeft u gekozen en waarom? Onderwerp Onderdelen vr inloggen Onderdelen n inloggen Onderwerpsectie? Hoofdmenu (blok) Horizontaal menu (site wide) Keuze Motivering

Additional modules
Van welke additionele modules maakt uw site gebruik:
z z z

activities: resources: filters:

Additional themes
Van welke additionele thema's maakt uw site gebruik?


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4 Preparing for a new academic year

z z z

House of courses Course template User registration


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4.1 House of courses

First example
An educational institute often has many courses to offer. Moodle has the opportunity to list these courses in a systematic way, based on a hierarchy of categories: the house of courses. Comments:

As the requirements for a hierarchical structure may develop over the years, it is wise to have the academic year at the top-level in the hierarchy. If in the next academic year a new ordering principle will be applied, it only affects the new year and not the earlier ones. Users prefer to navigate to a course in as few steps as possible; the hierarchy should be as flat as possible therefore. In Moodle, a course only may be classified to one category only.

Figure-1: House of courses - alternative-1 Figure-1 above shows a possible hierarchy. In Moodle, this solution one can not be implemented, however. Each course only can be linked to one category, i.e. each course can be listed only once. Another problem is the number of clicks before a course can be reached: 6.

Second example
Figure-2 shows an alternative approach.
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All courses are listed only once, i.e. under the department that delivers them. The levels for Year and Semester (Fall or Spring) have been removed; this saves two clicks. All courses of a certain department will appear in a long list, ordered by course code. All information on degree programs, rules and regulations of majors and minors of a certain Department has been concentrated in one "course", called "Degrees".


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Figure-2: House of courses - alternative Tip: In Moodle all courses need a unique short name. To distinguish various editions of the same course, the academic year may be added as a suffix to the course code. Example: ENGL120-0910 and ENGL120-1011 indicate course ENGL120 in its 2009/2010 and 2010/2011 editions. Tip: In Moodle each course category may have its own theme and/or user permissions.

Geef de structuur van uw "House of Courses" aan. Naam van uw Moodle site

eerste niveau { tweede niveau { tweede niveau eerste niveau { tweede niveau derde niveau { tweede niveau eerste niveau


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4.2 Course template

When creating new Moodle courses, an institute has the following options:
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bottom-up: a teacher may request for an empty Moodle course top-down: the institute provides an empty Moodle course for every course on its schedule

The "empty course" may be really empty. An alternative, however, is to develop and use a template course. A Moodle template course consists of three columns: 1. the first column mainly is meant for navigation; it can be filled with so called blocks 2. the second column is filled with hyperlinks to resources and activities; it can be considered as the table of contents of the course 3. the third column mainly is meant for alerts, news and other fast changing information; it can be filled with so-called blocks The figure below lists the resources and activities that can be used in the center column of a Moodle course.

Once, a template course has been created, it can be multiplied by creating a backup once and restoring it as often as required. Note, that in fact the template will be copied once for every course. This implies that later changes in the template will not affect the earlier produced copies.

Werkt u met een modelcursus?


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z z

Waarom wl? Waarom niet?

Zo ja, uit welke onderdelen bestaat uw modelcursus?


centrale kolom { sectie 0 { sectie 1 { nog mr secties? eerste kolom { blok 1 { blok 2 laatste kolom { blok 3 { blok 4


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4.3 User registration

Authentication methods in Moodle
Van welke authenticatiemethodes maakt u gebruik? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Manuele accounts Geen login E-mail zelfregistratie CAS-server (SSO) Externe databank FirstClass-server IMAP -server LDAP-server Moodle Network authenticatie NNTP-server Geen authenticatie PAM POP3-server RADIUS server Shibboleth Webservice authenticatie

Profile fields
z z z

Which information about the user has to be registered? Which fields are required? Which fields may be changed by the user?

Profile fields
Welke kenmerken van gebruikers wilt u registreren? Welke zijn daarvan verplicht? Welke mag de gebruiker zelf wijzigen? Kenmerk Verplicht? Te wijzigen?

Notes on uploading users

See the document: Moodle 2.0 - uploaden van gebruikersgegevens


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5 Supporting course development

Create empty courses
The Moodle system comes various user roles, one of them is course creator. A course creator can create an empty course, give it a name and a catagory and assign at least one teacher (to develop the course further). In stead of generating empty courses (the default solution), it might be more attractive to work with a template course. The procedure is then:
z z z z

Develop the template course Backup the template course Restore the backup as a new course (with a new name etc.) Repeat the previous step for every new course.

Support course developers

The system administrator usually will not develop courses him/herself; teachers will do that normally. They often will appreciate some help with the following issues:

Teachers think about learning processes to be evoked by didactical activities to be supported by a.o. Moodle resources and activities; the figure below might be helpful for them when translating didactical activities into Moodle resources and activities. Teachers can "pick" resources from a range of repositories and use them in their courses. One rcreating a static copy of the resource. See also the explanation in "Moodle training for teachers". Each course comes with its own questions database. There is a difference between managing the questions database and managing a quiz based upon (a selection of) these questions. Moodle offers you to manage both from one page, which could be confusing. For heavy users further explaining the questions import and export functions is interesting.

Integrate open content

First of all, there is a growing amount of open content available in the world. Often teachers are not aware of the right sources and repositories. Help is welcome on where to find complete courses, complete projects, separate games and simulations, isolated pictures, movies, animations and art


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work. The second point is how to incorporate it in a Moodle course: working with SCORM and IMS modules, embedding multimedia in regular Moodle web pages (but also wiki pages, forum contributions, etc.). Special: making courses more up-to-date by working with RSS-feeds. The third point, is that the courses from the same institute may re-use each others materials. This can be accomplished by the import function.

Create empty courses

Is het wenselijk dat docenten lege cursussen kunnen aanvragen? Opmerkingen bij het creren van een lege cursus:
z z z

Opmerkingen bij het creren van een cursus op basis van een template:
z z z

Support course developers

Geef in het forum "Cursusontwikkeling" aan wat de typische problemen zijn die cursusontwikkelaars in uw organisatie ondervinden. Neem kennis van de problemen die anderen signaleren. Kom met suggesties hoe u daarop vanuit het systeembeheer zou kunnen reageren/anticiperen.

Integrate open content

Welke acties kunt en wilt u ondernemen? Onderwerp Weten te vinden van open content Weten te incorporeren van open content in de Moodle cursus Weten uit te wisselen met collega's binnen de eigen instelling Actie


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6 Supporting course delivery

Enroll students and staff
There are several ways to manage course enrolments (or enrollments). These are called Enrolment plugins. Examples are:
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Manual enrolments Gasttoegang Self enrolment Cohort sync Course meta link Category enrolments Externe databank Tekstbestand (CSV) IMS Enterprise file LDAP enrolments MNet remote enrolments PayPal

Interactive enrolment triggers only when a user tries to enrol on a course. The user has to do something interactively in order to be enrolled, such as clicking "Yes, I do" (Internal enrolment), or paying some money ( Payment Gateway,Paypal). The interactive enrolment plugin for a particular course may be selected on the Course settings page. Points of consideration furher are: unenrolment (automatic, by teacher, by student). Two types of teachers are distinguished:

editing teachers: may change the course itself, add/remove resources/activities, change the settings and may deliver the course non-editing teachers: may deliver the course

The default situation is: A user with course creating rights may create an empty course and assign an editing teacher to it. An editing teacher of a course may assign other editing or non-editing teachers to the course. The system administrator can change the default situation by limiting or extending the permissions of roles or by creating new roles (course director, course coordinator, teaching assistants) and allocate certain rights to them. Actions:
z z

Van welke inschrijvingsmethoden maakt u gebruik? Maakt u ook gebruik van uitschrijving en zo ja, hoe?

Support course staff

Support for course staff might be welcome in the following cases:

Course staff wants to work with groups (a set of participants) and groupings (a set of groups). Note that once groupings are defined, a resource or an activity may be bound to one of the groupings. This gives very powerful (but also difficult to understand) options for conditional activities. See also: Dynamische leerpaden en interactieve werkvormen (Moodle 2.0 voor docenten). Course staff might appreciate some help on how to monitor students behaviour (by student, by period, by activity). Course staff should not be passive during Moodle work. Their options are: { Participate in forums, chats and wiki's. { Comment and grade assignments and forum contributions, glossary entries. { Hide and reveal sections, resources and activities.


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{ { {

Change the group mode of activities. Change terms and options like submission dates (only with editing rights). Change the course on the fly (only with editing rights).


Geef in het forum "Cursus-uitlevering" aan wat de typische problemen zijn die "cursusuitleveraars" in uw organisatie ondervinden. Neem kennis van de problemen die anderen signaleren. Kom met suggesties hoe u daarop vanuit het systeembeheer zou kunnen reageren/anticiperen.

Handle student data

The Moodle system collects a lot of data on students, not only their assignments and grades, but also automatic logging data. Institutes might develop a policy on how to handle these data. It is good practice to ask students to give their feedback anonymously at the end of each course. Moodle has a Feedback module to handle this. As this will be applied to all courses, it might be the concern of system administrators to handle this. Actions:

Wat betekent dit voor uw organisatie? Mogelijk is dit een policy issue, vermeld het aldaar.


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7 Supporting users in general

Prepare support plan
A support plan is needed that identifies the target groups for support (students, course developers, course deliverers, administrative staff) and their support needs. A matrix can indicate the relation between these needs and the tools that can fulfil them (counselor, help desk, training, manual).


Vul in de eerste kolom de doelgroepen in. Vul in de eerste rij de behoeften aan ondersteuning in. Kruis vervolgens aan welke doelgroep, welke behoefte heeft en bedenk daar de juiste media bij.


Develop support tools

It will take time to develop the required tools and/or train the staff to deliver them. Actions: Aan de ontwikkeling van welke support tools gaan de systeembeheerders een bijdrage leveren? Hoeveel tijd is daarmee gemoeid en wanneer dient die beschikbaar te zijn? Vul in de eerste kolom de support tools in. Vul in de eerste rij de kalendermaanden in. Kruis vervolgens aan aan welke tool in welke maand een bijdrage geleverd dient te worden en geef daar een schatting in werkdagen bij. Tool

Deliver support
Ultimately, system administrators will have their role in delivering the various support tools. Actions:

Beschrijf welke support tools u systeembeheer gaat bieden en hoe de gebruikers daar een beroep op kunnen doen.


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8 Running the system

Business as usual
Running a Moodle system is like running any other system. The following system management functions have to be in place:
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User management Configuration management Accounting management Security management Fault management Performance management

User management
In a Moodle system user management not only deals with authentication users, but also with enrolling users for certain courses (and eventually for sub groups within courses). Moodle offers a scale of options. Here are some of them:

Moodle can get all information for authentication and course enrollment from an external system. Moodle can upload all information for registering authenticated users, enrolling them for courses and even placing them in a sub group via an upload file. Moodle can distribute the permissions for registering users, enrolling users, and grouping them to various user roles. It is even possible that a person registers herself as a user (creates her own account), enrols herself for a course (eventually via an enrolment key) and a subgroup.

By default, the course creator can assign teachers, non editing teachers and students (= enrolling) to a course. Teachers themselves can assign other non-editing teachers as well as students. Meta courses inherit role assignments from one or more other courses. This a dynamic link: students entering the original course late, are added to the inheriting course as well. The system administrator determines which roles will be inherited (usually only the student roles). Once a course has direct role assignments, it can not be converted any more to a meta-course.

Configuration management
Moodle has a network facility to enable various Moodle systems to be connected to each other and use each others authentication mechanisms. This function is also used to connect the Moodle system to Mahara, a free and open source portfolio system. The combination of Moodle and Mahara is often called Mahoodle.

Accounting management
Moodle keeps track of all basic operations. In addition, the system administrator can enable even more statistical data to be recorded. By default this option has been switched off (performance issue).

Security management
System administrators can register their Moodle systems. Whenever a security issue comes up, they will be alerted by e-mail and can fix their system before the issue becomes public. The Moodle system comes with a set of standard user roles and corresponding permissions (system


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administrator, course creator, teacher, non-editing teacher, student, guest). The system administrator can create new and dedicated roles. Roles may be assigned at system level, at course (sub)category level, at course level, and even at activity level. Each role has a set of permissions. A user may have various roles. If one role grants a certain permission, while another role prevents it, the user will have the permission. However, it is possible to explicitly forbid a certain permission. In that case, a user does not have that permission, even if another role grants it to her. The Moodle system comes with its own backup system at course level. The system administrator may enable it. The result might be that every night a backup is made (resulting in a zip file) of every course in the system. This backup not only can be used for restoring a single course, but also for archiving a course and for migrating it to another Moodle system.

Fault management
Just like in other systems a ticketing system is necessary to register any incidents. The standard Moodle system does not offer a ticketing function, some additional modules will do. Another solution is setting-up a Moodle database activity for this purpose.

Performance management
The Moodle performance as experienced by the user depends on Internet performance, webserver performance, database management system performance and ultimately the Moodle system performance.

Business as usual
Zet opmerkingen die voor uw Moodle system van belang zijn bij onderstaande rubrieken.

User management
{ { {

Configuration management
{ { {

Accounting management
{ { {

Security management
{ { {

Fault management
{ { {

Performance management
{ { {


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9 Finishing an academic year

Archive courses and student data
Moodle courses can be archived with all user data included or not. Moodle creates a zip-file in that case, containing all the information. The best way to have access to these files is, again, restoring them on a Moodle system. For security reasons teachers cannot backup courses including user data (as they contain scrambled passwords as well).

Beschrijf een stap-voor-stap procedure om een cursus te archiveren:
z z z

Identify required updates and changes

At the end of an academic year, necessary changes and updates should be considered:
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updating the Moodle system itself, updating the site policies, updating the house of courses (course categories), updating the template course(s), copying and updating existing courses, creating new courses.

And of course, the new academic year can be prepared.

Geef aan of u aan het einde van het lopende studiejaar bepaalde wijzigingen verwacht:
z z z z z z z

upgraden van het Moodle systeem toevoegen of vervangen van modules: aanpassen van het beleid: aanpassen van de cursuscategorien: aanpassen van de modelcursus: kopiren en aanpassen van bestaande cursussen: aanmaken van nieuwe cursussen:

Implement updates and changes

Zie ook onder "Preparing for a new academic year".


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10 Site administration

Geef achter onderstaande kopjes aan waar uw systeeminstellingen afwijken van de standaard.

Sitebeheer - Meldingen - Registratie - Geavanceerd - Gebruikers - - Gebruikers - - - Lijst - - - Gebruikers in bulk beheren - - - Toevoegen - - - Uploaden - - - Upload gebruikersfoto's - - - Profielvelden - - - Site groepen - - Rechten - - - Gebruikersregels - - - Sitebeheerders - - - Definieer rollen - - - Globale rollen toewijzen - - - Controleer systeemrechten - - - Mogelijkhedenrapport


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- - - Unsupported role assignments - Cursussen - - Toevoegen/bewerken - - Standaardinstellingen van de cursus - - Nieuwe aanvragen - - Wachtende aanvragen - - Backups - - - Algemene standaardinstellingen voor backup - - - Instellingen automatische backup - Cijfers - - Algemene instellingen - - Beoordelingscategorien - - Instellingen beoordelingsitems - - Schalen - - Letters - - Rapportinstellingen - - - Rapportage - - - Overzichtsrapport - - - Rapport - Plaats - - Locatie-instellingen - - Update tijdzones - Taal - - Instellingen - - Pakketten - - Taalpakket aanpassen - Modules - - Activiteitenmodules - - - Beheer activiteiten - - - Opdracht - - - Boek - - - Chat - - - Databank - - - Feedbackformulier - - - Folder - - - Forum - - - Woordenlijst - - - IMS content package - - - Les


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- - - Page - - - Test - - - Bron - - - SCORM/AICC - - - URL - - - Workshop - - Blokken - - - Beheer blokken - - - Cursussenlijst - - - Gebruikers online - - - RSS-client - - - Sectie hyperlinks - - - Tags - - Authenticatie - - - Beheer authenticatie - - - E-mail zelfregistratie - - - Manuele accounts - - - Geen login - - Aanmeldingen - - - Beheer aanmeldingsplugins - - - Cohort sync - - - Gasttoegang - - - Manual enrolments - - - Course meta link - - - Self enrolment - - Teksteditors - - - Beheer editors - - - TinyMCE HTML-editor - - Licences - - - Beheer licenties - - Filters - - - Beheer filters - - - Algemene filterinstellingen - - - Multimedia plugins - - Opslagruimten - - - Beheer opslagruimten - - - Common repository settings - - - Server files - - - Recent files - - - Upload een bestand


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- - - Private files - - - Google Docs - - Webservices - - - Overzicht - - - Externe services - - - Beheer protocols - - - Beheer tokens - - Vraagtypes - - - Beheer vraagtypes - - Lokale plugins - - - Beheer lokale plugins - Veiligheid - - IP blokkeren - - Site reglement - - HTTP Security - - Moduleveiligheid - - Meldingen - - Anti-virus - Uiterlijk - - Thema's - - - Thema instellingen - - - Kies thema - - - Arialist - - - Brick - - - Formal white - - - Fusion - - - Magazine - - - Nimble - - - Nonzero - - - Overlay - - - Sky High - - - Splash - - Kalender - - Blog - - Navigatie - - HTML-instellingen - - Moodle Docs - - Standaard Mijn Moodle-pagina - - Standaard profielpagina - - Cursus beheerders


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- - AJAX en Javascript - - Beheer tags - - Bijkomende HTML - Startpagina - - Instellingen startpagina - - Rollen startpagina - - Startpagina filters - - Backup startpagina - - Restore startpagina - - Vragen startpagina - Server - - Systeempaden - - E-mail - - Jabber - - Sessie afhandeling - - HTTP - - Onderhoudsmodus - - Opschonen - - Omgeving - - PHP-info - - Prestaties - - Registratie - Rapporten - - Notities - - Backups - - Configureer wijzigingen - - Course overview - - Logs - - Live logs - - Vragen - - Veiligheidsoverzicht - - Spam zoeker - - Statistieken - Ontwikkeling - - Experimenteel - - - Experimentele instellingen - - Fouten opsporen - - XMLDB editor - - Webservice testclient - - Alle cache leegmaken


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- - Unit testen - - Functionele DB-testen


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