Homework - 1 IP Addressing

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CSE 307

Homework -1 IP Addressing.
Taught by Mr. Supratik Banerjee.

Submitted by
Himanshu Khurana 11100919

IP Address :Every host and router on the internet has an IP address, which encodes its network number and host number. The combination is unique: in principal, no two machines on the Internet have the same IP address. All IP addresses are 32 bits long and are used in the Source Address and Destination address fields of IP packets. NOTE :- IP address does not actually refers to a host, It really refers to a network interface, So if a host is on two networks, It must have two IP addresses. Network addresses which are 32 bit numbers, are usually written in dotted decimal notation. In this format thus Each of the 4 bytes is written in decimal, from 0 to 255.

The Lowest IP address is


The Highest IP address is -

Facts :The value 0 means This Network / This host. The value 1 means Broadcasting(To all hosts in the network) All the addresses in format 127.xx.yy.zz are reserved for Loopback testing (NOT sent on wire)

CISCO Packet tracer Simulation

(This Section is assigned for all the simulation work regarding the homework)

Basic interface of a CISCO simulator screen.

The white space is allotted for simulation of network(s)

Assign IP address to two different END DEVICES (PC) and simulate the transfer of packets between the both.

Solution:Choose two Generic PCs from End devices.

After setting up two PCs on the simulator.

We have to assign two IP addresses It can be anonymous keeping in mind the rules of IP addressing which is both the PC(s) should fall under same class i.e. the first bits of IP address should be same for both PC in our case its 116. Let PC0 get Let PC1 get (Random)

Assigning IP address to PC0

Assigning IP address to PC1

Now the next step after configuring the network address is connecting the two PCs via a cable (Copper- Cross over cable in our case) Represented by --------------------------------------------------------------------

Green dots represent successful port allocation.

Next thing we do is Switch the mode from Real time to Simulation in order to edit the filters and provide only ICMP filter.

Edit the filters by clicking on Edit Filters tab.

Now send a packet of message in order to confirm that the connection is properly done.

Progress of message can be simulated by Auto Capture Tab.

Successful completion of task

Can also be seen in simulator mode

Detailed Event List

Result :Successful set up of a two PC environment using copper cross cable IP addresses configured.

____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ END

Submitted by - Himanshu Khurana

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