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Name: ________________________________________________

Date: ________________________

Period: __________

Packet: __________

Poem Analysis Chart


Subject: What is the poem about? Consider both literal and metaphorical subject.

Tone: the speakers attitude(s) about the subject(s) of the poem:

Speaker: the voice of the poem. Who? How do you know?

Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone: Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone:

Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone: Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone:

Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone: Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone:

Poem Analysis Chart


Subject: What is the poem about? Consider both literal and metaphorical subject.

Tone: the speakers attitude(s) about the subject(s) of the poem:

Speaker: the voice of the poem. Who? How do you know?

Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone: Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone:

Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone: Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone:

Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone: Word that contributes to understanding of speaker, subject, and tone:

Poetry Analysis Chart Rubric Instructions: Find and read 2 poems (each must be by a different poet based on the requirements for the packet).
Complete each chart (one per poem) thoroughly and thoughtfully referring to the rubric below. Focus Packet 1: famous dead poets Packet 2: famous living poets Packet 3: famous non-American, non-British poets Packet 4: famous childrens poets Exceptional (5)
The response shows clear, nuanced understanding of the relationships between speaker, subject, and tone, and gives insight to both the literal and metaphorical meaning. The response pays close and careful attention to language, thoughtfully connecting connotation with tone and meaning.

Adequate (4)
The response shows some understanding of poems subject, both literal and metaphorical, but may be overly general or obvious.

Developing (3)
The response focuses on one element at the expense of the others, offers little nuance or specificity.

Beginning (2)
The response demonstrates misunderstanding of the text or is incomplete.


The response points to examples of interesting diction, but may have mixed success in connecting to the poems meaning and tone.

The response makes only limited attempts to point to examples of diction, and has limited success in connecting to the poems meaning and/or tone.

The response gives no examples of word choice or the words do not connect to the poems meaning and/or tone.

Total Points Possible Per Poem = 10

My score: Poem 1: _____, Poem 2: _____

Total Points Possible Per Packet = 20

My Total Score: _______/20

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