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Citadel PlastiC OrCs

The model was given a coating of Ceramcoat Kelley Green mixed with a drop of Ceramcoat Old Parchment. That in turn was given a wash of Ceramcoat Black Green which has had a drop of Future Floor Wax. You can get the same effect by just using Ord Flesh Wash from GW (I think it might be called Dark Green Ink now). The various leather parts of his tunic were given a coat of Ceramcoat Spice Brown mixed with Apple Barrel Black. GW Scorched Brown can be substituted or even Reaper Master Paint Walnut. At all points of application, I made sure to keep the painted areas neatly done, as to avoid having to recoat areas black before proceeding.

the paintshop of horrors how to paint

step four

The miniature was cleaned and filed to remove flash and moldlines. Since it was plastic, all I reallly needed to worry about were the mold lines. The models was then mounted on a 25mm Plastic Base.
NOTE: This is an older instructional, so the mini is painted on the base rather than on a temporary one which is my general procedure now.

The model was then primered using Citadel Black Primer. Any spots that were missed were touched up with Apple Barrel Matte Black paint. I mainly use Citdel brand primer as I have always had good results with it for both plastic and metal. By all means, if you have a favorite primer, use that.

step one step two

Here, I painted the raised areas of the tunic with Ceramcoat Spice Brown. I also basecoated the teeth with the same color. I also added a third and final layer of green on the raised areas of the model.

The raised areas painted with the same mixture that it was basecoated with. Make sure not to get any of the paint into the recesses. After this coat dries, add a little more Old Parchment to the mixture. Paint this mixture onto the same raised areas while leaving a small bit of the previous coat showing through around the edges. This technique is called layering. You will add additional layers over the previous ones, each time leaving a little of the previous coat showing through. While this is not a technique you would use for painting character models, it does work well for painting large numbers of troop type models.

Step Three

I added some Ceramcoat Antique Gold to the Spice Brown and painted the highlight on the raised areas of the tunic. I painted the teeth with Ceramcoat Ivory, making sure to leave alittle of the brown peeking out at the base of the teeth. The lower lip was painted with Ceramcoat Raspberry, and then highlighted with Ceramcoat Raspberry mixed with a drop of White paint. The armor was given a coat of Citdade Boltgun Metal, making sure not to get any paint into the recesses. The eyes were dotted white.

step five

I painted the blades of the knives, spikes, the helmet, and the badge thing with boltgun metal and then highlighted with Citadel Chainmail. The hilts of the weapons were paitned with Folkart Gold. The tongue was painted Ceramcoat Raspberry. The teeth were highlighted with Ceramcoat Ivory as well as painted onto the helmet horns, claws, the buckle, and the trophy teeth. The eyes were dotted with Apple Barrel Bright Red.

If you havent guessed yet, this is an older instructional from about four years ago. Since then, Ive incorporated different techniques into my painting such as blending and freehand work. But that has sort of come about when I came to the conclusion that I am more of a miniature painting afficiando and collector rather than a die hard wargamer. But the process in which I have explained here still forms the basic steps that I use when I paint all my minis now. This instructional does outline a way to paint your various troop models to a very high standard in a short amount of time.

Step Six final

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