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Mr.Toppo had just graduated from Indian Institute of Management (IIM).

Ahmadabad, and joined his familys small business, which employees 25 semi-skilled workers. After observing Toppos during the first week on the job his father called him in and said. Toppo, I have had a chance to observe your working with the men and women for the past two days and although I have to say something but I must You are just too nice to people. I know they taught you human relations stuff at the IIM but it just does not work here. I remember when the Hawthorne Studies were first reported and everybody in the academic field got all excited about them, but believe me, there is more to managing people than just being nice to them. Questions: 1. Do you thing Toppos father understood and interrupted the Hawthorne correctly? 2. How would you react to your fathers comments if you were Toppo? studies

Coast Guard Cutter Decision Problem

Case 1: The Sugar Substitute Research Decision You are the head of research and development (R&D) * a major beer company. While working on a new beer product, one of the scientists in your unit seems to have tentatively identified a new chemical compound that has few calories but tastes closer to sugar than current sugar substitutes. The company has no foreseeable need for this product, but it could be patented and licensed to manufacturers in the food industry. The sugar-substitute discovery is in its preliminary stages and would require considerable time and resources before it would be commercially viable. This means that it would necessarily take some resources away from other projects in the lab. The sugar-substitute project is beyond your technical expertise, but some of the R&D lab researchers are familiar with that field of chemistry. As with most forms of research, it is difficult to determine the amount of research required to further identify and perfect the sugar substitute. You do not know how much demand is expected for this product. Your department has a decision process for funding projects that are behind schedule. However, there are no rules or precedents about funding projects that would be licensed but not used by the organization. The company's R&D budget is limited, and other scientists in your work group have recently complained that they require more resources and financial support to get their projects completed. Some of these R&D projects hold promise for future beer sales. You believe that most researchers in the R&D unit are committed to ensuring that the company's interests are achieved. Case 2: Coast Guard Cutter Decision Problem You are the captain of a 200-foot Coast Guard cutter, with a crew of 16, including officers. Your mission is general at-sea search and rescue. At 2:00 a.m. this morning, while en route to your home port after a routine 28-day patrol, you received word from the nearest Coast Guard station that a small plane had crashed 60 miles offshore. You obtained all the available information concerning the location of the crash, informed your crew of the mission, and set a new course at maximum speed for the scene to commence a search for survivors and wreckage. You have now been searching for 20 hours. Your search operation has been increasingly impaired by rough seas, and there is evidence of a severe storm building. The atmospherics associated with the deteriorating weather have made communications with the Coast Guard station impossible. A decision must be made shortly about whether to abandon the search and place your vessel on a course that would ride out the storm (thereby protecting the vessel and your crew, but relegating any possible survivors to almost certain death from exposure) or to continue a potentially futile search and the risks it would entail. Before losing communications, you received an updated weather advisory concerning the severity and duration of the storm. Although your crew members are extremely conscientious about their responsibility, you believe that they would be divided on the decision to leave or stay.

1. In reference to the Sugar Substitute Case (case 7.1), to what extent should your subordinates be involved in this decision? Select one of the following levels of involvement: a) No involvement: you make the decision alone without any participation from subordinates b) Low involvement: You ask on or more subordinates for information relating to the problem, but you don't ask for their recommendations and might not mention the problem to them. c) Medium involvement: You describe the problem to one or more subordinates (alone or in a meeting) and ask for any relevant information as well as their recommendations on the issue. However, you make the final decision which might or might not reflect their advice. d) High involvement: You describe the problem to subordinates. They discuss the matter, identify a solution without your involvement (unless they invite your ideas) and implement that solution. You have agreed to support their decision. 2. What factors led you to choose this alternative rather than the others? 3. What problems might occur if less or more involvement occurred in this case (where possible)? Direction to follow a. Situation b. Key Issues c. Problem d. Alternative solutions e. Selected solution g. Implementation/Recommendation h. Reference page

You are the head of research and development (R&D) * a major beer company. While working on a new beer product, one of the scientists in your unit seems to have tentatively identified a new chemical compound that has few calories but tastes closer to sugar than current sugar substitutes. The company has no foreseeable need for this product, but it could be patented and licensed to manufacturers in the food industry. The sugar-substitute discovery is in its preliminary stages and would require considerable time and resources before it would be commercially viable. This means that it would necessarily take some resources away from other projects in the lab. The sugar-substitute project is beyond your technical expertise, but some of the R&D lab researchers are familiar with that field of chemistry. As with most forms of research, it is difficult to determine the amount of research required to further identify and perfect the sugar substitute. You do not know how much demand is expected for this product. Your department has a decision process for funding projects that are behind schedule. However, there are no rules or precedents about funding projects that would be licensed but not used by the organization. The company's R&D budget is limited, and other scientists in your work group have recently complained that they require more resources and financial support to get their projects completed. Some of these R&D projects hold promise for future beer sales. You believe that most researchers in the R&D unit are committed to ensuring that the company's interests are achieved.
foreseeable :A foreseeable event or situation is one that can be known about or guessed before it happens. in/for the foreseeable future as far into the future as you can imagine or plan for tentative :not certain or agreed: The car company and the union reached a tentative agreement. a tentative deal/plan/settlement The proposals are tentative and subject to bargaining. said or done in a careful way because you do not know if you are right: While analysts are tentative at the moment, they remain basically optimistic. The company began last year to take tentative steps towards a flotation. patented :used to describe products for which someone has a patent: We need to do a search to see if the invention is already patented. a patented technology viable :able to be done or likely to succeed: commercially/economically/financially viable Rising oil prices have made alternative energy sources more economically viable. a viable business/company/market The fund exists to provide finance to viable businesses that have been rejected by mainstream lenders. Home-working offers a viable solution to the work/family conflict. a viable alternative/option/proposition precedent :LAW a previous action or decision that can be used as a reason for allowing something else: The ruling can serve as a precedent to challenge other similar cases. A judgement against the fund could set a precedent for compensation payments to more of its 6,000 investors. This is an experiment without precedent in economic history. a bad/dangerous/good precedent This law sets a very dangerous precedent for all businesses. create/establish/provide a precedent a legal precedent base sth on/follow a precedent Crew:a group of people who work together, especially all those who work on and operate a ship, plane, etc.: an ambulance/lifeboat crew a TV/film/camera crew The aircraft has/carries a crew of seven. the people who work on a ship, plane, etc. who are not officers: Apart from the 10 officers, a crew of 90 looks after the 300 passengers. rescue :to save a person, company, economy, etc. from financial failure:

The government is under pressure to rescue people who lost their pensions in the banking crisis. These are desperate measures aimed at rescuing a sinking economy. rescue sb/sth from sth The company was rescued from administration by the Government two years ago. wreckage :a situation in which something has been badly damaged or destroyed: The bank's directors should not be allowed to walk away from the financial wreckage they created. the parts of a vehicle, building, etc. that remain after it has been badly damaged: Experts were sent to inspect the plane's wreckage. Storm: to deal successfully with a difficult situation or problem: weather a crisis/downturn/recession The company claimed that it would weather the downturn and return to strong growth. weather the storm to successfully deal with a very difficult problem: While large financial institutions might be able to weather the storm, many of the smaller traders are likely to go under deteriorate :to become worse: If the economy continues to deteriorate, it will affect the firm's future performance. Sales will decrease as economic conditions deteriorate. Working conditions in the industry continue to deteriorate. Abandon:to stop an activity before it is finished, usually because you think you cannot succeed: abandon a project/plan/an idea The car maker has abandoned its plans to build a giant new plant. abandon a lawsuit/case/claim The high cost of legal representation can influence a person's decision about whether to abandon a claim. to leave a person, place, or thing that needs you to care for them: He kept the company going because he didn't want to abandon his staff. A vehicle had been abandoned on the side of the road. INSURANCE to allow an insurance company to keep property that has been lost or damaged, in exchange for an insurance payment vessel :a large boat or a ship: Two tugboats guided the 70,000 ton vessel into port. a cargo/container/freight vessel relegating : to put someone or something into a lower or less important rank or position She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job. The story was relegated to the middle pages of the paper. UK If a football team is relegated, it is moved down to a lower division If Southampton lose again they may be relegated from the Premier League to the First Division. Compare: promote Entail:to create a legal condition that property can only be passed to particular people, for example, only to an oldest son: Severity: seriousness Even the doctors were shocked by the severity of his injuries. I don't think you quite understand the severity of our financial problems. Conscientious: serious about your work and putting a lot of effort into doing it in a careful way: Greg Smith is a conscientious and dedicated worker who will be an asset to your company. conscientiously adverb Employees are expected to carry out their duties conscientiously.

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