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Name: Arisbel Hernandez Ramirez Grade: 3 Group: "A" Shift: evening Teacher: Brenda Yamel Zenteno Buitrn

SCHOOL CYCLE 2012 = 2013

I. Sierra Region II. Mixtec Region III. Mountain Region IV. Jewel Region Valley Region

Tehuacn is the second largest city in the Mexican State of puebla, located in the Valley of Tehuacn's southeast border with the States of oaxaca and veracruz. 2010 Census reported a population of 248.716 in the city and 274.906 in the municipality of the same name, which serves as the municipal seat. the municipality has an area of 390.36 km2 (150.72 sq mi).

Fondly the following work is dedicated to my dear father, who it is that is supporting for the completion of my studies.

It is best to do this work for me, i learn new things and in grades of more you will forward that i'll have help me with the following topics.

In this project is a bit of history of Tehuacn and regions in which activities and customs are different for each person and all people living in these regions have different forms and ways of thinking

Presentation ...1 Location of puebla within Mxico....2 Location of tehuacan within the state of puebla.3 Location of tehucn......4 Location (location de tehuacan )...5 Dedication .6 Justification..7 Introduction..8 Index..9-11 Tehuacn.12 Glyph of tehuacan..12-13 Coat of tehuacan............14-16 Tehuacan (historia de tehuacn)....16-30 Time line (tehuacn)......31-36 Tehuacan and its five regions...37 The sierra regin 38 A. Geographic location.38 B. Municipalities that comprise.39 C. Traje tipico..40 D. Fauna..41 E. Flora.41 F. Products from the region.42 The mixteca regin ..43 A. Geographic location.43


B. Municipalities that comprise....43 C. Traje tipico..44 D. Fauna..44 E. Flora...45 F. Products from the region..45-46 The mountain region ..47 A. Geographic location.47 B. Municipalities that comprise..47-48 C. Traje tipico....48 D. Fauna..49 E. Flora...49 F. Products from the region.50 Region of the jewel..51 A. Geographic location....51 B. Municipalities that comprise....52 C. Traje tipico..52 D. Fauna..53 E. Flora.53 F. Products from the region....54 Valley region .55 A. Geographic location..55-56 B. Municipalities that comprise..56-57 C. Traje tipico..57 D. Fauna..57-59 E. Flora.59 F. Products from the region.60 Bibliography .61




This is the glyph currently accepted the city of tehuacan. Geographic Indonimia the State of Puebla, same that inferred from the word Teohuacan, i.e. place of gods or the Sun is based on the work of Felipe Franco from the year of 1946. (Taken from "The fortress of el Cerro Colorado Tehuacn Puebla", Mauricio Glvez Rosales) The glyph is interpreted so: on the bottom gums with toothbrush, you can see what means "place". The disc is a solar symbol, or sacred. Hence, to Tehuacn is known as "Place of the gods", "Place of the gods", "Place of those who have God" or more currently "Sun City".



Coat of arms granted in the year 1660. a shield of four quarters: in the first quarter is the black eagle on a cactus with two arrows in the right claw and another bisected by the legs and the left side three helmsmen of corn with his gold spikes that the natives called miahuatl in the blue field. the second barracks, with a black eagle on white field with peak gold and put a leg golden on a teponaxtle and the other lifting and grasping two arrows and the right side of the eagle an ayacaxtle or rattle which is an instrument with that play and dance the natives and little further down a drum and the left side of the teponaxtle, and more down a quetzal or bundle of feathers. in the third quarter a blanket that made to the auction and at the end of their weapons a colorada in their own language they call tlaxochitl and a bird biting a flower and


flower at the foot of such kills a tree as coming out of him, to those who call their language mesquite and the left side a castle on a hill that is underneath a large cave and close to the castle some red and white stonesof four embrasures having such castle get three arrows on the one hand and in the midst of the first above and the second leaves a maixquahuitl instrument with which fought in antiquity and in the other two pockets on the left side get other two arrows and in the midst of them a maixquahuitl. in the fourth quarter a head as that it is finished for slaughter by a hand protruding from the left side that has the slope of the hair and the right side hand that has grabbed an arc and in the midst of the four barracks, head of chimalpopoca, and as a crest, the virgin of the conception.



Tehuacn formed part of the Royal Road which communicated to the port of Veracruz with Tenochtitlan. Its history goes back to 8500 years before Christ. This mentions the tribe from choco-popolocas of eventos, settled in what for years was known as old Tehuacn. A conqueror nonoalca name Xelhua, peaked from Tehuacn in the mid-fifteenth century and when the defeat of the Aztecs was given with the Spaniards, latter were to the front in Tehuacn on August 13, 1521. Years later, in 1660 the Indians bought Crown Royal the title of city of Indians. It should be noted that when realized the war for the independence of Mexico, Tehuacn was headquarters and refuge of several Mexican caudillos such as Nicols


Bravo, Jos Mara Morelos and Pavon and Manuel Mier y Tern. The city also hosted the famous Congress of Anhuac. Tehuacn fertile helped to occur the pomegranate and because of that the city is known as "Grenades Tehuacn". The name of this place changed on August 31, 1884 by means of a decree issued by the legislature of the State and in memory of Don Juan Crisstomo Bonilla H., the town was called "Tehuacan of Juan Crisstomo Bonilla". The economic life of Tehuacn has been active for many years. There were many wealthy families that lived there and many of them related to Spaniards, were able to develop a good economic and commercial system. The inhabitants of Tehuacn worked mainly in agriculture, trade and industry. In Tehuacn oldest in the world, discovered the fossil of corn as well as other archaeological finds were also given.


Tehuacn has a general semi-arid and semi-dry climate. The annual average temperature is 20 C. It should be noted that you due to its geographical location, the climate of the city may even vary depending on the area. The variety of climates that are in Tehuacn is presented below: -The semi-arid dry climate is located in the southern part of the city within the Valle de Tehuacn. In such area rains occur in the summer that are scarce during most of the year. -Warm semi-dry climate found in the area of the Valle de Tehuacn. The rains occur in the summer and in the same way as the previous, are scarce during most of the year. -The sub-humid temperate climate exists in the West zone of the city, in the Sierra de Zapotitln and rainfall occur during the summer. -Tempered semi-dry climate has rainfall in summer and they are also scarce during the year. The area that has such a climate is in the East of the Valley of Tehuacn and a part of the first foothills of the Sierra de Zongolica.


The floristic province known as Tehuacn-Cuicatln, located in the southeastern part of the State of Puebla and to the northeast of the State of Oaxaca, part of the Mexican Xeric region. The Tehuacn-Cuicatln Valley, despite being located in two federal entities and be great extension, constitutes a single unit global relevance biogeographical mainly due to the wide range of hahitas and representative of national biodiversity, wild fauna and flora species including some of the latter in the categories endemic, threatened and endangered species. According to the decree which declares the of the biosphere reserve Tehuacn-Cuicatln (1998) exist in this area more than 3,000 plant species and higher animals, among which stand out the cacti. Thus in the Tehuacn Valley the following vegetation types are: desert shrubland rosetifolio (occupying 40%), scrub crasicaule (28%), low deciduous forest (25%) and forest of pine oak (7%). Include the forests of arborescent ceilings columnar cacti (Neobuxbaumia SP.) Cactus (Pachycereus sp., Mitrocereus SP.), sotolin or elephant leg (Beurcanea gracilis), bushes with izotes (Yucca periculosa), lechuguillas (Hechtia podantha), cuajilotes (Bursera arida), thorny thickets with nopales (Opuntia SP.), exquisite (Ferocactus SP., Mammillaria SP.), garambullos (Myrtillocactus SP.), mesquites (Prosopis SP.), agaves (Agave SP.), mother-in-law seats (Echinocactus platyacanthus) and pine-oak forests (Pinus sp.)(, Quercussp.).


Fauna of Tehuacn is known in minor that flora, but we can say that it is comprised of species such as ants, termites, snakes, black iguanas, green iguanas, lizards, rabbits, squirrels, Hare field and small birds such as woodpeckers, quail, chichicuilotes, pigeons, owls owls, Mexican sparrows, hummingbirds, zopilotes, swallows and hawks. The great variety of amphibians and reptiles, bats and birds can be included among vertebrates.


In Tehuacan, Mexico, there are few monuments to visit, but you'll be amazed. tripwolf helps you find the best sights and to visit. Here are the best arts and cultural events, landmarks and tourist attractions ranked by the Tehuacan preferences tripwolf community. Romero Mineralogy Museum, San Lorenzo, among others.


Puebla's attractions are La Capilla del Rosario, the Zocalo, the city's central Plaza and many more as the Barrio del Artista, an area where several artists and craftsmen display their work. Tourists can take the "turibus" double-decker buses offering a tour of the historic city center. Worth visiting the zoo, "Africam Safari", a park where animals are not caged, they are free and come to your area visitatnes in their cars (including the area of the lions and tigers!). Finally, tourists can not leave without visiting the city of Cholula, also within the metropolitan area of Puebla. This city is one of the oldest in America, and was second in importance during the Aztec Empire, Tenochtitln after. In Cholula, you can visit the pyramid, the world's largest by volume.


Water bread or white bread (pan de burro, represents the purity of the soul) is used as offerings for the day of the Dead INGREDIENTS: * 3 cups white bread flour * 2 1 / 2 (0.25 ounce) packages dry yeast 1 tablespoon salt * 1 cup warm water PREPARATION: 1. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Mix flour and salt. Add yeast and mix with a spatula until well blended. Cover with flour a clean surface. Knead at least ten minutes, until smooth and elastic (the consistency and texture of the dough). 2. Wrapped in a plastic sheet and leave in a warm place until doubled (about an hour). Put the dough on a lightly floured surface crushed to eliminate bubbles. Cut into 8 pieces. Form rolls make a slit lengthwise with a knife. Place on an oiled sheet and let double in size. 3. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes or until golden.


INGREDIENTS: 1 kilo of flour 1 egg liter of water 50 grs. of brown sugar 400 grs. butter Sal FOR HONEY: kilo of brown sugar liter of water 1 cinnamon stick PROCEDURE: Mash well the brown sugar and dissolved in water. Mix the flour, egg, brown sugar dissolved in water and a teaspoon of salt. Knead the dough well so that is consistent and extends through the roller to leave quite thin. Cut dough into squares, fried in butter. Allowed to cool and get into the honey syrup. To make honey, put water in a saucepan, brown sugar and cinnamon crushed, letting it boil until it holds strong ball. Stick the cubes in groups of five, to form muganos, which is left to dry on the table.


This delicious dish originating in the Mixtec Oaxaca and Puebla share is the result of a ritual that goes from pasture to slaughter the goats. INGREDIENTS: 1 set of hips and spine killing goat 1.5 kg. tomatillo or miltomate Chile Costeo to taste Onion to taste Garlic 3 bunches of Colorado Guaje 1 bunch Pepicha 10 dried avocado leaves Salt to taste Oil to taste Oil to taste PREPARATION: Boil the meat with garlic, onion and salt for three to four hours until meat is tender. Was withdrawn and reserved broth. Apart little water is boiled in tomatoes with chilies and garlic to taste. Strain and reserve. In a pan heat a little oil or a little fat from the broth, add the blended with a little broth and allowed to season, add the meat with the rest of broth, avocado leaves and the pepicha boil. Peel the gourd and blended with a little broth and poured into the pan. Mole boil two minutes and serve hot.


PRODUCT: EGG COMPANY: FRESH EGG, Mr. Egg, Mr. Egg, is a Mexican company in Tehuacan, Puebla. Mr. Egg is a company dedicated to fresh egg distributor, producer of fresh eggs. If you are the owner of this company can claim this listing.

PRODUCT:CHICKEN COMPANY:WATERPROOFING AND CONSTRUCTION OF PUEBLA-manufacture of cages Poultry, Poultry La Esperanza SA de CV, food for animals. We are a proudly Mexican company specialized in production, marketing, distribution and service of poultry, swine and balanced livestock feed from the region of Tehuacan Puebla, for all our customers and distributors.


COMPANY:Jeans-Pants OXYGEN latest trend, the most high-quality pants, Clothing Factory MISYN-maker clothing and uniforms We sell the latest generation jeans for men, with latest fashion fabrics and juvenile courts, our colors and finishes include wrinkles, wear, sandblast, etc.. take up his pants comfort at a great price makes rock & republic, dkny jeans, calvin klein, ax, abercrombie & fitch, american eagle, armani.


COMPANY:Twin daughters of C.V Sandal-Shoe S.A elsa creations Manufacture of footwear, textiles and leather We have over 45 years experience. Our products: baby shoes and sandals for sizes 10.11 and 12. Girl and boy sandal leather and / or synthetic materials sizes from 13 to 21. Sandal formal, semiformal, sandals, slippers for women to break the skin and / or synthetic materials, sizes 22 to 26 and finally men's slipper sizes 25 through 29.


COMPANY:Alamarmonix, manufacture and marketing of products, art-crafts in placid onix onix, ONIX-o9nis JL and STONE, marble We are a 100o / o Mexican company founded in May 2008 with the firm intention to position domestically and internationally as a company dedicated to quality and excellence in design, manufacture, and marketing of lighting fixtures and articles of alabaster, marble and onyx such as coatings, furniture, decorative items and more, for home, office, hotel, restaurant or business. In addition to performing work on design. MISSION. We are a company dedicated to designing, manufacturing and marketing of articles of alabaster, marble and onyx that wants to position itself more Push yourself in the taste of our customers, offering a range of lighting and decor solutions, fulfilling the ideas of our customers with products exclusive of the highest quality and innovative designs a low cost. Besides contributing to economic and social development in the region. VISION. Consolidate domestically and internationally as a leader, capable of providing a wide range of decorative lighting solutions and quality products and designs suitable for every client and every space.


-Archeological findings prove that it was inhabited by village communities 8500 years before Christ. In Tehuacn found the oldest fossil of corn in the world.

The archaeological "La Mesa" area was a village built in 1345 on the banks of the spring Ahuelicn. Some tribes from eventos pussy-popolocas settled in Calcahualco, what is today known as old Tehuacn.

In 1454 Moctezuma invaded and conquered the place a strategic point for new conquests.

The population fled to the hill where they were finally defeated Colorado, and after the defeat of the Aztecs in the 13 August 1521 was presented to Spaniards.


In the year of 1535 inhabitants of Tehuacn, with the desire for permanently with the assistance of the Franciscan friars built a temple called ex-convent and Temple of san francisco.

On 16 March 1660 the natives of the region acquire the title of "Town of Indians", which earned its offer to the Spaniards at the time.

Temple of la Inmaculada Concepcin and cave, built from 1724 during festivities to mark 203 years of the fall of Tenochtitlan.

in 1804 they built the municipal palace.


on March 16, 1860 born Joaqun walls founder of colin's public library and sketches published history of Tehuacn

In March 1862 the French army invaded Mexican territory, in Tehuacn.

on November 24, 1864 he was born Joseph founder of bottled crespo graci prespo graci

6. The State of Puebla was under the Dominion of the imperialists of Maximiliano de Habsburgo until 1867


the municipal trail was inaugurated on 01 February 1905

on November 17, 1909 arrived in this city Mr. francisco i. madero, who came to monitor the measures taken by leaders and followers of the party joining Madero became the "hotel of Mexico"

Kiosk on 15 January 1943 the Governor of the State, Gonzalo Bautista, inaugurated the work of reconstruction of the kiosk located in the parque Juarez.


in 1957 it was inaugurated the "market municipal 16 of March 1660"

The Museum of Mineralogy opened to the public on July 31, 1998.

The Tehuacn Valley Museum was opened in 2002 and is located within the complex Cultural del Carmen (ex convento del Carmen).

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