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LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1.1 Understanding the importance of having a transport system in some multicellular organisms

LEARNING OUTCOMES A students is able to:


1 4-8/1/10

1.0 Transport

Identify the problem that could be faced by multicellular in obtaining their cellular requirements and getting rid their waste products. Suggest how the problem is overcome in multicellular organisms

A students is able to: 2 11-15/1/10 1.0 Transport 1.2 Synthesising the concept of circulatory system State what a circulatory system (CS) is. State the three components of CS in humans and animals State the medium of transport in humans and animals State the composition of human blood Explain the function of blood and haemolymph in transport Describe the structure of human blood vessels Explain how blood is propelled through the human circulatory system Explain briefly how blood pressure is regulated Compare and contrast the CS in the following: human, fish and amphibians Conceptualise the CS in human

A students is able to: 1.3 Understanding the mechanism of blood clotting Explain the necessity for blood clotting for blood clotting at the site of damaged blood vessels Explain the mechanism of blood clotting Predict the consequences of impaired blood clotting mechanism in an individual.

A students is able to: Describe the formation interstitial fluid (IF).


3.5 Practising a healthy lifestyle

A students is able to: Describe effects of drug and alcohol abuse on humans Explain the factors that can lead to drug and alcohol abbuse Practise a healthy life style.

22 21-25/6/10

3.00 Coordination and response 3.6 Understandi ng plants hormone

A students is able to State what plant hormones are Give some example of plant hormone Infer the effect of auxins on growth responses Explain the role of auxins in tropism State the use of hormones in agriculture.

23 28/6-2/7/10

4.0 Reproduction & Growth

4.1 Analysing gamete formation

A students is able to: Explain the necessity for organisms to reproduce State types of reproduction Explain the necessity for formation of gametes Describe the formation sperm in humans Describe the formation ovum in humans Compare the formation the formation of sperm with that of ovum

Students is able to:


4.2 Analysing the role of hormones in menstrual cycle

State what menstruation is Relate menstruation to menstrual cycle State the importance of the menstrual cycle State hormones involved in the menstrual cycle Relate hormonal levels to the development of follicles, the process of ovulation, and the formation of corpus luteum. Relate abnormal levels to the changes in thickness of the endometrium Explain the role of hormones in regulating the menstrual cycle State what premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is. State what menopause is


4.3 Understanding the early development of a Zygote in humans

A students is able to: Describe what fertilisation is Describe in simple terms the early development of a zygote Name the two main stages in the development of a zygote in preparation for implantation Describe the formation of twins Compare identical twins with fraternal twins, State the function of the placenta in foetal development Explain the advantages of fetus having a separate circulatory system from the mother

24 5-9/7/2010 4.0 Reproduction & Growth 4.4 AppreiciatingThe contribution of science and technology to human reproduction

A students is able to: Explain the contribution of science and technology to human reproduction Explain some moral issues related to the application of science and technology to human reproduction What sexually transmitted diseases are Give examples of sexually transmitted diseases


4.5 Synthesising the concept of sexual reproduction in flowering plants

A students is able to: Identify male and female structures in flower Describe the formation of pollen grains Describe the formation of the embryo sac in the ovule Describe the formation of pollen tube Describe the formation of zygote Describe the formation of triploid nucleus Conceptualise double fertilisation Relate the structure of fruit to the flower parts Explain the importance of double fertilisation for the survival of flowering plants


4.0 Reproduction & Growth


4.6 Understanding growth in multicellular organisms

A students is able to: Explain briefly the necessity for growth in organisms Explain what growth is

26 19-23/7/10

4.0 Reproduction & Growth

4.7 Understanding the growth curve

A students is able to: Identify parameters used in the measurement of growth Describe the sigmoid growth curve on an organism Relate the shape to the growth curve to the growth phases of an organism Explain the shape of the growth curve of an insect.

4.8 Understanding primary and secondary growth in plants

A students is able to: State the types of growths in plants. State what primary and secondary growth are. Name the tissue involved in primary and secondary growth State the location of the tissue involved in primary and secondary growth.

27 26-30/7/10

4.0 Reproduction & Growth


5.1 Synthesising the concept of inheritance based on Mendels experiment

A students is able to: State what is meant by inheritance, Differentiate traits from characters Identify characters and traits in Mendels experiments State that there is a hereditary factor that determines a particular character Identify the dominant and recessive traits Explain genes and alleles Explain dominant alleles and recessive alleles

28 2-6/8/10 5.0 Inheritance

29 9-13/8/10 5.0 Inheritance 5.1 Synthesising the concept of inheritance based on Mendels experiment (cont)

A students is able to: State the meaning phenotype, State the meaning genotype, Relate allele combination to genotype State the meaning of homozygote and heterozygote Determine phenotype ratio of the first filial generation and second filial generation State the meaning of monohybrid inheritance Conceptualise Mendels First Law


5.2 Understanding inheritance

State the meaning of dihybrid inheritance Conceptualise Mendels Second Law

A students is able to: State the blood groups in the ABO system and Rhesus factor in humans Explain the inheritance of ABO blood group in humans Differentiate autosomes from sex chromosomes Identify the different human karyotypes Explain sex determination in off-springs Explain sex-linked inheritance using example Describe heredity disease

30 16-20/8/10 5.0 Inheritance

31 23-27/8/10 5.0 Inheritance 5.3 Understanding genes & chromosomes

A students is able to: State the unit of heritance State the location of genes Describe the structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) Describe in simple terms the manifestation of a trait of an organism from the basic unit of inheritance. Explain briefly the importance of genetics to


mankind Describe the application and abuse of knowledge in genetics Argue on the need for ethics and moral in the application of genetics.

32 30/8-3/9/10 6.0 Variation 6.1 Understanding variation in organisms

A students is able to: State the importance of variation in organisms Give examples of variation in humans State the types of variation Compare continuous variation with discontinuous variation

6.2 Understanding the causes of variation

A students is able to: State the factors causing variation, Explain the effects of genetic factors on variation Explain the effects of environmental factors on variation Explain the effect of the interaction between genetic factors and environmental factors on variation Explain mutation Explain the importance of variation in the


survival of a species

6.3 Be respectful towards one another despite varition

The student is able to; Accept that people are different Respect each other

CUTI PERTENGAHAN PENGGAL kedua(4-12/9/2010 (9 hari) 33-35 36 37-39 40-41 42 15-19/11/10 SPM TRIAL EXAM(13/9-1/10/2010/2010) PERBINCANGAN SOALAN PERCUBAAN SPM 2010 (4/10/10-8/10/2010)

REVISION & DRILLING PROGRAMM (11/10/10-29/10/10)(Soalan percubaan negeri lain) REVISION & DRILLING PROGRAMME (RAMALAN)(1/11/10-12/11/10)Soalan ramalan SPM EXAMINATION 2010

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