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Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783

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Dynamic nite element model of oscillatory brushes

Libardo V. Vanegas-Useche a,n, Magd M. Abdel-Wahab b, Graham A. Parker c
a b c

Facultad de Ingeniera Mecanica, Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, Pereira, Colombia Department of Mechanical Construction and Production, Faculty of Engineering, Ghent University, B-9000 Gent, Belgium Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (J5), Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Surrey, Guildford, Surrey GU2 7XH, UK

a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history: Received 26 December 2007 Received in revised form 20 January 2011 Accepted 25 February 2011 Available online 21 March 2011 Keywords: Finite element method (FEM) Transient analysis Contact elements Inertia loads Gutter brushes Sweeping effectiveness

In this work, the concept of oscillatory brushes is studied. The main aims are to develop a generic, dynamic nite element model of oscillatory brushes and to study the effects of brush oscillations on the dynamics and performance of a cup-shaped brush, which may be used for street sweeping. The model entails a transient nonlinear analysis, involving three-dimensional large deections and contact between bristles and surface and between bristles. An exponential friction model is assumed, and the damping generated by internal friction and bristlebristle contact is modelled as Rayleigh damping. Existing experimental results on gutter brushes are used to validate the model and determine the coefcient of friction for bristlesurface interaction. The model is also validated through another nite element model derived by the authors. The Rayleigh damping coefcients and the normal contact stiffness for bristlesurface interaction have been obtained by means of experimental tests. The model is applied to study the behaviour of a horizontal gutter brush with a bristle mount orientation angle of 1281. In order to assess brushing performance, a number of performance criteria are proposed. It is concluded that brush oscillations signicantly affect brush dynamics and tend to increase bristle tip velocities and brushing forces. According to the model and the performance criteria dened, brush oscillations may improve sweeping effectiveness for certain ranges of frequency of oscillation. & 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction and related work Due to their design, brushes are elastic, exible tools that conform to irregular or at surfaces and, thus, are used in many applications ranging from domestic use to heavy duty tasks. Despite the great variety of brushing applications, the amount of literature on this area is very limited. Among others, research has been performed into the behaviour of brushes for surface nishing operations [16], removal of fouling from surfaces [7], post-CMP (Chemical Mechanical Planarization) cleaning [8], air duct cleaning [9], and street sweeping [1016]. A short literature review on brush dynamics is presented in Ref. [17]. Relevant details of research into brushing technology are discussed below. Regarding the literature on the mechanisms of debris removal through brushing, research has been carried out in the area of semiconductor manufacturing, where it is necessary to clean the wafers after CMP. The most widely used method for post-CMP cleaning is brushing [18], and a mathematical model for particle removal has been derived for this application [19]. Based on this model, a 2-dimensional (2-D) analytical model for the interaction between a bristle of a gutter brush and an object has been

Corresponding author. Tel.: 576 3137124; fax: 576 3137362. E-mail address: (L.V. Vanegas-Useche).

derived [15]. 2-D and 3-D static nite element (FE) models of a bristle encountering an object have also been developed [15]. In the models referred to in the preceding paragraph, a particle or object to be removed from a surface may experience a dragging force, which acts parallel to the surface in the direction of motion of the brush or bristle, a lifting force, which acts vertically upwards (or downwards if negative), and a rolling moment. Apart from these loads, which are produced by the brush, the debris may be subjected to an adhesion force, a normal contact force, a friction force between surface and debris, and gravity. According to the models, debris removal depends on three mechanisms, namely lifting, sliding, and rolling. Which of these mechanisms occur will depend on the force and moment balance. Nevertheless, if appropriate conditions are not satised, the debris may not be removed. The application of the FE models for a icking bristle suggests that the sliding and rolling mechanisms are the dominant ones, and the lifting force tends to be negative. It is predicted that rolling may dominate when the height-to-length ratio is large and that sliding may predominate otherwise [15]. It is also found that the dragging and rolling abilities increase with brush penetration up to a certain value and then reduce. This reduction occurs at relatively large penetrations and is due to the high downwards force produced by the excessively deformed bristle. However, the sweeping ability of real brushes is much more complex than that

0168-874X/$ - see front matter & 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.nel.2011.02.008


L.V. Vanegas-Useche et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783

of a single bristle [15]. It depends on a number of factors, such as the number of bristles that exert forces on the debris, the amount and type of debris, and the road conditions. In addition, dynamic factors can enhance debris removal. As for the literature on brushing efciency, most of the research indicates that higher rotational speeds of the brush [18,20,21], pressures or penetrations [18,2022], and cleaning times [18,21] improve cleaning effectiveness. Notably, the literature suggests that brush oscillations may improve brushing effectiveness. For example, research into tooth brushing indicates that, in the long term, oscillatingrotating toothbrushes remove around 7% more plaque and lead to 17% less gingivitis than manual toothbrushes (e.g., [23]). Similarly, experimental results [8] show that back-and-forth oscillations of a brush for post-CMP PVA (polyvinyl alcohol) brush scrubbing process may be benecial, as they have a great impact on the coefcient of friction and, therefore, on brushing efciency. Thus, it is of interest to investigate the effect of brush oscillations on the behaviour of brushes for other applications. In previous works [10,11], analytical models are developed and applied for the study of freely rotating, oscillatory gutter brushes for road sweeping. The results of these works show that brush oscillations can excite bristle vibrations at several frequencies. As these works deal with brushes in free rotation, it is necessary to study the behaviour of a brush contacting the surface. To the knowledge of the authors, the study of brush behaviour has been performed by means of static analyses. In contrast, the problem of an oscillatory constrained brush requires a dynamic model. This work develops a generic, parametric FE dynamic model of circular and cup-shaped brushes subjected to a variable angular speed. The model entails a 3-D transient nonlinear structural analysis involving contact and has been built in the FE software ANSYSs. The model is used to study the effects of oscillations on the behaviour of a horizontal gutter brush. The bristles are modelled through beam elements, and the contact between bristles and surface is modelled by point-to-surface contact elements. A time-history analysis is necessary so that the unsteady conditions produced by brush oscillations can be modelled. The variable rotational speed of the brush is given by the VAP function, which has been devised to provide small accelerations of the brush shaft and has been used in previous works [10,11]. This paper is organised as follows. Section 2 presents the modelling assumptions and characteristics of the problem. Section 3 describes the FE model. Some criteria for assessing brushing performance are proposed in Section 4. Thereafter, Section 5 presents the conclusions obtained from sensitivity analyses and the validation of the model. This is validated through another FE model developed by the authors and available experimental results. The model is then applied in Sections 6 and 7 to study the performance of a gutter brush for road sweeping. The last section concludes this work.

2. Problem description and modelling assumptions 2.1. Brush geometric characteristics Brushes with several geometries can be studied through the FE model derived. This work focuses on gutter brushes for street sweeping, but the model can be used for other applications. The brush may consist of bristles arranged uniformly around the support and along the brush axial direction, as in the case of circular and cup brushes for surface nishing operations (Fig. 1(a) and (b)), or may be arranged into clusters, as in the case of a gutter brush (Fig. 1(c)). The bristles can be of rectangular cross section, and they, as well as the clusters, may have any orientation. The orientation of the bristles is partly dened by the bristle mount angle, f, which is the angle formed by the bristle and the brush axis (Fig. 1(d)). In a circular brush, this angle is 901. Other geometric parameters are the mount radius, rA, bristle length, lb, bristle breadth, t1, and bristle width, t2, which are shown in Fig. 1(c) and (d). The sweeping action of a gutter brush is controlled by the bristle mount orientation angle, g, shown in Fig. 2. When g 0, the bristle mainly deects in the brush radial direction (Fig. 2(a)), providing a cutting action. When g 901 (icking brush), it deects predominantly in the tangential direction. 2.2. Modelling assumptions The modelling of a brush involves many complexities such as non-uniformity in the geometry of the brush and bristles and variety of surface and debris characteristics. As an accurate model would be extremely complex and unpractical, the problem is simplied through the following assumptions: the material of the bristles is homogeneous, isotropic, and with constant properties; the bristles are prismatic, initially straight, of uniform length and cross-sectional dimensions; the bristles are rigidly clamped into

= 0

= 90

Fig. 2. Bristle mount orientation angle: (a) cutting brush and (b) icking brush.



t1 t2

Fig. 1. Brushes of different geometric characteristics: (a) circular brush, (b) cup brush, (c) gutter brush, and (d) bristle of rectangular cross section.

L.V. Vanegas-Useche et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783


the mounting board in an orderly fashion; the surface is perfectly at, rigid, and free from debris; bristles of different clusters do not interact. All these assumptions, among others, have been used in the past (e.g., [1416]); the results of these works suggest that these assumptions are practical and reduce considerably the complexity of the model and the computational requirements. Similarly, in the case of brushes for cleaning ducts for example, most of these assumptions, among others, have been used [9]. The results in Holopainen and Salonen [24], in which the model in Ref. [9] is applied and its results are compared with experimental results, are also a sign that these assumptions might be practical. 2.3. Oscillatory function The oscillations of the brush are given by the VAP function [10], which has been derived by the authors to produce small brush accelerations. It is assumed that the brush is driven by a noncircular gear pair and that, to model the start up of the brush, the driving gear rotates according to the curve in Fig. 3(a): ( t=tA if t=tA o1, o1 t Ka o1nom where Ka 1 if t=tA Z1, where o1 is the angular speed of the driving gear, o1nom is the value of o1 after the start up of the brush, t is time, and tA is the time at which o1 reaches its nominal value. The angular speed, o(t), and acceleration, a(t), of the brush are given by & i' 2o h t h 1be1=b12h1 t1 , 1 ot Ka om a 2 1b

where om and oa are the mean and alternating component of o(t) (Fig. 4), f is the frequency of o(t), and ( 1 if int2K2 0:5 is even, K1 1 if int2K2 0:5 is odd, ( K2 ( Kb h1 t h2 t ft2 =2tA f ttA =2 1=tA 0 1 if t=tA r 1, if t=tA 4 1,

if t=tA r1, if t=tA 41,

p p

arcsinsin arccos cos2pftaux , arcsin sin2pftaux ,

where the function int rounds the argument down to the nearest integer and ( if t=tA o1, Ka t=2 taux ttA =2 if t=tA Z1: Fig. 3(b) provides an example of the application of Eq. (1) for

om 100 rpm, oa 10 rpm, f23 Hz, b 0.05, and tA 0.2 s.

The VAP function depends on the smoothness parameter b. This can take any value in the open interval (0, 1), in order to obtain the desired o(t) and a(t) curves. However, b should be close to 0 if minimisation of shaft accelerations is required. Curves o(t) and a(t) are shown in Fig. 4. When, for example, bE0, o(t) is a triangle wave and a(t) is a square wave, so that the maximum angular acceleration is minimised. 2.4. Vehicle speed and brush penetration The interaction between brush and road depends on the sweeper speed, v, and brush penetration, D. Normally, gutter

at Kb om

2oa K1 n K1 Kb h2 t 2fKa 2 1b e1=b12h1 t1 K1 Kb bh2 t 2bfKa 2 o 4f 1bKa 2 h1 t ,



100 80 60 40 20 0


t 1nom tA

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

t (s)

Fig. 3. Angular speeds of the noncircular gears that move an oscillatory brush: (a) driving gear and (b) driven gear and brush.

max a m
b 0 b b = 0.10 b 1

b 0 b b= b = 0.10 b b 1

1/f t

1/f t

Fig. 4. VAP angular speed and acceleration against time: (a) angular speed and (b) angular acceleration.


L.V. Vanegas-Useche et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783

brushes work tilted, and D is dened by the rst cluster that would make contact with the road surface when a stationary (non-rotating) brush is lowered. The penetration can be considered as the vertical distance between the surface and the tips of that cluster if it could penetrate the road without deection. As the present model is dynamic, the following functions are dened for v and D (Fig. 5): ( vnom t=tA if t=tA r 1, 3 v if t=tA 4 1, vnom ( Dnom Dgap t=tB Dgap if t=tB r 1, if t=tB 4 1,


where tA and tB are the times at which v(t) and D(t), respectively, reach their nominal values and Dgap is the negative value of the initial brush penetration.

3. Finite element brush model 3.1. Model geometry and nite elements The developed FE model of oscillatory brushes is a parametric model built through ANSYS Parametric Design Language [25]. This section outlines the generation of the geometry and nite elements of the model, and Section 3.2 describes the application of loads and boundary conditions. The bristles are modelled as 3-D quadratic elastic beams with 3 nodes plus an orientation node (ANSYSs element BEAM189). This element is based on Timoshenko beam theory and accounts for the geometric nonlinearities of large deformations. The elastic modulus, E, Poisson ratio, n, density, r, and stiffness proportional

damping coefcient, bD, are the associated properties dened parametrically. In addition, a rectangular cross section is dened. The modelling of the bristles involves the use of a number of coordinate systems. Some of them are shown in Fig. 6. The global Cartesian system of coordinates, xyz, where the directions of x and z are in the sweeper travel direction and vertical upwards, respectively, is stationary with respect to the vehicle chassis. The orientation of the brush with respect to this system is characterised by the brush offset angle, x, and the brush angle of attack, b. These dene the brush system of axes, xByBzB. Finally, the orientation and position of each bristle that is to be modelled is dened by the system xbriybrizbri. The orientation of this system depends on a number of transformations, which in turn depend on the bristle mount angle, f, and the bristle mount orientation angle, g, among many other variables. The FE model has the capability of modelling up to three rows of clusters. Each cluster is composed of a number of bristles that are arranged orderly in the breadth and width directions, as shown in Fig. 6(b). The modelling also consists of generating the contact pairs for bristlesurface and bristlebristle interaction. The surface is modelled by means of areas, and the node-to-surface contact pairs for bristlesurface contact are attached to the areas and the tips of the bristles. In a brushing system, the bristles tend to undergo large deformations and the surface tends to deform at a micro scale. Therefore, rigid-to-exible contact is assumed. The elements are 3-D node-to-surface contact elements (CONTA175), attached to the nodes at the bristle tips, and the corresponding 3-D target elements (TARGE170), attached to the areas (no underlying element is required). The augmented Lagrangian method was used for the contact problem. As for the modelling of bristlebristle interaction, this is not of main interest here. Each contact pair has many parameters that dene its behaviour. Some key parameters are the normal contact stiffness, Kn,

v(t) vnom

(t) nom

t tA

gap > 0 t tB

t ( nom + gap ) gap tB


Fig. 5. Vehicle velocity and brush penetration against time: (a) vehicle speed and (b) brush penetration.

z zB

Vehicle direction of travel

Zbri ybri

xB y



Fig. 6. Some of the coordinate systems for the FE modelling of the bristles of a gutter brush: (a) global, xyz, and brush, xByBzB, coordinate systems and (b) cluster modelled in ANSYSs.

L.V. Vanegas-Useche et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783


and those that have to do with its frictional characteristics. A curve m vs based on the exponential friction model may be specied [25]:

brush for duct cleaning is clamped at a xed point, and the motion is modelled by means of centrifugal and air drag forces. 3.2.2. Initial steps Firstly, the following variables are initialised: o0 0, Dy0 0, v0 0, and D0 Dgap, where Dy is the angular rotation of the brush and the subscript 0 corresponds to t0 0, i.e., at the beginning of the rst load step. Secondly, the shared initial position of the pilot nodes is retrieved. Then, all degrees of freedom of all top nodes are constrained. After this, the load steps are specied (Sections 3.2.3. Application of inertia loads Each ith load step begins by calculating the angular speed, oi, and angular acceleration, ai, of the brush at the end of that step (Eqs. (1) and (2)). The angular speed vector, as well as the angular acceleration vector when ai 40, acts in the zb direction. At this point, it is necessary to dene the coordinate system xbybzb, which is xed to the brush mounting board. This system is dened so that it is coincident with xByBzB at t0 0. In the real brush system, the global, xyz, and the brush, xByBzB, coordinate systems are xed to the vehicle chassis, whereas xbybzb rotates with the brush, as shown in Fig. 8. However, as in the model the board is assumed xed, i.e., xbybzb is stationary, the surface has to be translated, penetrated, and rotated in directions that are opposite to those of a real brush. As a result, xByBzB and xyz rotate as a rigid body about zb. Fig. 9 shows this rotation for the system xByBzB. It is also convenient to dene the system xAyAzA, which corresponds to the initial position of xyz, as well as the ANSYSs global system. The angular speed and acceleration vectors are transformed into xAyAzA components and are applied through inertial loads. It can be shown that these components are given by

m mk ms mk ecv 9vs 9 ,

where m is the coefcient of friction (COF), mk is the kinetic COF, ms is the static COF, vs is the sliding velocity, and cv is the decay coefcient. Finally, the beams are meshed with the desired number of elements. During this process, a pilot node is generated for each target, so that this may be constrained or moved through this node.

3.2. Application of loads and boundary conditions 3.2.1. Overview The model of the oscillatory brush entails a transient analysis, which involves the application of loads and boundary conditions every load step, as shown in Fig. 7. The time between two consecutive steps (time step), dt, must be small enough, because the variations of the loads and boundary conditions are approximated by ramped functions. The substep or integration time step, dtITS, can also be controlled so that the application of the dynamic equilibrium equation yields the accuracy required. To simulate the effects of the rotation of the brush and gravity, inertia forces are used. All the top (clamped) nodes are totally constrained and remain stationary, and the surface is translated and rotated through the pilot nodes. The rotation of the brush produces centrifugal and tangential forces, which are applied through the commands OMEGA and DOMEGA, respectively. In addition, the Coriolis effects are taken into account through a damping matrix (command CORIOLIS). It is noted that a similar procedure has been used successfully in the past. For example, in Holopainen and Salonen [9,24], the bristle of the
Initialise 0 = 0, 0 = 0, v0 = 0, and 0 = -gap Retrieve brush coordinates and global coordinates of pilot nodes Apply constraints to all top nodes Calculate i and i Next load step

oxAi oi sin b cos x, axAi ai sin b cos x, oyAi oi sin b sin x, ayAi ai sin b sin x, ozAi oi cos b, azAi ai cos b:
z zb, zB

Apply inertia loads and D-damping Calculate and i

xB yb

y yB

Load step

Apply displacements and rotations to pilot nodes Assign i 1 = i, i 1 = i , vi 1 = vi , and i 1 = i for next step Solve

Fig. 8. Various coordinate systems in the brush system; xbybzb rotates.




xB rp

End of simulation? Yes Finish

Pilot node urp

(xb, yb) up yb

Fig. 7. Flow diagram of the application of inertia loads and boundary conditions.

Fig. 9. Rotation of xByBzB in the model and polar coordinates of the pilot node.


L.V. Vanegas-Useche et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783

actual curve approximation

i th load step t

from 0 to t, where t is the time at the end of the ith step, yield ( ) t=tB if t=tB r 1 Dzbi Dnom Dgap cos b 1 if t=tB 4 1 ( ) t 2 =2tA if t=tA r 1 cos x sin bvnom : 10 ttA =2 if t=tA 4 1 As for Eqs. (7) and (8), they comprise a system of two simultaneous differential equations. Because this system involves complex functions, a numerical approach is followed. As xb and yb in Eqs. (7) and (8) are difcult to determine accurately, they have to be estimated. The procedure adopted is to take the averages of two values for dxb and dyb, calculated through Eqs. (7) and (8) from data at the start and end of the step. For calculating dxb and dyb at the end of the step, the values xbi and ybi are estimated as xbi xbi 1 dxb and ybi ybi 1 dyb, where dxb and dyb are the values at the beginning of the step. Analyses suggest that, for the cases studied in this work, dt 1 ms produces maximum errors of xb and yb of the order of 0.1 mm (0.03%). Hence, dtr1 ms seems satisfactory. The brush coordinates of the pilot node at the end of the ith step can now be calculated: xbi xbi1 dxb , ybi ybi1 dyb , zbi zb0 Dzbi ,

Fig. 10. Approximation of the angular speed of the brush.

Finally, gravity and Coriolis effects are applied. To avoid the dynamics of a sudden application of gravity, this is applied gradually from zero up to its nominal value, g, in a similar way as v, D, and o1 are applied.

3.2.4. Determination of the brush angular rotation After calculating oi, the angular rotation of the brush during the current (ith) load step, dy, is determined. Taking into account that the time step, dt, has to be small, dy can be calculated assuming that the function o(t) is linear for each step, as shown in Fig. 10. It has that Z ti o oi1 dy ot dt % i dt, 2 ti1 where the subscripts i 1 and i indicate start and end of the ith load step, respectively. The cumulative rotation at the end of the ith step is given by

Dyi dy Dyi1 ,

where Dyi1 is the value of Dy at the end of the preceding load step. It is noted that, although brush rotation is in -zb, the absolute value of o is taken. Therefore, dy and Dy are positive.

where Dzbi is given by Eq. (10), xbi 1 and ybi 1 have been stored in the previous step, and zb0 has been stored at the start of the analysis. To apply the displacements to the pilot nodes, their brush coordinates are transformed into xAyAzA coordinates. It can be shown that xAi xbi cos b cos xybi sin x zbi sin b cos x, yAi xbi cos b sin x ybi cos x zbi sin b sin x, zAi xbi sin b zbi cos b: 11 12 13

3.2.5. Application of displacements and rotations to pilot nodes The motion of all surfaces (target elements overlaid on areas) is controlled via the pilot nodes. The motion of these nodes is the combination of the displacements and rotations associated with the sweeper speed, v, brush penetration, D, and brush rotational speed, o. The displacement of the pilot node during the ith load step is given by fdug vdti Dk orp dtuyp , where v and D are given by Eqs. (3) and (4), rp is the perpendicular distance between the pilot node and the zb-axis (Fig. 9), i and k are unit vectors in the x and z directions, respectively, and uyp is a unit vector in the transverse direction shown in Fig. 9. To apply displacements to the pilot node, it is convenient to express {du} in the motionless system xbybzb. It can be shown that fdug dxb ib dyb jb dzb kb , where ib, jb, and kb are unit vectors in the xb, yb, and zb axes, respectively, and

Finally, the following displacements are applied to the pilot nodes:

DxAi xAi xA0 , DyAi yAi yA0 , DzAi zAi zA0 :

The application of rotations to the pilot nodes is much simpler than the application of displacements. In the real system, the brush has rotated Dy i (Eq. (6)) about the zb-axis at the end of the ith step. Hence, the surface has to be rotated the same amount about the zb-axis. The transformation of this rotation to the xAyAzA system can be performed by substituting coordinates by rotations in Eqs. (11)(13) (e.g., by using Dyxbi for xbi). Since Dyxbi Dyybi 0 and Dyzbi Dyi, the following rotations are applied:

DyxAi Dyi sin b cos x, DyyAi Dyi sin b sin x, DyzAi Dyi cos b:
Finally, xbi 1, ybi 1, and the variables indicated in the antepenultimate box in Fig. 7 are assigned the values that correspond to the end of the ith step. After this, the load step is solved and the analysis continues with the next step until the last step is reached.

dxb vsin x sin Dy cos x cos b cos Dyoyb dt D sin b cos Dy, dyb vsinx cos Dycos x cos b sin Dy oxb dt D sin b sin Dy, dzb v cos x sin bdt Dcos b:

8 9 4. Criteria for assessing brushing performance In order to estimate whether brush oscillations can improve performance, a number of criteria are proposed. It is assumed that bristledebris contact occurs very near the bristle tip or on the tip, so that the tip dynamics are relevant. Thus, these criteria may be suitable for small, compacted, and/or thin debris.

The angular rotation Dy is given by Eq. (6). Eq. (9) can also be expressed in terms of an innitesimal displacement (dzb) and an innitesimal time (dt) and can be integrated to obtain the zb displacement function of the pilot node. Substitution of Eqs. (3) and (4) into Eq. (9) and integrating the resultant equation

L.V. Vanegas-Useche et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783


The estimation of the effectiveness of a brush may be based on the knowledge of the debris removal mechanisms (Section 1). On the one hand, the literature shows that higher brush rotational speeds provide a higher brushing efciency. Hence, a higher bristle tip velocity will tend to provide a higher effectiveness. On the other hand, high brush pressures or penetrations, which provide high contact forces, improve cleaning effectiveness. In particular, the main mechanism of debris removal in street sweeping may be sliding, which is produced by the dragging force. This is especially the case of at (small height-to-length ratio) objects or compacted debris. The dragging force that a bristle can produce is much related to the friction and normal force between bristle and surface. This is because these contact forces deform the bristle, and that deformation is which provides the removal ability when the bristle encounters debris. Thus, it may be concluded that a higher friction force tends to produce a higher effectiveness. Partially based on these ndings, it is assumed that for a given brush conguration, i.e., for a given set of geometric parameters related to bristle, brush, and brushsurface contact, brush performance tends to be higher when the magnitude of the friction force and its work are higher and/or the square of the magnitude of the bristle tip velocity, vtip, is higher. The square of the tip velocity is taken as a criterion, because the kinetic energy that may be transferred to the debris tends to be proportional to v2 . tip In addition, the basic mechanics equation for constant acceleration, ap, of a particle: ap v2 v2 p p0 2sp sp0 , 14

(e) Performance is higher when the maximum square of the tip velocity is higher. (f) Performance is higher when the intensity of v2 , Ivtip, is tip greater. Similar to the case of high friction forces, high tip velocities tend to enhance fracture of compacted debris, and lower velocities may then be required to clear the debris. It is anticipated that, loosely speaking, the curve v2 t for the tip horizontal brushes studied in this work may follow or oscillate about a curve with a sinusoidal-squared shape (Fig. 12). Therefore, it is considered convenient to dene Iv2 tip as the area under the curve v2 t, but above the curve tip v2 0) t, where vtip(f 0) is the tip velocity for a brush tip(f under identical conditions excepting that there are no brush oscillations: Z Dt Iv2 /v2 v2 0 Sdt: tip tipf

Ff (N)

where vp and vp0 are the velocities corresponding to the positions sp and sp0, indicates that the decelerations of a particle, as well as the forces, tend to depend on the square of the velocity. Although, the case of a bristle impacting debris is much more complex than this, the square of the bristle tip velocity seems to be an appropriate term to assess sweeping performance. Because of the variability of the forces and the magnitude and direction of the bristle tip velocity, these criteria may be expanded. It is assumed that for a given brush conguration: (a) Performance is higher when the work of the friction force, WFf, is larger. (b) Performance is higher when the maximum friction force, Ff max, is higher. This criterion may be suitable, as short-duration high friction forces may dislodge or fracture compacted debris, and lower forces may then be required to remove the fractured debris. However, it has the disadvantage that it does not take into account the amount of work done by large friction forces. In view of this, the next criterion is dened. (c) Performance is higher when the intensity of the friction force, IFf, is greater. This parameter is dened as the area under the curve friction force versus tip displacement, but above the line Ff Ffe, where Ff is the magnitude of the friction force and Ffe is the equivalent, constant friction force that would do the same work as that of the actual force: Z Dsxy IFf /Ff Ffe S dsxy ,

Fig. 12 presents an example in which Iv2 is equal to the total tip area of the shaded areas. (g) Performance is higher when the direction of the tip velocity presents high-frequency variability. If the direction of vtip changes at a high frequency, the debris will tend to be swept from different directions, which may enhance debris removal. This criterion is quantied by means of the term ovtipxy, which is the speed at which vtip rotates in the plane of the surface. As rotations of vtip in any direction are assumed benecial for debris removal, absolute values are considered. It will be assumed that performance tends to be higher when the average of the absolute values of ovtipxy, 9ovtipxy 9, is higher. It is noted that when vtip 0, the value ovtipxy is set to zero because the tip will just spin without brushing.

0.14 0.12 0.1

Intensity of the friction force

Ff max


0.08 0.06 0 0.2 0.4

sxy (m)
Fig. 11. Denition of the intensity of the friction force.



14 12 10
v tip 2 (m 2 /s 2)

I v tip2

8 6 4 2 0 1.1 1.2
t (s)
Fig. 12. Denition of the intensity of v2 . tip

where sxy is the position of the tip, measured along its path on the plane of the surface, Dsxy is the total distance travelled by the tip, and the function / S takes the value of the argument if this is positive and takes zero if it is negative. This is shown in Fig. 11. (d) Performance is higher when the area under the curve v2 t is tip larger. If the bristlesurface contact time is the same for a series of cases, this criterion can be substituted by the performance is higher when the average of the square of the tip velocity is larger.

Oscillatory brush Conventional brush




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These criteria have been dened, so as to avoid modelling debris, which would increase considerably the computing time. The addition of debris particles would be a natural extension to the model. Finally, it is noted that brushing is a very complex process, which involves many conditions, phenomena, and uncertainties. The dened criteria are basic guidelines, but a comprehensive assessment of the removal ability may require more complex models.

5. Remarks on sensitivity analyses and model validation A series of sensitivity analyses have been carried out to investigate the effects of the integration time step, dtITS, the time step, dt, and the number of elements along the bristle. In this work, the contact problem dictates the size of dtITS because the impact times are extremely small. FE analyses suggest that, for the cases studied in this work, the contact time is of the order of 30 ms and that a practical value for the upper limit of dtITS may be 5 ms. It has also been found that at least 12 elements per bristle should be used. The model developed has been compared with and validated through a FE static model and a FE model that applies displacements and rotations to the bristle tops (in this case, the surface does not rotate). FE analyses indicate that the models produce practically the same results, provided that appropriate time steps are used. For the present model, dt o E1 ms yields acceptable accuracy, whereas for the model that applies displacements to the top nodes, it is required that dt o E0.01 ms. The reason for

this is that in the latter model the circular paths followed by the bristle tops are approximated by polygons, and the abrupt changes of the direction of motion of these nodes tend to produce reliable results only if dt is very small. The model presented in this work requires much shorter computing times and, therefore, has been selected. The model has also been validated by comparing its results with experimental data obtained by Peel [14] for a horizontal brush (b 0) rotating at 60, 100, and 140 rpm. This comparison suggests that the model is valid and also have enabled to estimate best t curves m vs for the application of Eq. (5). The following values have been estimated: ms 0.83, mk 0.40, and cv 0.87 s/m. It is noted that for space restrictions only a few details of the sensitivity analyses and validation of the model are presented here. However, Ref. [26] presents details of the validation for the case of a cutting brush.

6. Methodology In this work, the effects of the oscillations of a constrained gutter brush are investigated. To avoid the free ight of the bristles, a horizontal brush, i.e., a brush acting with its mounting board parallel to the road surface, is considered. It is noted that a bristle is in free ight, which usually occurs in a tilted brush, during the part of a revolution when it is not in contact with the surface. As all the bristles undergo similar conditions as the brush rotates and the level of bristlebristle interaction in a horizontal

16 15
2 2 2 v tip max (m /s )

7.6 7.5

14 13 12 11 10

v tip 2 (m 2 /s 2)

7.4 7.3 7.2 7.1

9 8 0 10 20 30 40 50

7 0 10 20 30 40 50

f (Hz)
16 14

f (Hz)
0.5 0.4

| vtipxy| (rad/s)

12 10 8 6 4 0 10 20 30 40 50

Iv tip2 (m 2/s)

0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50

f (Hz)
Fig. 13. Kinematic variables against brush frequency.

f (Hz)

L.V. Vanegas-Useche et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783


brush is minimum, a single bristle is modelled. The study of its behaviour for a complete revolution may be used to obtain the behaviour of the whole brush. The bristle is accelerated from rest at t 0 up to the nominal angular speed in 0.2 s (tA 0.2 s) and is penetrated linearly up to the nominal brush penetration at tB 0.6 s, from where D remains constant up to t 1.7 s. The frequency range studied is 150 Hz; a non-oscillatory brush is also considered. The interval (1.11.7 s), excluding (1.431.6 s), is studied. Some of the reasons for this decision are (a) the effects of the start up of the brush and increasing penetration seem to be insignicant for tZ1.1 s. (b) In (1.11.7 s), the brush rotates about 1 revolution. (c) Gutter brushes normally work tilted, and the sweeping zone width for the brush dimensions considered can be taken as 30 cm. Generally speaking, bristlesurface contact is outside this zone in the interval (1.431.6 s). (d) Tip speed in this interval tends to be very small, and the tip may stick to the surface. Consequently, the friction forces and the direction of motion of the tip become unimportant, as the sweeping action is minimal. The rest of the main parameters selected for the study are given herein. Material properties and related: elastic modulus, E207 GPa; density, r 7800 kg/m3; Poisson ratio, n 0.28; normal contact stiffness for bristlesurface interaction, Kn 2 MN/m. The last value has been estimated by comparing FE results and those of experimental tests for a bristle impacting a concrete test surface. Geometric parameters: bristle mount orientation angle, g 1281; bristle mount angle, f 271; bristle length, lb 240 mm; mount radius, rA 115 mm; bristle breadth, t1 2 mm; bristle width, t2 0.5 mm; number of clusters, nc 24; number of bristles per cluster, nbc 60. These values have been selected because they correspond to actual brushes used in the street sweeping practice and/or have been utilised in previous studies (e.g., [14,15]). For the modelling of the damping produced by internal friction and bristlebristle contact, Rayleigh damping is assumed. The results of experimental tests on clusters of gutter brushes suggest that the following values may be selected: mass matrix multiplier for damping, aD 3 s 1, and stiffness matrix multiplier for damping, bD 0.4 ms. Other operating and modelling parameters are gravity, g 9.8066 m/s2; brush penetration, D 10 mm; initial gap, Dgap 5 mm; vehicle speed, v 1.39 m/s; mean rotational speed, om 100 rpm; alternating component of the rotational speed, oa 10 rpm; smoothness parameter, b 0.05; number of beam elements per bristle, 16; time step, dt 0.1 ms; and integration time step, dtITS 5 ms.

of Ff, and/or the intensity of Ff. However, as f approaches 50 Hz, the advantage of brush oscillations tends to lessen. A discussion of the trends exhibited by the force-related curves is provided in Section 7.3. 7.2. Motion and velocity of the bristle tip The path of the bristle tip of a conventional brush in the interval 1.11.7 s is shown in Fig. 15. As discussed in Section 6, the width of the practical sweeping zone (dashed box) is taken as 30 cm, and the portion of the path that lies outside this zone (dashed curve) is not of main interest. In addition, Fig. 16 provides a zoom of a portion of the path of the bristle tip for a number of frequencies. It is observed that the path of the bristle of a conventional brush tends to be smooth. When brush oscillations are superimposed onto the brush rotation, the path tends to be


Ff max (N)



0.08 0 10 20 30 40 50

f (Hz)
0.1 0.098

W Ff (J)

0.096 0.094 0.092 0.09 0 10 20 30 40 50

7. Results and discussion 7.1. Main results Figs. 13 and 14 present the main results of the analyses. Fig. 13(a)(c) suggests that brush oscillations tend to increase the maximum and average values of the square of the bristle tip velocity and to enhance rotations of the tip velocity vector. As for the intensity of v2 , this has been dened with reference tip to a brush without oscillations. Thus, Fig. 13(d) can be used to compare oscillatory brushes for different frequencies, but it cannot be used on its own to compare oscillatory brushes to a conventional brush. In general, all the data in Fig. 13 exhibit peaks at about 4, 15, and 28 Hz, which, according to the dened performance criteria, would tend to produce improved performance. The reasons for the occurrence of these maximum values are discussed in Section 7.2. Similarly, Fig. 14 indicates that for certain frequencies brush oscillations may increase the maximum friction force, the work

f (Hz)


IFf (N s)



0.002 0 10 20 30 40 50

f (Hz)
Fig. 14. Force-related variables against brush frequency.


L.V. Vanegas-Useche et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783

distorted. An analysis shows that the higher the brush frequency, f, the higher the frequency of oscillation of the tip about the path of a conventional brush. For low frequencies (e.g., 3 Hz), due to the relatively slow variation in speed from 90 to 110 rpm, the path tends to deviate from its counterpart of a conventional brush, which rotates at a constant speed of 100 rpm. For high frequencies (e.g., 50 Hz), the tip tends to follow the path that a conventional brush bristle would follow. In contrast, for intermediate frequencies (e.g., 28 Hz), a resonant behaviour seems to occur, and the oscillations of the tip tend to be enhanced. This may improve sweeping performance. Bristle tip oscillations may also be illustrated by 9ovtipxy9. In Fig. 17, it may be observed that the higher f, the greater the frequency of oscillation of 9ovtipxy9, which is in agreement with the ndings discussed in the preceding paragraph, and the larger the angular speed peaks of the tip velocity vector. Fig. 13(c) shows that the highest value of 9ovtipxy 9 occurs when f29 Hz. Thus, a frequency around 29 Hz may improve debris removal, as this may be swept from a wide range of directions. It is noted that the high

Boundary line


peak in Fig. 17(a) for f4 Hz is due to the abrupt change of direction of the tip velocity outside the practical sweeping zone. It is also noted that, to focus on the relevant results, in all the curves in this section, the parts that correspond to the tips being outside the sweeping zone are omitted. This is because there is no need of sweeping outside this zone, as the suction unit or wide broom will collect the debris that lies outside. Thus, the performance of the bristles sliding on any part of the surface outside the sweeping zone should not be considered. To appreciate the real extent of bristle tip oscillations, Fig. 18 shows some examples in a plane where x and y are at the same scale. It is observed that even for f29 Hz (around which the highest tip oscillations occur), the oscillations of the tip are not considerable. Therefore, criterion (g) in Section 4 (direction of the tip velocity) does not seem to be a critical factor for the cases studied. As for the square of vtip, Fig. 19 provides curves v2 t for a tip number of frequencies. It can be observed that the frequency of oscillation of v2 increases with f. It may also be noticed that the tip amplitude of oscillation of v2 around the curve for f0 vary with tip the frequency. In Fig. 13(a), (b), and (d), it is observed that when
2 f is 15 or 16 Hz, v2 tipmax, vtip , and Iv2 are maximised. Therefore,




1.2 0

x (m)
Kerb edge

Practical sweeping zone

y (m)
Fig. 15. Path of the bristle tip for a conventional brush (f 0).


1.6 x (m )


1.4 0.165 0.17 0.175

f f f f

=0 = 3 Hz = 28 Hz = 50 Hz
Fig. 16. Path of the bristle tip for a set of frequencies.

0.18 y (m )

according to the dened criteria, a frequency very close to 15 or 16 Hz would produce improved sweeping. Although f15 Hz produces the maximum value of v2 tipmax, this maximum occurs at t 1.43 s (Fig. 19(a)), where the bristle tip is leaving the practical sweeping zone. In fact, f 14 Hz produces higher amplitudes of oscillation of v2 than those for f13 and tip 15 Hz. That frequency also tends to produce higher peaks of v2 over the sweeping zone. Therefore, 14 Hz would be the tip frequency of choice if the highest peak velocities over the sweeping zone are desired. On the other hand, Fig. 13(a) shows that, in the range 1950 Hz, v2 tipmax is maximum for f 28 Hz. A detailed analysis corroborates that the amplitudes of oscillation of v2 are the highest around this frequency in this interval. tip In addition, the higher the frequency, the larger the number of velocity peaks. Thus, high frequencies may increase the probability of dislodging a larger number of debris pieces. Furthermore, as the highest frequencies have the capability of increasing the velocity of the tip at a high frequency, when a bristle looses kinetic energy while sweeping debris, it may recover its energy more quickly and be able to dislodge more debris. Therefore, a high frequency may be of advantage.
2 Finally, as mentioned in Section 7.1, peak values of v2 tipmax, vtip ,

9ovtipxy 9, and Iv2 are obtained for about 4, 15, and 28 Hz. An

analysis of the kinematics of the bristle for f 4 Hz indicates that

| v tip xy| (rad/s)

60 40 20 0 1.1 1.3
t (s)

| v tip xy| (rad/s)


f =0 f = 4 Hz f = 11 H z

100 80 60 40 20 0 1.5 1.7 1.1

f = 28 H z f = 50 H z

t (s)



Fig. 17. Absolute values of the angular speed of the tip velocity vector against time, for a set of frequencies.

L.V. Vanegas-Useche et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783


this frequency produces favourable conditions for the tip to stick to the surface outside the sweeping zone. This adhesion produces storage of elastic energy, which is then released when the tip is entering the sweeping zone, causing high tip velocities. Taking into account that the peak values in Fig. 13 for 4 Hz are small and that the dynamics near the boundary line (shown in Fig. 15) are not very important and this frequency does not seem to improve signicantly brush performance. As for 15 and 28 Hz, the peaks seem to occur due to a resonant behaviour. As the bristles deform and vibrate in a 3-D space, this behaviour depends on the bending and torsional natural frequencies of the bristle. It also depends on the magnitude and direction of the sliding velocity, which changes due to the sweeper speed and bristle kinematics, and the variation of the coefcient of friction with sliding velocity. The results reported in this section suggest that a resonant behaviour tends to occur towards the bottom of the gutter, i.e., towards the kerb, for fE28 Hz and towards the boundary line for fE14 Hz.

To conclude, as far as the kinematics of the bristle tip is concerned, frequencies that may improve performance are about 1416, 2729 Hz, and maybe 50 Hz. The amount of improvement may be signicant, as the term v2 tipmax may be increased by 52% (from 10.3 to 15.7 m2/s2), and v2 by 5% (from 7.1 to 7.5 m2/s2). tip

7.3. Friction forces Fig. 20 shows curves Ffsxy for a selection of frequencies; the variables Ff and sxy were dened in Section 4. The curve for f0 is smooth, due to the relatively smooth motion of the bristle of the conventional brush. When there are brush oscillations, the curve exhibits noticeable peaks or oscillations, whose frequency increases with f. This is in agreement with the ndings in Section 7.2. When f is small (e.g., f4 Hz), the friction curve tends to be similar to its counterpart for f 0. However, a high value of Ff occurs for f4 Hz (see also Fig. 14(a)), due to the reasons discussed in Section 7.2. This large friction force produces large values of WFf and IFf (see Fig. 14(b) and (c)), but it occurs near the boundary line. Therefore, this frequency does not seem to be of great advantage, as stated in Section 7.1. The oscillations of the friction force are caused by variations of the normal force produced by bristle vibrations and the variability of the kinematics of the system as the bristle rotates on the translating surface. The variations of the coefcient of friction, which are due to variations in tip velocity, also affect these oscillations. An analysis of the results indicates that the high

x (m)





1.5 0.15

f =0 f = 29 H z

f = 50 H z


y (m)
Fig. 18. Path of the bristle tip for three frequencies.

16 14 12
v tip (m /s )

f = 0 Hz f = 14 H z f = 15 H z
v tip (m /s )

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 1.1 1.3 1.5


f = 28 H z f = 50 H z

10 8 6 4 2 0 1.1 1.3 1.5 1.7


t (s)

t (s)

Fig. 19. Tip velocity squared against time for a set of frequencies.

0.18 0.16 0.14

F f (N)

f = 0 Hz f = 4 Hz f = 13 Hz
F f (N)

0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06

f = 20 Hz f = 28 Hz f = 50 Hz

0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0 0.5 1 1.5



s xy (m)
Fig. 20. Friction force against xy tip displacement for a set of frequencies.

s xy (m)


L.V. Vanegas-Useche et al. / Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 47 (2011) 771783

values of Ff max in Fig. 14(a), for 10 rfr18 Hz, as well as f 4 Hz, do not tend to occur because of the high amplitudes of oscillation of the curve Ffsxy. These high values, which tend to occur near the boundary line, are exhibited due to the phenomena referred to above, together with the fact that these frequencies cause tipsurface adhesion, as may be inferred from, e.g., Fig. 19(a) for 14 Hz. The high coefcient of friction that prevails when adhesion takes place enables the friction force to reach high values. These high friction forces may not constitute a great advantage, because they occur near the boundary line where tip velocities are small and the sweeping action is limited. Consequently, the criterion related to Ff max (criterion (b) in Section 4) does not seem to be a key issue in this case. Regarding the work of the friction force, Fig. 14(b) indicates that it does not vary greatly for the different frequencies. It is maximum for f4 Hz, for which 5% more work is done than for a conventional brush. It is minimum for f14 Hz, for which 2% less work is done than for f0. Some of the values of WFf in the range 1219 Hz are small due to tipsurface adhesion. It is also found that the amplitudes of oscillation of the curve Ffsxy increase with f in the range 012 Hz. They decrease with increasing f in the range 1320 Hz, then rise from 20 to 28 Hz, and decrease again. Consequently, maximum amplitudes of oscillation of the curve Ff sxy are exhibited around 12 or 13 Hz and 28 Hz approximately. This is reected by the intensity of the friction force (Fig. 14(c)). The results in Fig. 20 are in agreement with the nding in the preceding section that the resonant behaviour tends to occur mainly towards the bottom of the gutter for fE28 Hz and towards the boundary line for fE14 Hz. In the light of the preceding discussion, the main criterion regarding the friction force seems to be the one related to the intensity of Ff, IFf, (criterion (c)). From Figs. 14(c) and 20, the frequency that produces the highest IFf and the maximum peak friction forces over the practical sweeping zone is about 28 Hz. A frequency of about 13 Hz could also be advantageous. In addition, higher frequencies would produce a high number of friction force peaks, which may improve performance, as discussed for the case of v2 . To conclude, considering the force-related criteria, increased tip sweeping effectiveness may be obtained for frequencies close to 25 31 Hz (mainly 28 Hz), 13 Hz, and maybe 50 Hz. 7.4. Additional remarks As in the case of freely rotating oscillatory gutter brushes [10,11], the results of this work suggest that brush oscillations have a signicant effect on the dynamics of a constrained gutter brush. Brush oscillations may be required when dealing with compacted and sticky debris, as it has been demonstrated that loose debris does not require very high sweeping forces, provided that the appropriate brush setting is used [15]. According to the FE results, brush oscillations may improve brushing performance, mainly for the frequency ranges 1316 and 2531 Hz. Although this work provides evidence of the potential benets of using brush oscillations, further analyses are necessary in order to determine optimised brush oscillations. Future work with the FE model developed includes the study of the effects of other parameters such as oscillatory function type, b, R oa/om, om, v, g, and D. Further studies may also include the modelling of debris particles and bristlebristle interaction.

parameters. The rotation and oscillation of the brush, as well as gravity, are modelled by inertia forces, and the surface is displaced and rotated. The bristles are modelled as beams elements, and bristlesurface and bristlebristle interaction may be modelled by means of contact pairs. An exponential friction model is assumed for the contact elements, and the coefcient of friction for steel bristle concrete surface contact is based on available experimental results. The damping produced by internal friction and bristlebristle contact is modelled by means of Rayleigh damping. The damping coefcients used in this study, as well as the normal contact stiffness, have been obtained experimentally. The model has been validated through another FE model developed by the authors and existing results of experimental tests. Finally, the model has been applied to study the behaviour of a horizontal gutter brush with a bristle mount orientation angle of 1281. The results of this paper are, therefore, applicable to the particular brush studied. Some criteria for assessing brushing efciency were proposed and applied to estimate performance. It is concluded that brush oscillations may be advantageous for a horizontal gutter brush. For the particular brush studied, they may improve brushing performance for the frequency ranges 1316 and 2531 Hz.

Acknowledgements This research is supported by the Universidad Tecnologica de Pereira, the University of Surrey, and the Programme Alban, European Union Programme of High Level Scholarships for Latin America, identication number (E03D04976CO). References
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