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MAGGAY, NERISSA S. Third State of the Nation Address of President Benigno S.

Aquino III Batasan Pambansa Complex, Quezon City July 23, 2012 Reaction Paper:


A man, who lives in the past, finally gave his 40-paged SONA for the 3rd time. Most of the teens treat this day a holiday but for the majority of the nation this moment is the time we all stand up and start busting our buts in front of the television. For more than an hour we glued not just our eyes but our ears on the television, but for some people, they didnt waste this opportunity in stating out their grievances against the government. Protestors were present just outside the Batasan Pambansa Complex where the SONA (State of the Nation Address) took place. Although, if Im not mistaken there was a little violence that occurred but there was no death in account. For some reason I find President Benigno S. Aquinos SONA very unreliable, senseless, notworth-listening and any other words with less you can think of, but I cant hide the fact that his SONA was well written and well delivered. Everything was swell its just that I dont like the one whos delivering it. I may sound biased but this is a reaction paper and it is suppose to be opinionated. To give you a little background of the star of the SONA, President Benigno Aquino was the only son of Corazon Aquino, the first female president that saved us from the dictatorship of Marcos and Ninoy Aquino known from being killed in the airport when he got back from states because he was simply against Marcos rules. After Corazon Aquino died I could assume that he was simply forced in running as a president. I could see it in him that he wasnt ready he was just pressured of public demand. Our Presidents past two SONA is somehow just the same with his 3rd address. He keeps on mentioning the past governances and indirectly blames it on the problems we are facing right now. He discussed the Sin Tax, the tax that has been on discussion for years, it raises the taxes on cigarettes and liquor; dengue, health care, classrooms, maternal mortality and responsible parenthood. He mentioned the downward movement of the rate of dengue in our country but why the DOH said that it actually increased this year. From 10,000 there are now 30,801 nurses deployed in various barangays in the country. A total of 85% of the population is now a member of PhilHealth. The right use of the budget is the solution and not the implementation of RH bill. He said responsible parenthood and not reproductive health. Backlog of schools can be put at rest by responsible parenthood. He also did mention topics like, unemployment rate, TESDA, DepEd budget, BPO industry, new airports, NAIA3 and elevated NLEX-SLEX connectors.

We cant just simply forgive and forget the phrase he keeps on saying on the latter part. What is he trying to tell us exactly? That we should hold grudge from the past government for they are the reason why we are suffering from this problems and we should thank him because, if not for him we would not be experiencing these improvements like investors are the one who seeks for us and its not us who seeks for them, the fact that before we have a lot of debts that we tend to borrow money from others and now we are actually the one lending the money? There are improvements and Im grateful about it but we have to Forgive and Forget. We cant live our life in the past. We have to move on. Yes mistakes from the past will surely guide us in the future but blaming the past is not the right thing to do. With all honestly I like what he said on the last part of his address the part where he has this You made this happen remarks, it sounds very genteel to me. It feels like as if he believes in our capabilities but at the same time throwing us a big a responsibility of taking care of our lives. Hes practically right. The way he tells us that we are the one who is responsible for our actual doings and that we should be very careful about it because an act of one can affect a many, I like that. I may be only 16 but I want to believe that I had a good say to all of this. I may not be as clever as our president but I still want to believe that I know what is wrong in our country and that the people in authority specifically the politicians only looks at it and refuse to see it. I may only be a girl but I have strength greater than man that will surely help me do my best to do good and somehow help our country. It may take another hundred steps for people to notice it but its a good way to go.

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