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B.E./B.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATION, JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2009 First Semester 080230001 FUNDAMENTALS OF COMPUTING AND PROGRAMMING (Regulation 2008) Time: Three hours maximum: 100 Marks Answer ALL questions PART A (10 X 2 = 20 marks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Give any two tasks which humans perform better than computers. What is the use of computers in medicine and healthcare? Convert the binary number 100110 in to its octal equivalent. What are registers? Distinguish between application software and system software. What is soft loading? What are the steps involved in booting? Distinguish between graphical browsers and text browsers. What are the disadvantages of assembly language? What are the features of a good programming language? What is a loader? What are its basic tasks? What is a ternary operator? Give an example. What is use of break statement in C. List the rules for defining variable in c. What is an identifier? Give any two example for an identifier. Write a C program to print the following pattern. 0 101 21 0 1 2 17. Is it possible to refer to the elements of an array by using pointer natation? If so, give an example. 18. What will the output of the following program be? #include<stdio.h> main() { charname[15]=mountain; printf(%s/n ,name); printf(%55\n,name); printfi %8s\n,name); printf(%-10.4s,name); } 19. What is recursion? Give its applications. 20. What are the advantages of pointers? PART B (5X16=80marks) 21. a) Explain the various loop structure available in C. b) Write a C program using a user-defined function to sort numbers in descending order. 22. Explain in detail how an array can be passed as a parameter in a user-defined function. Illustrate your answer with an example program. 23. Explain in detail about the different generations of computers. 24. a) Explain briefly about the evolution of the internet. b) Define URL.Give its basic structure with an example. (6) (6) (12) (12) (8) (4)
25. a) Explain the various steps involved in the program development cycle. b) Give the advantage and limitations of i) Flowchart ii) Pseudocode 26 a) Explain briefly the various chargacteristics of computers. b) Explain briefly about the following classes of computers: i) Mainframe computers ii) Super computers 27. a) Write a C program to check if a given number is a prime number. b) Write a C program to convert the number of years represented by an integer into the following units of time: i) Minutes ii) Hours iii) Days iv) Months v) Seconds Use switch() statement.State the assumption in your program. (8) (4) (6) (6)

(6) (6)

28. a) The following program was intended to interchange the values assigned to two integer variables. #include <stdio.h> void swap(int x, int y) { int p,q; p=x; q=y; x=q; y=p; } void main( ) { int a=5; int b=3; swap(a,b); printf(%d %d\n, a,b); } What will be the output of this program? Explain why the program will not give the desired output. (6) b) How will you modify the program so that the values are interchanged in the function swap( ) and are displayed in the function main( )? (6)

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