OCD Session Plan

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JRE School of Business Post Graduate Diploma in Management Course Outline Course Title: Organizational Change & Development

Instructor: Prof. Nitin Salunkhe PGDM- 2011-2013 E Mail: nitin.salunkhe@jre.edu.in Course Credit: 3 Trimester: VI Acad.Year: 2012-2013

Objectives of the course: . To provide in depth understanding of behavioural interventions and To enable the students to apply these interventions for building individual, team, system, systems and process related competencies and helping organizational to achieve peak performance and become self sustaining

TOPICS: Understanding Organizational Processes & Change Organizational Change Management Nature of Organizational Development Organizational Development Interventions

LEARNING OUTCOMES: LO1.1: The leaner will be introduced to the field of Organizational Change LO1.2: The learner will be able to weight the importance of Organizational Processes, Structure LO1.3: The leaner will get in research insights through the theory of systems by Kauffman LO2.1: To understand the relevance of Organizational Design LO2.2: The learner will clearly be able to speak & correlate concept of Organizational Design LO3.1: To recognize the importance of need for organizational change LO3.2: To identify and weight change triggers of person in organization and in the peer group.

LO4.1 : The learner will be able to synthesize theory with case LO5.1: The learner will be able to understand concept of change processes LO6.1: The learner will be in a position to relate the concept change principles LO7.1: To recite the importance of Change Management-The skill & Iceberg and LO8.1: To understand the role of Technology in Change Management LO9.1: The learner will be able to comprehend Organizational Culture & Change LO10.1:The learner will be able to understand the concept of Organizational Development LO:11.1:The learner will be able to contemplate the theory of Diagnostic Cycle LO13.1: To ponder on the concept of OD Interventions LO14.1: The learner will be able to apply model of OD Interventions LO 15.1: The learner will be able to integrate learnt theories of OCD *LO stands for Learning Outcomes

METHODOLOGY/ PEDAGOGY: A variety of learning methods will be used which will emphasize a cooperative learning format. Instructor will facilitate a participative learning experience through lectures, discussions and presentations combined with practical exercises. Students will be encouraged to discuss issues of topical interest. Specific methods include: - Particularly emphasis will be placed upon the projects and applications - Practical skills: through Net based exploratory exercises/ field project/ assignment

Session Plan:
SESSION WISE INSTRUCTION PLAN Session 1 Topic LO1.1 LO1.2 LO1.3 Opening Vignette Essential Readings Topic LO2.1 LO2.2 Video Essential Readings Topic LO3.1 LO3.2 : Understanding Organizational Processes Definitions and Principles of Organization Types of Organizational Structure Kauffman System Theory : Man in the System : Book 1,Ch-1, Pg- 3-22 : Organizational Design Bureaucratic Model Behavioral Model : Design of TTB : Book 1,Ch-1, Pg- 28-29 : Introduction to Organizational Change Need for Organizational Change Change Triggers Concept and Process theories of OC-Kurt Lewin, Lipptts, Prochasaka and DiClmentes change theory : Navigate and Rediscover Change in the E-world : Book 1,Ch -2, Pg- 38-50 : HBR Case Presentation : Will Be Distributed in Class : Book 1,Ch- 3, Pg-1-50 : Organizational Change Process Organizational Change Process : Corporate Change Video & Assignment No 1 & Quiz-1 : Book 1,Ch -3, Pg-82-93 : Organizational Change Management Change Management Principles Types of Change : Foreseeing the Problem Before It Is Late : Book 1,Ch-5, Pg-124-138 : Change Management-The Skill Change Management Iceberg

Session 2 & 3

Session 4

Session 5-6

Case Incident Essential Readings Topic LO4.1 Case: HBR Essential Readings Topic LO5.1 Video & Assignment Essential Readings Topic LO6.1

Session 7 & 8

Session 9& 10

Case Incident Essential Readings Session 11&12 Topic LO7.1

Session 13-14

Exercise Essential Readings Topic LO8.1

Session 15

Session 16- 17

Session 18-19

Session 20

Session 21-22 Session 23-24

Session 25

Session 26

: Class Exercise : Book 1,Ch-6, Pg-158-167 : Technology Management Concept of technologies Proactive and Reactive Technologies Technology Transition Articles Analysis : HBR Article Essential Readings : Book 1, Ch-7, Pg-209-211 & Ch-8. Pg-225-232 Topic : Organizational Culture & Change LO9.1 Aspects of Organizational Culture Dimensions of Culture & Their Influences Video : Culture Essential Reading Book 1,Ch-10, Pg-255-261 Topic : Nature of Organizational Development LO10.1 Introduction, Definition & concepts of OD Certain Clarifications about OD Opening Vignette : Organizational Development Through Work Culture Transformation Essential Readings : Book 1,Ch-13, Pg-329-330 Topic : Organizational Diagnosis & Development LO11.1 The Diagnostic Cycle Exercise : In Class Exercise & Quiz 2 Essential Readings : Book 1,Ch-6, Pg-158-167 Critical Review on : A Video on Organizational Diagnosis Interview (Video) Topic : Different Forms of Organizational Diagnosis LO12.1 Organizational Analysis for Diagnosis Exercise : In Class Exercise Essential Readings : Book 1,Ch14, Pg-359-361 Topic : HBR Case Presentation LO4.1 Topic : Organizational Development Interventions LO13.1 Introduction to OD Interventions Different Models & Approaches of OD Organizational Life Cycle Model Case Study : Organizational Development at General Electric (GE) Essential Readings : Book 1,Ch-15, Pg-381-387 Topic : OD Models LO14.1 Leavitts Model Open systems Theory Exercise : In-Class Exercise & Quiz 3 Essential Readings : Book 1,Ch-15, Pg-387-390 Topic : LO14.1 Weisbords Model Case Study : Managing Motivation in a Difficult Economy

Session 27 Text Book: 1.

Essential Readings Topic LO15.1

: Book 1,Ch-15, Pg-390-392 : Group Presentation & Revision

Dipak Kumar Bhattacharya, Organizational Change and Development, Oxford Publication

References: 2. Cummings, Thomas G. and Christopher G. Worley, Organization Development and Change, Thomson Learning 3. Ramnarayan S., T.V. Rao and Kuldeep Singh, Organization Development Interventions and Strategies, response Books, New Delhi. 4. French, Wendell L. and Cecil H. Bell, Organization Development, PHI, New Delhi 5. Chowdhury, Subir, Organization 21C, Pearson Education Journals/Magazines: Harvard Business Review IIMB Management Review Human Capital (Magazine) Web source: Society of Human Resource Management http://www.shrmindia.org/
Additional Reading / case material may be distributed from time to time as required

Likely Evaluation Scheme: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Class Participation: 5% Quizzes / Cases / Assignments: 20% Mid Term Exam (Open Book): 20% Group Term Paper / live/Project/Group Presentation: 15% End Term Exam (Open Book): 40% Total: 100%

The likely scale for awarding marks for Component 1 and 4 (as above) will be as under: The Rating of the Likely Marks for component-1 Likely Marks for component-4 Component (CP / Reflective Notes) (Group Project) (Out of 5) (Out of 20) 5 17-20 4 14-16 3 11-13 2 7-10 0-1 0-6

Grading Scheme: The indicative relative grading scheme may be as under: Grade A+ A AB+ B BC+ C CD Likely Top Nine Grades will be divided in the range of maximum to 35% Percentages 5% Guidelines for Case Analysis by Groups:
In addition to the cases generally discussed in class, students are expected to take a lead in case analysis exercises. Students will form groups. The names of the members of each group will be intimated to the faculty latest by the end of session three. Request for subsequent changes will not be entertained. The groups may or may not be the same as for the Project Assignment. Cases will be allotted to the groups with a delivery schedule. Each student is expected to make substantial contribution to the group effort The group will analyze the case and make a presentation of the issues & their findings, supported by a PowerPoint presentation of 6-10 slides

F Below 35%

Important Notes: 1. Case assignments: Students will prepare cases in groups of 5 - 6 students (size is dependent on class enrollment). Case assignments and due dates will be indicated in the class. Case assignments will be graded using the following criteria: a) Analyzing each question effectively 20% b) Identifying and evaluating alternative solutions 20% c) Linking the case to strategic issues 20% d) Organizing the case logically 20% e) Quality of the presentation 20%; Total 100% 2. Class participation / Reflective Notes: Students are expected to have read the material for class and to participate actively in every class. Class participation marks will be given on the quality of the comment, not the quantity and how these comments relate to the ongoing discussion. Reflective notes should mention only the key learning from each session (point wise and very briefly) + mention of students own contribution to that particular session. 3. Project guidelines will be issued separately. 4. Course Handout (H) can be collected from the PGP office. 5. All the PPTs and other research material can be downloaded from LMS. But any unauthorized use of the PPTs either during or after the course is strictly prohibited. 6. Students are expected to enter in to the class with full preparation and enthusiasm. 7. There will be no reexamination for any missed evaluation component. 8. Students are expected to be above reproach in all scholastic activities and disciplinary issues. Students who engage in scholastic dishonesty or indiscipline are subject to disciplinary penalties. 9. Very Important Note: The instructor reserves all rights to fine-tune / modify

the above mentioned session plan and the grading scheme as may be required.

Wishing you all the best in your learning endeavor!

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