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Tel: 62740251

January 2013

Verbum Dei Missionaries Singapore 73 Taman Mas Merah Singapore 128195 Tel: 62740251 Email: Website:

Editor Says
Every 25th January, the Church celebrates the turning point of a very special person, i.e. St. Paul. This historical and life-changing moment came about because of a personal encounter with Jesus. When Saul, later known as Paul, was struck down on his way to persecute Christians in Damascus, he heard a voice asking him, 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?' This encounter with the Risen Christ radically re-directed his plans, goals and priorities. Fallen, confused and humiliated, Paul asked a very important question that started his journey of seeking and finding God's will for him, 'What must I do, Lord?' His question led him from being a persecutor to a preacher, from a sinner to a saint. At the end, he was martyred under Emperor Nero. Like St Paul, we too have experienced moments in life that changed us forever. Sometimes, we might take time to actually realise just how one, just one short moment, can have the power to change our lives and its trajectory. When was your last life-changing moment? Changing a new job? Getting married? Deciding to change a bad habit? Life-changing moments come in all shapes and sizes. Some are positive while others are sad and tragic which make us to wish they never happen. However, I believe that some negative moments which we see as bad and terrible can actually be blessings in disguise, when we look at them with eyes of faith. Paul's life-changing moment along the road to Damascus led him to go and change the lives of so many others for the better by bringing the Good News of Jesus to their lives. When is the last time you helped change someone else's life for the better?

Science and Engine Faculties Day of Recollection "Many Parts, One Body" 9th January 2013

National University of Singapore

Before another school term started, the Seng (Sci and Engine) students had their day of recollection at St. Ignatius Church. It was a day to gather and reflect deeply about their own journey of faith in being part of the Body of Christ as well as to see how the community can grow further in this New Year.

Our Mission Statement for 2013: Seng: A Faith community, called to love as a Family in Christ, Outreaching to others with charity.

Coming out with the vision and mission statement for the New Year 2013

We are proud to present our VERBUM DEI Youth Club 13th January 2013

1st meeting !

Taiwan -Singapore CD project 26th January to 2nd February 2013

Verbum Dei Taiwan and Singapore decided to do a joint project as a celebration of our 50th Anniversary. Our CD will be on sale soon! The Tuesday disciples hosted our guests and even organised an afternoon

Recording day!

of recollection for them.

Monika singing in the choruses of two Chinese songs

Vdei Singapore will be contributing 3 English songs to the CD. The songs will be recorded in March.

Super Sunday! Recollection

Moments of Tourism

Faith formation on the Word of God: Bible studies on Gospel of St Luke, alternate Saturdays

Ever wondered what the Verbum Dei Missionaries do???

Take a peek into the fruitful days of the community

Mothers prayer group on alternate Friday mornings

Publications of the weekly Prayer for Living and monthly ViDa issues

Weekly School of the Word every Thursday nights


Choir practices for World Day of Consecrated Life Mass on 1st February

School of the Word for couples every last Saturday of the month

Giving retreats, faith formation sessions to parish groups

Outreach to the NUS Science and Engine students 8


Missionaries work closely with the disciples of the community. Being a disciple means that he/she commits him/herself to actively participate in the same charism and mission of Verbum Dei, i.e. Prayer, Preaching and Being a witness to the Word of God. Disciples take and renew their promises yearly. They attend formations on a weekly/monthly basis. We have 30 disciples in our community.

Saturday couple disciples: Formation is on every second Saturday of the month.

Sunday couple disciples: Formation is on every first, second and third Sundays of the month

9 Tuesday disciples: Formation is on every Tuesday nights

Fund-raising: A Permanent Home for Verbum Dei Singapore

We have been in Singapore since 1997. Over the past 15 years, we have lived in 5 different rented locations. At each premise, we are at the mercy of rental increments. We are presently located at 73 Taman Mas Merah for the past 1 year or so. This coming May, the rent of this house would likely to be increased. The time has come to have a permanent home without moving around like nomads. We are now urgently looking for a house and to raise funds for it. As the apostolate comes to the premise for prayer sessions and formation on the Word of God as well as retreats and counselling/spiritual direction, a permanent house with a big chapel space will be instrumental to the mission as it would be the focal point of these activities for the Verbum Dei Community. And so, we would like to appeal to your generosity to help make this project a reality! For more information, please email us at: or contact us at 62740251. God bless, Verbum Dei Missionaries


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