Total Eclipse Episode Two

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Episode Two

Written By Liam Jacobs

Based on, School, Horror, Drama.

Address Phone Number

PREVIOUSLY ON TOTAL ECLIPSE Stanley knocks on the door, Alice answer's it. ALICE Oh it's you STANLEY What is it? ALICE I'm sorry. It's not working. STANLEY Fine, but when i see you again you'll be sorry!! FLASH OF BLACK: Stanley places the explosive on the table, and sets it. FLASH OF BLACK: The school explodes, Screams mix with it. Inside the prom hall a light falls from the sealing. And Eric, Owen and Mike fall the floor, Eric's phone smashes. FLASH OF BLACK: Eric screams out "MIKE WATCH OUT!!" Mike looks up into the sky, the school sign falls from the sky swinging closer and closer to him, His scream echos as it goes closer. FLASH OF BLACK: Eric and Stanley are in the hallway. ERIC What do you want? STANLEY (evil smile) You don't know me?..Explosion. ERIC You did it, Mike's dead because of you. Stay away from me!!. Eric runs up the stairs away from him, He turns around to see if he's following, he turns around, Stanley is standing infront of him. Stanley pushes him down the stairs.


Eric slams flat on the floor. Suddenly, Stanley's face shape shifts to Owen. FLASH OF BLACK: Owen smiles evilly. FLASH OF BLACK: ERIC WAKES UP, TAKING A BIG DEEP BREATH. THE SCREEN IMMEDIATELY TURNS TO BLACK. 00:01:10

The Title flash onto the screen. "TOTAL ECLIPSE" IT ZOOMS CLOSER TO THE SCREEN.. CUT TO: INT. ERIC'S ROOM - ALICE'S HOUSE - MORNING FEELING GOOD BY MUSE FADES IN Eric is laying on his bed, thinking. As he thinks it projects to the sealing he stares at it. ON SEALING - IN ERIC'S MIND-Mike looks up into the sky and sees the school sign swinging closer and closer. CUT TO: *off sealing* CLOSE UP - Eric's eyes close slowly, A little tear goes down his face, His eyes open fast as.. ALICE (from living room) Eric you'll be late. His hand wipes across his face as he wipes the tear of his face. EXT. LAS VEGAS COLLAGE - FRONT GATES A car parks, Eric slides out of the back seat, He closes the door. He walks through the gates. ALICE (from inside car) (MORE) 00:02:47 00:01:32

Eric. Eric stops, Closes his eyes, he opens them quickly as he turns around and walks back to the car. ERIC What. ALICE Are you going to be ok? You dont have to come to school today. ERIC I'm OK. Just Ok ok. ALICE You'll be fine. OK (To herself) Stop worrying!! ERIC Don't pick me up tonight ok, because i'm going over to Owen's tonight. ALICE OK but be back by 11. ERIC OK Don't be worrying. ALICE I have a reason, because some did try to kill you. ERIC What! Owen stands behind him. OWEN Eric are you ready. ERIC (to Owen) Yes. ALICE (to Owen,Eric) Bye guys (smiles) ERIC Bye mum. Alice's starts the car, and drives away.

Owen and Eric walk through the gates. OWEN Listen, Are you OK? ERIC (shouts) Will everyone just stop asking me how i'm feeling!! Eric walks away, leaving Owen. INT. ERIC'S ROOM Alice is tiding his room, She folds his bedsheets. A diary falls onto the floor. She walks over and opens it. ALICE (reads from the notebookto herself) January, 31 2014..Dear Diary it's been five weeks since the explosion at my school and it's very hard to get on with life when your best friend fell victim of the disaster, Luckily me and Owen weren't hurt just minor cuts, My mum Alice was very kind to help me in anyway she could. There's just one thing i think my mom is keeping something from me and i don't like it. Let's hope i can get through today without it being a drama. She closes the Diary. She stands and puts the diary the bed. CUT TO: INT. KITCHEN - CONTINUOUS Alice grabs a cloth and cleans the dinner table IN THE LIVING ROOM-The TV is on and a news report stating about Stanley. CUT TO: 00:03:29 00:03:19

INT. KITCHEN Alice's keeps cleaning as she doesn't notice. ON THE TV SCREEN - IN LIVING ROOM-The camera zooms closer to the TV Screen.


NEWS REPORTER (on TV) One of the most violent murders in the city has escaped from a prison here in Los Vegas, Stanley Leggin was previously brought to Jail after planting an explosive in Las Vegas High school, Killing 5 people, 5 students and 3 Staff at the school, ClOSE UP: News Reporter's face

NEWS REPORTER We ask anyone to come forward if they have seen him and his whereabouts But if you are to see him please phone 09214 29138 1921 and stay clear of him. His picture comes up onto the screen. EXT. LAS VEGAS - TOWN - AFTERNOON Stanley walks down the streets, wearing a zipped up black hoodie, the hoodie covers his face. CUT TO: CLOSE UP: Stanley's dark and angry face is now abit seeable under the black hoodie as he lifts his head up. He looks behind him and infront. INT. CAFE - TOWN - LATER Alice and Bestfriend Zoe are sitting having coffee. ZOE How's Eric? ALICE He's putting on a brave face, but i (MORE) 00:05:21 00:04:13

know he still worried. ZOE Ask him. ALICE I did but he just says he is fine. ZOE Maybe he is, give it time. ALICE I read his diary this morning and he knows i know something that's involved with the Explosion at his old school. ZOE AND what is it? ALICE The person who started it, I want to tell him but i'm afraid of hurting him, because one of his friends died in the accident. And i'm just afraid he won't forgive me for not telling him. ZOE I know it's not my place to say but i think you should. Don't let it get you down. I'll get us another cup of coffee. ALICE Thanks. Alice looks out the window, Stanley is standing right outside looking at her. She gets up. Jenny walks over with the coffee's. ZOE What is it? ALICE Oh nothing, i through i seen someone. Alice sits back down. ZOE It will be fine in the end don't worry.

INT. LAS VEGAS COLLAGE - HALLWAY Owen walks down the hallway, He sees Eric looking at the memorial picture on the wall beside his locker for Mike and the Old Principle. Owen stops beside him. ERIC I'm sorry about before it's just so overwhelming and unreal. OWEN What's wrong? Tell me. ERIC It's just since Mike died, I've been having these nightmares and flashbacks of the explosion. OWEN And do these nightmares show you anything?..I mean anything that could be related to the accident. ERIC It was no accident, and yes it shows me alot of things. Alot of them i don't think are real. OWEN Tell me. ERIC Well theirs one that i had last-night,you were in it and where i'm here in the school everything is normal then suddenly a man i couldn't remember his name and he said "Does explosion ring a bell?" He smiles and then i run but then when i turn around to run and i run up the stairs i turn around to see if he's behind me then when i turn around he's standing in front of me and thats when he kills me by pushing me down the stairs and when his face somehow shapeshifts to your face then you start smiling then i woke up. OWEN So you can't remember the guys name?. Because he could be connected.


ERIC It's just a nightmare nothing more. OWEN I know i'm not a person relaxer but nightmares and dreams represent reallife events by make them be connected in a way. ERIC (smiles) Oh ye where did you get that from? The Psycho club. OWEN The what? ERIC Nothing. OWEN Where's Jenny? Is she OK? ERIC It's been five weeks shes still very upset i visited her last night, as i see shes still not in today. Lets just get through today and see what happens tomorrow. What class do we have next? OWEN PE In Gymnasium. INT. BULLPEN - LAS VEGAS POLICE DEPARTMENT - DAY SHERIFF DAVID STATS,40 talks to DEPUTY LACEY BAILEY,30. They both walk into the Bullpen holding papers. SHERIFF STATS What's the problem Deputy? DEPUTY BAILEY The problem is no one has seen him. They both walk into his office. CUT TO: 00:07:20

INT. STAT'S OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Stats opens a draw full of pictures, and shows them two Bailey. SHERIFF STATS What about these? DEPUTY BAILEY No i checked them, there's no connection. Stats puts them on his desk. SHERIFF STATS We need to find him and keep him behind bars forever before he hurts someone else. The Camera pans to the pictures on the desk, The camera zooms closer. .... INT. TOILETS - LAS VEGAS COLLAGE Eric looks into the mirror infront. ERIC (to himself) Come...You can do this... FLASH OF LIGHTING: IN THE MIRROR-ERIC SPOTS SOMEONE STANDING IN A BLACK HOODIE BEHIND HIM. HE TURNS AROUND VERY QUICKLY WITH A BIG DEEP BREATH. NO ONE IS THERE?... ERIC (to himself) Stop it!!! please. His Phone rings!! He looks at his bag pack. And zips it open. And grabs his IPHONE 5, He answers it. ERIC Hello?



ALICE (on phone) Hello Eric. ERIC Oh Hi ALICE I'm just calling to see if you ok..Are you ok? ERIC I'm fine..but i'm still having these nightmares of the accident. ALICE It will go away soon enough. ERIC Speak later bye. Oh and mom i'm not coming home tonight i'm staying at Owen's house for the week ok. ALICE OK Babe. Be safe. CLICK. He hangs up. He tosses the phone back into his Bagpack, And puts the bag onto his bag. CUT TO: INT. CLASSROOM - LATER Eric enters the classroom. The classroom is deserted, Eric walks to his desk and opens the tub underneath. He Takes out his school diary. He sees two male students entering the room, Eric quickly steps into the closet in the class room. STUDENT #1 Sometimes i hate Eric Henson, He's such a twat sometimes i would love to knock in brains out. STUDENT #2 Don't be so harsh on him he just lost is best friend. STUDENT #1 Friend? 00:09:54

STUDENT #2 Yes Mike his best friend got killed in the accident. STUDENT #1 So i don't care, unlike his stupid bubble but best friend Owen i hate him has well. INSIDE THE CLOSET-Eric slowly steps back to the back of the closet as he sobs a little. IN THE CLASSROOM-STUDENT #1 I bet he did what if Eric caused the explosion. STUDENT #2 Why the hell would he do that? killing his best friend Mike. STUDENT #1 Maybe Mike seduced Eric's girlfriend Jenny and felt sorry for himself, and planted the explosive in the school to kill them both. STUDENT #2 Where is Eric anyway? STUDENT #1 (Laughing) I don't know? probably feeling sorry for himself. The two Male students exit the room. BANG. The door closes. Eric opens the closet door and steps out, he grabs his bagpack from inside the closet. He wipes the tears off his face. INT. GYMNASIUM - AFTERNOON The Gymnasium is half filled with students. The PE Teacher is standing at the front speaking, Eric and Owen are there. TEACHER As you all have heard me and (MORE) 00:10:24

Principle Bimary have organized a rock climbing challenge tomorrow you will be brought to a rock climbing learning centre where you will learn how to rock climb and the next day which is Thursday you will all be enjoying a little ride above earth. Everyone cheers. Everyone Stands and begin to walk out. OWEN I can't wait!! ERIC I know I can't wait!

EXT. LAS VEGAS COLLAGE - YARD - AFTERNOON Students come and go. Eric and Owen are sitting on a bench. Two Girls walk over named, Stacey,15 and Quinn,17. QUINN EEE why are you even in this rock climbing thing anyway Eric! ERIC I just want to alright. QUINN (to Eric) No it's not alright you mop head, (to Owen) you'll end up coming out in a body bag i wouldn't be surprised if you both were. OWEN Just go away. Suddenly, Eric's Phone vibrates. He takes it out of his pocket. It's a message on his phone ON PHONE SCREEN-"COME OUTSIDE THE GATES NOW!!"


DARK MUSIC STARTS TO PLAY! ERIC I'll be right back. OWEN OK. Eric lifts himself off the bench, He walks towards the gates. CUT TO: EXT. GATES Eric walks around the corner, He stops and looks. CUT TO: Stanley is standing, facing him wearing a black hoodie, face is unseen. Eric stands unsure who it is. ERIC Hello? STANLEY Eric. ERIC What do you want? STANLEY Do you know who i am? ERIC NO. STANLEY It's all her fault. ERIC Who's fault. Owen joins Eric. ERIC Look. OWEN Look at what? Eric turns to Stanley, BUT.... 00:12:07

He's not there. ERIC He was there. OWEN Who. ERIC I don't know? OWEN Are you feeling ok? ERIC I'm fine. OWEN Lets go. They walk back into the school. EXT. JENNY'S MOTHER'S HOUSE - AFTERNOON Stanley is watching Jenny from the bushes. STANLEY'S P.O.V - Jenny is standing by the window. CUT TO: INT. JENNY'S MOTHER'S HOUSE - JENNY'S ROOM Jenny stands by her window, She looks at a photo of Mike on his facebook page. She slowly rubs the picture once downwards. Her Mum Casey knocks on the door. JENNY Come in. She comes in with a plate full of food and a drink. CASEY I've brought you some food and a cup of soup babe. JENNY Thanks. (smiles) Casey puts the plate and soup on Jenny's Desk. JENNY Mom. 00:12:54 00:12:12

CASEY Yes Hun. JENNY I miss him. CASEY I know you do hun. Oh and the PE teacher just phoned and he said there doing rock climbing lessons are you going to go?. JENNY NO it's ok CASEY OK Hun (smiles) INT. BED ROOM - OWEN'S HOUSE - NIGHT Owen and Eric are sitting on his bed, Owen is flickering through the channel on the TV. Eric is reading a book about Nightmares. ERIC Will you stop flickering through the channels like that, i know it's your house and your mum and dad own it but please stop it. OWEN What are you reading? ERIC A book about nightmares. Owen looks at him. ERIC What? (Smiles) OWEN Really. ERIC What. OWEN (laughs) Your reading books about nightmares, OOH Freddy Kruger's going to kill you in your nightmares. 00:13:35

ERIC Shut up i'm concerned. INT. ALICE'S BEDROOM - ALICE'S HOUSE - NIGHT She lays very still in her bed asleep. The TV is blaring... She awakes and grabs the remote to switch the TV Off. Alice's gets out of bed, and walks into the Bathroom. CUT TO: INT. BATHROOM She turns the tap on and washes her face. CLOSE UP - Alice's face as she leans down to wash her face. She leans back up, Alice screams as Stanley attacks from behind, Stanley grabs her head and squeezes, she keeps screaming until.. CRACK. She falls to the floor. CLOSE UP: Stanley's face, His eyes turn red. He smiles evilly. 00:13:59 00:13:42

EXT. GATES - LAS VEGAS COLLAGE - THE NEXT DAY Eric is standing innocently by the wall waiting for Owen, When His IPHONE Rings. He takes a look at the screen. HE ANSWERS IT. ERIC HI Mom.


INT. APARTMENT ROOM - CONTINUOUS Stanley is holding Alice's Phone in his left hand holding it up to his ear, He pretends to be Alice. STANLEY (in Alice's voice) Hi hun are you ok.


ERIC (on phone) Yes I'm fine.

STANLEY (in Alice's voice) I've just called to let you know i'm leaving town for a while ok hun. OUTSIDE THE SCHOOL-ERIC OK Fine, Oh and wish me luck on the rock climbing lessons today. BACK TO THE APARTMENT-STANLEY (In Alice's voice) Good luck honey. Bye The Phone goes dead... Stanley puts down the cell phone. CUT TO: EXT. GATES - LAS VEGAS COLLAGE Owen Joins Eric on the wall. OWEN Are you ready?! (smiles) ERIC There was something off about that voice? (Smiles back) OWEN What. ERIC Nothing. Oh Yea (smiles) They both run through the gates, and high five each other. CUT TO: 00:15:08


00:15:19 00:15:19

Every one stands. TEACHER Are you ready!!! EVERYONE Yes!!!! (CHEERS - LAUGHS - SCREAMS) CUT TO: INT. VAN ROCK MUSIC PLAYS. Eric and Owen, Including the other group of students start to rock hard along with the music. Everyone cheers. MUSIC FADES OUT SLOWLY. IN DRIVERS SEAT-The PE teacher is calmly driving. TEACHER Calm it down guys! (smiles) EXT. ROCK CLIMBING COMPANY - LATER The Van drives through the gates, Parking in the only available spot. The doors open, everyone jumps out. SLAM. The van doors shut. A man waits by the entrances doors. ROCK CLIMBING TEACHER Hi guys my name is Alex Willis, Nice to meet you guys, Today i will teaching you how to Rockclimb because you will be Rock climbing for real tomorrow, He points. ROCK CLIMBING TEACHER In here is where we will be learning follow me. ERIC I can't wait (laughs) 00:16:04 00:15:33

The group following the Rock Climbing Teacher. CUT TO: INT. LOBBY - ROCK CLIMBING CENTRE They hang there's bags and coats up on the hangers. Eric starts to have HALUCINATIONS!!, A big flash of light, goes across his eyes. CUT TO: HALLUCINATION: A man is standing, facing him with a hoodie on, His head starts to rise. IT'S STANLEY. STANLEY HELLO Eric! ERIC Who are you? STANLEY You will fine out soon enough. Stanley starts to smile. CUT TO: A BIG! FLASH OF BLACK LIGHT. BACK IN THE LOBBY OWEN Eric! Eric come on. ERIC I just had a flash back. OWEN What find of ones. TEACHER Come one guys keep up. CUT TO: 00:16:44

INT. TEACHING CENTRE - ROCK CLIMBING CENTRE - LATER The centre is very big filled with rock climbing walls, and benches.


The group are watching the rock climbing teacher climb the small wall. ROCK CLIMBING TEACHER Now is doesn't matter if you let go of the wall because your strapped into a harness that lets you float down to the floor without hurting yourself just incase your scared of heights you don't need to go too far up. Half of the group puff. The teacher lets go of the wall, He doesn't fall he floats down. ROCK CLIMBING TEACHER (to Eric) Have a go. ERIC OK. OWEN Go on bud! ROCK CLIMBING TEACHER All you need to do is climb to the top and come back down again. The Rock climbing teacher puts the harness around his waist, He ties the rope around him has well. Eric starts to climb the wall, he grabs each one has he climb. ROCK CLIMBING TEACHER Hurry, you'll have to be quicker than this when were outside tomorrow on the big rock wall. OWEN You mean there's a even bigger one. ROCK CLIMBING TEACHER Yep. OWEN Wow!. Suddenly, Eric has another flash back!! FLASH OF LIGHTING COVERS HIS FACE FOR A SEC AS HE GOES

BLANK. FLASHBACK: He's in the explosion at his old school inside the prom room, The school explodes, A person stands looking at him. IT'S STANLEY STANLEY This is what ment to happen to you Eric. ERIC What do you mean? Stanley points behind him, Eric turns around. He sees himself on the floor, with grit and dust over him. STANLEY That is what was ment to happen to you. Mike was a mistake, you was ment to die instead!. ERIC NO!!! His NO!!! Echos through the white fade as we... CUT TO: BACK IN THE ROCK CLIMBING LEARNING CENTRE: Eric continues climbing. 00:18:19

INT. APARTMENT ROOM - APARTMENT BLOCK - NIGHT Stanley walks around the room, speak to a girl sat on his bed. STANLEY After i got caught i knew after i broken out of prison,i can't afford get caught again so, after i killed Eric's mother i have no one to threaten so i've got you the closest person by Eric. Stanley sits by her. STANLEY (CONT'D) NOW, I want him to suffer until...


CUT TO: GIRL'S FACE..IT'S JENNY INNOCENT JENNY BUT NOT SO INNOCENT ANYMORE. JENNY Until he suffers into depression. CUT TO: Stanley's evil looking face as it, turns even eviller as his eyes turn red.


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