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Meltdown :: Game 1

Briefing: Well now that is convenient, our allies finally show you. Its about time.

Deployment: Prior to deploying teams roll to determine table half, winner decides; nominate one players force from each team to be held in reserve; however, their forces gain outflank special rule. Each team then nominates one of their HQ to be their teams Warlord rolling for their Warlord Traits (see page 111). Deployment Map is Dawn of War (page 119). Both teams then place any fortifications purchased starting with the team that selected their table half first. Roll to see who deploys first, winner decides. First Turn: The Team that deploys first goes first unless the initiative is seized (see page 122). Daemons always use Daemonic Assault. Game Length: This mission uses Variable Game Length (see page 122). Primary Mission: Place 4 Objective staring with the team that deployed second. Objectives must be 12 inches from all table sides and each other. Only Troops can control these objectives and can only control a single Primary Objective at a time. Each objective is worth 3 Victory Points (VP). The team that has the most VP wins this mission Secondary Mission: Place a single objective in the center of the table. At the end of each turn the Objective moves 4D6 in a random direction. If the objective should hit a table edge, continue the movement on the opposite table edge in the same direction determined by the scatter dice. If a hit is rolled the objective does not move. Only Troops can hold this objective. Note that a single unit can hold/contest this objective as well as a single Primary Mission objective at the same time. The team that controls this objective wins this mission. Tertiary Mission: Control the battle Field, the player who controls the most table quarters achieves this mission objective. All undamaged vehicles and units above 50% strength can control or deny table quarters (Even if controlling/contesting an objective). Controlling a table quarter earns you 1 VP. The player with the most VPs wins this mission. Victory Conditions: Calculate the total VPs for each objective. The player with the most VP for that mission wins that mission and generates Battle Points (see below). If you fail to achieve any of the missions then you receive 0 Battle Points. Primary Objective Secondary Objective Tertiary Objective 7 Battle Points 5 Battle Points 2 Battle Points

Bonus Objectives (Each is worth 2 BP): Slay the Warlord (page 122), First Blood (page 122), and Line Breaker (page 122) Mission Special Rules: Night Fight (pg 124), Mysterious Objectives Primary Mission Only (pg 125), Infiltrate, Outflank, and Reserves (pg 124)

Meltdown :: Game 2
Briefing: Geter done! Destroy the enemy.

Deployment: Roll off to determine table half, winner decides; and then each team nominates one of their HQ to be their teams Warlord rolling for their Warlord Traits (see page 111). Deployment Map is Hammer and Anvil (page 119). Both teams then place any fortifications purchased starting with the team that selected their table half first. Roll off to see who deploys first, winner decides. First Turn: The Team that deploys first goes first unless the initiative is seized (see page 122). Daemons always use Daemonic Assault. Game Length: This mission uses Variable Game Length (see page 122). Primary Mission: Each unit is worth 1 VP. Each dedicated transport is worth 1 VP. The unit must be completely destroyed to earn a VP. The team with the most VPs wins this mission. Secondary Mission: Take out your opponents Troops, in addition to the VPs scored in the Primary Mission, Troops that are completely destroyed are worth 1 VP also dedicated transports that were purchased for a Troop as also worth 1 VP if completely destroyed. The team with the most VPs wins this mission. Tertiary Mission: Destroy your opponents most expensive unit. Prior to the start of the game each player informs their opponent which unit cost the most points (2 units from each team, 1 per player). If a player has more than one unit that qualifies then it becomes the owning players choice. Each unit is worth 1 VP so a total of 2 VPs is possible since each team will have 2 units. The unit must be completely destroyed to get the VP. The team with the most VPs wins this mission. Unlike other missions both teams can achieve this mission. Victory Conditions: Calculate the total VPs for each objective. The player with the most VP for that mission wins that mission and generates Battle Points (see below). If you fail to achieve any of the missions then you receive 0 Battle Points. Primary Objective Secondary Objective Tertiary Objective 7 Battle Points 5 Battle Points 2 Battle Points

Bonus Objectives (Each is worth 2 BP): Slay the Warlord (page 122), First Blood (page 122), and Line Breaker (page 122) Mission Special Rules: Night Fighting (page 124), Mysterious Terrain (page 102), Infiltrate, Outflank, and Reserves (page 124)

Meltdown :: Game 3
Briefing: Time to show what you are made off! Take the field of Battle and destroy your enemy.

Deployment: Roll off to determine table half, winner decides; and then each team nominates one of their HQ to be their teams Warlord rolling for their Warlord Traits (see page 111). Deployment Map is Vanguard Strike (see page 119). Both teams then place any fortifications purchased starting with the team that selected their table half first. Roll off to see who deploys first, winner decides. First Turn: The Team that deploys first goes first unless the initiative is seized (see page 122). Daemons always use Daemonic Assault. Game Length: This mission uses Variable Game Length (see page 122). Primary Mission: Place 4 objectives outside of both teams deployment zones and at least 12 inches apart. Each objective is worth 2 VPs and can only be controlled by Troops. The team with the most VPs wins this mission. Secondary Mission: Each team places one objective in their deployment zone. Controlling the objective in your deployment is worth 2 VPs while controlling the objective in your opponents deployment zone is worth 4 VPs. The team with the most VPs wins this mission. In addition to Troops, Elites can control the objective in your opponents DZ. The team with the most VPs wins this mission. Tertiary Mission: Destroy your opponents forces, for every opponents Elite, Fast, and Heavy unit your team destroys earns you 1 VP. The team with the most VPs wins this mission. If both teams have equal number of VPs then both teams win this mission. Victory Conditions: Calculate the total VPs for each objective. The player with the most VP for that mission wins that mission and generates Battle Points (see below). If you fail to achieve any of the missions then you receive 0 Battle Points. Primary Objective Secondary Objective Tertiary Objective 7 Battle Points 5 Battle Points 2 Battle Points

Bonus Objectives (Each is worth 2 BP): Slay the Warlord (page 122), First Blood (page 122), and Line Breaker (page 122) Mission Special Rules: Night Fight (pg 124), Mysterious Objectives for Primary Mission only (pg 125), Infiltrate, Outflank, and Reserves (pg 124)

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