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ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS UNIT-1 Two mark questions: 1. Define electromagnetic field.

The electric charges such as positive and negative charges produces a field around it which is called an electric field. If the field produced is due to magnetic effects, it is called magnetic field. The electric and magnetic fields are related to each other. Such a field is called electromagnetic field. 2. Define scalar and vector. A quantity that is characterized only by magnitude is called a scalar. A quantity that is characterized both by magnitude and direction is called a vector. 3. Define gradient. The gradient of any scalar function is the maximum space rate of change of that function. If scalar V represents electric potential, V represents potential gradient. V = Vx ax+Vx ay+zxaz This operation is called gradient. 4. Define divergence. The divergence of a vector A at any point is defined as the limit of its surface integrated per unit volume as the volume enclosed by the surface shrinks to zero. .V = limv01vSA.nds .A = Axx +Ayx +Azx 5. Define curl. The curl of a vector A at any point is defined as the limit of its surface integral of its cross product with normal over a closed surface per unit volume shrinks to zero. |curl A| = limv01vSnXAds 6. Define divergence theorem. The volume integral of the divergence of a vector field over a volume is equal to the surface integral of the normal component of this vector over the surface bounding the volume. vDel .A dv =SA.ds 7. State stokes theorem. The line integral of a vector around a closed path is equal to the surface integral of the normal component of its curl over any surface bounded by the path H.dldl = (x H) ds 8. State coulombs law. Coulombs law states that the force between any two point charges is directly proportional to the product of their magnitudes and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. It is directed along the line joining the two charges. F=Q1Q2 / 4r2 ar 9. State Gauss law for electric fields The total electric flux passing through any closed surface is equal to the total charge enclosed by that surface. 10. Define electric flux. The lines of electric force are electric flux. 11. Define electric flux density.

Electric flux density is defined as electric flux per unit area. 12. Define electric field intensity. Electric field intensity is defined as the electric force per unit positive charge. E =F/ Q =Q/4r2 V/m 13. Name few applications of Gauss law in electrostatics. Gauss law is applied to find the electric field intensity from a closed surface. e.g)Electric field can be determined for shell, two concentric shell or cylinders etc. 14. What is a point charge? Point charge is one whose maximum dimension is very small in comparison with any other length. 15. Define linear charge density. It is the charge per unit length. 16. State the condition for the vector F to be solenoidal. F =0 17. State the condition for the vector F to be irrotational. xF =0 18. Define potential difference. Potential difference is defined as the work done in moving a unit positive charge from one point to another point in an electric field. 19. What is the difference between absolute potential and potential difference. When the potential is measured with respect to specified reference position which is to be assumed to be zero potential, is called absolute potential at that point. Such a reference position is generally assumed to be at infinity, which is at zero potential. The potential difference between the absolute potentials of the two points. 20. Define electric scalar potential. Potential at any point is defined as the work done in moving a unit positive charge from infinity to that point in an electric field. V=Q / 4r Volts 21. Give the relation between electric field intensity and electric flux density. D = E C/m2 22. Give the relationship between potential gradient and electric field. E= - V 23. What is the physical significance of div D ? D=-v The divergence of a vector flux density is electric flux per unit volume leaving a small volume. This is equal to the volume charge density. 24. Give the expression for electric field intensity due to a single shell of charge E = Q / 4r2 25. 79.Give the expression for potential between two spherical shells V= 1/ 4 (Q1/a Q2/b) 26. Define dipole and dipole moment. Dipole or electric dipole is nothing but two equal and opposite point charges are separated by a very small distance. The product of electric charge and distance n know as dipole moment. It is denoted by m where Q is the charge l is the length. m=Q.l 27. A vector field is given by the expression F =(1/R)uR in spherical co-ordinates. Determine F in Cartesian form at a point, x =1, y =1 and z =1 unit.

In general, spherical system, F = FRuR +F u +F u FR = 1/R R =1+1+1+1 =3 FR =1/3 Fx = FR (y/R) = 1/3 x 1/3 =1/3 Fz = FR (z/R) = 1/3 x 1/3 =1/3 Hence at (1,1,1) = F =1/3(ux +uy +uz) 28. Give the transformations of scalar co-ordinates from the spherical co-ordinates to rectangular co ordinate. Fx = FR xx2+y2+z2 + F xz(x2+y2)(x2+y2+z2) - F y(x2+y2) Fy = FR yx2+y2+z2 + F yz(x2+y2)(x2+y2+z2) + F x(x2+y2) Fx = FR zx2+y2+z2 - F x2+y2(x2+y2)(x2+y2+z2) 29. State the principle of superposition with respect to Electric field. The principle of superposition of fields states that the electric field at a point due to n number of charges is the algebraic sum of the individual field intensities produced by the various charges at that point. In vector superposition, the resultant field at P is given by, E = 14k=1Nqkrkp2 ukP Where qk =kth charge, rkp = distance of kth charge. Ukp = unit vector directed from kth charge to P. 30. Find the gradient of scalar system t= x2 y + ez at point P(1, 5, -2) = (xi +yj +zk) (x2 y + ez) =2xyi +x2j + ezk = 10i + j + e-2k 31. Define volume charge density. Volume charge density is defined as, the charge per unit volume. Pe =Total charge in columbTotal volume in cubic metres(Cm3) 32. State the nature of conservative field. Any field where the closed line integral of the field is zero said to be conservative field. 33.What is physical significance of curl of a vector field? Curl gives rate of rotation. Curl F gives work done per unit area. 34. What is physical significance of divergence? Divergence of current density gives net outflow of current per unit volume .Divergence of flux density gives net outflow per unit volume. In general, divergence of any field density gives net outflow of that field per unit volume.

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