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Academic Planner


Academic Session 2012/2013
Session 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
*Please refer to Jadual Sidang Video 2012/2013 to confirm the dates. Let me know if theres any mistake.

DATE 02/09/12 20/09/12 21/11/12 07/12/12

TIME 12.00 -1.00 pm 9.00-10.00 pm 9.00-10.00 pm 9.00-10.00 pm

Students need to fill in the date and time of video conference sessions. Please refer to the video conference time table for the Academic Session 2012/2013 provided in the e-learning portal.


(Physical Chemistry) Email : Tel : 04-653 2271 PUAN SURYANI SUTARJO (Organic Chemistry) Email : Tel: 04-653 2270

COURSE CONTENT: This course is a 4 unit course covering basic topics in first year chemistry. The course is divided into four main areas: Introduction to Thermochemistry, States of Matter, Chemical Equilibrium and Introduction to Organic Chemistry. Thermochemistry: Some introductory topics on thermochemistry will be discussed: First Law of Thermodynamics, enthalpies of reactions, calorimetry, Hesss law and enthalpies of formation (chapter 5). States of matter: You will start the course by looking at the three states of matter. Gaseous State: Various relationships of the gas laws, the ideal gas equation, gas mixtures and partial pressures, kinetic molecular theory, molecular effusion and diffusion, and real gases (chapter 10). Liquid state: Intermolecular forces, some properties of liquids, phase changes, evaporation, vapor pressure and boiling point, and phase diagrams (chapter 11). Solid State: Structures of solids, and bonding in solids (chapter 11). Chemical Equilibrium : Topics that will be covered include: Concept of equilibrium, equilibrium constants, and Le Chatelier principle (chapter 15), acidbase equilibrium: calculation of pH, strong acids and bases, weak acids and weak bases, and acid base properties of salts solutions (chapter 16), common ion effect , buffer solutions, acid-base titrations, aqueous equilibrium of complex formation, and solubility product (chapter 17). Textbook: Chemistry, The Central Science, 12th Edition. Brown, LeMay & Bursten (2012)

Organic Chemistry: Introduction and review: Structure: atomic, ionic, Lewis, resonance and formula (chapter 1). Structure and Properties of Organic Molecules: bonding, hybridization, isomerism, hydrocarbon, and functional group (chapter 2). Structure and Stereochemistry of Alkane (chapter 3: section 3.1-3.11). Free radical halogenations (chapter 4: section 4.1-4.3). Structure, synthesis and reactions of alkene (chapter 7 and chapter 8: section 8.1-8.10). Textbook: Organic Chemistry, International Edition, 7th edition. Wade, Jr. (2010) L.G.

Laboratory Session / Practical Six laboratory sessions are scheduled for this course: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Behavior of Gases : molar mass of a vapor (experiment 13) Determination of R : The Gas-Law Constant (experiment 14) Calorimetric determination of an Equilibrium Constant in Aqueous Solution (experiment 22) Determination of the Dissociation Constant of a Weak Acid (experiment 25) Rates of Chemical Reactions I : A Clock Reaction (experiment 29) Rates of Chemical Reaction II: Rate and Order of H2O2 Decomposition (Experiment 30).

LEARNING MATERIALS Main learning materials : o o Textbook: Chemistry, The Central Science, 12th Edition, by Brown, LeMay & Bursten. (Use in JIK 101 and JIK 102 courses). Textbook: Organic Chemistry, International Edition, 7th edition, by L.G. Wade, Jr. (2010). Pearson Education. (Will also be used in JIK 224). The laboratory manual: Laboratory Experiments, 12th Edition, by Nelson, J.H. and Kemp, K.C. (Used in JIK 101, JIK 102, JIK 224, and JIK 226 courses). Both books and the laboratory manual will be provided for every student registered for this course.

Supplementary materials: o o o Any other textbooks on General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry can be used as references. Notes from videoconferencing sessions (will be posted in the elearning portal after the session). Additional notes to be posted in the e-learning portal.

STUDY SCHEDULE To assist you in planning your study and to help you keep up with the assignments and videoconferencing sessions, the following study schedule can be used as a guide.

Aug 2012

Topics to be covered
Review on some basics concepts: Read Chapter 1 of the textbook. We wont be covering this topic in the video conferencing classes. Continue your reading with Chapter 5 - thermochemistry which will be discussed in the first video conferencing class. Read Chapter 10 (pp 383-413) on gases, Chapter 11 (pp 425-447) on liquid and Chapter 12 (pp 463-488) on solid. Some selected concepts will be discussed in the second video conferencing class. Chemical Equilibrium Chapter 15 Organic Chemistry Chapter 1 and 2. Intensive course: Chemical Equilibrium Chapter 15 Acid-Base equilibria (Chapter 16). Organic Chemistry: Chapter 3 and 7. Solubility Equilibria (Chapter 17) Organic Chemistry: 8 Revision for Final Exam Final Exam

Sept-Oct 2012

Nov-Dec 2012 Jan Feb 2013

Mar 2013 April 2013 May 2013 Jun 2013

Students are encouraged to try out as many as possible, the practice exercises and also the end-of chapter exercises in the text book. Even though the solutions to most of the exercises are given, some of you might be having problems getting to the correct answer. Please use the forum section in JIK 102 - course page (in your e-portal), to discuss the working of the answers. You are not allowed to discuss the answers to assignment questions.

COURSE WORK Video Conference

Seven (7) video conferencing sessions conducted by the course managers are slotted throughout the academic session. Please refer to the Video Conferencing Session, Academic Session 2011/2012 to find your schedule.

Topics to be covered during Video Conferencing sessions Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Thermochemistry: Chapter 5 Organic Chemistry: Chapter 1 & 2 Gases: Chapter 10 Liquid : Chapter 11 Solids: Chapter 12 Organic Chemistry: Chapter 3 & 7 Acid-Base equilibria (Chapter 16). Solubility Equilibria: Chapter 17 Organic Chemistry: Chapter 8

Session 4 Session 5 Session 6 Session 7

E-Learning Portal
The portal will be a meeting room for the lecturer and students, and also for students and students to interact. Please post all queries, suggestions, etc. regarding the course in the forum section. In this way, other students will be able to read and benefit from my responses to the queries. Nevertheless, you may contact me via e-mail if you have personal problems that you do not want to share with your course mates. Students are encouraged to use the forum for discussion and exchange of ideas. 4

It will also be a notice board where I will post notices for JIK 102, extra notes, video conferencing power points, assignments grades, solution to assignment questions (if necessary), and continuous assessment grades (Peperiksaan Berterusan). Please check the page regularly (at least once a fortnight) so that you will not miss any important notices.

Practical / Laboratory Sessions

You will have six laboratory sessions for this course. Four of them will be conducted in the Regional Centres and the other two will be conducted at USM during the Intensive Course. You will have to fill in the dates for those sessions based on the schedule to be given later. Experiment No. (in text) 1 (13) 2 (14) 3 (22) 4 (25) 5 (29) 6 (30) Date Time Place Intensive Course Regional Centre Intensive Course Regional Centre Regional Centre Regional Centre

Laboratory Reports
All laboratory reports for experiments carried out at the Regional Centres must be sent to PPPJJ for grading. Reports for experiments conducted during the Intensive Course must also be sent to PPPJJ and will be graded by your USM tutors. NOTE: Do not forget to attach the cover for every lab reports you sent in (You have to print the cover from the e-Tugasan webpage).

There will be THREE written assignments. 5

Assignment 1: Covering topics on thermochemistry, gases, liquid and solid. Due date 20 November 2012

Assignment 2: Covering topics on Organic Chemistry. Due date to be determined by Puan Suryani Assignment 3: Covering topics on Chemical Equilibrium, Acids and Bases, and Additional Aspects of Aqueous Equilibria. Due date 10 April 2013

The assignments should be sent to: Course Manager JIK 102 Pusat Pengajian Pendidikan Jarak Jauh Universiti Sains Malaysia 11800 USM Penang NOTE: All assignments must be HAND-WRITTEN. Do not forget to attach the cover for every assignment you sent in (You have to print the cover from the e-Tugasan webpage). Solutions to the assignment will be posted in the elearning portal. Late assignments will not be graded.

Continous Assessments/Test
An assessment test will be given during the Intensive Course. Materials to be tested: i. ii. Physical Chemistry: Chapter 5, Chapter 10, Chapter 11 and Chapter 12 Organic Chemistry : Chapter 1, 2 and 3

The annual residential intensive course for 2012/2013 will be held from 21 January to 7 February 2013.

COURSE WORK AND FINAL EXAMINATION CONTRIBUTIONS There will be a 3-hour Final Examination for this course, and will cover all the chapters selected from the textbook and also any other notes provided by the lecturer. The overall grade for this course will be based on : Final Examination : Coursework : Laboratory Reports Assignments Test (during Intensive Course) 20% 10% 10% 60%



Brown, T.L., LeMay, H.E., Murphy, C.J. 2006. Chemistry, The Central Science. Pearson Prentice Hall International Edition. Silberberg, M.S. 2006. Chemistry, the Molecular Nature of Matter and Change. McGraw-Hill International Edition. McMurry, J. & Fay R.C. 2004. Chemistry. Fourth Edition. Pearson Prentice Hall International Edition. Any General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry Text Books will cover most of the topics for this course.




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