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Omegaman Radio

Omegaman Radio- a Christian Radio station birthed by Omegaman. The radio is available on
BlogTalkRadio and also, from a couple of weeks on WWCR every Saturday

Radio Host
Omegaman is a nickname and comes from the movie with the same title.His true name is Shannon Davis, also Bruce Lee. He took the name Bruce Lee, because [1], Shannon was girly-sounding name. At some stage, he chose Bruce Lee, because of his former fascination with the martial arts, especially Wing Chun. He comes from a Christian family. His father was a preacher, and his grandfather and grandmother served as Missionaries. He comes from Pentecostal/Protestant background.After his visit to the deliverance church, his eyes were opened for the reality of the spiritual world. Participation in an exorcism was a stepping stone to his own pursuit of this ministry.[2] He preaches all Christians are in the spiritual warfare and are called to wage war against Satan, quoting Gospel of Mark 16, [3]: " He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover" Omegaman promotes the KJV Bible as the valid word of God, being unchanged for over 400 years. One of his guest on the program, Al Cuppet, does the weekly study, pointing out [4] to the King James Version of the Bible. Davis touches on the varieties of cults including Mormonism, Masonry and Catholicism.

Internet Radio
Omegaman concentrates his efforts on preaching about the deliverance ministry and spiritual warfare. He underlines that those two ministries should be preached on every pulpit and in every church, but was mainly rejected, diluted or played down. He connects [5] with the deliverance ministers from America, and also from the UK, Australia. Among his guests were: pastor John Kyle, Pat Holliday, John Lyndon-Cook, Steve Quayle, Russ Dizdar, Gene Schmidt, Carl Henderson, Josef Jasinski, Steve Bell, Stan Madrak from, Richard Keltner, Charles Costello, Norman Parish, John Ramirez and others. Omegaman plays the vintage recordings of many deliverance ministers including Derek Prince, Win Worley, H. A. Maxwell Whyte, Charles Holzhauser. Radio listeners can also call in and receive the prayer for deliverance free of charge. People who use the Skype technology can connect for free. After receiving prayers a caller can be directed to the ministry of deliverance to help him learn on the topic and also to receive additional prayers. The audience can tune in from all round the world via internet connection. The radio promotes deliverance conferences [6] and deliverance crusades and encourages to support them with prayers and financially.

Some ministers are no longer on the show because of the differences of approaches to deliverance ministry and also due to differences in theology. Examples of the points of controversies are the following:

Woman preachers- Can a woman preach?[7] Eternal Security doctrines- Is salvation a ticket to heaven, with no strings attached or demands holiness without which no one shall see the Lord?[8] Rapture- Will God take Christians before or after the tribulation period? Hebrew roots- Should we only use the Hebrew name of Jesus- Jeshua?[9] Young, callow ministers versus mature preachers Some end time ministries instill fear in people instead of providing information and help people to stand firm in the Bible and Jesus Christ.[10] Inconsistencies in some of the doctrines Preaching of ministers of some questionable theologies- Are we to tell folks that some of the theology is wrong, and then to redirect them to conferences of ministers we warned them about? Should we talk to demons or not?[11]

Along the line Shannon Davis backed off from some of the doctrines. Some callers praise God for the freedom they received on the show, others complain and move on to other, similar ministries.[12]


1. ^ 2. ^ 3. ^ 4. ^ 5. ^ 6. ^ 7. ^ 8. ^ 9. ^ 10. ^ 11. ^ 12. ^

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