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The international newspaper for the younger reader
February 12, 2009
American English edition
Issue Number 86


Newspaper contents
Japanese volcano erupts
Riots in Madagascar
Altarpiece reunited
What the Groundhog predicts
Remains of houses and cars destroyed by one of the wildfires in Australia
Iceman’s wounds tell story


Snow problems in Britain
For ten years large areas of Australia have In Australia bushfires happen every Closing American airbase
been suffering from a severe drought. year. There are more wildfires in the Ancient sea sponges
This has made many of the country’s for- south-eastern part of Australia than any-
Swimming the Atlantic
ests – known as the “bush” – very dry where else in the world. Usually the fires
and dangerous. can be controlled by teams of firefight-
260-year-old ship found
The south-eastern region of Australia, ers. People whose houses are threatened
especially around the city of Melbourne by bushfires often stay and use water Satellite launch in Iran
in the state of Victoria, has been experi- hoses to protect their homes. However, World’s largest snake
encing a heat wave. This has lasted for the bushfires that broke out on February New Zealand’s national day
over three weeks. Daily temperatures 8, were different. Meeting of African Union
have regularly reached 104°F (40°C). The fires raced through the forest at New computer device
The high temperatures have been blamed unbelievable speeds. Burning embers
Saving the world’s oceans
for the deaths of at least 30 people, most were blown into the air by the strong
of whom were over 70 years old. winds. These helped spread the fires to Denmark’s new concert hall
This heat wave is thought to be the other areas of the bush. Some people de-
hottest for nearly 100 years. On Febru- scribed the flames as being as high as a Caterpillars identified
ary 8, the temperature in Melbourne 40-story building. One fire was over 60 Book review
reached a record-breaking 117°F (47°C). miles (96 kilometers) wide. Glossary and Sudoku prize
Several bushfires in the surrounding Once people realized the danger, they competitions
areas broke out. Strong winds and the decided to abandon their homes. Some
dry forests caused the fires to spread did not have time to collect anything from subscribe at
very quickly. their houses before getting in their cars
February 12, 2009 – American English Cover Story edition page 2

and driving away. Others were too “hell in all its fury”. He said these wildfires that happen in the country
late and were killed by the flames. had been the worst bushfires in Aus- each year, at least half are started by
Some roads were blocked by walls tralia’s history. arsonists. In Australia there are strict
of flames that then engulfed the cars By February 10, the temperatures laws against lighting fires deliber-
and the people in them. had cooled and the firefighters had ately. People found guilty of arson
Many of those who escaped the begun to get the fires under control. can be sent to prison for 15 years. If
bushfires made their way towards Many expect some fires will con- anyone is killed by the fire, this can
Melbourne. Government officials tinue to burn for weeks. increase to 25 years.
set up relief shelters where people Government officials say over Forestry officials use a method
who had lost their homes could stay. 180 people had been killed and called controlled burning to reduce
Many local people offered to look many others are still missing. Over the risk of bushfires. Controlled
after those affected by the bushfires. 500 have been treated for burns. burning gets rid of a lot of dry vegeta-
Some hospitals ran short of supplies Nearly 1,000 homes were burned to tion and undergrowth. This means if
as they had to treat many people the ground. The towns of Kinglake a bushfire breaks out there is less fuel
for burns. and Marysville were almost totally to keep it going. Controlled burning
destroyed. It is estimated around has been used in Australia for hun-
1,200 square miles (3,110 square dreds of years as a way of managing
kilometers) of forest and farmland the land. Many say the bushfires in
have been affected by the fires. the state of Victoria show controlled
Most of the fires were caused by burning should be used more to pre-
lightning but the police believe at vent such devastating fires.
Areas affected
least two were started on purpose by While Victoria was suffering
by bushfires
people. Starting fires deliberately from the heat wave and bushfires
like this is called arson. The police much of the north-eastern state of
have set up a 100-person team to Queensland was flooded. The flood-
investigate some of the fires. Senior ing was caused by a strong cyclone –
On February 9, Kevin Rudd, police officers are confident they a tropical storm. It brought weeks of
the prime minister of Australia, or- will catch and arrest anyone who heavy rain. Over 3,000 homes were
dered the country’s parliament to deliberately started them. damaged. Some people said they
be closed down. This was as an act Many Australians are horrified had even seen crocodiles in flooded
of condolence for the relatives of to think some of the bushfires could towns. Officials say the floods must
people killed by the wildfires. The have been started on purpose. Yet have washed the crocodiles out of
prime minister described the fires as the police say of the thousands of the rivers. 

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