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The New Conan Workout

Weight Training Program: 5 days/week Monday: Chest/Triceps/Abs (follows pyramid training principle) Bench Press 5 sets, reps 20-15-10-8-8 Incline Bench Press 4 sets, reps 15-10-8-8 Incline Flyes 4 sets, reps 15, 15, 15 (weight increases each set) Rope Push Downs 5 sets, reps 20-15-12-10-10 Skull Crushers 5 sets, reps 20-15-12-10-10 Dumbell Kick Backs 3 sets, reps 12-10-10 Tuesday: Back/Biceps/Forearms (pyramid principle) Wide Grip Chins 4 sets with bodyweight to failure T-Bar Rows 4 sets, reps 15-10-6-6 1 Arm Rows a 4 sets, reps 12-10-8-8 Cross Bench Dumbbell Pullovers 3 sets, reps 12-12-12 Straight Bar Curls 6 sets of 10 with weight never changing Incline Dumbbell Curls 4 sets, reps 15-12-10-10 Preacher Curls 4 sets, reps 20-15-12-12 Reverse Grip Cambered Bar Curls 3 sets, reps 12-10-10 Wednesday: Quads/Hams/Calves (even though no one really noticed Conans legs) Seated Leg Extensions 4 sets, reps 15-12-10-triple drop set Hack Squats 4 sets, reps 15-12-10-10 Lunges 3 sets, no count, set a distance to walk to and back Stiff Legged Deadlifts a 4 sets, reps 15-12-10-10 Seated Hamstring Curls 3 sets, reps 15-12-12 Standing Calf Raises 4 sets, reps 15-8-6-6 Thursday: Shoulders/Traps (pyramid principle)

Standing Military Presses 5 sets, reps 15-12-10-10-8 Lateral Raises 4 sets, reps 12-10-8-8 Reverse Pec Deck Flyes 4 sets, reps 12-10-8-8 Barbell Shrugs 5 sets, reps 30 each set while increasing the weight Friday: Chest/Biceps/Triceps Flat Dumbbell Presses 4 sets, reps 15-12-10-10 Incline Dumbbell Presses 4 sets, reps 15-12-10-10 Pec Deck 4 sets, reps 15-12-10-10 Standing Dumbbell Curls Superset with V-Bar Pushdowns 4 sets, reps 15-15-10-10 Close Grip Bench Press Superset with Spider Curls 4 sets, reps 12-10-8-8 Overhead Dumbbell Extensions Superset with Concentration Curls 3 sets, reps 12-10-10 Conan The Barbarian Workout

Each workout should take 30 minutes. Pick three from the following five exercises and take a day's rest between each session. Try to use a weight around two thirds of the maximum load you can lift in one rep. Squats Shoulder Presses Incline Bench Presses Cable Crosses Pull-Ups

Sets, reps and rest

With your first move, perform 7 reps. Then take a 7-second rest. Then perform another 7 reps. Take another 7-second rest. Continue in this way until you have completed 7 sets of 7 reps. Rest for 30 seconds. Then do a 6-rep round: 6 sets of 6 reps with 6-seconds rest between each set. Finish with a 5-rep round to bring the total rep count for that exercise to 110. Take a breather. Then do the whole thing again with two more exercises. Bloodcurdling war cries optional.


Squat Deadlift Jump Squat


Medicine Ball Slam Kettlebell Swing Burpee

How you do it For the deadlift and squat, select a weight thats roughly 60 per cent of your one-rep max. Complete a set of seven reps on the deadlift, then rest while holding the bar for seven seconds before doing seven more reps. Rest seven more seconds, and so on. Then move to six-rep sets, then five-rep sets. Then move to the next exercise and repeat. Session 1 Sets 7 Reps 7 Rest 7sec after each set, 90sec after completing all seven sets Session 2 Sets 6 Reps 6 Rest 6sec after each set, 60sec after completing all six sets Session 3 Sets 5 Reps 5 Rest 5sec after each set

______________________________SOLO PROGRAMS___________________________________ Shoulder PROGRAMS

As I have mentioned before in my articles, I always have at least two programs for each body part I am working. Please note that I do not include posterior deltoid exercises in my shoulder programs. These are worked with the back programs (see other articles). Also, notice that with decreasing number of repetitions you are increasing the amount of weight. Program 1 Smith Machine Military Press: x15, 12, 10, 8 Dumbbell Lateral Raises: x 15, 12, 10, 8 Partial Lateral Raises: x12, 10, 8 Bar Upright Rows: x12, 10, 8 Dumbbell Front Raises: x12, 10, 8 Shoulder Shrugs: x15, 12, 10, 8, 6 Behind the Back Shoulder Shrugs: x12, 10, 8
As a modification of the Dumbbell lateral raises you can do 3 sets of triple drop sets. For example (weight x reps): 40x7, 30x7, 20x7. Rest. 45x7, 35x7, 25x7. Rest. 50x7, 40x7, 30x7. There is no period of rest between consecutive sets.

Program 2

Dumbbell Shoulder Press: x15, 12, 10, 8 Single Cable Lateral Raises: x15, 12, 10, 8 Partial Lateral Raises: x12, 10, 8 Dumbbell Upright Rows: x12, 10, 8 Single Cable Front Raises: x12, 10, 8 Shoulder Shrugs: x15, 12, 10, 8, 6 Dumbbell Shrugs: x12, 10, 8
I hope that this article is beneficial to everyone who wishes to stimulate good shoulder growth and achieve the "Boulder Shoulders". Chest Programs

Workout 1
Flat Bench Press: 12, 10, 8, 6 Flat Dumbbell Press: 12, 10, 8 Incline Dumbbell Flyes: 12, 10, 8 Decline Dumbbell Press: 12, 10, 8

Workout 2
Incline Bench Press: 12, 10, 8, 6 Incline Dumbbell Press: 12, 10, 8 Flat Flyes: 12, 10, 8 Cable Crossovers: 12, 10, 8

Substitute Exercises.

Pec Deck Flat Cable Flyes Incline Cable Flyes Smith Machine Flat or Incline Press Parallel bar Dips @ 45 (this puts more emphasis on chest and limits triceps involvement) 6. Push-Ups *Note: On dumbbell fly movements keep your elbows flexed about 10-15 to keep from tearing your biceps. Also, bring your arms up in the same position like you are hugging a barrel.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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