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Compare two countries using the theme of this class (sovereignty, authority, power, political institutions, citizens, society,

political change, economic change, and public policy). United States I. Sovereignty, Authority, and Power Manifest Destiny expansion of US from coast to coast, at expense of Native Americans Adaption of Constitution in 1787 Never developed a socialist party No more than a tiny minority of Americans have questioned the regime Americans accept the idea of a weak state Individualism is one of the most widely held beliefs II. Political Institutions A. Levels of government US has a federal system national govt shares power with states and local govts At national level, US has system of checks and balances b/ween legislative, executive, and judicial branches B. Executives (head of state, head of government, cabinets) President has power to persuade Makes 4000 appointments, 1000 need Senate confirmation Lines of authority are not clearly drawn, and many departments deal with same issues C. Legislatures Length legislative process o Bill read and does to committees and subcommittees to get marked up o Next goes to full House or Senate where more revisions are made o The bill goes to conference committee Policy making slow and characterized by incrementalism D. Political parties (organization, membership, institutionalization, ideological position) Democratic Party o History from 1830s, represents the little man o Supported universal suffrage, New Deal, Great Society, social service programs o Left wing Republican Party o 1850s opposed to slavery and secession (separation) o Great depression cemented position on the right E. Party systems Two party system - political system in which only two parties seriously compete for power F. Bureaucracies Presidential appointees and career civil servants

G. Judiciaries Courts have judicial review power held by courts that allows them to rule on the constitutional merits of laws and other policies III. Citizens, Society, and the State Individualism anyone can make it through hard work Functional apathy Americans believe they can do something about a government action they objected to, but few Americans become activists. Average citizens put few pressures on their leaders Most common form of political participation is voting in the national elections: presidency and Congress Political cleavages: gender, age, religion, race, sexual orientation US remains deeply divided and recent electoral margins are closer than ever Americans have a strong sense of party identification, but it is at an all-time low New Left anti-Vietnam, civil rights, environment, feminism, gay/lesbian rights New Right oppose legalized abortion, multicultural education, same sex marriage NIMBY opposition to the location of unpopular facilities Factors that affect how people vote: president, party, peers, constituents, own views Decline in quality and quantity of news American politicians spin and package their statements IV. Political and Economic Change A. Revolution, coups, and war Manifest Destiny Civil War- north fought south B. Trends and types of political change (including democratization) Emergence as a world power C. Trends and types of economic change (including privatization) Industrialization wrenching for the waves of immigrants who lived in slums and worked in sweatshops Economic liberalism and free market capitalism developed hand in hand with the ideas of the founders V. Public Policy A. Common policy issues US provides less services than other industrialized democracies o Health care, unemployment compensation. Pensions, transportation o Does relatively little to coordinate economic policy

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