International Relations

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International Relations

Pakistan: Prime Minister India President of pakistan Manmohan Singh Asif Ali Zardari

Relation between India and Pakistan is strained by a number of historical and political issues: 1947: Formation of two sovereign nations:- Union of India and Dominion of Pakistan (Pakistan and Bangladesh) Reasons for strained relationship between India and Pakistan: 1. Kashmir Dispute 2. 4 Major Wars: 1947(First Kashmir war) 1965(Operation Gibraltar) 1971, 1999 (Kargil WarUndeclared war) 3. Nuclear Conflict 4. Other armed engagements: Junagarh, Kashmir conflict, siachin conflict, Operation Brasstracks, Insurgency and standoffs. 5. Other incidents including attack in Indian parliament, Samjhota express bombings and several others. Numerous attempts to improve Relationship: 1. Shimla Agreement 2. Agra Summit 3. Lahore Summit 4. Delhi Lahore Bus Service 5. Relief during Earthquakes Cultural Links: Relation well. Bollywood Industry liked in Pakistan. Most of the singers comedian actors from Pakistan. Sikh Pilgrims from Punjab, India and Punjab, Pakistan. Aman ki asha : times of India nd Jang Group.

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