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Trinity Tidings

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church

F E BRUA RY Our Mission Statement:
Sharing the Word of God Through Worship and Teaching, With Love and Service, In Our Congregation and Our Community.


2013 V OLUME 7, ISS UE 2


Everyone is invited to come and join in the fun and excitement of getting ready for another great Lenten season at Trinity. The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper will be held on February 12th from 5:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. This is a freewill offering dinner sponsored by the TLC caregivers.

Table of Contents
Pastor Peterson Trinity's Council News 2 3-5

ASH WEDNESDAY AND LENTEN MIDWEEK WORSHIP The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 13th this year. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church will hold services of Holy Communion with the imposition of ashes both at 12:05 and at 7 p.m. on this solemn day. Throughout the season of Lent, starting February 20th, we will gather for midweek prayer on Wednesdays at 12:05 and at 6:30 p.m. Our meditations will again focus on the W ay of the Cross. In following the footsteps of Christ from his condemnation through to his burial, we are moved to take up our own cross. Christ reveals the way of the cross as the way to true life and to resurrection. A simple meal will be served immediately following the mid-day service and again from 5:45-6:15, just before the evening service; the mid-day meal will be provided by the

___________________________ __________________________ Service to Others Birthdays ____________________________ Notes of Thanks News for Women of TLC Circle News 7 6

Some members of Trinity are planning to go eat fish again this year at six different Catholic Churches during lent. Some of us went last year and had such a great time socializing and eating fish. We are going again this year. We are inviting everyone who like fish and want to have fun with friends from Trinity to join us. We are planning on going to the following Catholic Churches this year: February 15 February 22 March 1 March 8 Immaculate Conception 414 E. Broadway St. Stephen the Martyr Our Lady of Victory 4131 Clime Rd. 1559 Roxbury Rd. 267-9241 (5:00-7:00) 272-5206 (5:00-7:00) 488-2428 (5:00-7:00) 861-1242 (5:00-7:00)

Our Lady of Miraculous 5225 Refugee Rd.

March 15
March 22

Immaculate Conception 414 E. Broadway

St Cecilia Church 434 Norton Rd.

267-9241 (5:00-7:00)
878-5353 (5:00-7:00)


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Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, +Peace+ A friend of mine times recently reported something like this a group of his friends: Im tired. Tired of bad business, tired from deaths, tired of broken promises, tired of winter, tired of being a nice guy finishing last, tired of feeling rotten, tired of no direction, tired of no vacation, tired of fake friends, tired of the news, tired of obstacles at work, tired of feeling despair, tired of being blown off, tired of not getting things done... I dont need to ask you whether youve ever felt like this. Just about all of us have feel this kind of weariness with life and with people at some time. For many folks February is one of the weariest times of the year. After all, the holidays have passed and it can seem that they left just bills behind. By now the cold and dark of winter can wear a person down. Springtime, light, and warmth seem very far away. At times like this, times when we are tired out, its best to start overto wipe the slate clean, to reboot, to get back to basics. Most basic of all, of course, is God, who created us and this whole world out of sheer, unimaginable, love and delight. And because this loving God couldnt leave us alone when weve made such a wearisome mess of things, God sent Christ, who calls out: Come to me, all whose load is heavy, whose work is hard, and I will give you rest. Bend your necks to my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble-hearted; and you will find rest. For my yoke is good to bear, my load is light. (Mark 11: 28-30) The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, which is February 13th this year. We may have come to think of Lent as an even more weary-ing season when we are supposed to strike our chests in sorrow for our sin and bemoan the state of the world, broken down by sin. But it is far better and more faithful to approach Lent as a season for getting back to basics. It is a time to refresh our apprehension of the sheer goodness and generosity of God. It is also a time to remember who God has made us to be: Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. Remember that you have been given life by Gods Spirit. Remember that God loves you, creature of dust. Remember that God made you to enjoy life by loving God and loving your neighbor. Remember that the disciplines of Lent--fasting, prayer and study, charitable giving and works of mercy--are not punishments, but the means of living out Gods joyous purpose for you. Remember that Christ has conquered sin and death. Remember that after we have returned to dust, Christ will restore us and all that is good, forever. This Lent, brothers and sisters, I urge you to get back to these basics. Re-establish your life upon the knowledge of the love of God by re-establishing or strengthening your dedication to prayer, meditating on scripture, and thinking the faith. Re-establish your life upon a commitment to enjoy God in worship. Re-establish your life upon the determination to be a source of joy for your neighbor. You will find rest, peace, and joy in doing so, for this is the yoke of Christ. It is good to bear, and light. +Peace+ Pastor Chuck


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The Meaning of the Snowflake Every new snowflake comes to the earth as a picture of our Savior's birth, because they are sent from up above and remind us of Gods care and love. Each one is so intricate and small because Christ sees the details of us all, and just as two are never the same the Lord knows and calls us each by name. Snowflakes gently cover the world in white and hide whats unlovely from our sight, showing us how He covers our sin and gives us His grace when we come to Him. So may every snowflake bring Christ to mind and in every bit of white may you find a reason to celebrate anew and a reminder of His love for you.

Holly Gerth

Resolve to Read the Whole Bible and Pray with Pastor Chuck in 2013! February Lectionary is on back of the calendar!
Heres how it works: this lectionary encourages you to sit down with the Bible twice a day, once in the morning and again in the evening. For both times it assigns a few psalms, a chapter or so from the Old Testament, and a shorter passage from the New Testament. These readings are laid out to be read within regular prayer times, but you can read them in other ways, too. They can be read during breaks in the midst of your daily routine, or you could opt to read all of the passages together at one time during the day. All of the passages for the whole day take less than twenty minutes to read, but to get yourself started, you might just commit to reading the new Testament passages, which are only about as long as the lessons we read in worship on Sunday, and will take about ninety seconds each. Those of us who commit to following this lectionary in 2013 will be reading and praying in our own places and at somewhat different times. But I hope we might find strength and encouragement in knowing that our sisters and brothers are reading at least some of the same parts of the Bible each day. Lets do this! +Peace+ Pr. Chuck

Thursday, February 14th Happy Valentines Day!


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Wednesday Night Bible Study




Jesus is Lord The Book of Deuteronomy

Devote yourself wholeheartedly to Almighty God.
By Brian Peterson
Ephesians * Philippians * Colossians

Room 108 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

7:00 p.m.9:00 p.m.

Come join us In the Lounge

Coming in February
February 10th Movie Night 6:00 p.m. February 12th Shrove Tuesday pancake supper February 13th Ash Wednesday solemn mass at 12:05 and 7:00 p.m. February 20th and 27th Midweek Lenten services at 12:05 and 6:30 p.m.
PLEASE CONTINUE TO SAVE INK AND TONER CARTRIDGES Staples will recycle ink and toner cartridges and give us money back which then gives us rewards to purchase church supplies.


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Congregational Life Committee---Chair--Dorothy Bazell On behalf of the Property and Congregational Life Committees, a BIG Thank You to our dedicated volunteers who helped to undecorate the church and sanctuary and safely pack it all away for another season. As we start the new year, if anyone has any interest to join this committee or have any questions about what we do please call me at 614-837-1100.

On Sunday evening, December 2nd from 6-9 PM luminaries lined the steps and iron fencing in front of the church. Our church looked beautiful and welcoming as the front doors were wide opened to the candle and tree lit Sanctuary. Refreshments were served to several visitors and members. Many thanks to all who helped serve refreshments and place the luminaries outdoors. Janet Robertson, Member of the Evangelism Sub-Committee

PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Do you know someone who needs a prayer, a hug, or the warmth of both that wraps around you. It is a PRAYER SHAWL. The care and the love of knitting and crocheting has been combined into a prayerful ministry that stitches many blessings into every shawl. "We want to reach out to those in need with a prayer shawl of prayers and love to comfort, console, and strengthen our family of faith. We want to be a reminder of Gods promise that he is always with us." DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO NEEDS A PRAYER SHAWL? School graduates, college students and graduates; Newborn babies, hospitalized or ill children; Couples getting married; Babies or children being baptized; Those who are ill (in hospitals, health care centers, rehabilitation, retirement centers; Those grieving a loss (by death, separation, divorce); Those in crisis (abused, homeless); Those who have lost everything (fire, flood, financial loss); American service men and women overseas; And sometimes "JUST BECAUSE!" If you would like a prayer shawl to give to someone, please see or call Janet Robertson at 740-653-2838. You can support our Prayer Shawl Ministry with donations of yarn, encouragement, and prayers. We meet the 3rd Sunday of each month in the Fellowship Hall. Can't knit or crochet? Come anyway and learn. Novices are always welcome. JANET ROBERTSON, Prayer Shawl Ministry


Volume 7, Issue 2

Service to Trinity in February

Greeters 03 Bev Speasmaker 10 Hehr/Nida Family 17 Sharon Heinlein 24 Madeline DeRoche Lectors 03 Larry Faelchle 10 Bev Speasmaker 17 Judy Fortman 24 Christiane Buuck Worship Assistants Cantors 03 Neal Coryell Beth Tucker 10 Linda Acierno Shelia Hively 17 Beth Tucker Maura McClelland 24 Sheila Hively Larry Faelchle Saturday Night Lectors 02 Mary Reed-Farris 09 16 Tim Edwards 23 Ash Wednesday February 13 TBA Altar Guild Anita Minshall and Nancy Robinson Communion Bread Baker wafer s Open/Close Peg Beeson Ushers Bob Kilhefner -Captain, David Schroeder, David Johnston, Kevin Miller, Grant Miller Offering Assistants Jason McKitrick

Service to our Community

FAITH MISSION The next date for Faith Mission is Thursday, February 28th at 6:30 p.m. Dinner is ser ved fr om 6:45 p.m. to 7:45 p.m. Please be at Faith Mission by 6:30 p. m. Those serving at Faith Mission in January were: David Huskey, Dorothy Turnbo, Jealin Cromwell, Nancy Robertson. For more information on service at Faith Mission, contact Sharon Thacker at 443-6149. Thank you again, Sharon Thacker.
While serving at Faith Mission please take all safety precautions. Please wear closed-toed shoes, all clothing must cover arms and abdomen. Shorts must not rise higher than the knee. Long hair should be covered by a hair net. Volunteers who are not dressed appropriately will be asked to reschedule their service. Please understand this is for your safety.

LUTHERAN SOCIAL SERVICES (LSS) FOOD PANTRY Remember to sign-up on SIGNUP CENTRAL the bulletin board in the lobby for this very important service for our community. Contact Mary Roberts at 614-588-2031 or email: for information on Saturday service at the LSS food pantry. Contact Bev Speasmaker at 231-2891 if you would like to help during the week. Volunteers are always needed.

Samaritan Update from 12/25-1/25

28 lunch bags 6 State ID 37 COTA Day Passes 2 $20.00 Gas Vouchers Each month Trinity is able to help assist people with Cota Day Passes. We also assist people each month by helping them to get their State ID. Another program Trinity offers is gasoline for your vehicle. We currently work with a local BP station. Trinity continues to offer brown lunch bags with bottled water for those in need.


01 Malinda Everett Walker 02 Sheila Hively 05 Rebecca Roberts 09 Erin Kellogg 11 Cyril McCandlish 14 Arlene Dykeman 15 Benjamin Roberts 17 Loraine Treneff 19 Claire Hammer 20 Steven Rehbein 26 Debra Bazell 26 Robert Neymeyer 27 Benjamin Fortman



NEWS FROM THE WOMEN OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH Shirley Griffin, President RACHEL CIRCLE Rachel Circle's next meeting will be February 7th at 12:00 p.m., the word is Stray. Table Prayers will be lead by Nancy Gosnell. HANNAH CIRCLE

The Hannah Circle will meet on Monday, February 18th at 7:00 P.M. in the Lounge. Bible Study Leader and Hostess will be Janet Robertson.

Thank you to Trinity Lutheran Church for your donation of 2 and1/2 gallon of pop tabs and 2 bags of card fronts. In honor of Makalya Stroupe.

HANNAH CIRCLE held its Chr istmas Party and Potluck on Monday, December 10th with 12 members and guests attending. Everyone enjoyed good food, a fun gift exchange, and the assembly of 38 cookie trays for our homebound and shut-in members. Janet Robertson delivered 17 cookie trays to residents of Sumner Trace Healthcare Center from Hannah Circle. The circle gave (12) $5.00 gift cards (for Wendy's and McDonald's) as a Christmas gift this year, which was given to Faith Mission for their residents. Thank you for your generosity! Janet Robertson, Hannah Circle Member

A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE TLC CAREGIVERS who donated $125.00 towards Christmas gifts for 17 residents of Sumner Trace Healthcare Center. Many of these people have no relatives so these gifts are the only gifts they receive for Christmas. They were so appreciative and loved the cookie trays they received from Hannah Circle. Janet Robertson bought and delivered the gifts to Sumner Trace. Dear Members of Hannah Circle, Thank you for my Christmas cookies, candy and pretzels. It was very good. I really appreciate that you remember me every year with your goodies. I love you! Ruthie Myers

To The Prayer Shawl Group: "Thank you so very much for the lovely baby blanket for our darling baby Alexis. It suits her nursery perfectly and is sure to be well loved as she continues to grow. We appreciate all the time, effort and love that went into making such a lovely treasure. Hugs!" Jacqueline, Geoff and Lexi
Thanks to Sarah VanHorn for finding and rescuing a bear for our church. This bear replaces the one that ran away last fall. I will take very good care of it. Mama Bear

"Thank you so much to Hannah Circle for your recent donation of gift cards. We appreciate your efforts with ending the flight of homelessness. May God continue to bless you as you pray for the countless need of those less fortunate". From the Faith Mission Staff
Many thanks to My Altar Flower Angel; I am forever grateful for the lovely flowers. Whoever you are, thanks for thinking of me in such a special way. The flowers lasted through the Christmas season. Thanks you to my Secret Sister for the lovely Chr istmas gift. So sorry for the mix up, but I never received the delivery as it did not come to my home. I loved the cookies and they are almost gone. I am so bless to have you has my Secret Sister. Cant wait until March to give you a great big hug. Blessing to you. Shirley Griffin

February 2013
Please inform us if you relocate:

Non-Profit Organization


Columbus, Ohio Permit No. 740

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church 404 South Third Street Phone: 614-224-6818 Fax: 614-224-6799 E-mail:

Were online! Check us out at

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church Staff Pastor: Charles Peterson Interim Director of Music Ministries and Organist: Dr. Tom Wells Administrative Assistant: Mary Reed-Farris Custodian: Lori Large
Trinity Tidings Committee
Office Hours Monday 8:30--12:30pm Tuesday 8:30-12:30pm Wednesday 8:30-12:30pm Thursday 8:30-12:30pm Friday 8:30-12:30pm

Mary Reed-Farris-Editor Assembly & Mailers Sharon Thacker Georgianna Mickles Amanda Greiner Vivian Faelchle Myra Kilhefner
Suggestions for the Trinity Tidings are always welcome

Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church is a Reconciling in Christ Congregation. The members of Trinity Lutheran Church recognize that God loves, Forgives, and calls each of us unconditionally and that every human being is created in the image of God. As a result, we welcome all people into our community of faith and invite them to join us as we seek to understand Gods love for us and struggle to be faithful messengers of that love in the world. Although our world is a place of alienation and brokenness, Christ calls us to reconciliation and wholeness. In response, we join hands with all our sisters and brothers, grateful for the unique gifts that each of us has to offer, regardless of our race, age, gender identity, marital status, physical and mental abilities, sexual orientation, national origin, or economic status. We celebrate together both the diversity of Gods creation and our unity as Gods people.

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