Romeo and Juliet Unit Plan

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Topic/Theme: Romeo and Juliet Time frame: 3 weeks Class/Grade Level: English/9th

Allison Millea Dr. Hodgkinson Educ 132: Secondary Methods 9 May 2012

UbD Template Adapted from Wiggins and McTighe

State Content Standards: (What state standards will you be addressing in this unit?)
L.9-10.3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. L.9-10.4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 910 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. L.9-10.5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings. Interpret figures of speech (e.g., euphemism, oxymoron) in context and analyze their role in the text. Analyze nuances in the meaning of words with similar denotations. W.9-10.1.Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

What facts and basic concepts should students know by the end of this unit? Students will grasp a stronger understanding of Shakespearean language. They will be able to speak in front of their classmates with confidence. They will be able to characterize based on quotes, actions, and description.

Sta ge 1 De sir ed Re What skills and/or abilities should students acquire sul ts by the end of the unit? Students will be able to take Shakespearean language (M and translate it into modern speech. ea They will be capable of citing from the text correctly. nin They will understand the soliloquy pattern and be g) capable of writing their own.

What Enduring Understandings/Big Ideas do you want students to take away from this unit? Authors craft their characters purposely. Conflict is a natural part of society Shakespeare has an enduring influence on culture and society Sta ge 1 De sir ed Re sul ts (Co nti nu ed) (M ea nin g)

What are the Essential Questions will you use to guide the learning in this unit? How do authors develop character?

How is Old English Applicable today?

Why is it important to read Shakespeare?

Summative Assessment (Performance-based):

(How will you SUMMATIVELY assess whether or not students have acquired the knowledge and skills that you plan to teach in this unit? Students will be split into groups and assigned a specific scene to translate into modern speech and perform in front of the class while utilizing props, costumes, and backdrops. They will be graded on the clarity of their translation, creativity of props, etc, and ability to follow stage directions appropriately. With this summative assessment, students will answer the question, How is Shakespeare still applicable today and how does he affect our culture?

Other Summative Assessments (selected-response, extended written response, personal communication, performance-based): (How else will you SUMMATIVELY assess whether or not students have acquired the knowledge and skills that you plan to teach in this unit?) After performances, students will form groups and each group will pick a specific character. The group will be responsible for producing an essay analyzing their character based on research, quotes, and actions. The Romeo and Juliet unit will ultimately end with an individual essay based on characterization of one character defined by three vocabulary words.

Sta ge 2 Evi de nc e of De sir ed Re sul ts

Pre-assessments (What pre-assessments will you use to check students prior knowledge, skills levels and potential misconceptions? What will you do if a student(s) has already acquired the knowledge or skills you plan to teach? Students will take a pre-assessment quiz that has several questions chosen randomly from future reading checks. I will begin the unit by having a discussion based on a directed reading/thinking activity. Students will list what they think they know, what they know they know, what they think they will learn, and what they want to learn. Introductory Lessons & Assessments (Will you introduce students to the state standards? Enduring understandings? Essential questions? How will you hook students and/or get them interested in this unit of instruction? (What knowledge (facts, concepts, etc.) and/or skills will you teach in the middle part of this unit? What instructional strategies will you use? What formative assessments will you use to check for student understanding? Lessons 1-5 will be introductory

Intermediate Lessons & Assessments (What knowledge (facts, concepts, etc.) and/or skills will you teach in the middle part of this unit? What instructional strategies will you use? What formative assessments will you use to check for student understanding? How will you prepare students for your summative assessment?) Lessons 6-12 will be intermediate

Sta ge 3 Le arn ing Pla n

Ending Lessons & Assessments (What knowledge (facts, concepts, etc.) and/or skills will you teach in the middle part of this unit? What instructional strategies will you use? What formative assessments will you use to check for student understanding? How will you prepare students for your summative assessment?) Lessons 12-15 will end the unit






Soliloquy Act 1 Scene 1 Assignment and Vocabulary discussion HW: Vocab guide Introduce Characterization 1.5 Read in class, Translate Act 1 Quiz 3.2-4 In class writing work on papers in groups 5.2-5 Draft of final paper due Act 5 quiz 2.1 Group 1 Performance and discussion 3.5 Act 3 Quiz Last day to work on group papers

1.2 Read in Class, Translate in Groups HW: Shakespearean insults comic 2.2-3 Groups 2/3 Performance and discussion 4.1-2 Group Characterization paper due

1.3 Read in Class, Translate HW: Vocabulary 2.4-5 Groups 4/5 Performance/ discussion Act 2 Quiz 4.3-5 Act 4 quiz, Poster quotations, introduce final paper Final Paper due

Friday Unit PreAssessment/ Biography of Shakespeare 1.4 Read in Class, Translate HW: Plan for performance of Act 2 3.1 Begin Characterization essay in groups based on character 5.1 Work on final paper


Peer Peer Revision/Meeting Revision/meet with me on final with me paper

Lesson 1
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Friday- Pretest Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: L.9-10.4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 910 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.

Details or Learning Target: I will be able to tell if students have any background knowledge on Romeo and Juliet

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: I will have the pre-tests

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes

Romeo and Juliet Pretest A reading quiz will follow each act of Romeo and Juliet. This pretest will have questions chosen randomly for students to answer. It will not be graded, but will be for me.
Resources Needed

Pretests, pencils

Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 10 minutes

Go over quiz I will share the answers to each question and have each student keep the quiz as a study guide.
Resources Needed

Projector, pretests

Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 45 minutes Biography on Shakespeare lecture

I will provide a biography on Shakespeares life, just to be prepared for some information that students might not understand in Romeo and Juliet without it.

Resources Needed

Projector, powerpoint

What will you do for students who are not learning the material?
Since this is an introductory day for students, I will just make sure all students are engaged with the class and paying attention. I will have a group quiz on Romeo and Juliet the following Monday so students can have incentive to pay attention in class.

What will you do for students who already know the material?
They can lead discussion or answer questions

Pre-Assessment Quiz
Q.1) What Italian city is the setting of Romeo and Juliet?
A.Rome B.Paris C.Verona D.Milan E.



Who says: "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?"

A.Romeo B.Capulet C.Mercutio D.


Q.3) Who takes the dagger away from Romeo, when he is about to kill himself?
A.Friar Laurence B.Juliet C.He doesn't try to kill himself D.Nurse E.Juliet

Q.4) When were Juliet and Paris supposed to get married?

A.Monday B.Wednesday C.Thursday D.Saturday E.

None of the above

Q.5) Who told the families about Romeo and Juliet being married?
A.Balthasar B.Benvolio C.Friar Laurence D.Prince E.Lady Capulet

Lesson 2
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Monday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: L.9-10.3. Apply knowledge of language to understand how language functions in different contexts, to make effective choices for meaning or style, and to comprehend more fully when reading or listening. Details or Learning Target: Student will have knowledge of Sonnets and compose their own.

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: Each student will complete a sonnet to turn in.

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 20 minutes

Prologue Read prologue aloud, and break down for clarity. Discuss structure and requirements, explain Iambic Pentameter
Resources Needed


Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes

Work on sonnets Each student will produce a sonnet to be completed before we move on. It will follow the worksheet structure attached.
Resources Needed

Sonnet worksheets

Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 10 minutes Share Sonnets

Student volunteers will read their sonnets aloud to share with the class.

Resources Needed

Sonnet worksheets

Block Segment #4
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 10 minutes

SSR As a modality change, students will read their own book as a break from Romeo and Juliet.

Resources Needed

SSR book

Block Segment #5
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 15 minutes

Characterization Introduction Hand out characterization charts to be filled out for Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, and Tybalt. Explain each category.

Resources Needed

Character Sheets

What will you do for students who are not learning the material?
For students not grasping Sonnets, I will work with them in a group to explain how they work in great detail. They will have the night to work on their sonnets to turn them in the next day.

What will you do for students who already know the material?
For students who understand the material, they might attempt writing a sonnet including Iambic Pentameter, which will not be required. They can also help out the students who might not understand the rhyme scheme as well.

Sonnet Practice
A sonnet is a type of poetry utilizing specific rules. For our purposes, will we not be following iambic pentameter, but only the rhyme scheme ABABCDCDEFEFGG. Meaning A rhymes with A, B rhymes with B, etc. Do not forget that the last two lines need to rhyme as a couplet. A_________________________________________________________________ B__________________________________________________________________ A__________________________________________________________________ B__________________________________________________________________ C__________________________________________________________________ D__________________________________________________________________ C__________________________________________________________________ D__________________________________________________________________ E__________________________________________________________________ F__________________________________________________________________ E__________________________________________________________________ F__________________________________________________________________ G__________________________________________________________________ G__________________________________________________________________

Characterization Worksheet (Due at end of unit)

Make sure to fill out a worksheet for Romeo, Mercutio, Juliet and Tybalt. Keep this out while we read the play aloud in class, to take notes on. Character:_______________ Characters Attributes Example and/or Quotation (cite page number!) What the example and/or quotation reveals about the character


Words (spoken)

Thoughts (unspoken)

Actions What others say about the character

Lesson 3
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Tuesday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

L.9-10.4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 910 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: Details or Learning Target: Students will have a stronger knowledge of Shakespearean vocabulary

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: I will check their vocabulary worksheets as we fill them out, to make sure each student is completing it.

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 10 minutes

Vocabulary Start out class with explaining the Vocab word wall for this unit.
Resources Needed

Word wall

Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes

Vocab worksheets I will hand out vocab worksheets for students to work Resources Needed Worksheets on in groups. They will fill out the definition of the word and an example of the word in a sentence they write themselves. Students will have 30 minutes to fill it out, but it does not need to be done today. It will be checked each week to make sure progress is being done on it, but it will be due at the end of the unit.

Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 5 minutes Introduce Short story assignment

Their homework will be to write a short story including 10 of the vocabulary words used correctly. Due tomorrow.

Resources Needed


Block Segment #4
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes

Read Act 1, Scene 1 I will assign parts for students to read the play aloud in class. We will then read it aloud, stopping and answering questions if students become confused with the language or meaning.

Resources Needed


What will you do for students who are not learning the material?
For students not learning the material, I will work with them to find the meanings of words, modeling how to use them in a word and help them come up with their own sentences. I will walk around to make sure everyone is understanding it.

What will you do for students who already know the material?
For students who already know the material, they will still have to complete the worksheet and short story, but if they finish early they can look up words in the play that they do not know and add those to their worksheet.

Romeo and Juliet: Vocabulary (Due at the end of unit)


Act 1 Word



Adversaries Disposition Esteem Forfeit Languish Nuptial Rapier

Act 2 Word
Conjure Idolatry Invocation Perjury Procure Variable Wanton



Act 3 Word
Banishment Calamity Commend Dexterity Prevail Reconcile Vile



Act 4 Word
Abate Array Beguile Bier Dirge Distraught Fester



Act 5 Word
Abhor Apothecary Amorous Dispose Felon Paramour Sepulcher



Lesson 4
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Wednesday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

L.9-10.4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words and phrases based on grades 910 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies.
Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: Details or Learning Target: Students will have a stronger grasp of Shakespearean language.

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: Students will create a comic to turn in using Shakespearean language/insults

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 10 minutes

Vocabulary Worksheet Work on Vocabulary worksheet in groups

Resources Needed

Vocabulary worksheets, plays, dictionaries

Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes

Shakespearean Insults Students will go to:

Resources Needed dy/insult.html and pick 3 insults, and write a short story including 5 vocabulary words from any act and three insults. The story must be about the Capulets and the Montagues. To be turned in at the end of class.

Computers, vocabulary sheets

Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes Read Act 1 Scene 2

We will read aloud, and students who did not read yesterday will read today. I will then model how to translate a scene, preparing students to translate on their own.

Resources Needed

Plays, projector

What will you do for students who are not learning the material?
I will walk around and help students who need help or who are not understanding the language by walking through with them and making sure I am modeling what they need to be doing.

What will you do for students who already know the material?
Students who know the material can keep working on their vocabulary sheets, character sheets, or help others with their assignments.

Lesson 5
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Thursday-Monday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards:

L.9-10.5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
Details or Learning Target: Students will be more confident in translating Shakespearean language

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: Groups will turn in their translation of the scene at the end of class.

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes

Thursday: 1.3 Friday: 1.4 Monday: 1.5 Students who didnt read yesterday will read aloud today. We will stop and answer questions as class goes on.
Resources Needed


Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes

Translating the scene In groups of 3-4, students will work to translate the scene we just read into modern language.
Resources Needed


Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes Review translations

Students will combine their translations to come up with a solid class translation as practice. We will discuss as a class to come up with a clear translation.

Resources Needed

Plays, white board.

Block Segment #4
Approximate Time Instructional Segment 20 minutes


Description of Instructional Strategies

We will watch the first act of the modern day Romeo and Juliet film with Leonardo DiCaprio and Claire Danes.

Resources Needed


What will you do for students who are not learning the material?
I will work with them individual to make sure they are evaluating their personal strength and keeping up with those who understand the material.

What will you do for students who already know the material?
They can continue to work on translating scenes, or help out those who do not.

Summative Performance Assessment Prompt (Introduced on Friday): In groups of 5-6, please pick a scene from Act 2 to translate into modern speech and perform for the rest of the class. These performances will take place of reading aloud in class for the week. In order to receive full points, your group must have a clear translation that sounds like how you speak today and you must utilize props, backgrounds, and costumes as you see fit. The lines do not need to be memorized, but the performance should be practiced with the full group beforehand. After your performance, each member will be required to write a 2-3 page, double spaced paper on the character(s) you played and why they were important to the scene/the play as a whole. Learning Outcomes: Students will create a performance to further grasp the language of Shakespeare. Students will discuss stage directions and how to utilize them to make their scene clear to the audience. Students will characterize the characters they play and evaluate their importance to the scene/play through quotes and actions. Students will write a paper with correct grammar and spelling.

Romeo and Juliet Act 1 Quiz

Q.1) What Italian city is the setting of Romeo and Juliet?
A.Rome B.Paris C.Verona D.Milan E.Venice


The street fight in the opening scene is between the servants of what two families?

A.Capulet and Montague B.Smith and Jones C.Corleone and Tattaglia D.Benvolio and Mercutio E.All of these

Q.3) What does the Prince say will happen to anyone who disturbs the peace?
A.He will be banished. B.He will be executed. C.He will be arrested. D.He will be sold into slavery. E.None of these.

Q.4) How does Benvolio plan to cure Romeo's lovesickness for Rosaline?
A.He will show Romeo other, more beautiful girls. B.He will take Romeo on a vacation out of town. C.He will put Romeo on a strict exercise program. D.He will get Romeo involved in school activities. E.He will read Romeo some poetry.

Q.5) Who is the young man that asks Capulet's permission to woo Juliet?
A.Romeo B.Benvolio C.Corleone D.Count Paris E.Prince Eschalus


Lesson 6
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Tuesday-Thursday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: L.9-10.5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative

language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.

Details or Learning Target: Students will perform their assigned scene for the rest of the class.

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: Each student will produce a paper based on the character they played.
signify a change in the type of instruction. See Glossary of Instructional Strategies for examples/ideas.

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 20-40 minutes

Performances Groups will perform their translated scene for the class.
Resources Needed

Props, backgrounds, costumes, etc.

Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 10 minutes

Discussion of performance Go over each performance, giving a glow and giving a grow to the group as a whole. Discuss the scene and the importance of it to the rest of the play.
Resources Needed


Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies Rest of class Work time on Vocab, Character sheets, character papers, etc.

Students will have time to work on whatever they need to get done or are behind on.

Resources Needed

Plays, worksheets, computers.

Romeo and Juliet Act 2 Quiz

Q.1) Who says: "O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?"
A.Lady Capulet B.Nurse C.Juliet D.Tybalt

Romeo heard Juliet confess her love to him. Q.2)

A.True B.False


Who says: "But soft! What light through yonder window breaks?"

A.Romeo B.Capulet C.Mercutio D.Tybalt


Who says: "Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?"

A.Juliet B.Montague C.Friar Laurence D.Romeo

Q.5) What is Juliet doing when the nurse is calling for her?
A.Sleeping B.Reading C.Talking to Romeo D.None of the above


Lesson 7
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Friday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: W.9-10.1.Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Details or Learning Target: Students will be able to write a character analysis essay.

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: I will check their characterization worksheets today to make sure they are making progress.
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 20 minutes

Introduce Group Character Analysis Essay Go over requirements, show example essay on the board, answer questions.
Resources Needed

Plays, example essay, projector

Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 20 minutes

Work time Students will have time to work in their groups, plan out their paper, and assign sections to write.
Resources Needed


Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies

Rest of Class Read 3.1 We will read Act 3, Scene 1 aloud. Volunteers will read for specific characters.
Resources Needed


Character Analysis Group Essay (Summative Assessment)

The classroom will be divided into four groups. Each group will be assigned either Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, or Tybalt to write their paper on. This paper must be 4-5 pages double spaced, and must answer the question, Why is this character important to the play as a whole? The papers must include descriptions of the character, quotes, actions, and what others say about him/her. After the papers are turned in, each member of the group will give all their other members a grade based on how they contributed. This will help me determine how much effort everyone put into the paper and to make sure one person does not have to write the whole thing.

Lesson 8
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Monday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: .9-10.1.Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly, supplying evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audiences knowledge level and concerns. Use words, phrases, and clauses to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships between claim(s) and reasons, between reasons and evidence, and between claim(s) and counterclaims. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the argument presented. Details or Learning Target: Write a clear argument.

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: I will check vocabulary worksheets today to make sure students are making progress.

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 15 minutes

Work on Vocabulary Sheets Students will have the beginning of class to work on their vocab sheets and help each other out.
Resources Needed

Plays, worksheets

Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes

Read 3.2-4 We will read Act 3 scenes 2-4 aloud in class. Students will be assigned characters to read for.
Resources Needed


Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies Rest of class Work time on group essays

Students will meet in their character-based groups to work on their paper.

Resources Needed

Plays, computers

What will you do for students who are not learning the material?
For students not grasping the material, I will meet with them and help with their worksheets/group papers to help them contribute to their group.

What will you do for students who already know the material?
Students who grasp the material can help those who do not or read an SSR book of their choice, as long as they are not distracting other students.

Lesson 9
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Tuesday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: W.9-10.1.Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence. Introduce precise claim(s), distinguish the claim(s) from alternate or opposing claims, and create an organization that establishes clear relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. Details or Learning Target: Students will be able to write a clear, argumentative essay.

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 15 minutes

Vocabulary Worksheets Students will continue working on vocab worksheets. I will walk around and help students if they need it. I will remind them to keep working on their short story including all the words.
30 minutes Resources Needed


Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies

Read 3.5 We will read Act 3, Scene 5 aloud in class.

Resources Needed


Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 20 minutes Act 3 quiz

Students will take the Act 3 quiz

Resources Needed


Block Segment #4
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies Rest of Class

Work time on Group papers Last day to work on group papers. They are due tomorrow.

Resources Needed

Computers, Plays

Romeo and Juliet Act 3 Quiz

Q.1) Who says: "By my heel, I care not."?
A.Mercutio B.Benvolio C.Tybalt D.Romeo E.Juliet


Who said: "There lies that Tybalt."?

A.Romeo B.Mercutio C.Benvolio D.Prince E.Lady Capulet

Q.3) How does Juliet find out that Romeo killed Tybalt?
A.From rumor B.From the Nurse C.From Friar Laurence D.From Lady Capulet

Q.4) Who takes the dagger away from Romeo, when he is about to kill himself?
A.Friar Laurence B.Juliet C.He doesn't try to kill himself D.Nurse E. Juliet



Check all that apply: Why does Juliet not want to marry Paris?

A.She is married to Romeo B.She does not love him C.She thinks he is ugly D.She wants to bother her father


Lesson 10
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Wednesday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: W.9-10.4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are

appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 13 above.) W.9-10.5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. W.9-10.6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technologys capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.

Details or Learning Target: Students will produce a clear, argumentative essay.

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 50 minutes

Presenting Group Papers Each group will give an informal presentation of what they wrote in their paper and how the group paper process worked for them. We will discuss what works and what doesnt work.
Resources Needed


Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes

Begin Act 4 Read 4.1-2 aloud in class.

Resources Needed


Lesson 11
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Thursday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards:

RL.9-10.10. By the end of grade 9, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poems, in the grades 910 text complexity band proficiently, with scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Details or Learning Target: Students will have a stronger understanding of Shakespearean language

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: Quote analysis poster

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes

Finish Act 4 We will read 4.3-5 aloud in class, with volunteers reading.
Resources Needed


Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 20 minutes

Act 4 Quiz Quiz on act 4

Resources Needed


Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes Quote analysis

Students will pick a quote from the play up to Act 4, and write a paragraph on why the quote is important to the play and how it affects the characters. They will create posters of the quotes they choose to be hung on the wall.

Resources Needed

Poster paper, markers

Block Segment #4
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 15 minutes

Introduce final paper I will introduce the prompt for the final paper and answer any questions students have.

Resources Needed

What will you do for students who are not learning the material?
For students not understanding, I will work with them in small groups to help bring everyone up to the level they need to be at to complete their homework.

What will you do for students who already know the material?
They can work ahead on their papers, and help others who are behind.

Final Paper Prompt:

For the final paper, please pick 1 character from the play, (can be any character,) and three vocabulary words that apply to him/her. Write a 2-3 page paper explaining the characters importance to the play through descriptions, quotations, and actions. For each vocabulary word you choose, write the meaning of the word and its importance to the play and why it applies to the character you choose. The paper will be graded on proper grammar/spelling, clear support of analysis, and following directions accurately. A draft will be due on Monday and the final draft will be due next Wednesday.

Romeo and Juliet Act 4 Quiz

Q.1) When were Juliet and Paris supposed to get married?
A.Monday B.Wednesday C.Thursday D.Saturday E.None of the above

Q.2) Who gave Juliet the drink, so she could fake her death?
A.Paris B.Lady Capulet C.Benvolio D.Friar Laurence

Q.3) What did Juliet drink in order for her to fake her death?
A.Poison B.Potion C.Water D.None of the above


Who says: "Mistress! What, mistress! Juliet! Fast, I warrant her, she."?

A.Lady Capulet B.Capulet C.Nurse D.Romeo

Who says: Q.5) "Have I thought, love, to see this morning's face, and doth it give me such a sight as this."?
A.Paris B.Romeo C.Nurse D.Juliet E.None of the above


Lesson 12
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Friday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: W.9-10.4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are

appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 13 above.) W.9-10.5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. W.9-10.6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technologys capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.

Details or Learning Target: Students will be able to form an opinion and argument on their paper topic.

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: Students will complete an outline of their paper by the end of the class for me to check.

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 15 minutes

Brainstorming Paper Students will work individually to decide on their character and three vocabulary words to write about.
Resources Needed

Plays, computers, worksheets

Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 20 minutes

Partner Brainstorm After each student picks a topic, they will work in partners to help each other on their papers. They will spend 10 minutes on each partner, building an outline together.
Resources Needed

Plays, computers, worksheets

Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 30 minutes Begin Act 5

We will read act 5 scene 1 aloud in class.

Resources Needed


Block Segment #4
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies Rest of class

Work time on outline/paper Students will individually work on their ideas for their outline. I will be walking around working with each student to make sure their topic is doable and they will be able to have a rough draft on Monday.

Resources Needed

Plays, computers, worksheets

Lesson 13
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Monday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards: W.9-10.4. Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are

appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. (Grade-specific expectations for writing types are defined in standards 13 above.) W.9-10.5. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience. W.9-10.6. Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technologys capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.

Details or Learning Target: Students will turn in a draft today for me to look over during class.

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: Draft of paper

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 5 minutes

Turn in drafts Each students will turn in a draft of their paper for me Resources Needed to look over before our meeting this week.

Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 60 minutes

Finish reading play Read 5.2-5 Aloud in class, students will be assigned parts to read for.
Resources Needed


Block Segment #3
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 20 minutes Act 5 quiz

Students will take the act 5 quiz

Resources Needed


Block Segment #4
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies Rest of class

Vocab sheets, character sheets Students will work on their various worksheets to make sure they have them completed by Friday

Resources Needed

Romeo and Juliet Act 5 Quiz

Question Excerpt From Romeo and Juliet-Act 5 Quiz
Q.1) Who told the families about Romeo and Juliet being married?
A.Balthasar B.Benvolio C.Friar Laurence D.Prince E.Lady Capulet


Who says: "For never was a story of more woe, then this of Juliet and her Romeo."?

A.Prince B.Montague C.Capulet D.Nurse E.Romeo

Q.3) What does Romeo drink that kills him?

A.Potion B.Poison C.H20 D.Mountain Dew

Q.4) How does Juliet kill herself?

A.A knife B.An arrow C.A sword D.A dagger E.She does not die

Q.5) Who does Romeo get the poison from?

A.The apothecary B.Montague C.Capulet D.Juliet E.Nurse


Lesson 14
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Tuesday-Wednesday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards:

W.9-10.2.Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic. Use appropriate and varied transitions to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic).
Details or Learning Target: Revision process

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies Whole period

Meetings with me I will meet with half the class on Tuesday and half the class on Wednesday to discuss their papers and what they should do to fix them for the final draft.
Resources Needed


Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies Whole period

Peer Revision While I am meeting with students, the rest of the class will work in groups on each others papers. They will edit for correct spelling, punctuation and grammar.
Resources Needed

Papers, computers, plays

Lesson 15
Course Name: English I th Predominant Grade Level: 9 grade Date of Instruction: Thursday Teacher: Millea

What do you want students to know?

Iowa Core Essential Concept(s) and/or Skills OR National Standards:

W.9-10.2.Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. Introduce a topic; organize complex ideas, concepts, and information to make important connections and distinctions; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., figures, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension. Develop the topic with well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, extended definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples appropriate to the audiences knowledge of the topic. Use appropriate and varied transitions to link the major sections of the text, create cohesion, and clarify the relationships among complex ideas and concepts. Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to manage the complexity of the topic. Establish and maintain a formal style and objective tone while attending to the norms and conventions of the discipline in which they are writing. Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented (e.g., articulating implications or the significance of the topic).
Details or Learning Target: Students will turn in all their assignments from the unit

How will you know if students are learning?

Formative Assessment: Vocab, character sheets, final papers

Block Segment #1
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies 15 minutes

Student grading Students will write one paragraph on what grade they believe they deserve on their paper. They will explain their thought process and why they deserve that grade. They will then turn in their final papers
Resources Needed

Paper, pencils

Block Segment #2
Approximate Time Instructional Segment Description of Instructional Strategies Rest of class

Movie We will finish whatever is left in the modern Romeo and Juliet film.
Resources Needed

Film, television

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