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Test: Quiz: Introduction to Dependencies Bekijk uw antwoorden, feedback en scores hieronder.

Een asterisk (*) geeft een goed antwoord aan. Section 1 (Beantwoord alle vragen in deze sectie.) 1. A single PL/SQL subprogram such as a procedure can be both a referenced object and a dependent object. True or False? Waar (*) Niet waar Correct 2. View dept_view is based on a select from table departments. Procedure show_dept contains code which selects from dept_view. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose three.) (Kies alle goede antwoorden.) departments is indirectly dependent on show_dept show_dept is directly dependent on dept_view (*) dept_view is directly dependent on departments (*) show_dept is indirectly dependent on departments (*) emp_view is directly dependent on show_dept Correct 3. PL/SQL procedure A invokes procedure B, which in turn invokes procedure C, which references table T. If table T is dropped, which of the following statements is true? C is invalid but A and B are still valid A, B and C are all invalid (*) B and C are invalid but A is still valid A, B and C are all still valid None of the above Correct 4. A procedure includes the following code: SELECT first_name, salary INTO v_first_name, v_salary FROM employees WHERE employee_id = 100; Which of the following changes to the employees table will allow the procedure to be recompiled successfully ? (Choose two.) (Kies alle goede antwoorden.) The table is dropped but a public table exists with the same name and structure. (*) The table is dropped. A new column is added to the table. (*) The table name is changed to newemps. The first_name column is dropped from the table. Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten

Correct 5. Package emp_pack contains two public procedures: get_emps and upd_emps. A separate procedure emp_proc invokes emp.pack.get_emps. The upd_emps package body code is now altered, and the package body (but not the package specification) is recreated. emp_proc will be marked invalid and needs to be recompiled. True or False? Waar Niet waar (*) Correct 6. Which of the following statements will show whether procedure myproc is valid or invalid? SELECT status FROM USER_OBJECTS WHERE object_type = 'PROCEDURE' AND object_name = 'MYPROC'; (*) SELECT status FROM USER_PROCEDURES WHERE procedure_name = 'MYPROC'; SELECT valid FROM USER_OBJECTS WHERE object_type = 'PROCEDURE' AND object_name = 'MYPROC'; SELECT * FROM deptree; Correct 7. Procedure get_depts has been marked invalid because one of the objects it references has been altered. Which of the following statements are true? (Choose two.) (Kies alle goede antwoorden.) The procedure will be recompiled automatically the next time it is invoked. The recompilation will always be successful. The procedure will be recompiled automatically the next time it is invoked. The recompilation may or may not be successful. (*) The procedure can be recompiled manually by: ALTER PROCEDURE get_depts COMPILE; (*) The procedure can be recompiled manually by: ALTER PROCEDURE get_depts RECOMPILE; The procedure does not need to be recompiled. Correct 8. User ALICE owns a procedure show_emps which references table employees. Which of the following will generate information that shows this dependency? BEGIN deptree_fill('TABLE','EMPLOYEES'); END; BEGIN deptree_fill('PROCEDURE','ALICE','SHOW_EMPS'); END; Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten

BEGIN deptree_fill('ALICE','TABLE','EMPLOYEES'); END; BEGIN deptree_fill('TABLE','ALICE','EMPLOYEES'); END; (*) BEGIN deptree_fill('ALICE','PROCEDURE','SHOW_EMPS'); END; Correct 9. Which data dictionary view shows information about references and dependencies? DEPTREE USER_DEPENDENCIES (*) USER_REFERENCES USER_LOCAL_DEPENDENCIES Correct 10. Which of the following database objects are created when the utldtree.sql script is run? (Choose three.) (Kies alle goede antwoorden.) The utldtree table The deptree_temptab table (*) The deptree and ideptree views (*) The deptree table The deptree_fill procedure (*) Correct 11. The IDEPTREE view shows dependencies by indenting the lines of output instead of by using a NESTED_LEVEL column. True or False? Waar (*) Niet waar Correct 12. A SELECT from DEPTREE produced the following output. > Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten




What dependencies does this show? (Choose three.)

(Kies alle goede antwoorden.) QUERY_EMP is directly dependent on EMPLOYEES (*) ADD_EMP is directly dependent on EMPLOYEES ADD_EMP is directly depedent on EMP_VW (*) QUERY_EMP is directly dependent on ADD_EMP EMP_VW is directly dependent on EMPLOYEES (*) Correct 13. A procedure show_emps contains the following declaration: CURSOR emp_curs IS SELECT last_name, salary FROM employees; What will happen to the procedure if a new column is added to the employees table? The procedure will still be valid and execute correctly because it does not reference the added column. The procedure will automatically be dropped and must be recreated. The procedure will be marked invalid and must be recompiled before it can be reexecuted. (*) Users' privileges to execute the procedure will automatically be revoked. Correct 14. Which of the following will NOT help to minimize dependency failures? (Choose two.) (Kies alle goede antwoorden.) SELECTing a list of column names instead of using SELECT * (*) Declaring records using the %ROWTYPE attribute Including a column list with INSERT statements Declaring scalar variables with NOT NULL if the corresponding table column has a NOT NULL constraint (*) Declaring scalar variables using the %TYPE attribute Correct Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten Markeren voor nakijken (1) Punten

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