Make My Trip: Q1 Can MMT Sustain Its Within The Inbound Segment?

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Sheikh Mati Elahi



Make My Trip
Study Question;Q1; Can MMT Sustain its within the inbound segment? Answer; - MMT is need to expand within this particular segment also exists further in next two years the pool of customers they can target will practically increase in two years. They are lots of changes comes in the future success they need different strategies to get up increase its market share through following ways. SO INBOUND AND OUT BOUND BOTH FOCUSS SEGMENT WE CAN NOT NEGLECT IT FOR FUTURE GROWTH. INBOUND CORPORATE CLIENTS Provide different repeated customer relationship strategies. Give special trips and rewards to profitable loyal customers. Try to take the loyal customers from low price and low service segment to higher service and premium price segment. You will spend less advertising cost to capture this segment and the competition is not so intense. Develop customer loyalty within the inbound segment by Launch Loyalty Programs. OUTBOUND CORPORATE CLIENTS They have much higher Temporal Costs as compared to Retail travelers much higher chances of repeat business. Corporate clients will help us achieve volumes more quickly. This will involve less advertising dollars as compared to the retail segment. Once they get used to the service they are less likely to switch. Q2; Ad revenues have never been .. Does MMT need to look at advertising as a revenue generator? Answer; yes I think it is the great idea for MMT and its beneficial to the MMT but when we are change the image of brand we need to be careful that its should be focus against our Vision.

Sheikh Mati Elahi



MMT wants to aggressively promote NRI focused brands it should open a new company for this purpose, it can share the resources of MMT but it should be a separate Brand Entity. MMTs core strength is in its low operational cost. Currently there is immense scope to expand business in existing segment (NRIs to India and NRIs to destinations other then India) and new segments (India outbound). So if MMT finds that it does not have enough resources i.e. manpower to handle advertisement business then it needs to stick to its core business.

Q3; Can MMTs business model work in other countries, in particular China, Singapore and Philippines?................................................................... expand in a modular manner by replicating their business with overseas residents of other countries? MMT can expand its our business as you know low cost focus strategies they are adopted they need some safety measures. Before expand its must analysis of other countries. Understanding of Government regulations. E-commerce payment aptitude in that country is what. Inflation rate must know? Economic and political condition is what? What is the ratio of internet users in that country? Aptitudes toward the Buying behavior of customers. Analysis of number of competitors in this market .

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