Earth Science 11 Final Exam

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Earth Science 11 Final Exam

Instructor: Mr. Steed Name: Date:

Read each question carefully, then print the letter of the correct answer on the line next to the question.

1. ______ The four major areas of earth science are a. the solid earth, the mountains, the birds and the universe beyond space. b. the solid earth, the oceans, the atmosphere and the universe beyond space. c. the oceans, the animals, the universe beyond space and Mars d. The animals, the solid earth, earthquakes and volcanoes 2. ______ This theory states that the Earths crust and rigid upper mantle are broken into enormous slabs that move in different directions: a. Tectonic plate theory b. Seafloor spreading theory c. The theory of Pangaea d. The floating earth theory 3. ______ The movement and deposition of weathered materials from one location to another is called: a. Chemical weathering b. Erosion c. Exfoliation d. Physical weathering 4. ______ Tectonic plates interact at places called plate a. reversals b. boundaries c. regions d. centres 5. ______ Which feature is associated with a continental-continental plate boundary? a. A subduction zone b. A mountain range c. A deep-sea trench d. A volcano 6. ______ A paper or computer record of earthquake waves is called a: a. mass b. seismometer c. seismogram d. gramme 7. ______ The major erosional agent in many areas with limited precipitation and high temperatures is: a. wind b. rivers c. human activity d. glaciers

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8. ______ The repeated freezing and thawing of water in the cracks of rocks is called: a. exfoliation b. icing c. abrasion d. frost wedging 9. ______ The rotational motion in the mantle that moves the plates of the crust, creating landforms is: a. convection b. conduction c. platonism d. vulcanism 10.______ The amount of energy released by an earthquake is measure by its: a. speed b. magnitude c. focus d. intensity 11.______ A problem with fossil fuels is that they are: a. pretty b. limited c. abundant d. overused 12.______ Places where tectonic plates move apart are called: a. Convergent boundaries b. Transformation boundaries c. Subduction zones d. Divergent boundaries 13.______ A line on a map that connects points of equal elevation is: a. an azimuth line b. a contour line c. a relief line d. an isotherm 14.______ Wind power converts the movement of air into: a. turbines b. kinetic energy c. electrical energy d. potential energy 15.______ Erosion by scraping, gouging and picking up large rocks and debris piles is caused by: a. wind b. rivers c. humans d. glaciers

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16.______ Polluted groundwater is difficult to clean up because: a. groundwater is deep in the ground and dispersed through large areas of rock b. pollutants cling to the materials that make up the aquifer and contaminate the clean water c. the recycling process of groundwater can take hundreds or thousands of years d. All of the above 17.______ Most of the Earth's freshwater is found in: a. ice b. aquifers c. oceans d. lakes 18.______ Rocks are a solid mixture of: a. magma b. minerals c. lava d. sediment 19.______ As the distance from an earthquakes epicenter increases: a. intensity increases b. intensity decreases c. wave speed increases d. the focus decreases 20.______ the loose covering of weathered rock particles and decaying organic matter overlying the bedrock of the Earth's surface is called: a. humus b. compost c. sediment d. soil 21.______ Because of its hardness, a. quartz b. topaz c. calcite d. talc cannot scratch any other mineral.

22.______ An object like the earth that is flattened at the poles and bulges at the equator has the shape of a. an ellipsis b. an oblate spheroid c. a hyperbolic paraboloid d. a level playing field 23.______ Matter is defined as anything that has: a. mass and weight b. weight and size c. mass and volume d. molecules

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24.______ Molten rock underground is: a. sedimentary b. plutonic c. organic d. magma 25.______ A sedimentary rock made of rounded pebbles and sand grains is called: a. conglomerate b. porphyry c. limestone d. sandstone 26.______ If sedimentary or igneous rocks are subjected to heat and pressure, they become: a. limestone b. magma c. metamorphic d. platonic 27.______ Which of the following is not a source of fresh water? a. oceans b. lakes c. rivers d. ground 28.______ A major problem when making a flat map from a sperical earth is: a. magnetic declination b. longitude c. meridians d. distortion 29.______ The shortest distance between two points on earth is a: a. equator b. great-circle route c. contour line d. latitude 30.______ The smallest part of an element that has all of the properties of the element is the: a. ion b. atom c. proton d. molecule 31.______ Which is most likey to cause the water table to drop? a. Salt water seeping into wells b. Rainwater seeping into the ground c. Pumping water from the ground d. Pumping used water into the ground 32.______ The source of energy for the water cycle is: a. solar energy b. gravity c. running water d. ocean tides

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33.______ Water often rises on its own in an artesian well because it is: a. under an impermeable layer b. under a permeable layer c. in a pipe d. under pressure 34.______ The top of the water saturated region of the ground is the: a. sea level b. bedrock c. capillary fringe d. water table 35.______ A river, its tributaries and all the land drained by the river are known as the: a. flood plain b. drainage basin c. gully d. water gap 36.______ The part of a river valley that is underwater during floods is the: a. flood plain b. drainage basin c. gully d. water gap 37.______ Atoms that have lost electrons are: a. metal ions b. non-metal ions c. noble gases d. isotopes 38.______ Placing sandbags on top of natural levees creates: a. canyons b. potholes c. ice jams d. artificial levees 39.______ The balance between the rate of ice movement and melting in a glacier determines its: a. ice sheet b. ice front c. ice caps d. snow line 40.______ The farthest advance of a glacier is marked by the: a. generation gap b. recessional moraine c. drumlin d. terminal moraine 41.______ Unsorted and unstratified rock materials deposited directly by a glacier is called: a. till b. outwash c. kettles d. eskers

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42.______ The distance from the crest of one wave to the crest of the next is the: a. period b. fetch c. wavelength d. diverging boundary 43.______ The process by which a block of a glacier breaks off and falls into the sea to form an iceberg is called: a. waving b. halving c. calving d. caving 44.______ The ratio of the weigh of a mineral to the weight of an equal volume of water is: a. hardness b. cleavage c. density d. specific gravity 45.______ A small shallow depression formed by deflation is a: a. carpet b. blowout c. carbonera d. channel 46.______ This earth science studies how human activities, such as oil spills, affect Earths oceans: a. astronomy b. meteorology c. geology d. oceanography 47.______ Which area of science studies Earths origin, history and structure? a. astronomy b. meteorology c. geology d. oceanography 48.______ The science that deals with the atmosphere and weather is: a. astronomy b. meteorology c. geology d. oceanography 49.______ The area of earth science that looks beyond Earth is: a. astronomy b. meteorology c. geology d. oceanography

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50.______ Wind blows sand into piles called: a. longshore bars b. spits c. sand dunes d. barrier islands 51.______ The continuous submarine mountain chain that encircles the globe is: a. the mid-oceanic ridge system b. the subduction system c. the continental margin d. the sea valley floor 52.______ About 10,000 years ago, the earths oceans were __________ than today a. higher b. lower c. saltier d. less salty 53.______ Magma that reaches the earths surface is called: a. basilica b. epicenter c. tectonic d. lava 54.______ The point on the earths surface directly above where an earthquake occurs is the: a. basilica b. epicenter c. focus d. richter scale 55.______ The place inside the earth where an eartquake occurs is the: a. basilica b. epicenter c. focus d. richter scale 56.______ The Richter scale measures an earthquakes: a. duration b. rebound c. s-wave d. magnitude 57.______ Scientists believe that the earths core is composed of: a. carbon and iron b. helium and hydrogen c. nickel and iron d. carbon and helium 58.______ The theory of continental drift: a. was based on the distribution of rock types, fossils and structures b. was accepted by most geologist during Wegener's lifetime c. was based on oceanic fossils and basalt d. suggested that the original land forms were large islands

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59.______ Tectonic plate move at a rate of 1 to 16 centimetres per: a. million years b. year c. light year d. hour 60.______ The earths layers, listed from LEAST dense to MOST dense are: a. core, crust, mantle b. core, mantle, crust c. mantle, core, crust d. crust, mantle, core 61.______ Subduction is: a. where denser plates sink into the mantle b. where ridge valleys form c. occuring mostly in the Atlantic Ocean d. most frequent when continental plates diverge 62.______ In geology the term crystal refers to a. any clear, sparkly substance b. minerals with a random arrangement of atoms that causes light interference and sparkle c. minerals with an orderly arrangement of atoms with or without sparkle d. clear volcanic glass that is faceted naturally 63.______ A fault in which one side of the fault plane drops down relative to the other side is a: a. normal fault b. strike-slip fault c. fault-block mountain d. dip-slip fault 64.______ When rocks on opposite sides of the fault plane move horizontally past each other, it is a: a. normal fault b. strike-slip fault c. fault-block mountain d. dip-slip fault 65.______ An upfold in rock layers caused by plate collisions is called: a. a syncline b. the San Andreas fault c. an anticline d. a reverse fault 66.______ A relatively small volcano formed by moderate to explosive eruptions called a: a. shield volcano b. caldera c. hot spot d. cinder cone volcano

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67.______ One possible result of more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is a. more nitrogen in the nitrogen cycle b. more carnivores in an area c. increase in rainfall in a region d. increase in average temperature on Earth 68.______ What is water vapour in the air called? a. humidifier b. evaporation c. humidity d. respiration 69.______ Most of the earths weather occurs in the: a. thermosphere b. troposphere c. mesosphere d. atmosphere 70.______ Which is true of refracting telescopes? a. they use mirrors to focus starlight b. they are cheaper to build than reflectors c. many are larger than reflectors d. most major refractors in observatories were built before the year 1900 71.______ Which is observed with optical telescopes? a. microwave light b. visible light c. x rays d. ultraviolet rays 72.______ A tool used to separate starlight into its colours is a: a. spectroscope b. radio telescope c. charge-coupled device d. interferometer 73.______ Temperature and humidity are the same throughout an: a. anemometer b. ozone layer c. air mass d. line of longitude 74.______ The continuous movement of water between the atmosphere and the earths surface is the: a. water table b. water cycle c. groundwater d. circulatory system 75.______ The shadow of the earth on the moon or the moon on the earth is an: a. ellipse b. orbit c. eclipse d. octet

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76.______ Clouds that are at very high elevations and appear as thin, wispy streaks are: a. cirrus b. cumulus c. stratus d. bogus 77.______ Our entire solar system is part of a star group called the: a. Milky Way b. Orion c. Ursa Minor d. North Star 78.______ Dense invisible objects in space are known as: a. galaxies b. nebulae c. pulsars d. black holes 79.______ Clouds of gas and dust in space are known as: a. galaxies b. nebulae c. pulsars d. black holes 80.______ Flickering neutron stars formed in supernovas are known as: a. galaxies b. nebulae c. pulsars d. black holes 81.______ The lower part of the suns outer atmosphere is the: a. chromosphere b. photosphere c. corona d. solar prominence 82.______ A red flamelike arch in the suns corona is called a: a. sunspot b. solar flare c. corona d. solar prominence 83.______ The scientist who developed the three laws of planetary motion was: a. Kipling b. Kepler c. Tim d. Moby 84.______ The model of the solar system that has the sun in its center is: a. hysterical b. hermaneutic c. heptodynamic d. heliocentric

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85.______ A body that revolves around a planet is a: a. moon b. booty c. crater d. asteroid 86.______ When Earth crosses the orbit of a meteroid swarm, we experience: a. apocalypse b. satellite c. meteor shower d. solar eclipse 87.______ When a rock mass smashes into a planet or moon, it forms a: a. meteor b. impact crater c. planetoid d. greenhouse effect 88.______ An example of a terrestrial planet is: a. Venus b. Jupiter c. Saturn d. Uranus 89.______ The farthest point from Earth of the moons orbit is its: a. penumbra b. apatow c. solarium d. apogee 90.______ A partial shadow caused by a planet or moon during an eclipse is a: a. penumbra b. umbrella c. neap tide d. apollo 91.______ The first American spacecraft to carry an astronaut into Earths orbit was the: a. Space shuttle b. Starship enterprise c. Mercury d. Galileo 92.______ The sun is at its highest position in the sky at: a. midnight b. dawn c. solar noon d. winter solstice 93.______ The effect that causes the apparent deflection of winds is the: a. Coriolus effect b. Axe effect c. Summer solstice d. Parallax effect

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94.______ The imaginary line across which the date changes is the: a. prime meridian b. international date line c. tropic of capricorn d. equator 95.______ The point in the sky directly over head is the: a. altitude b. zenith c. parallax d. greenwich 96.______ Places that have the same temperature are connected on a weather map by: a. degree b. beaufort scale c. temperature inversion d. isotherm 97.______ One degree of cooling per 160 metres of altitude is referred to as the: a. normal lapse rate b. mesosphere c. greenhouse effect d. ozone layer 98.______ A thundercloud is: a. dew point b. cumulonimbus c. relative humidity d. hygrometer 99.______ Solid condensation on a surface that is below zero degrees celsius is known as: a. dew b. sleet c. cumulus d. frost 100. _____ An instrument that measures wind speed is an: a. axonometer b. wind vane c. anemometer d. air pressure gauge 101. _____ A low pressure belt at the equator is known as the: a. doldrums b. millibar c. coriolus effect d. tornado alley

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