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How Do We Discuss?

(Student created)
We can participate: o We can contribute to the discussion in a meaningful way o We can go back to the text o We can ask others to say something if they havent had a chance to say anything o We can relate ideas to the topics that are put up o We can come up with our own points rather than reiterating what others have said o We can keep the fluidity of the conversation We can expand on current ideas: o We can use text to support our claims and arguments o We can contribute new ideas at appropriate times o We can respond to others questions o We can build onto what someone else said / We can add to others good ideas o We can bring context from the story into the discussion o We can bring personal connections to the discussion o We can add a comment that connects to an event in the real world o We can use quotes to support our claims and enrich our arguments We can ask good questions : o We can ask questions about the topic being discussed to help us think deeper about the topic o We can ask questions if we are confused We can bring up new topics: o We can start a new topic when appropriate o We can be prepared: o We can be prepared to answer a variety of topics o We can assess the deeper meaning o We can prepare comments/ideas in advance o We can make sure we know about the topic were discussing by reading the text in advance We can listen to what people have to say: o We can be respectful to other people in the discussion o We can add to our annotations o We can look over our annotations while people are speaking so we can add connections o We can use silence to reflect on others ideas o We can respect other peoples ideas and opinions by being active listeners

Standards Rubric Grade 11

Speaking and Listening (Common Core)

Comprehension and Collaboration
Initiates and participates effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (1-1, group, teacher-led), with diverse partners Builds on others ideas Expresses own ideas clearly and persuasively Comes to discussions prepared, having read and researched material under study Explicitly refers to evidence from text and research on topic Stimulates a thoughtful, well-reasoned exchange of ideas Works with peers to set goals and individual roles, and to promote civil, democratic discussion and decision-making Propels conversations by posing and responding to questions that probe reasoning and evidence Ensures a hearing for a full range of positions on a topic Clarifies, verifies and challenges ideas and conclusions Promotes divergent and creative perspectives Responds thoughtfully to diverse perspectives Synthesizes comments, claims and evidence made on all sides of issue Resolves contradictions when possible Determines what additional information/research is required to deepen/complete investigation Integrates multiple sources of information to make informed decisions, evaluating their credibility and accuracy and noting discrepancies among data Evaluates other speakers points of view, reasoning, use of evidence and rhetoric (identifies fallacious reasoning or distorted evidence) Assesses the stance, premises, links among ideas, word choice, points of emphasis, and tone of other speakers Presents information, findings and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically so that listeners can follow the line of reasoning

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