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by rajiv saxena - Sunday, January 25, 2009, 12:59 AM

Customer finds mention in the ISO 9001:2000 almost everywhere. Hence this write up is on "how IA should cope up with practical issues on auditing customer satisfaction" 2) The Key Clauses are 2.1) clause 5.2 it is laid down that "top managment shall ensure that customer requirements are determined and are met with the aim of enhancing customer satisfaction. 2.2) Clause 7.2.1 - Customer related Processes: which states that organsiation shall determine the requirements specified , not specified but necessary, statiry and legal and any additional requirements 2.3) Clause 7.2.3 Customer Communication - with required to product information, enquiries and feedback 2.4 ) Clause 8.2.1- Customer Satisfaction: here the std says " as one of the measurement of the performance of the qms, the orgn shall monitor information relating to customer perception as to whether the orgn has met customer requiremnts. The methods for obatining and using this information shall be deteremined. Thus keeping customer satisfaction at a very high pedastal but leaving each organisation to determine its own path, the issues before internal auditor are: 1) The QM and QP of an orgn are oriented towards main product and organsiational customers ( customers to the whole organisation) but there are many internal customers who do not find place in QP, thus considerble arbitrariness and conflict exist. In many situations there may be clash between internal v/s external customers specially when legal/ statuory issues exist. Should the internal auditing be focused on main customer or secondary / internal customers? ( just saying yes or no will not help as these are real parctical problems) 2) Methods of taking customer's feedback becomes routine or subjective or baised ( & many times very taxing such that real work suffers). Until and unless a real issue exist a customer may be happy at the cost of violating a policy / statutory requirments. The satisfaction varies on case to case and time to time basis Thus auditing results purely on such customer feedback / satisfaction does not give real picture and becomes a farce. What approach system should be evolved for this? 3) A supplier becomes the customer of the organisation, as far as his payment is concerned. In case security deposit of a vendor/ supplier is stuck after his supply of product, than his complaint / grievances is to be treatd as unsastisfied customer or a unsatisfied supplier ? How should this be handled? Experiences of other organsiations are solicited to get complete picture.

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Internal Auditor: case study - customer satisfaction

Re: case study - customer satisfaction

by Ghafoor Ahmad - Tuesday, March 10, 2009, 02:10 AM

Very intresting! In the era of this hard and fast competetion the customer's satisfaction is of prime concern for any organization. Customer's satisfaction is the valuable asset for any organization so it must be given utmost importance. It must be secured through every segment of the business of an org. Organization must try to satisfy his customers in every field as Product, Service, Price, Feed back, Delivery, After delivery repair service, any help required by customer, Operation of the product or any other segment involved in the business/processes of the organization. Every corner must be given equal importance because the disatisfaction of customer will effect the goodwill of organization and not repute of anybody else.
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by Satheesh Kumar - Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 06:53 AM

In the era of this hard and fast competetion the customer's satisfaction is of prime concern for any organization. Customer's satisfaction is the valuable asset for any organization so it must be given utmost importance.Organization must try to satisfy his customers in every field as Product, Service, Price, Feed back, Delivery, After delivery repair service, any help required by customer. Every corner must be given equal importance because the disatisfaction of customer will effect the goodwill of organization and not repute of anybody else.
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Re: case study - customer satisfaction

by Renu Thushar Balakrishnan - Monday, October 25, 2010, 05:34 AM

Organizations depend on their customers. Hence they should understand current and future customer needs. They should meet customer requirements and strive to exceed customer expectations and achieve customer ecstasy.
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by damilola koledoye - Thursday, December 20, 2012, 08:17 AM

I strongly agree with you because all organization needs their customers for existence
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by Michelle Williams - Wednesday, March 11, 2009, 04:34 AM

In practical terms and reflecting my experience of monitoring customer satisfaction, I am able to give two examples, one from manufacturing and the other from higher education as follows: The company I currently work for have set themselves challenging targets in ensuring customer satisfaction. The work of the customer care team is exactly that - customer care and it is linked with the sales order processing team and those providing quotations. Customer satisfaction is monitored by means of customer orders received, complaints received, and an internal programme that we call 'Voice of the Customer'. Because customers install our product into their home/work place themselves, they are the persons best placed to tell us if we could do anything better. We invite our customers to our warehouse and offices to meet the staff, see the facilities and to meet senior management. We ask them outright what they like about the product, what wasn't explained well, if all the information was correct and what we could do better, along with what other products they would like to see us supply. Each of their suggestions is followed up under ISO clause 8.5.1 Continual Improvement. Every customer is written to to confirm the actions we have taken or improvements we have made. There is total closure - just like if a non-conformance had been raised. We also use statistical methods to identify a sample of our customers each week to follow up. A designated person, independent of the sales process calls each of these customers and asks them about how easy they found it to install the product, delivery, provision of technical information etc. 2/9


Internal Auditor: case study - customer satisfaction

All the information is reported monthly to the management review group. Further trends are identified and preventive action identified if necessary. In the higher education (university) sector, there is a completely different approach to customer satisfaction. The customers in this instance are the students who are being taught. It is common in this type of education environment to ask students to complete an evaluation questionnaire where they identify whether the level of teaching was suitable, if support was available, if the room was suitable and so on. Students are asked to rate facilities and provision from 1-6. However, we also asked the lecturer to evaluate how they felt the students had reacted to their teaching using the same evaluation. This provided the opportunity for the teacher to identify if there had been disruptive behaviour during the sessions, or if students had not completed their assignments etc. In essence this was a two-way feedback. Additionally, as all our students are employed in a hospital, have a professional body qualification, and are sponsored by them to attend, we also asked the employers to evaluate the effectiveness of the course - e.g did the student learn what you expected them to learn? Has their skill level increased? etc. Now, the customer satisfaction became a three-way level of feedback, providing significant opportunities to identify areas for improvement. Hope you find these examples useful.
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by Ravi Kumar Keenoo - Monday, March 16, 2009, 10:23 AM

This case is very interesting. The marketing orientation places customer at the center of every activity in an organization and thus tailoring products according to the needs of the customers. That is, the customer is regarded as the king. Because a business is no business without customer. And in order for every organization to grow, we must have high care and regards for our customers.
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by Hilal Souleiman Guelleh - Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 01:57 AM

I totaly agree. Nice job!

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by AMIT CHADDHA - Monday, June 22, 2009, 03:31 PM

The marketing orientation places customer at center of each and every activity in any organization and modify products according to the needs of the customers. In modern era, the customer is a king. Because a business can never ride the ladder of success untill it does not satisfy customer needs. And in order to grow any organization it must be Customer Oriented.
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by Anchu MATHEW - Saturday, July 11, 2009, 01:54 AM

I agree with your answere. It is perfectly right, everybody can understand it.
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Re: case study - customer satisfaction

by NAIMA Mohamed - Saturday, July 11, 2009, 07:06 AM

I agree with your idea , Customer satisfaction is the key point in any organization activities' and a measure of its growth. Stasfaction of client means: - Reduction of price - Quality improvement. - Product Design improvement. 3/9


- Product Design improvement.

Internal Auditor: case study - customer satisfaction

- Reduction in time of responding to customer claims and requirement. - availibility of product at any time, by an effective logistic and distribution network. - ......ext l think this improvement can be achieved in a fully opened economy (perfect concurrence approach) rather than in natural monopole economy.
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by B Schreurs - Thursday, November 26, 2009, 06:46 AM

Iso and measuring the customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction is more about the feeling of the customer instead of SMART items. How to make the customer satisfaction SMART? How to measure the customer satisfaction. You can make a questionairre, send it to the customers and create the smart items. But are you measuring the satisfaction or other related items? There are 2 models related to quality and customer satisfaction: the model of KANO and the model of SERVQUAL. the model of Kano is basic and easy to implement, the model os servqual is a bit morwe complex. to made the life easier, there are standard questionaires available for the servqual model. with these questionaires it is easy to implement the servqual model.
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by Jaliya Chathuranga - Monday, March 1, 2010, 02:27 AM

1. measuring of internal customer and internal supplier satisfaction is very important in Internal Audit.when considering process mapping it is important to have what they want as quick as possible for each and every process. to case satisfaction is difference.but we can develop a method to measure overall satisfaction. it is better to develop a marking system(Character with mark)considering this we can say whether over customer is satisfied or not.based on this audit gives the real picture. this kind of situation we can further develop our grading system by adding characters like ACCURACY OF DELIVERY,QUALITY OF DELIVERY.according to that payment could be given and grievances would be solved.
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by AREEB SIDDIQUI - Saturday, March 20, 2010, 01:41 PM

customer satisfaction is very much necessary for all organizatuion to run thier business
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by Milan Svitac - Saturday, May 22, 2010, 05:49 AM

What is the best way how to measure customer satisfaction in educational process as a business? (without questionnair) Is it possible to gain this informations by meeting with customers? IS it sufficient for auditors? (any record from meeting)
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by Deddy Sastranagara - Monday, March 22, 2010, 11:01 PM

1. Should the internal auditing be focused on main customer or secondary / internal customers? ( just saying yes or no will not help as these are real parctical problems) Answer: We can not to focused only for one customer even the customer is the main customer who support company business... all 4/9


We can not to focused only for one customer even the customer is the main customer who support company business... all customers only need they product is come in good quality and appropriate to the requirements. The customer can not interfere company business and company methodology to running the business as long it is referenced to ISO 9001 requirements... the most important thing that we shall to do internal audit is base on company policies and objectives to satisfy all company customers, and the area should be main focused is process area or technical area which supporting quality of product. it shall be focused to continuous improvement of company performance and quality of product. 2. Thus auditing results purely on such customer feedback / satisfaction does not give real picture and becomes a farce. What approach system should be evolved for this? Answer: This is one of quality objectives which should be achieved to avoid any cost lost only for paying cost charged by customers. customer will not charge you if all problems could be followed up immediately and the reasons of the problems are reasonable which included proving documents such pictures, videos, and the quick action method to prevent customer line production stopped. You should have instruction to response all customer feedbacks / complaints shall be responded and followed up base on reasonable timeliness 3. In case security deposit of a vendor/ supplier is stuck after his supply of product, than his complaint / grievances is to be treatd as unsastisfied customer or a unsatisfied supplier ? How should this be handled? Answer: for this case, i have not experience to categorized that kind of supplier base on the condition and security deposit... but, security deposit is only for vendor or supplier to avoid if they dissatisfy the customer as the charge of the bad products or services.
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Internal Auditor: case study - customer satisfaction

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by Joe Neuhausel - Wednesday, April 14, 2010, 10:10 AM

Customer satisfaction as measured by customer surveys can be misleading. Surveys have become both an art and a science. Marketing customer satisfaction surveys are often controlled by the questions posed in order to get the answers most desired. There is a difference between Marketing customer surveys and customer surveys done by the quality department. An auditor should be able to distinguish between a true measure of customer satisfaction versus a marketing depiction of customer opinions.
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by kehinde akintayo - Monday, August 30, 2010, 09:00 AM

The main drive of a quality management is to ensure customer satisfation. where customer satisfation is lacking, then the sequence of customer requirement-product realisatin-the product itself is not well co-ordinated. the essence of being in business is partly to ensure continous patronage wish is base on thorough customer satisfaction. it is very important the customer is satisfied always.
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by Nataly Booysen - Monday, August 30, 2010, 09:18 AM

The customer should be kept happy at all time is ,but it must start with management. There are times in any organzations where the customer is not happy, That s why Iso Standards state we must improve continuesly.There will always be room for improvement.
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by RE Taylor - Thursday, November 4, 2010, 12:40 PM

One should keep in mind that the customer is not just external. In an organization where one department passes on work that has to another department (customer) for completion. Look at it as an assembly line where each new station is a new customer because it depends on the work by the prior station to be done properly and to the required standards.
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Re: case study - customer satisfaction

Internal Auditor: case study - customer satisfaction

by SUNIL SINGH - Sunday, November 21, 2010, 06:25 AM

Yes customer satisfaction is the basic key for any organization success. for the customer satisfaction what procedure we r using for corrective action & acheiving our goals & target it is must. for achieving customer satisfaction first improve our service sector or manufacturing sector then process of manufacturing then delivery time & take feedback with in time. this is the my suggestion for any one who want to take satisfaction their customer. Quality measurment fulfilment is a must key for customer satisfaction.
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by Konstantina Dimitrova - Thursday, January 13, 2011, 07:34 AM

The driving force for a well functioning management system is always the customer. Customer requirements for products and services should form the basis on which to take all decisions related to business. The standard account of changing customer needs, which together with the on going competition makes it necessary to continuously improve ways of managing the organization. Management "ideology" means that management must be aware of how the customer is served, that the processes for its satisfaction are clearly defined and understood so that improvements can be put into use.
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by Ahsan Saleem - Sunday, January 1, 2012, 03:39 AM

yes ofcourse customer satisfaction is most important for business to run and improve. Customer satsfaction index must be calculated for each supply deliver to customer also to measure customer satisfaction there should exist proceedures
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by Melvin Stewart - Friday, April 15, 2011, 02:12 PM

One thing I do for our company is send out customer satisfaction surveys and i take the information i get back and try to implement what we recieved from our customers to make our company that much better with our customers. I also tend to follow up on shipments we shipped out to our customers to make sure the correct amount was recieved and the product was acceptable. it builds a good bond between us
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Re: case study - customer satisfaction

by Llaned Morales - Monday, September 19, 2011, 11:10 AM

I think the main goal for all organizations is to obtain complete customer satisfaction. When an organization obtains and maintains customer satisfaction the customer continues to buy or utilize your services. The company benefits through supplier loyalty, the potential to sell the same or other products in the future, and also a satisfied customer communicates to others the positive experiences with a product or service. Therefore as a benefit, the company receives free advertising that satisfied customers may pass along to other organizations. As an added benefit, the continued long term satisfaction of a customer could lead the company to gain more of the total business, with the customer. On the other hand, an unsatisfied customer will voluntarily express their discontent to others which is publicity that a business does not want.
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by Deebha Vasanthakumar - Monday, October 31, 2011, 09:22 AM

Hi, Interesting!!! Yes, the Customer Satisfaction is the Slogan of all the business. 6/9


Yes, the Customer Satisfaction is the Slogan of all the business.

Internal Auditor: case study - customer satisfaction

How we can Satisfied our Clients? In the project time itself we have to put our concentration much. Then the raw material selection, in process inspection and pre despatch should get inspect perfectly. Coordination between all the department is very important. Then only we will get Quality Product. If we get any customer complaints, then immediately we have to send our representative to their end for observing the real things and for collecting samples. If the problem is severe then immediately we have to replace the defected products with new products. CAPA has to be submitted. If we supply our products with Right Time With Good Quality and providing immediate reply to their Complaints will definitely improves the Customer Satisfaction. Thanks & Regards, Deebha

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by DALJIT GUJRAL - Monday, January 2, 2012, 05:10 PM

In today's environment I think customer satisfaction should be perfect motto for each and every aspiring organisations. Maintianing Quality of Products is the main fundamentals and key to customer satisfaction.
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by Mercia McLean - Monday, January 9, 2012, 02:37 AM

Customer satisfaction is the bee all and end all of a QMS. (The Customer is King) If the customer is not satisfied with the manufactured products, after sales service, product information, this could drive the customer away to source elsewhere. Even if the customer does not know what he wants the sales person should be the one to coax as much information from the customer without upsetting him to enable the sales person to provide the customer with the best service possible. The Customer surveys could supply management of the company with a lot of information to see how the company could up its service to its customers.
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by LOOTE AKUWOM ELIZABETH - Friday, March 23, 2012, 05:25 AM

that is it saxena,the right thing in any company or organisation is to make that their customers are satisfied with the products and services.also important is that the customers are shown their rigts of better products and services
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by Jelena Vukovic - Wednesday, April 18, 2012, 02:07 PM

Customer satisfaction is the base of all today's businesses. Market is full of competition. For any business it is very important to keep customers satisfied, it will create loyalty for product / service, company, brand name,..., and stay ahead of it's competition. The best marketing is based on satisfied customers speaking to their friends, family,...
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by joshua kisaingu - Saturday, May 26, 2012, 03:33 AM

No business or organisation can exist without clients and businesses are scrambling to boost customers satisfaction by paying more attention in satisfying the clients. This can be achieved by providing strong customer service. One of the ways of doing this is by ensuring clients complete a survey by evaluating a service they have received in terms of their perceptions and expectations and by doing so the organisation measures if the products or services have satisfied the customer in the overall context of product or service development and management.
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Internal Auditor: case study - customer satisfaction

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by Olawale Ogunsola - Wednesday, May 30, 2012, 09:17 AM

1. Every single customer must be treated alike both internal & external customer because customer satisfaction is one of the measurement of the Organisation QMS performance. Also, Internal auditing should be focused on both internal & external customers because it is perform internal auditing is perform within an organisation to measure its perfrmance. 2. An approach that can yield an expected result is to establish a method to measure overall customers' satisfaction. 3. As stated in the case study under review, a supplier becomes the customer of the organisation as far as his payment is concerned. So, the supplier's complaint/grievances is to be treated as unsatisfied customer. Thank you. Olawale Ogunsola
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by joshua kisaingu - Thursday, June 28, 2012, 05:20 AM

An organisation need to establish a system that enhances customers overall satisfaction.

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by khadija Mohammed - Sunday, June 3, 2012, 12:49 AM

Connecting the customer satisfaction with all the mentioned points is very interesting. In my opinion; Good quality planning by top management will lead for 90-80 % of customer satisfaction. Good planning means the plan suite the customer expectation and the changing in the product requirements in a controlled manner.

Controlling and management is very sensitive when it reaches to customer. But reaching the expectation will be much easier by identifying the organization policies and boundaries with the customer expectation and organization rules and legislations.

Legislations are fixed, procedures are not fixed, and they should be changed within the identified boundaries to suite the satisfaction of the customers. And this can be done by using the people experience.

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by percy musyoki - Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 12:56 AM

very interesting! customer satisfaction is the song in every organization and business. meeting and exceeding customers needs is the most important.prior to this,careful and thorough research and analysis must be conducted.a close contact with the customer assures customer retention and loyalty and confidence with the organization.the customer should be communicated regulary to keep in track the well being of the supplier.customer communication thus becomes the key to maintaining customers awareness. planning,procurement,product/service and logistics must be designed with customer in mind since all will end when the customer's needs are met. its also important to note that continuous improvement must be put in place all the time to ensure future needs of the customer are met and expectations exceeded. one cant avoid the customer if he/she cant avoid being in business.
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Internal Auditor: case study - customer satisfaction

Re: case study - customer satisfaction

by percy musyoki - Tuesday, July 24, 2012, 12:58 AM

handling non conformities after the internal audit

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by SALIM ADAM - Thursday, July 26, 2012, 03:26 AM

The Customers and customer satisfaction is most important requirement of a successful business organization. The customer and there customer satisfaction level must be equal, to stay long run into any kinds of business. Here i mention that the many organization taking measure steps to increase there customers and his satisfaction level with help of adopting QMS implemented into the organization. Also they observe the product relization, product design, product quality, product improvement and inspect the products process till the end of products deliver to the customer on a timely manner which produced maximum satisfaction, trust on product to the customers who utilized that product and giving befits in the form of building profitability, growrth with the long term business of a organization.
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