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Volume 18 Issue 01


Several guests were invited to the event: the Korean volunteers, Rep Jasmin Lee who gave an inspirational message and some officers and staff of Philippine Embassy in Seoul Korea. The Mr. and Ms. Pilipino Culture candidates 2012 once again showed their production number back to back with the HFCC singing divas: Mary Joy Lor Tungala, Laarni Gon and Liezel Mayuga. Attendees enjoyed the buffet style food, the beat of the music, parlor games and the exchanging of gifts. Raffle prizes were given during the party. In the same occasion, trophies were awarded to the winners of the Volunteers' Sportsfest 2012. Special awards were given to Marlon Aguila and Bai Sheila Malinog, Jaymon Mallari and Raechello Montalbo, Roberto Catanghal and Rep Jasmin Lee, as Mr and Ms Glamour, Mr and Ms Face of the Night and Star of the Night respectively. Mr Roger Amboy who won in one of the raffle prizes coemceed Fr. Alvin during the program. The party ended with a song "If We Hold On Together' that was sung by everyone who The party started with a prayer and opening gathered all together, holding each others' by Ma. Teresa Solis ts Christmas time once again. HFCC had remarks led by Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP, HFCC hands, on the stage.. Merry Christmas and a the annual Christmas Party early this Chaplain. Followed by Mr Roberto Catanghal, Blessed New Year to all. time. It was held at Sejong Cultural Center in HFCC President, who greeted everyone and made a toast for the Christmas season. Kwanghwamun last December 9, 2012.

Whats Inside
Scholars share their expertise to fellow Filipinos in Korea 3 Korea goes multicultural 4 10 Tips When Making Quick Business Decisions 5 Likhaan 6 Pasalubong 7 Another New Year to Celebrate!!! 7 Covenant Love: Introducing the Biblical Worldview 8 Go and do likewise (Lk 10:37) 9 Istorya ni Mang Roldan 10 Imperfect multiculturalism 11 South Korea cuts quota for new OFWs; illegal's blamed 11 Ulat Komunidad12 Announcements 13 Frequently Called Numbers 14 Daily Mass Readings (ORDO) 14 Birthday Greetings 14 by Emely Dicolen-Abagat he Hyehwadong Filipino Catholic Community (HFCC) through the Mission Society of the Philippnes (MSP) Migrant Desk in the Philippines organized the 1st Christmas Party for Ex-Korea OFWs dubbed as "Pamaskong Pagtitipon Para sa Mga Manggagawang Pinoy ng Korea" held on December 29, 2012 at the St. Joseph the Worker Parish, Makati City, from 9:00 in the morning to 2:00 in the afternoon. This fellowship was organized as a a venue for "kumustahan" and as part of the reintegration program and efforts of the HFCC through the leadership fo Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP who flew all the way from Seoul to Manila to grace the event. The MSP Migrant Desk, through Bro. Allan Rodriguez was in charge of all the logistics and preparations, also through the help of some volunteers. The gathering was opened with a prayer by Emely Abagat, a welcome remarks by Fr. Alvin, and then "kumustahan" where everyone present were given the chance to share about their life after Korea. Prizes were raffled for everyone present. The MSP Moderator, Fr. Alfie Africa, MSP, Fr. Dong Marcaida, MSP and another guest priest gave their inspirational messages. Mr. Mike Panlilio and Mr. Apol Carandang were the masters of ceremonies. It was indeed a happy reunion of HFCC volunteers, El Shaddai Prayer Partners members, OWWA Officer Ilo, and other friends from Korea and their families. The last part of the fellowship was the sharing of food, fun, and laughter. Everybody's looking forward to the 2nd Ex-Korea Christmas Party on December 2013!

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

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15 Dec 2012 Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers (Lay Ministers) / Daerim Community 16 Dec 2012 Mindoro Association 17 Dec 2012 HFCC Choir / Mr. Marcos Pantoja 18 Dec 2012 Boxline 19 Dec 2012 SuperGem / Oscar 20 Dec 2012 Prayer Partners 21 Dec 2012 Church Stewards / Embassy Housing Club 22 Dec 2012 Global Pinoy Remittance Services (GPRS) 23 Dec 2012 Mr. & Mrs. Manny David / Jannet Cris 24 Dec 2012 HFCC / Mr. & Mrs. Luchie Papio

By: Madison P. Munar (

roadening and facilitating an exchange of information among Filipino scholars in Korea, Pinoy Iskolar sa Korea (PIKO), the only Filipino students organization accredited by the Philippine Embassy in Seoul, spearheaded a Scientific colloquium that showcased a wide array of researches in both Natural and Social Sciences held last November 17, 2012 at the Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines, Seoul, South Korea. The scientific colloquium aimed to bring forth to the Filipino community the knowledge that is being honed by the steadfast and resilient students and professionals from the Philippines in Korea. PIKO reiterated that Filipino scholars were doing high caliber researches that can be of big contribution to the Philippines in the future. However, the organization noticed the need to lay down a venue that will allow these scholars to share their expertise and at the same time build networks with their fellow scholars. Luis T. Cruz, Ambassador of the Philippines in Seoul, lauded the organizations PIKO officers (from left): Ron Laranjo (PRO) and initiative to Madison P. Munar (Secretary and Chairman of Scienopen and tific Colloquium) bring to the Filipino community the researches that have social, economic and scientific importance. Pressing issues like territorial disputes and multiculturalism were among the subjects discussed in the Social presentations. While genetic diversity and stem cell experiments were among the topics discussed in the Science presentations. There were a total of four oral presentations in Social Sciences. Richard Daenos, scholar of Cultural Partnership Initiative (CPI), delivered a talk on his study entitled The School-Community Collaboration among Teacher Education Ambassador Luis T. Cruz, delivering his introduction Institutions and Basic local Government Units in Angeles City. Dianne Faye remarks Co Despi, Masteral student in Graduate Institute of Peace, Kyung Hee University, talked on her graduate thesis entitled Prospect Theory and Changes in Foreign Policy in the Spratly Islands Dispute from 1982 to 2012. Ador Torneo, PhD student at Konkuk University, shared his research entitled Marriage Immigration and Multicultural Families in the Transnational Era: Policy Implications for the Philippines and South Korea. Raymund Arthur Abejo, PhD student in The Academy of Korean Studies, delivered a talk about his study entitled Transcultural Representations: Perceptions of Korean Intellectuals on the Philippine Independence Movement. There were five oral presentations and three poster presentations in the Natural Sciences. Christine Jewel Uy, MS-PhD student in Korea University, talked about her research entitled Comparison of stream macroinvertebrate communities from two Philippine Islands: a biogeographic study. Valerie Diane Valriano, MS student at Dankook University, discussed her research entitled Draft GeDianne Faye Co Despi, one of the presenters during nome Sequence of Lactobacillus mucosae LM1 (presented also as poster). the Scientific Colloquium for Social Sciences Judee Grace Nemeno-Guanzon, a Researcher in SMART Institute of Advanced Biomedical Science at Konkuk University, discussed one of their researches at the Stem Cell Center entitled Transplantation of Scaffold-free Stem Cell Spheroids: The promising Treatment for Cartilage Defects of the Knee. Ms. Judee Guanzon also presented her graduate research from Ewha Womans University entitled Control of Accumulation of Ptd Ins (3,4,5) P3 Ins in the plasma membrane and Akt Signaling by Peroxiredoxin (Prx) antioxidant proteins. Karen Kay Mejos, MS student in Ewha Womans University, talked on her thesis entitled The effect of paternal and maternal folate status on the serum homocysteine concentraScience presenters (from left): Jastin Edrian Revilleza, tion, hepatic Valerie Diane Valeriano, Karen Kay Mejos and Judee global DNA Grace Nemeno-Guanzon methylation and IGF1 expression in the three-week-old rat pup (presented also as poster). Jastin Edrian Revilleza, MS student in Seoul National University, shared his thesis entitled Genetic diversity of Miscanthus spp. in Photosynthesis. Filipino scholars and teachers from the Philippines under the UNESCOAPCEIU program also graced the said event. PIKO is looking forward to more Scholars and teachers participated during the colloscientific colloquium in the future and the participation of the Filipino commuquium at the Philippine Embassy in Seoul, Korea. nity from various sectors is highly anticipated.

Volume 18 Issue 01

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 3 view?articleId=100308, May 08, 2012 Overcoming differences through cultural activities ore than 45 million people left and entered South Korea in 2011 alone, and the number of foreigners staying in Korea topped 1.4 million. Yes, Korean society is rapidly going multicultural. Of these 1.4 million, 1.1 million are long-term immigrants, representing 2.2 percent of the Korean population. Nearly 49 percent of them are Korean Chinese who moved back to their ancestral fatherland, followed by Americans at 9.5 percent, Vietnamese at 8.3 percent, and Japanese at 4.2 percent. This surge in foreign settlers in Korea can be attributed to increases in the numbers of migrant workers, marriage immigrants, children born to multicultural families, Korean nationals returning from abroad, and North Korean defectors to South Korea. As South Korea becomes racially and culturally more diverse, the national, local, and municipal governments have been devising new policies to embrace them as members of Korean society.

These special activities and events help people understand the value of living together in diversity. The annual Global Village Festival, a program of the Hi Seoul Festival in downtown Seoul, brings together foreigners from across the globe now living in Seoul. The annual Global Village Festival is the largest urban multicultural festival in South Korea and features performances by artists from foreign cities in sister relationships with Seoul. Foods, crafts, and costumes from around the world are all featured at this event. It is a joyful time for people with open hearts to have fun and experience different cultures. Opportunities to make dreams come true

brides, mothers, daughters-in-law, and neighbors. At first, they start their new lives as recipients of assistance, but later they become donors and assistants. In particular, they assist other foreign women who come to Korea to marry and their children. Rather than hiding in their homes as migrants, they go out and function as full members of their local communities, gradually bringing their Korean Dream to fruition. Forward-looking Policy The increasing diversity of South Korean society was even evidenced in the recent general elections. Lee Jasmine, a naturalized Korean citizen, was elected to the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea by proportional representation, which indicates that South Korea is indeed embracing foreigners as members of society.

Foreigners living in Korea who hold degrees from prestigious universities or with exceptional talents often give up their careers as professionals: they are simply too busy earning a living. Financial security is essential for people to develop their talents and invest in their longterm careers. The intercultural, transnational chorus Montant is notable in this regard. Its full -time members are covered by the four major social insurances (employment insurance, inCultural activities to form shared under- dustrial accident compensation insurance, national pension, and national health insurance) standing and come to work just like other salaried men Sejong Cultural Center organized the Sejong The public and private sectors alike are keen and women in South Korea. Youth Harmony Orchestra last year in order to support activities and events that bridge culto provide music education to children from tural differences between Koreans and foreignmulticultural families. The 50 members of the ers living in South Korea. Singing groups, festiorchestra, who recommended by 88 children's vals, and sporting events represent the most centers across Seoul and passed auditions, are common means of bringing culturally distinct growing their dream of becoming musicians. groups closer together. The Rainbow Chorus of (photo courtesy of Sejong Cultural Center). the Center for Multicultural Korea (CMCK) As more and more foreigners firmly settle stands out among them. down in Korea, the central and local governThe Rainbow Chorus is the first-ever multiments formulate new policies to support their cultural childrens chorus in South Korea and children. Children from multicultural families comprises children from families with ten difnaturally tend to melt into Korean society in a ferent nationalities including Japanese, Filipino, Multicultural family members mix bibimbap seamless way. Their parents hope they will not Russian, Iraqi, and Thai. Professional musi- that represents the harmony of diverse cullose their own national identities, and this concians teach the chorus members free of charge, tures at the Bibimbap Festival (photo: Yonhap cern is addressed in government policy. News). and they are invited to special events. They One example is the multicultural school run even sang before the top leaders gathered for by the Seoul Metropolitan Government where the G-20 Seoul Summit, and serve as PR amSinger Insooni grew up as a mixed race child bassadors for multiculturalism. The chorus is in South Korea and is now an acclaimed R&B bilingual education, education in special talents, vitally important to its memberssuch inno- diva and Montants art director. Montants and education for parents are provided. Chilcent children who freely mix with one another members are immigrants from nine countries dren can learn their parents mother tongues regardless of nationality and physical fea- including Monaco, Tibet, and Indonesia. The including Chinese and Mongolian and receive turesand provides valuable opportunities for name, Montant, sounds similar to the Korean lessons in arts and physical education. Parents its audiences to better understand what a multi- word monttang, which means all and every. can learn how to educate their children at home and how to raise their children bilingually. cultural society is like. The name signifies that the members can sing They can also learn Korean by singing and all songs in the world. The founders of the cho- experiencing Korean culture. rus hope that it will grow as a socially responsiThe South Korean government announced a ble business and are devoted to the cause of 2012 action plan for policy to help foreigners providing full-time jobs for its members. on January 27 of this year. Few young people in South Korea choose to The plan shows that the government is keen live in rural areas. This is especially true of young women. As a group, they are averse to on bringing in foreign workers to meet the living as farmers wives. As a result, the aver- needs of business, run multicultural classes to age age of the people living in the countryside effectively help foreigners settle in Korea, and has increased, but the trend is beginning to have more schools provide courses on multiculreverse thanks to an influx of foreign women turalism. marring Korean men. Some of them become *Article from Korea Magazine (May 2012) heads of womens societies in their local comChildren from multicultural families are munities and even heads of the villages they members of the Rainbow Choir at the Center live in. for Multicultural Korea (photo courtesy of They acquire knowhow about living in South Center for Multicultural Korea). Korea and accumulate experience as foreign

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 18 Issue 01

Posted by EPa in News-Articles aking a decision based on gut feel alone is not only lazy but also likely to be a dud. However, recent books like the best seller Blink give the impression that you just have to rely on your instincts. For most business decisions, this approach will get you fired 5. or drive your company into bankruptcy. However, there are many times when you have to make a business decision quickly and when there is no more time to do a thorough study, you must be ready with an abridged but reliable process that you can depend on to come up with a sound decision. I have come up with a short list of steps to improve the chances of getting it right even if there is little time: 1. Think first how you will approach the problem. This involves several things starting with problem definition, the time frame and budget within it must be solved. Consider too what will happen if you take no action. There are some problems that are best left ignored they may be trivial or resolve themselves in time.

tested. However, this should not prevent disadvantage. Be bold enough to be objecyou from exploring unconventional ideas tive in computing the most advantageous that may be far better. In fact, if it is a crisis option. situation, it is usually easier to institute 8. Do not consider sunk costs. Sunk costs are radical changes since it will be clear to expenses that have already been incurred everyone that there is no other choice to and can no longer be recovered. Unfortusurvive. nately, while most managers know that this List down the viable options. Some people is the rational thing to do, there are two just go through the motions of listing the major factors that hinder this logical course. alternatives but neglect the effort to provide The first is the emotional barrier of admittruly feasible alternatives. Usually there is ting to oneself that the previous investment only one serious option provided. This is a which he approved was a blunder and the waste of time and will not enhance your second, if the decision maker is an emefforts to obtain the best solution. Genuine ployee, is the career damage caused by having wasted company resources. Neveralternatives must be brought to the table. theless, the best policy is to cut your losses. 9. Quantify the peso value of your alternatives. When there is little time there is a tendency to be swayed more by the number of arguments rather than its peso value. There may be only be one argument in favor and ten arguments against but if the one argument is bigger in value than all the ten combined, then it should prevail. 10. Select a decision that will be good for the long term. There are many decisions that are profitable for now but may bring on irrevocable harm later on. Examples of these are reducing the quality of products to save on costs, cutting the marketing budget, neglecting safety procedures, etc. Such acts risks destroying the companys brands and reputation. The steps mentioned above are just a guide to stimulate you to design your own system that is appropriate for your business and position. You should develop your own professional approach. Making a quick business decision must not mean guessing the answer.
Originally published by the Manila Bulletin. Written by Ruben Anlacan, Jr. (President, BusinessCoach, Inc.) All rights reserved. Photo from

2. Research the problem. Most problems have already been encountered in the past. It would be more economical to first learn what was tried in similar situations. Even if you find out that a particular approach did 6. Evaluate both the pros and the cons. Very not work then you have one less alternative often we are so excited by an idea that we to consider. forget to examine its negative aspects. If all the people around you are yes men, this is 3. Get the opinion of key people from affected very dangerous for it blinds you to the podepartments. In your haste to make the tential dangers. If it all seems one-sided, get decision you may forget the consequences one capable person to play devils advocate on other aspects of your companys operato balance the discussion. tions. More minds on the matter may bring better alternatives. Another good conse- 7. Counteract the tendency to be loss-averse. quence of getting more opinions is that you Studies have shown that people will will get stronger support. You will also bear strongly prefer the safety and comfort of less blame if things did not work out well! not losing 1000 pesos rather than gaining 2000 pesos. In actual practice people usu4. Consider out-of-the-box ideas. In a crisis or ally chose not losing rather than gaining if we are in a hurry, we usually fall back on double! People prefer avoiding losses than just the old solutions. This may be a prumaking gains; this puts the timid at a great dent decision since it is already tried and

What steps are good for Catholics who have the desire to believe but are really If I'm serving active duty and only have struggling with their faith? access to a Protestant service, does it fulfill my Sunday obligation?
I was raised Catholic. Now my faith is now all but completely gone. I have been researching the question of God's existence for some time, reading books from Catholic apologists, listening to theism/atheism debates, and asking God (who I am not sure is there) to help me. Should I continue going to Mass? What steps are good for Catholics who have the desire to believe but are really struggling with their faith? First of all, just because you have doubts does not mean that you dont believe. If one wills to believe, one believes. I expect that you do believe. Listening to or reading debates between atheists and believers isnt going to do it for you. Its not just a matter of finding the right argument. Its a matter of meeting a Person. As a favor to me and to yourself, spend a half hour before his presence in the tabernacle for a month. Its OK if you miss a day or two. But try to make it every day. Tell the Lord that you want to believe in him and all that the Church teaches about him. And then just sit. Let him do the work. Fr. Vincent Serpa O.P.

Full Question

I am deployed to Afghanistan, and our current chaplain is a Church of Christ minister. In this situation would the Protestant service offered by the minister fulfill my Sunday obligation? Attendance at a Protestant service does not fulfill the Sunday obligation. The Catechism instructs:

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The first precept [of the Church] ("You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor") requires the faithful to sanctify the day commemorating the Resurrection of the Lord as well as the principal liturgical feasts . . . by participating in the Eucharistic celebration, in which the Christian community is gathered (CCC 2042). It is specially recommended that the faithful take part in the Liturgy of the Word if it is celebrated in the parish church or in another sacred place according to the prescriptions of the diocesan bishop, or engage in prayer for an appropriate amount of time personally or in a family or, as occasion offers, in groups of families (Code of Canon Law 1248).

If participation in the celebration of the Eucharist is impossible, you have no obligation to attend Mass. But, in this situation:

Answered by

Volume 18 Issue 01

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

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ni Michael B. Balba Malamig na naman ang hanging amihan, Tila nagsasabi na pasko na naman, Sa muling pagsapit araw ng pagsilang, Sanggol na dakila tayo ay magdiwang. Dakilang Mesiyas ay ating purihin, Sa mga biyaya na nakamit natin, Ang dapat ialay kay Hesus na giliw, Ang pasasalamat at pananalangin. Isabog sa mundo ang pagmamahalan, Upang ang makamit ay ligayang tunay, Sa muling pagsapit natatanging araw, Tayo'y magkaisa at magpatawaran. Huwag lilimuting ang araw ng pasko, Araw ng pagsilang ni Hesu-Kristo Kaya hawak-kamay magkaisa tayo, Ang pagmamahalan isapuso mo. Hawak-kamay tayo na Siya'y purihin, Si Hesus na liyag sanggol na butihin, Hawak-kamay tayo sa pananalangin, Upang ang biyaya ay palaging kamtin.


ni Michael B. Balba Limang pasko na rin ang nakararaan, Nang huling magpasko sa bayan kong hirang, Ngayong naririto dapat bang magdiwang, Dapat bang magsaya ngayong kapaskuhan. Ang huling pasko kong ako'y naririto, Tunay na sugatan ang aba kong puso, Pagkat nakaburol noon ang ama ko, Kaya lumuluha sa araw ng pasko. Habang mga tao noo'y nagsasaya, Sa muling pagsilang ni Hesus na sinta, Nagluluksa naman ang aming pamilya, Sa pagkakahimlay ng mahal kong ama. Matagal-tagal din ako ay nagluksa, Maraming taon din na ako'y lumuha, Sana ngayong pasko ay aking magawa, Ang muling makamit ang sigla sa mukha. Sana ngayong pasko ay makalimutan, Pait na dinulot nitong kapaskuhan, Sana ngayong pasko lumigayang tunay, Sa tulong at awa ng Poong Maylalang.

Promise Yourself SALAMAT

ni Michael B. Balba Tangi kong dalangin sa mahal na Ama, Sa taong darating ako'y gabayan N'ya, Nawa ay patuloy bigyan ng pag-asa, Upang laging kamtin bukas na maganda. Nawa ay patuloy na kami ay bigyan, Buhay na masaya't lusog ng katawan Nawa sa tuwina kami ay gabayan, Nang laging malayo sa kapahamakan. Ang lahat ng bagay na inaasam, Ngayong bagong taon nawa ay makamtan, Ang pasasalamat aking iaalay, Sa Poong Lumikha nitong sanlibutan. Salamat po Ama ikaw ang tanggulan, Salamat pong lagi ikaw ay nariyan, Mahal naming Ama ang samo ko't dasal, Buo kong pamilya iyong bendisyunan. Lagi mong gabayan pamilya kong giliw, Nang kami'y malayo sa dusa't hilahil, Salamat pong muli Amang maawain, Salamat sa gabay at biyaya sa'min. Christian D. Larson, Your Forces and How to Use Them To be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness, and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel that there is something in them To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only the best, to work only for the best, and to expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living creature you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To be too large for worry, too noble for anger, too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble. To think well of yourself and to proclaim this fact to the world, not in loud words but great deeds. To live in faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you.

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 18 Issue 01

payo, gabay, at pagmamahal nila. Miss na miss year welcomed us, with hopes and dreams to unfold. We have left another year behind and ko na po ang daddy ko. Sagad sa buto. Naalala ko na naman ang salitang pasalubong we should be grateful for all the blessings that (Isang Mensahe Para sa mga OFWs) na kaakibat na ng pagiging OFW. Simula ng God has given us: conquering our fears and Isa uli itong kuwento na kumalat sa Facebook mawala ang tatay ko, nag-iba na rin ang tingin overcoming our difficulties. at nais naming ibahagi sa inyong lahat..... Another year has passed and we are all still ko sa pasalubong. ko nga pala si Jun. Anak ng isang Ok lang na wala akong mga imported na here. We keep on fighting with our daily orbagong bayani. tsokolate, imported na mga gadgets, imported deals in living life to the fullest. Despite the immeasurable circumstances we all encounMalinaw pa rin sa aking ala-ala ang gabing na damit, imported na sapatos, imported na tered as humans, God made us all tougher than yun December 23, 2010. Lasap na lasap ko na sabon, imported na canned goods, imported na tooth paste, imported na bag, imported na cell we can ever thought, and He has made us ang malamig na simoy ng hangin dahil magpaunique, all different from the rest. pasko na. Nagpaplano na nga ako kung ano ang phone, o kahit anong imported man yan. Ok I am just so happy to get through all the mga ihahanda namin sa noche buena dahil mula lang din sa akin kahit mahirap lang kami at nang pumunta ng Saudi si tatay, ako na palagi nakakakain lang ng tatlong beses sa isang araw. pains, coping with the feeling of being alone, Ok lang kahit walang mga pasalubong o balik- and the feeling of emptiness. I am so grateful ang nakatoka... sa pagluluto. bayan box basta nandito ang tatay ko.basta that I am up to my feet until now. I am glad to Pero iba ang kutob ko nung araw na yun. sama-sama kaming buong pamilyabasta ma- be still kicking, thanking and appreciating even Buong araw kasing hindi sumagot sa tawag at saya kami. Pero huli na ang lahat. Wala na ang the smallest details of myself, what I have and text namin si tatay. Isang araw bago yun, nagtatay ko. Wala na ang bayani ng buhay ko. what I can give. pacheck-up siya sa pinakamalapit na ospital Isang taon na ang nakalipas pero may kirot As we face our next mission or vision for dahil na rin sa iniinda nyang pananakit ng dibdib. Kahina-hinala ang resulta ng ECG kaya pa rin sa puso ko tuwing magbabalik-tanaw the New year, let us be reminded that we can all face the challenges that life has to offer. With pinayuhan siyang bumalik kinabukasan para sa ako sa mga naranasan ng aking pamilya. gamot at follow-up na check-up. Pero hindi Tuwing makakakita ako ng OFW, naaalala faith, nothing can go wrong. May we all be namin siya nakontak buong araw. Inisip na lang ko lang ang mga pangarap ng tatay ko. Mahirap strong and confident and never let other people namin na baka nasa ospital siya at naiwan sa palang maging OFW kaya ganun na lang ang keep us down. Be the best you can be! Be happy as much as you can. Be humble. Be the bahay yung cell phone nya. Mali kami. Nung pagmamahal ko para sa kanila. servant of God. gabi ding yun, nabalot ng lungkot at hinagpis Ikaw? OFW ka ba? Kung oo, sana hayaan ang buong bahay namin matapos matanggap HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! ang isang di inaasahang tawag mula Saudi. nyo po akong mahalin kita. Dahil sa pamamagi- MAY 2013 BE THE BEST YEAR FOR US!! tan nito, para na ring niyakap ko ang aking Patay na po si Ka Robertinatake sa puso. ama. Alam ko ang pinagdadaanan nyo. Malaki Hindi ko na maalala kung anong naramda- man ang mga ngiti nyo sa mga pictures nyo sa man ko nung oras na yun. Naghalo ang gulat, Facebook, alam kong may lungkot din na na- HFCC Volunteer Invitation sakit, at pagsisisi sa puso ko. Hindi ko inasa- katago dun. Hindi mo na kailangang aminin hang mawawala siya dalawang araw bago mag- pero alam kong umiiyak ka kapag mag-isa ka Inaanyayahan po ang lahat ng interesadong pasko at apat na buwan bago ako magtapos sa na lang. Ayaw nyo kasing mag-alala ang mga maging volunteer sa mga sumusunod na grupo. kolehiyo. Bigla kong naalala ang mga araw na mahal nyo sa buhay dito sa Pilipinas. CHOIR - nangangailangan po ng miyembro sa halos iwasan ko ang mga tawag niya kasi busy Alto, Soprano, Tenor at Bass. Makipagugnayan Pero sana huwag nyong kalimutan na hindi lamang po kay Ate Ely Torres 010-8061-9143. ako, ang mga oras na halos magsawa na akong magsabi ng hello daddy, kamusta ka na? tuwing lang pera at pasalubong ang kailangan ng pa- ALTAR BOYS - Makipagugnayan lamang po tatawag siya, at ang mga panahong mas pinaha- milya nyong nangungulila sa pagmamahal at kay Ronald Soriano 010-8673-9216 or Rey lagahan ko pa ang mga pasalubong na ipinan- kalinga nyo. At sa mga anak at kamag-anak Centeno 010-3922-3109. gako niyang dadalhin niya pag-uwi nya sa dito sa Pilipinas, sana maalala nyo rin na hindi pinupulot ng mga OFW ang pera sa abroad. LECTORS & COMMENTATORS Pinas. Masakit sobrang sakit. Hindi po sila factory ng pera kundi mga taong Makipagugnayan lamang po kay Jyun Gonzalez Halos dalawang buwan kaming naghintay masaya man sa panlabas, sumisigaw naman ang 010-2897-6707 para sa bangkay nya. Makailang ulit kaming kanilang mga puso sa sobrang pangungulila sa IT Committee - Makipagugnayan lamang po nagfollow-up sa DFA at OWWA para mapabi- mga halik at yakap nyo. kay Matet Solis 010-2258-0377, email at lis ang pagdating nya. February 2011, lumapag Sa mga OFWs saan mang panig ng mundo, na rin sa wakas sa NAIA ang mga labi ng tatay ko. Hindi ko akalaing ang mga tagpong napa- mahal ko kayo at saludo po kami sa inyo. Ma- S A M B A Y A N A N Newsletter panood ko lang dati sa TV ay naranasan namin buhay kayong mga bagong bayani ng Pilipinas! nangangailangan po ng manunulat sa News, Kayo po ang mga tunay na bayani sa puso ko. nung mga oras na yun. Kapit-kamay kaming Feature, at Reflections. Pati na rin po sa tumungo sa cargo section upang salubungin ang Sanay dumating ang araw na hindi nyo na photojournalist at layout. Makipagugnayan isang mahabang kahong naglalaman ng bang- kailangang umalis pa ng bansa at tiisin ang lamang po kay Doc Ems 010-5160-2928. kay ng tatay ko. Habang papalapit ng papalapit matinding pangungulila. Hindi hamak na mas CHURCH STEWARD - Makipagugnayan po ang sasakyang nagdadala ng wooden casket, mahalaga pa rin ang OFW kaysa sa balikbayan kay Ate Sonia Permejo 010-3148-1984, Ate bigla kong naalala ang mga pasalubong na ipi- box. Nida 010-4836-9610 o kaninuman sa mga nangako ng tatay ko. Heto na ba yun? Ito ba Magpapasko na naman pala. Miss ko na naang itsura ng balikbayan box na sinasabi nya? man si Tatay. Wala mang pasalubong o balik- Steward. Pero imbis na saya, luha ng pangungulila ang bayan box, alam kong kasama ko pa rin sya. lumabas sa mga mata ko. Ako nga pala ulit si Jun. Ulila na sa ama pero

Mahirap mawalan ng magulang at lalong mananatili pa ring proud na anak ng isang Paanyaya: Ang lahat ay inaanyayahang masakit mawalan ng magulang kung syay OFW. ibahagi ang kanilang mga talento sa OFW. Habang tinatype ko ang mga letra sa pagsusulat ng mga kuwento, sanaysay, komposisyon kong ito, sabay ding umaagos ang tula, karanasan at pagninilay upang luha ng pangungulila ko sa aking ama kahit ilathala sa babasahing ito. Ipadala isang taon na siyang wala sa mundo. Kahit lamang ito sa email address na ito: ilang taon pa siguro ang lumipas, hindi pa rin mawawala ang sakit na dinulot ng pagkamatay by M.J. Diaz o sa ts so awesome to think how time flies so ng tatay ko. Ganito pala ang mawalan ng maguquickly. Another year ended and another lang. Habambuhay kang mangungulila sa mga

Volume 18 Issue 01

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 7

Covenant Love: Introducing the Biblical Worldview

(Editors note: This is the 5th part of the Online Bible Study course on the subject taken from the website of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Studies

II. Our Father Abraham


Lesson Three: Our Father, Abraham (Continuation)

E. First-Born High Priest

What does all this mean? If Melchizedek, a name which means "king of righteousness" (see Hebrews 7:2), is really Shem, the great son of Noah, then it means that the blessing God gave to Noah and Noah in turn gave to Shem is now being passed on to Abraham. The blessing of the righteous firstborn will pass from Abraham on to Isaac (see Genesis 25:5) and to Jacob (see Genesis 27:2729). But with Melchizedek this blessing of the first-born becomes something royal and something priestly. And this becomes something crucial for the plot and meaning of the rest of the Bible. Melchizedek is a high priest and a king. If he's also the first-born son of Noah, then his blessing upon Abraham is a sort of "ordination," a consecration, by which Abraham too becomes, not only a righteous first-born son, but a priest of God Most High. Already in Genesis, we have seen that Abraham builds altars and calls upon the name of the Lord (see Genesis 12:8; 13:4). But with this blessing, this priestly task becomes a part of his very identity and a part of the legacy and dynasty that God has promised him. We will see Isaac follow in his father's footsteps (see Genesis 26:25). And, in our next lesson, when we read of the covenant with Moses, we'll see that the nation of Israel is conceived as God's "first-born son" (see Exodus 4:22) and a "kingdom of priests" (see Exodus 19:6). When we read of the covenant with David, we'll see that David and his son, Solomon, are considered "first-born" sons (see Psalm 89:6) who are both kings and priests (see 2 Samuel 6:12-19; 1 Kings 3:15; 8:62-63). Interestingly, within the Old Testament, Melchizedek is interpreted as a figure who foreshadows David, who is declared "a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek" (see Psalm 110:4). Notice that Melchizedek appears out of nowhere. He has no genealogy and his capital, "Salem" isn't mentioned before in the book. But Salem, as we see later in the Bible, is a short form of the name Jerusalem, the royal-priestly capital of the chosen people (see Psalm 76:2). Finally, in the New Covenant, Jesus is seen as first-born, high-priest and king (see Hebrews 1:2-13; 5:5-6). And He too is seen as a priest in the line of Melchizedek (see Hebrews 7). Notice that Melchizedek brings out bread and wine in thanksgiving before he declares a blessing on Abraham. The text associates this action with his being "a priest of God Most high" (see Genesis 14:18). Jesus, too, brings out bread and wine to symbolize the New Covenant. The Church Fathers, easily saw the action of Melchizedek foreshadowing the Eucharist. And the Church's Liturgy reflects this tradition in its First Eucharist Prayer, which refers to "the bread and wine offered by your priest Melchizedek (see Catechism, no. 1333). The brothers and sisters of Jesus in the Church, "the assembly of the firstborn" (see

Hebrews 12:23), are also a priestly and royal people (see 1 Peter 2:9; Revelation 1:6). All of this, in turn, points us back to the Garden, the beginning of human history. It's very interesting to observe that Adam is placed in the Garden "to cultivate and care for it" (see Genesis 2:15). Something important gets lost in the translation of those words. In the original Hebrew text, the words used are 'abodah and shamar. And they are words associated with priestly service. In fact, the only other places in the Bible where you find those two words used together are in the Book of Numbers, where they are translated as "service," and "charge," and used to describe the duties of the Levites, the appointed priests of Israel (see Numbers 3:7-8; 8:26; 18:5-6). Adam, it appears, is being described as a first -born priest. Commanded to "be fertile and multiply" (see Genesis 1:28), he is, in effect, being made to be the father of a priestly people. This is the destiny of the human race. A destiny that will finally be achieved in Jesus - the "firstborn" royal Son and priest (see Hebrews 1:6; 5:5-6).

soaking Joseph's coat in goat's blood. The irony surely isn't lost on the narrator of Genesis Jacob's deception of his father had involved the use of goat skins (compare Genesis 27:15-16; 37:31-33). But Jacob's lie serves God's purposes. God chose Isaac over Esau (see Malachi 3:1; Romans 9:13). Through Jacob, God will extend the blessing he gave to Abraham (see Genesis 28:3-4). God Himself confirms this in showing Jacob a ladder into the heavens (see Genesis 28:10-15). Later, Jesus will apply this dream to Himself, revealing that in Him heaven and earth touch, the human and the divine meet. He is what Jacob saw as "the gateway to heaven" (see John 1:51; Genesis 28:17). God changes his name to Israel after a mysterious all-night struggle. The name Israel means "He who contended with God" (see Genesis 35:10; Hosea 12:5).

B. Joseph and Judah

III. Age of Patriarchs

A. Jacob the Younger

With the story of Abraham we turn a page in salvation history. The remainder of Genesis (chapters 12-50) tells the story of the "patriarchs," the founding fathers of the chosen people. In Genesis 12-25:18, we'll read about Abraham and his two sons, Ishmael and Isaac. In Genesis 25:19-36:43, we hear the story of Isaac and his two sons, Esau and Jacob. And the book concludes, in Chapters 37-50, with the story of Jacob's 12 children, founders of the tribes of Israel, and especially Jacob's son, Joseph. Isaac grows up to marry Rebekah. Like his mother Sarah, she's barren. But Isaac, as his father Abraham had before him, appeals to God to give them children (see Genesis 25:21; 15:3). While her twins are fighting in her womb, God tells Rebekah that each will be a nation, but the younger of the two, Jacob, will rule the older, Esau (see Genesis 25:23). This is another sub-plot in Genesis, closely connected to what we've talked about already concerning the "first-born." Notice that after the failure of His first-born in Eden, God seems to prefer the younger son: Abel's offering is preferred to Cain's. Isaac is chosen over Ishmael. Jacob's youngest son, Joseph, becomes the hero of the later books of Genesis, while Reuben, Jacob's first-born, fails to defend him against his brothers (see Genesis 37). Why does God do this? He chooses the young, the weak and the sinful to show that salvation history is governed by His free grace and His love. St. Paul gives us the general principle when he says that God chose Isaac over Esau "in order that God's elective plan might continue, not by works but by His call...So it depends not upon a person's will or exertion, but upon God" (see Romans 9:11-13). Don't be distracted by the drama and trickery of how Jacob secures Isaac's blessing. Esau had proven himself unworthy of the blessing, selling his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew. As the Scripture says: "Esau cared little for his birthright" (see Genesis 25:29-34). Jacob's deception is criticized by the prophets (see Hosea 12:4; Jeremiah 9:3), and he gets his "payback" within the text of Genesis. For instance, he will be tricked by his uncle Laban into marrying not Rachel whom he loves but Laban's firstborn daughter, Leah (see Genesis 29:25). And later, when his son Joseph is sold into slavery, his other sons will deceive him by

Jacob's twelve children - born of his two wives, Leah and Rachel - form the twelve tribes of Israel (see Genesis 47:27; Deuteronomy 1:1). And in the story of Joseph and his brothers, we again see God choosing the youngest to carry out His plan of salvation. Joseph is a type of Jesus. What happens to him foreshadows not only what will happen to children of Israel, but also the sufferings and the salvation won for us by Jesus. Joseph is the victim of jealousy and rejection by His brothers, the children of Israel, and is sold for the price of a slave (compare Genesis 37:28 and Matthew 26:14-15). Compare the words of Joseph's brothers to the words of the evil tenants in the parable of Jesus (see Genesis 37:20; Matthew 21:38). Still, both Joseph and Jesus forgive their brothers and save them from death. The Pharaoh tells his Egyptian servants to do whatever Joseph tells them. And Mary will echo these words, telling the servants at the wedding feast to do whatever Jesus tells them to do (compare Genesis 41:55 to John 2:5). As Joseph explains to his brother, his story shows us that even what men plan as evil, God can use for the purposes of His saving plan (see Genesis 50:19-21). The Bible's first book ends with Israel on his deathbed giving his blessing to his children. To one - Judah, he promises a royal dynasty that will be everlasting (see Genesis 49:9-12). He will rule over all peoples of the world - a Scripture that the Church interprets as a promise of Jesus, the Messiah-King. The line of Judah is the line of the kings David and Solomon (see 2 Samuel 8:1-14; 1 Kings 4:2021). Jesus will come as the royal son of David (see Matthew 1:1-16) and the Lion of Judah (see Revelation 5:5). In our next lesson, we'll see how God fulfills the promise of Abraham, the promise that his grandson, Jacob, repeats when he says to Joseph: "God will be with you and will restore you to the land of your fathers" (see Genesis 48:21). It's important to remember, however, that the "land" that we speak of so much in these early covenants "does not belong exclusively to the geography of this world," as Pope John Paul II has said in his extraordinary homily, Commemoration of Abraham. When we read the Abraham story and the stories that follow, we need to always be mindful, as the Pope says: "Abraham, the believer who accepts God's invitation, is someone heading towards a promised land that
(Continued on page 10)

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 18 Issue 01

(Holy Fathers Message for the 21st World Day of the Sick which will be celebrated on February 11, 2013)

EAR Brothers and Sisters, 1. On 11 February 2013, the liturgical memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Twentyfirst World Day of the Sick will be solemnly celebrated at the Marian Shrine of Alttting. This day represents for the sick, for health care workers, for the faithful and for all people of goodwill a privileged time of prayer, of sharing, of offering ones sufferings for the good of the Church, and a call for all to recognize in the features of their suffering brothers and sisters the Holy Face of Christ, who, by suffering, dying and rising has brought about the salvation of mankind (John Paul II, Letter for the Institution of the World Day of the Sick, 13 May 1992, 3). On this occasion I feel especially close to you, dear friends, who in health care centres or at home, are undergoing a time of trial due to illness and suffering. May all of you be sustained by the comforting words of the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council: You are not alone, separated, abandoned or useless. You have been called by Christ and are his living and transparent image (Message to the Poor, the Sick and the Suffering). 2. So as to keep you company on the spiritual pilgrimage that leads us from Lourdes, a place which symbolizes hope and grace, to the Shrine of Alttting, I would like to propose for your reflection the exemplary figure of the Good Samaritan (cf. Lk 10:25-37). The Gospel parable recounted by Saint Luke is part of a series of scenes and events taken from daily life by which Jesus helps us to understand the deep love of God for every human being, especially those afflicted by sickness or pain. With the concluding words of the parable of the Good Samaritan, Go and do likewise (Lk 10:37), the Lord also indicates the attitude that each of his disciples should have towards others, especially those in need. We need to draw from the infinite love of God, through an intense relationship with him in prayer, the strength to live day by day with concrete concern, like that of the Good Samaritan, for those suffering in body and spirit who ask for our help, whether or not we know them and however poor they may be. This is true, not only for pastoral or health care workers, but for everyone, even for the sick themselves, who can experience this condition from a perspective of faith: It is not by sidestepping or fleeing from suffering that we are healed, but rather by our capacity for accepting it, maturing through it and finding meaning through union with Christ, who suffered with infinite love (Spe Salvi, 37). 3. Various Fathers of the Church saw Jesus himself in the Good Samaritan; and in the man who fell among thieves they saw Adam, our

very humanity wounded and disoriented on account of its sins (cf. Origen, Homily on the Gospel of Luke XXXIV,1-9; Ambrose, Commentary on the Gospel of Saint Luke, 71-84; Augustine, Sermon 171). Jesus is the Son of God, the one who makes present the Fathers love, a love which is faithful, eternal and without boundaries. But Jesus is also the one who sheds the garment of his divinity, who leaves his divine condition to assume the likeness of men (cf. Phil 2:6-8), drawing near to human suffering, even to the point of descending into hell, as we recite in the Creed, in order to bring hope and light. He does not jealously guard his equality with God (cf. Phil 2:6) but, filled with compassion, he looks into the abyss of human suffering so as to pour out the oil of consolation and the wine of hope. 4. The Year of Faith which we are celebrating is a fitting occasion for intensifying the service of charity in our ecclesial communities, so that each one of us can be a good Samaritan for others, for those close to us. Here I would like to recall the innumerable figures in the history of the Church who helped the sick to appreciate the human and spiritual value of their suffering, so that they might serve as an example and an encouragement. Saint Thrse of the Child Jesus and the Holy Face, an expert in the scientia amoris (Novo Millennio Ineunte, 42), was able to experience in deep union with the Passion of Jesus the illness that brought her to death through great suffering (Address at General Audience, 6 April 2011). The Venerable Luigi Novarese, who still lives in the memory of many, throughout his ministry realized the special importance of praying for and with the sick and suffering, and he would often accompany them to Marian shrines, especially to the Grotto of Lourdes. Raoul Follereau, moved by love of neighbour, dedicated his life to caring for people afflicted by Hansens disease, even at the worlds farthest reaches, promoting, among other initiatives, World Leprosy Day. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta would always begin her day with an encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist and then she would go out into the streets, rosary in hand, to find and serve the Lord in the sick, especially in those unwanted, unloved, uncared for. Saint Anna Schffer of Mindelstetten, too, was able to unite in an exemplary way her sufferings to those of Christ: her sick-bed became her cloister cell and her suffering a missionary service. Strengthened by daily communion, she became an untiring intercessor in prayer and a mirror of Gods love for the many who sought her counsel (Canonization Homily, 21 October 2012). In the Gospel the Blessed Virgin Mary stands out as one who follows her suffering Son to the supreme sacrifice on Golgotha. She does not lose hope in Gods victory over evil, pain and
Holy Mass ............................. Bokwang Dong Fridays: Bible Sharing Itaewon, Sangmun, Chang Wi-2 dong, Myonmok Dong, Songsu Dong Saturdays: Prayer Intercession .............. Bokwang Dong Bible Sharing ....................................... Ansan

death, and she knows how to accept in one embrace of faith and love, the Son of God who was born in the stable of Bethlehem and died on the Cross. Her steadfast trust in the power of God was illuminated by Christs resurrection, which offers hope to the suffering and renews the certainty of the Lords closeness and consolation. 5. Lastly, I would like to offer a word of warm gratitude and encouragement to Catholic health care institutions and to civil society, to Dioceses and Christian communities, to religious congregations engaged in the pastoral care of the sick, to health care workers associations and to volunteers. May all realize ever more fully that the Church today lives a fundamental aspect of her mission in lovingly and generously accepting every human being, especially those who are weak and sick (Christifideles Laici, 38). I entrust this Twenty-first World Day of the Sick to the intercession of Our Lady of Graces, venerated at Alttting, that she may always accompany those who suffer in their search for comfort and firm hope. May she assist all who are involved in the apostolate of mercy, so that they may become good Samaritans to their brothers and sisters afflicted by illness and suffering. To all I impart most willingly my Apostolic Blessing. From the Vatican, 2 January 2013 BENEDICTUS PP XVI

Do Catholics believe in the Rapture?

Full Question
Do Catholics believe in the Rapture?

The word Rapture is connected to the Latin word rapiemur, which appears in Pauls first letter to the Thessalonians in the Latin Vulgate translation of the Bible. It means to be raised up or caught up: The dead in Christ will rise first; then we who are alive, who are left, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so we shall always be with the Lord. (1 Thess. 4:1617) Therefore, Catholics believe that those Christians who are still living at the Second Coming of Christ will be gathered together with those who have died in Christ to be forever with the Lord. Catholics do not generally use the term Rapture, nor do they believe in a Rapture that will take place some time before the Second Coming, as do many Evangelicals.

Answered by
Jim Blackburn
Sundays: Fellowship: Praise and Worship service Sungdong Social Welfare, Majangdong *Every 1st Sunday: Mass and Healing For inquiries, Prayer and Counseling, please call: PPFI Center : 02-6013-2390 or 02-794-2338 (fax) or Bro. Tony Sacapanio (010-3040-7995 / 010-7640 -6778

REGULAR ACTIVITIES Wednesdays: Prayer Intercession ............................ Itaewon Thursdays: Praise and Worship

Volume 18 Issue 01

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 9

Bigla akong nakaramdam ng awa sa kanya at kahit anumang kapalit sa tulong ko. Ang makita sinasabi ng puso ko na meron akong kailangang siyang umiiyak ang nagpalungkot at nagpa iyak is not of this world...In the faith of Abraham, gawin sa taong ito. din sa akin. Wala akong masabi. Nakipagkaalmighty God truly made an eternal covenant Tumayo ako sa silya at nagdesisyon akong may ako sa kanya at pinasalamatan siya sa with the human race, and its definitive fulfillment is Jesus Christ," Whom by His Cross lapitan siya para kausapin. Tinanong ko kung pagbahagi sa akin ng buhay niya. Dahil sapat and Resurrection leads us "into the land of sapat na sa kanya ang limang pisong kanin. na at walang katumbas ito upang ako ay maysalvation that God, rich in mercy, had promised Sabi niya plano niyang kumain ng kaunti at ang roong matutunan sa mga bagay dito sa mundo, humanity from the very beginning." natira ay babaunin pa niya at itutuloy niya ang at masaya din ako dahil nabigyan ako ng pagIV. Study Questions paglalakad niya hanggang sa marating niya ang kakataon na matulungan ang kagaya niya. Bini1. What are the three parts of the covenant that Nueva Ecija na sa wari koy mahigit isang gay ko din sa kanya ang aking payong upang God makes with Abraham? daang milya pa ang layo. Ang talagang desti- hindi siya mabasa sa kanyang paglalakbay. nasyon niya ay patungong Cauayan, Isabela Ayaw niya iyon kunin pero nagpumilit ako na 2. How, according to the Church's ancient tradition, is the sacrifice of Isaac similar to kung saan siya dati nakatira. Tinanong niya tangapin niya ito. the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross? kung pwede daw bang punan ang baon niyang Habang tumatawid si Mang Roldan sa kalbote ng tubig. Maari po sambit ko. Habang sada, pinagmamasdan ko siya. Napansin ko na 3. Why are the concepts of "first-born son" and "priest" important for understanding the sinasalinan ko ng tubig ang bote ay sinabihan papunta siya sa isang sulok kung saan mayplot and the meaning of the Bible. ko siyang umorder pa ng pagkain para maka- roong isang pulubi. Alam niyo ba kung anong For Prayer and Reflection: The Church's kain siya, na huwag siyang mag alala dahil ginawa niya? Hindi niya ibinahagi ang pagkain Liturgy of the Hours has always included the sagot ko ang oorderin niyang pagkain. Kahit niya, bagkus IBINIGAY NIYA LAHAT. Canticle of Zechariah (see Luke 1:68-79) in its minsay di siya nanlimos ng pera sa iba. Kung Kanin, tinapay at tubig. Kahanga-hanga at Morning Prayers and the Magnificat (see Luke 1:46-55) in its Evening Prayers. Both prayers magkakapera man siya ay dahil kinita niya iyon walang katumbas! Napatunayan ko na ang see the coming of Jesus as the fulfillment of sa pamumulot ng lumang bote. Namula ang taong ito ay espesyal at hindi ako nagkamali. God's covenant with Abraham. Pray these mga mata niya na animoy pinipigilang maluha. Hinawakan niya ang aking puso sa kakaibang biblical prayers of the Church and ask God to Wala po akong ibang maibabalik kundi ang paraan na tanging Diyos lang ang makakapagpaliwanag. Napagtanto ko na ang mga ibinigay help you understand more fully "his promise to taos puso ko pong pasasalamat sabi niya. our fathers, to Abraham and his descendants MANG ROLDAN: Nahihiya po ako kasi ko sakanyang tulong ay di sapat kumpara sa forever." ginawa nya para sa iba. Nangilid ang luha sa ganito lang suot ko. aking mga mata. To be continued JOE: Akong bahala po sa inyo. Ano pong Nagdesisyon ako na samahan siya dahil gusto nyong kainin? napansin ko na walang humihinto na dyip o bus MANG ROLDAN: Wala po ako sa dahil sa diskriminasyon. Kaya naghintay kami posisyon para pumili. Kahit gulay lang po o ng kanyang masasakyan. Habang kami ay nayung pinakamura. katayo, kinunan ko siya ng litrato. Ngumiti siya JOE: Kailangan nyo pong kumain. Order at sabay sabi. half-body lang ha, nakakahiya po kayo kahit ano, yung siguradong mabubusog may dala akong sako. Hehehe! Ibang klase! Nakukuha pa niyang tumawa matapos lahat ng kayo. kanyang pinagdaanan sa buhay. Matapos ang Kinuha ko ang kanyang kamay at inalailang minuto. Sa wakas, mayroong huminto na layan siya upang makalakad at makapili ng bus. Sinabihan ko siya na umakto siya na pagkain na gusto niya. Sinabihan ko siya na parang tito ko. Bago siya umakyat ng bus, muli kailangan ko munang umuwi para makakuha ng niya akong pinasalamatan. Kinawayan ko siya pera pambayad sa kaniyang pagkain. Pagkauwi at sinabihan ko, Ingat Tito, text mo ko kaagad ng bahay, kinuha ko ang luma kong camouflage pagkauwi. Nilakasan ko yun upang marinig ng na jacket para maibigay sakanya. Napag usapan konduktor at di siya pag-isipan. namin ang mga trahedyang nangyari sa buhay Para siyang Anghel sa langit na ipinadala niya pati na din ang kanyang mga plano. sakin upang ako ay turuan at matuto ng maramIlang taon na ang nakalilipas, kinailangan ing bagay. Kaya nagdesisyon ako na ilagay ito ni Joemil Reyes niyang ibenta ang bahay at lupa nila pantustos ais ko pong ibahagi sa inyo ang ku- sa mga gastusin ng kanyang asawa sa pagpapa- sa Facebook, at umasa na marami ang matuto at wento ng isang mapagpakumbabang gamot ng sakit sa buto. Nagastos nila lahat pero mabuksan ang mga puso. Kung nakaka-angat tao na nagngangalang ROLDAN JIMENEZ pumanaw din ang kanyang asawa. Meron si- lang ako sa buhay, marami akong gustong PINEDA, 63 taong gulang, na nagmula sa yang tatlong anak.. Kambal ang una niyang gawin upang matulungan ang mga nanganCauayan, Isabela. Naway ipagdasal po natin mga anak na pareho din namatay dahil sa Bron- gailangan at karapat dapat ng tulong kagaya ni ang kaligtasan niya. Hindi po ako isang chopneumonia. Samantalang ang bunso naman Mang Roldan. Naaalala ko pa ang nabasa kong manunulat pero susubukan ko pong ibahagi sa ay nasagasaan ng bus. Sinubukan din niyang libro na isinulat ni Father Jerry Orbos, na di lang tayo dapat maging good samaritan pero inyo ang kanyang kuwento. magtayo ng maliit na negosyo na pagpi-fishball dapat maging Better Samaritan. Noong Agosto 2, 2012, isang maulan at sa Maynila, pero sa panahon ng pamumuno ni Maaari niyo po ito ibahagi sa iba. Kung mahangin na umaga. Ako ay nasa canteen ng Bayani Fernando noon, kinuha sa kanya ang kariton at itoy winasak ng mga taga MMDA. hindi man, pagdasal nalang po natin sa Pangiaking kaibigan. Sa tabi ng Villa Sto. Domingo, Mexico, Pampanga kung saan ako nakatira. Ang pamilya ni Mang Roldan ay palasimbang noon ang mga taong kagaya ni Mang Roldan. Nakikipagkwentuhan ako sa tatay ng kaibigan pamilya. Masasabi ko iyon sa paraan ng kan- Naway pagpalain po tayong lahat ng Diyos. ko nang makuha ang atensyon ko ng isang ma- yang pakikipag usap. Binisita lamang niya ang Maraming salamat po sa pagbabasa. tandang lalaki. Hindi siya nanlilimos ng pera o kanyang mga kapamilya dito sa Pampanga ng kung ano man. Hindi siya makatingin ng subalit nabigo ito dahil lumikas na sila. Nadu- Ang orihinal na kuwento na isinulat sa Ingles ay diretso dahil nahihiya siya. Sabi niya ng may rog ang aking puso sa kanyang mga pinagmatatagpuan dito sa napakahinhin at mahinang boses, Maaari po daanan. photo.php? bang bumili ng limang pisong kanin? Basang Napansin ko din na hindi siya makalakad fbid=486238001405261&set=a.101010956594636.21 basa ang buhok niya kaya tinakpan niya ito ng ng diretso dahil maga ang kanyang kaliwang 83.100000571957285&type=3&theaterhttps%3A% maliit na tuwalya. Basa din ang suot niyang binti. Lumipad yung bato na nadaanan nung 3Ffbid=486238001405261&theater. damit. Narinig ko ang nanginginig niyang bo- gulong ng jeep, tumama sa paa ko sabi niya. ses, at ramdam kong pagod siya, nilalamig at Pinasalamatan niya ako sa bigay kong pagkain Ang paglalathala ng kuwentong ito ay may personal na pahintulot ng may-akda na si Joemil Reyes. gutom. Meron siyang dala na berdeng bag na at jacket. Inabutan ko din siya ng natitira kong nakasabit sa likod niya at sakong may lamang pera para makasakay siya ng bus at makabili ng lumang mga kahon at plastik na mga bote. pagkain. Sabi niyay wala siyang maibibigay na
(Continued from page 8 - Covenant Love ...)

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 18 Issue 01

By Evangeline Orogan ear Madam President-elect, I am from the Philippines and have been living here for four years as wife and mother in a multicultural family. We at the Korean Institute for Healthy Family's Danuri Call Center help immigrant spouses and multicultural families. For last years presidential election, I was not able to vote because I didnt hold Korean citizenship. But I closely followed your sincere and heartwarming promises regarding multicultural families. We receive inquiries about issues such as how new arrivals can adapt to the Korean way of living, along with problems regarding multicultural children's education, married immigrants employment assistance, conflicts with parent-in-laws or spouses due to cultural differences. Though there are complex problems in a multicultural familys life, what Ive experienced the most is prejudice against them. During job searches, there is discrimination in qualification categories. On a bus or subway, once people notice they look different, everybodys attention is on them. Children of multicultural families are often bullied during their school life. In multicultural marriages, there are exceptional cases that couples fall in love with each other. On the other hand, many immigrant spouses, especially those from countries less developed than Korea, think they can make money in Korea and help their folks back home. They also think it is filial piety to show their parents that they are having a happy life in Korea. They also think living in Korea is another chance to make their dream come true. Hence, immigrant spouses can become good human resources in Korea. They can also help establish good diplomatic relationship between Korea and their homelands. Henceforth, I hope the nation provides the public with education and a campaign to improve understanding about multicultural families. My second hope is about our children. My children born of me and my Korean husband are Korean. But people ask them, Whats your nationality? They dont look like foreigners, but they get hurt because Im a foreigner. They are again hurt because I cant help their study as my Korean is not fluent. Im also hurt because I cant help them as much as other native Korean parents. Children of immigrant spouses need support and care. Lastly, I hope married immigrants will have more chances for jobs for economic independence. Immigrant wives have babies while learning the Korean language, and they again miss the opportunity to develop language skills

while taking care of their children. Because of the language barrier, they usually land jobs such as manual workers or part-time work which are unrelated to their majors or dont meet their capability. Theyll be good manpower here if they get job training and education. Madam President-elect, on behalf of my colleagues and other married immigrants, I wish you will apply these hopes to your policy. Ill support you for a happier multicultural society and the development of Korea. Thank you very much. Evangeline Orogan is a consultant at the Korean Institute for Healthy Family's Danuri Call Center. nation/2013/01/113_129285.html 2013-01-22 19:27

With the computer-based test, we are hoping that all qualified Filipino workers can efficiently re-enter and work in Korea thereby minimizing the number of Filipinos choosing to illegally stay and work in Korea than to return home and wait for six months before they can reapply for the Employment Permit System, Cacdac said. He urged OFWs to help preserve the positive image of the Filipino EPS workers so they could continue enjoying a good share of the demand for foreign workers in Korea and not ruin the chances of other Filipinos wishing to get jobs under the EPS. Let us reduce the number of Filipino irregular workers in Korea so we can have a higher quota next year, Cacdac added. The Philippines has deployed some 30,000 workers to Korea since 2004, mostly in its manufacturing sector.

By Tina G. Santos Philippine Daily Inquirer 4:57 am | Saturday, January 19th, 2013 ANILA, PhilippinesBad news for Filipinos who want to work in Korea. South Korea has reduced the number of Filipinos who may be allowed to work in the country because of the rising number of illegally staying Filipino workers there, Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA) chief Hans Leo Cacdac said. The Philippines may eventually lose a favored destination of Filipino workers if the number of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) illegally staying in Korea continues to increase, Cacdac said. He said the Korean Ministry of Employment and Labor (Moel) had decided to reduce the number of new Filipino workers who may be allowed to work in Korea this year to 4,200 from 5,200 in 2012. For 2013, only 7,900 names of OFWs will be included in the roster, a marked decrease from 9,800 names in 2012, he added. No quarrel with Korea However, Cacdac said the POEA was not disputing the decision of Korea to slash the quota on Filipino workers. We have to abide with our contract with them. The memorandum of understanding between the government of Korea and the Philippines provides that the Moel may take necessary measures such as reducing the number of job seekers in the roster or suspending participation in the Employment Permit System (EPS) if the number of Filipino workers absenting without leave or staying illegally in Korea exceeds the average for all sending countries, Cacdac explained. The POEA recently launched a computerbased Test for Proficiency in Korean for EPS workers who have returned to the country after finishing their original work contract and who would like to work again in Korea. He cited OFWs who availed of the computerbased testing facility for observing Korean immigration laws by not running away from their jobs and voluntarily leaving Korea after finishing their contracts.

What is the difference between doctrine and dogma?

Full Question
I have heard that the teaching on Mary as Mediatrix of All Graces is official Catholic doctrine but not a dogma of faith. I am not clear on the difference between doctrine and dogma. Can you clear it up for me?

In general, doctrine is all Church teaching in matters of faith and morals. Dogma is more narrowly defined as that part of doctrine which has been divinely revealed and which the Church has formally defined and declared to be believed as revealed. The Catechism of the Catholic Church explains, The Churchs magisterium exercises the authority it holds from Christ to the fullest extent when it defines dogmas, that is, when it proposes, in a form obliging the Christian people to an irrevocable adherence of faith, truths contained in divine Revelation or also when it proposes, in a definitive way, truths having a necessary connection with these. (CCC 88) Concerning the Churchs teaching that Mary is the Mediatrix of All Graces, while this doctrine has been divinely revealed, it has not yet beenalthough could beelevated to dogma. In Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma, Dr. Ludwig Ott explains, "The doctrine of Marys Universal Mediation of Grace based on her cooperation in the Incarnation is so definitely manifest in the sources of the faith, that nothing stands in the way of a dogmatic definition" (215).

Answered by
Jim Blackburn

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 11

1. Period of application: Jan. 01. 2013 ~ Dec. 31. 2013 2. Minimum wage Hourly wage rate: 4,860 won 3. Target of application: Every business or workplace employing worker(s) Workers whose minimum wage can be reduced by 10% (hourly rate is KRW 4,374) a) Probationary employee: His/her minimum wage may be reduced by 10% up to 3 months probation period (But, 10% reduction shall not apply to a contractual employee for one year or less) b) Workers employed in job categories monitored and intermittent under the approval of the MOEL Minister 4. Workers who are not covered by the minimum wage a) Employee who is vocationally challenged due to mental or physical disabilities (Limited only upon the approval of MOEL Minister). b) Employee who is a relative and cohabitant at his/her family business workplace c) Domestic helper d) Seafarers and ship owners governed/ regulated by The Seafarers Act. 5. Liability of the employer Liable to pay announced minimum wage or higher. - Employer shall pay employee(s) at least the minimum wage or a higher amount and shall not lower the previous wage level on the ground of the Minimum Wage Act. If the employment contract was concluded with a salary lower than the minimum wage, it is considered as invalid and the minimum wage rate shall be applied instead of the indicated lower wage. (If there is a violation, 3 years or less imprisonment OR 20 Million KRW or less penalty. Both penalties can be applied together) 6. Employers obligation : Notice of the minimum wage to employees Employer shall inform employee(s) of minimum wage, wages not included in the minimum wage, effective date, and employees being excluded from the Minimum Wage Act. If there is violation against the aforementioned obligation, 1Million KRW or less penalty can be applied) g. In case of the following, the concerned manpower agency who deploys employees to a principal shall take responsibility jointly and severally with concerned principal (employer): a) Principal subcontracts a manpower agency b) In case the principal pays the manpower agency less than the announced minimum wage due to reasons attributable to the manpower agency (manpower agency signed a manpower supply contract with a provision of labor cost lower than minimum wage, OR decreased the labor cost during the contract period between principal and manpower agency) If there is a violation against the aforementioned obligation, either 10Mil KRW or less penalty or 2 years or less period of imprisonment REMEDY FOR VIOLATION When a worker receives a salary less than minimum wage, concerned worker(s) can seek for assistance from a job stability center which has jurisdiction over the concerned workers workplace. With regard to minimum wage, reference can be made on the MOEL website (, Minimum Wage Council


( and MOEL Counselling Center(1345). HOW TO KNOW IF THE MINIMUM WAGE IS APPLIED Subtract additionally paid compensation amount from the salary (before tax) and divide the remaining amount with standard/given working hours for the given period. The computed amount shall be compared with announced hourly minimum wage. *Monthly standard working hours: 40-hours work per week is 209 hours 44-hours work per week is 226 hours Additional allowances/compensation benefits are as follows: Allowances or benefits other than regularly paid monthly salary: Allowances such as paid leave, overtime payment, holiday working payment and etc. Allowances such as family allowance, housing allowances, commutation allowance, food allowance, welfare compensation and etc. DEFINITION (RANGE) OF MINIMUM WAGE Wage (including allowances) is defined and specified in a concerned group contract, employment rules and regulations of company or individually signed employment contract. It is paid on a regular basis one time or more per month. In general, basic salary, service allowance, duty allowance, license allowance, production increase bonus, etc are recognized and included in a salary which is also paid regularly and uniformly.


50-17 Dongsoong Dong Chongrogu Seoul 110-809 near Maronnier Park. Tel #(02) 7472086 E-mail: (KCWC) Office hours: Mon-Fri. 11 am-5 pm Sat. day off Sun. 3 pm-6 pm Activities: Emotional/ spiritual counseling Womans rights and labor issues Korean language/culture study (men and women are welcome).

1. Birth certificate ng batang bibinyagan 2. 2X2 ID pictures (2 pcs) 3. Application form (kumuha sa center) Kailangan ipasa ng mag-asawang magpapabinyag ng anak ang application form at sumailalim sa interview sa Catholic Center isang linggo bago dumating ang takdang araw ng binyag. Ang mga magulang, ninong at ninang ay bibigyan ng katekismo sa binyag na ginaganap tuwing ika-10 ng umaga, araw ng linggo (mismong araw ng binyag). Tanging ang mga pangalan ng mga nakadalo ng katekismo ang mailalagay sa Baptismal Certificate. Ang bilang ng mga ninong at ninang ay hindi dapat lalabis sa dalawampu. Ang lahat ay pinakikiusapang isaisip ang angkop na pananamit para sa okasyon.

Mga kailangang dokumento sa paga-asikaso ng mga reklamo tungkol sa sahod: 1. Pay Slip or any other proof of payment of salary 2. Daily Time Record (DTR) if available, or self-made record of daily work attendance specifying Regular Working hours, Overtime, and Night Differential. 3. Labor Contract 4. Bank Book/ Passbook 5. Alien Card and Passport



Tinatawagan ang pansin ng lahat ng mga di pa nakakakuha ng Baptismal Certificates ng kanilang mga anak. Maaari ninyong kunin ang mga ito sa Catholic Center tuwing linggo sa ganap na alas 9:00 ng umaga hanggang ika 12:00 ng tanghali, at sa ganap na ika 4:00 hanggang ika 5:00 ng hapon. Maliban po lamang sa tuwing ikadalawang lingo ng bawat buwan. Makipag-ugnayan po kay Edison Pinlac: (010-2906-3109) o sa kahit na sinong Lay Minister.


Doty Hospital - 42-5 Eung-am-dong, Unpyeong-gu, Seoul 122-906, tel. no. (02)3851477 Joseph Clinic - 423 Yeungdongpo-dong, Yeung dongpo-gu, Seoul 150-030, Mon.-Fri. 1pm9pm, Tel. No.(02)2634-1760 Raphael Clinic - inside Tong Song High School, every Sun. , 2-6 pm. National Medical Center Dongdaemun Tel. No. 2260-7062 to 7063 Seoul Medical Center Gangnam Tel. No. 3430-0200

1. Birth Certificate ng mga ikakasal 2. Status of singleness from Census (notarized) 3. Parents consent as proof of singleness (notarized) 4. Baptismal Certificate for marriage purposes 5. Confirmation Certificate for marriage purposes 6. Passport (xerox copy) 7. Pre-Cana seminar na gaganapin bago ang takdang araw ng kasal. Makipag-ugnayan po lamang sa Catholic Center para sa schedule.

Guri Pastoral Center 031-566-1141 Ansan Galilea Center 031-494-8411 Suwon Emmaus Center 031-257-8501 Friends Without Borders Counseling Office 032-345-6734/5 Gasan, Song-uri International Community 031-543-5296 Uijungbu, Nokyangdong Migrant Center 031-878-6926 Masok Chonmasan Migrant Center 031-593-6542 Bomun, Seoul Foreign Workers Labor Counseling Office 02-928-2049/924-2706



Para Po sa lahat na may E-9 VISA, may tatlo pong tanging dahilan upang payagan kayong makalipat ng kumpanya. Ito po ay; 1. Kayo ay dalawang buwang hindi pinasasahod 2. Kayo ay pisikal at verbal na sinasaktan, o di kayay 3. Bankrupt o lugi ang kumpanya

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One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Volume 18 Issue 01


POEA Advisory No. 1
Series of 2013 January 2013 Computer-Based Test of Proficiency in Korean Employment Permit System Kayo ba ay kabilang sa mga nanggaling sa Korea at nagtrabaho sa ilalim ng Employment Permit System (EPS) na nais makabalik sa bansang nasabi? Narito ang inyong pagkakataon kaya inyong alamin kung kayo ay kwalipikadong makabalik at kung paano ang dapat gagawin: 1. Ang mga kusang-bumalik (voluntary returnee) mula sa Korea simula noong 1 January 2010 na hindi pa lampas sa 38 years old sa umpisa ng CBT Registration (mula sa mga ipinanganak ng 14 January 1975) ang sakop ng ganitong programa upang muling makapagtrabaho sa ilalim ng EPS. Hindi na maaaring mag-apply ang lampas na ng 38 years old ng 14 January 2013 at ang mga may Korean record of overstaying or illegal stay. 2. Sa pamamagitan ng bagong ipatutupad na Computer-Based Test of Proficiency in Korean (CBT-TOPIK) ng Korean Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL) sa pamamagitan ng ahensya nitong HRD Korea, ang makakapasa sa language test na ito at maging sa kaukulang health qualification pagkatapos ay muling maisasama sa EPS Jobseeker Roster para magkaroon ng pagkakataong mapiling muli ng Korean EPS employers at makabalik sa Korea sa maikling proseso, na dadaan pa rin sa POEA. 3. Tingnan sa POEA website ( ang Announcement ng MOEL-HRD Korea para sa kaukulang mga alituntunin ukol sa CBT-TOPIK. 4. Ang unang CBT-TOPIK registration ay gagawin sa loob ng limang (5) araw (14 to 18 January 2013) para sa National Capital Region, Luzon, Visayas at Mindanao sa mga sumusunod na dako: National Capital Region and South Luzon Occupational Safety and Health Center (OSHC) North Avenue corner Agham Road, Diliman, Quezon City North and Cental Luzon POEA Regional Center for Luzon 2nd Floor, LZK Zambrano Bldg., Quezon Avenue, San Fernando City, La Union Visayas Region POEA Regional Center for Visayas DOLE Bldg. (Insular) Gorordo corner General Maxilom Avenues, Cebu City Mindanao Region POEA Regional Center for Mindanao 2nd Floor, AMYA II Bldg. Quimpo Boulevard corner Tulip Drive, Ecoland, Davao City 5. Ang actual computerized examination ay magsisimula sa February 19, 2013 na gagawin sa nag iisang CBT Venue na matatagpuan sa 6th Floor ng POEA BFO Building sa Mandaluyong City, sang ayon sa ibibigay na schedule o individual test date ng HRD Korea at iaanunsyo sa POEA sa website simula sa February 7. 6. Naririto ang mga kailangan sa araw ng CBT-TOPIK Registration: * Kopya ng Pasaporte na may tatak ng kusang paglisan sa Korea Application form na may kopya ng pasaporte at 2 colored pictures (passport size 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm taken within 6 months). Ang CBT Application Form ay ipapamahagi sa dako ng * CBT registration. * Php996 Test Fee (peso equivalent of USD24) na babayaran sa Landbank branches sangayon sa POEA Order of Payment 7. Ang Computer-Based TOPIK ay tatagal ng 70 minutong tuloy-tuloy. Ito ay binubuo ng Reading (40 minutes) at Listening (30 minutes) components. 8. Upang maging sistematiko ang pagpunta ng mga nais magparehistro, sundin po lamang ang kaukulang takdang araw sang-ayon sa simula ng apelyido/surname sang-ayon sa sumusunod na letra: Lunes (14 January) : A to D Martes (15 January) : E to J Miyerkules (16 January) : K to O Huwebes (17 January) : P to R Biyernes (18 January) : S to Z Salamat sa inyong Pagtugon at Kooperasyon.

How to Apply for ePassport

Schedule an Appointment starting 15 July 2010. Only fifty (50) ePassport applications will be entertained per day. Call the APPOINTMENT HOTLINE NUMBER 010-9385-0535 ( from 9:00am to 5:30pm M-F) OR you can send an email to and give your full name including middle name, date and place of birth, your old passport number and mobile number in Korea. Requirements:

Old Philippine Passport and a photocopy of the passport data page, last page showing the name and signature of the signing officer, and the page with the date of last entry to Korea Passport application form Remember your Appointment Reference Number ePassport fee US$ 60.00 payable in cash only.

Procedure on Date of Appointment: Step 1:

Check your name on the list of applicants with appointment Complete all information on the passport application form Wait for your name and number to be called at Window 4 Submit the application form and present your old Passport and photocopies OPTIONAL : If you wish to avail of the courier service, get a courier form and write your name and complete return address. Get a copy of the courier form. Payment will be made upon delivery of your ePassport. Have your old passport canceled by the consular officer. Go to cashier and pay the exact amount of US$ 60.00 in cash. No check may be accepted Keep your receipt and show it when you claim your ePassport in person after 6 weeks. Go to the encoder for encoding of data, picture taking, taking of thumb marks and digital signature. Applicant should be in decent attire. Both ears should be shown Keep your receipt of payment and bring your old passport for cancellation to claim your ePassport. You can also authorize a representative to claim your passport by giving authority at the back of y o u r claim receipt.

Step 2:

Step 3:

NOTE: It takes about six (6) weeks to process the ePassport as the approved applications are sent to a central processing facility in the Philippines.

Volume 18 Issue 01

One community living up the Gospel through the service of the Lord and our fellow men

Page 13

Phil.Embassy (Labor Office) (Consular Office) (Hotline) Philippine Airlines Fr. Alvin Parantar, MSP Sr. Miguela Santiago Edison Pinlac (Pres/JPC) Bro. Jimmy Villaflor (VP) Masok (Gil Maranan) Taerim Community (Dan) Worship Ministry (Ely) Recreation Ministry (Mike)
Sunday: Cycle C

Education (Bobby) Youth Ministry (Weng) IT Committee (Matet)

N O S .
010-4664-6896 010-5821-7799 010-2258-0377 010-8060-6784

3785-3634/3785-3624 796-7387 to 89 ext. 103 011-273-3657 774-35-81 010-4323-0870 016-706-0870 010-2906-3109 010-2572-8515 010-5822-9194 (031) 593-6542 010-8684-7897 010-8061-9143 010-2762-9906


Lay Eucharistic Ministry (Cecil) FMAA (Norma) LRC (Rey) CWI Mokdong Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 02-2650-6247 Hwaseong, Suwon Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 031-355-2011/2 Chungju Immigration Processing (Detention) Center 043-290-7512/3 Yang Seung Geol Han Suk Gyu 011-226-9237 010-5348-9515 010-2408-1554 010-3922-3109

is prepared and published monthly by the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center for Filipino Migrants which is being administered by the Mission Society of the Philippines under the auspices of Seoul Archdiocese.

El Shaddai (Bro Tony Sacapanio) 02-6013-2390


115-9 Songbuk-gu, Songbuk 1dong, Seoul, South Korea 136-020 Telephone Number: (070) 8161-0870 or (070) 8161-0873/74 e-Mail Addresses:

2013 February - March

Weekday: Year 1

Editor-in-Chief : Emely DicolenAbagat, Ph. D. News Editor : Ma. Teresa Solis Literary Editor : Bro. Allan Rodriguez Catholic Faith Editor / Lay-out Artist : Roberto Catanghal Webmaster : Engr. Rogelio Domingo Contributors : Michael Balba Johnny Maliglig Ervie Glory Felipe Lagunda Lyn Laurito Pete Rahon Circulation Manager : Fr. Arvin Mosqueda, MSP


Eucharistic Lectors & Commentators FMAA Choir Sports & Recreation IT Youth Prayer Partners LRC and CWI Steward : Cecilia Garcia : Jovito Gonzales Jr. : Norma de Guzman : Elisea Torres : Mike Panlilio : Ma. Teresa Solis : Weng Santos : Bro. Tony Sacapanio : Reynaldo Centeno Jr. : Sonia Permejo

1 - Angel Salaya 2 - Juan Isaiah C. Manuel 5 - Diana Jean C. Sarocca 12 - Moises Robert T. Olavides 16 - Vangie Candia Armario 17 - Arvan Nino Candia Armario 18 - Yolanda Y. Cruz 25 - Jannfaith C. Manuel 25 - Eloisa Silva-Estoque 27 - Zenny Madlangbayan 30 - Andy Balmonte 30 - Andres Aquino



30 - Prescilla Mercy Balbalosa o 1 - Cecille C. Slish 3 - Fr. Salvador V. Marcaida 8 - Maria Acala 8 - Ma. Teresa Solis 9 - Marina Pena 10 - Czarjeff Laban 11 - Don Balayo 11 - Fr. Arvin Mosqueda 12 - Rhey Selin 13 - Gemma Cantutay 14 - Renard Jamora

14 - Cyril Sindac 14 - Joie Perfas 16 - Benjie Del Mundo 19 - Vel Cielo 20 - Erwill Catanghal 20 - Nilo Cultura 22 - Joel Tavarro 23 - Liway A. Prades 23 - Luz Tolomia 24 - Primitiva Palana 28 - Theo Camo 28 - Melody Candia

Fr. Alvin B. Parantar, MSP Adviser/Chaplain

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