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Birth date: Address:

11'th of December 1992 Intrarea Muncelului, No.3, Sc. A, Ap 2 Bistria, Bistria-Nsud, Romania

E-mail: Mobile phone: +(40) 0742/259189

Preda Rares-Mihai

Develop good quality software, write clean code, learn new technologies, enhance my programming skills and use my learning capabilities. Targeted job: Preferred type of company: Activity domain: Part Time IT & Computers related Software/Technologies/IT Security

Career level: Work experience: Experience by domains: Junior-level Freelancer Software/Technologies/IT Security

- University (1'st year) U.B.B. Cluj - Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science(2012-present) Cluj-Napoca, Computer Science in Romanian - "Liviu Rebreanu" National College Bistrita (2010 - 2012) Grades XI-XII, Computer Science profile - Technical College Infoel Bistrita (2008 - 2010) Grades IX-X, Computer Science profile - "Petru Rares" School no.4 Bistrita (2000 - 2008) Grades I-VIII

Foreign languages: English Medium French Beginner Programming languages: Good knowledge of C/C++, STL, HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, .NET, Python, Java, ASM, Node.Js IDEs and Tools: Microsoft Visual Studio, Eclipse, Aptana Studio 3, Notepad++, Geany, Vim, NetBeans, Mono, MinGW, Dev, BlueJ Video editing & graphics: GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premier, Audacity, Logo design Other: hardware, computer use/installation/configuration/maintenance, Linux (any), Windows(any), other software.

Personal Projects
RSoft RSoft is a software written in C#. The main objective is to manage a restaurant. The administrator can add new beverages, foods and other products, can establish prices, to see stock and supervise every action of waiters. Waiters can add customers orders , to reverse, to remove the bills, to establish reports. The users have limited access to the restaurants software. The administator will be notified by SMS when stock is running low and in this way he will never have problems with the stock. BeQuick Be Quick is a web application written in PHP, Javascript and it uses the Google Maps API. Its purpose is to indicate a location depending on the users preferences. The Administator adds on the map restaurants, pubs, shops with schedules, the prices of its products and will assign a ranking. The user can search for a desired product by price, distance or nearest ranking. Its location will be determined by IP and in case the location is not correct, the user will manually add it. The answer will be given according to the time of the search (which location is it open) and the first response will be closest to him. This web application is in continuous development. SocialNT SocialNT is a web page written in PHP and Javascript. Its purpose is to provide information about other users according to their preferences. It acts like all other social networks. It has a chat, you can post on your wall and your friends walls, you can search for other users, you can add games, images, video, pictures, give comments to you friends and other functions. It does not come with anything new over other social networks. I designed it in order to apply my knowledge of JQuery, Ajax and NodeJS.

Prizes and certifications

-3rd place at Concursul National de Informatica Grigore-Moisil (2012) - 2nd place at Regional Informatics Olympiad (2009) - Participation in National Informatics Olympiad (2010, 2012) - Participation in National Software Contest InfoEducatie (2011-2012) - Mention in Regional Mathematics Olympiad (2012) - Programming and computer science certificate (2012)

IT Security, Low level languages, Linux , Movies, Music, Sport, Trips, Socialization

Other activities
Member of the organization committee of the Balkan Olympiad Informatics in Bistria(2011), being accustomed to teamwork and being involved in the Balkan team newsletter.

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