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Evaluate the strategic decisions of Louisiana Pacific from the perspective of the approaches to environmental ethics that are outlined in this chapter. Which perspective do you feel sheds most light on the environmental issues raised by this case? The environmental issues raised in this case are whether or not to limit or ban the timber companies in using the national forest especially the old-growth trees for their products and whether or not to declare the Northern Spotted Owl as an endangered species. It is true that the future generations do have a right to those free goods in which we enjoy today. Even though there are many arguments about this so-called right of the future generations, that we may not be sure what the future generations interest would be and we cannot have very limited or thimbleful use of those resources just for the sake of the future generations, doesnt mean that we dont have an obligation to them. As what John Rawls said, the present and the future generations interests and rights should meet halfway. It is just and proper to both parties for the present generation to leave a world that is no worse than the one they have lived in. In regards to animals, plants and even natural things, they have intrinsic value too. We have a duty to respect and take care of it. Any pain inflicted to animals is as evil as the pain inflicted on humans, Bentham said. Utilitarian and rights based approach can also be considered but it was very much reiterated in the text that both have inflexibilities and drawbacks. Louisiana Pacific Corporation focused on developing wood products obtained from less expensive and faster-growing trees due to its lack of timber and lumber after its separation from Georgia Pacific. Instead of using or being dependent on old-growth timber that the environmentalists are trying to preserve, Louisiana Pacific use young, fast-growing weed trees. In this case, the biologists had proven that second-growth trees closed canopies block out sunlight in which the wildlife depends upon for their food and growth but the old-growth trees do not. Thats why the tree environmentalists have devised ways in order to prevent the loggers from cutting them. They have even implemented tree spiking, which is unethical and dangerous to their own kind. It is good that Louisiana Pacific had acknowledged that fact. I almost got teary-eyed when I have read that they had planted 500 million seedlings of a variety of tree species. They are even conducting researches and used specialized logging equipment in collecting tree tops, limbs and other timber that would ordinarily be wasted. They surely have taken into consideration the environment. Louisiana Pacific also faced issues on water and air pollution. The most preferable remedy for this is the prevention plan. After solving the problems in which they are experiencing, the present litigations and violations, they should have devised ways and acquired means in order for them to lessen their contribution to pollution.

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